100 cold calls a day update

15 replies
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Update 8/14/17

The past 2 weeks have been eye opening. Keep in mind i do not know anyone name when im calling by the way.

2 weeks ago i would be afraid of talking to decision makers and hang up on a huge portion of people that picked up. As you can expect no results maybe 1 person interested but not nothing promising.

This past week, amazing. I adjusted my script(new script that i didn't share yet) and didn't not change it, it became natural. At this point, i sound more professional, trustworthy, and confident.

for 4 days,

Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Sometimes Saturday i would make 130-250 calls.

Each day i would get about 1-3 decision makers interested. No appointment just more of a follow up call to see if they want to make a payment or not. I didn't create urgency which is why i didn't make a sale on the spot, but i know now, maybe some of you can help me in this area.

Making calls is becoming easy and less fearful, my mindset has changed. I feel more in control of my life than i have ever felt. This alpha male feeling of in control. I spent most of my adult life running away from doing what i needed to do, which was make cold calls.

Oh yeah gatekeepers ?

I love them, work with the gatekeeper don't try to past her. Be respectful of her boss time and her time. Use her name. Talk slowly sound sexy lol works for me , but nothing works unless i make a sale i know.

so im going to stick to my schedule and my script.

Don't be afraid to make a cold call, out 100 calls one person will keep you on the phone for longer than 5 minutes or even 30 minutes lol. The more you get better with your flow, more people would be interested. It's weird

So yeah that's where im at now, thanks for all your support guys. Just need help making sales on the spot like some of you guys did. Alot of these guys just want me to call them next week(this week right now)
#100 #calls #cold #day #update
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

    but nothing works unless i make a sale i know.

    so im going to stick to my schedule and my script.

    So nothing is working but your going to keep doing the same thing ?
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Interesting. I like folks coming to me but hey, what a fab way to dive into your fears and to gain clarity in doing what you are doing.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author eccj
    So you haven't made a sale yet?
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    • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
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      • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
        Actually, you're a lot further ahead than when you started. I think you're about 3/4 the way there.

        Don't quit! Give it the effort needed to get over the hurdle. There's money waiting for you on the other side.

        You've got a few who've carried on a conversation. Keep their contact numbers and carry on. Come back to them later, when you've got it together a little more, and see if you can sell to them.

        You'll get this, if you'll keep making the calls. It gets a whole lot easier after those first couple of sales. I promise!

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        • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
          Very inspiring and helpful cause i feel like jumping off a bridge right now(metaphorically), but i must continue.

          I teared a little while reading this. Thanks Ron
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          • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
            Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

            Very inspiring and helpful cause i feel like jumping off a bridge right now(metaphorically), but i must continue.

            I teared a little while reading this. Thanks Ron
            I expect you'll be posting that you knocked one off any time now.

            You're close! Keep the hammer down.

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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

    out 100 calls one person will keep you on the phone for longer than 5 minutes or even 30 minutes lol. The more you get better with your flow, more people would be interested. It's weird)
    Yes you are trying but please change small things to make it work better.

    with the above that message does not mean you are getting it right. Let me explain a little for you, an analogy is when knocking doors (similar to calls) you get what is called a time bomb.

    A time bomb is for better words a lonley person who just wants to talk about anything because mostly they are lonley or speak with very few people and as such they will be very happy to sit there for hours if need be going back and fords on just about any nonsense.

    It took me some time to understand the time bomb people, so whenver things start to stretch out you need to control the talk, you need to refocus the customer back to the topic at hand and be real clear on what answers you need to happen.

    Tom just coming back to the reason for my call quickly da da da, now a time bomb will want to still waffle so now learn to shut them down otherwise they control the meeting not you, as you now just a head nodder in thier world of boredom.

    Tom I would love to chat further but My boss has a minimum number of calls I need to make if da da is important to you can we set a booking ( or what ever come back to closing them) if not Tom I would love to keep chatting but I need to get some more calls done it was great speaking with you today.

    Now here some may even say I want you gig, just to keep talking or they will move on.

    So here do not get caught up in believing spending a long time is a good thing, it can be if your closing down and getting sales completed but for general waffle look for the signs and exit stage left, because the time you spend on waffle could be your next sale.

    And people are not being negative with you here, just you need to change it up slowly until things start to work and sometimes for me it can take weeks and weeks others do it quicker, it really does take some time to get better, and once you have done it more often it will become easier to do.

    Hope you close one down today.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
      thanks man, will read this again and again.
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  • Profile picture of the author BuddyFox
    My entire business is built on cold calls. Everyone on my team goes through Grant Cardone University training and they crush it!
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    • GC - one of a very few to say ok to bring up price and be upfront if I remember right. Pride of selling and not having the image problems.
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    • Profile picture of the author eccj
      Originally Posted by BuddyFox View Post

      My entire business is built on cold calls. Everyone on my team goes through Grant Cardone University training and they crush it!
      That's interesting. I've read one of his books a few times and I can't help but like the guy.

      I thought that Cardone U was for selling cars though. Are you selling cars?


      I just noticed your name; Bud Fox. So are we talking stocks?
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  • Yes they do! I wonder if someone will offer a stereotyped response to this, like in past posts .... shown here :this marketing tool is dead!

    I hope not, but be empowering and have teachable moments.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Just wanted to give you a heads up on this type of thread it has become a follow me thread and they are normally deleted reason being that there would stacks of threads if they weren't removed

    So careful on where this goes no flaming or insults
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