For Those Who Hate Cold Calling
Tales ranging from joy to agony.
Many years ago (better make that decades) I sold advertising most of it by cold calling.
And for ages I remembered the "agony" far more than the joy.
Battling away trying to get whoever it was interested in something they patently were not bothered about.
Everything changed when I helped organise a course based on a book by Bill Good "Prospecting Your Way To Sales Success."
It's now been updated to "Hot Prospects."
In essence (disclaimer - you do need to get the full details from the book) -
You start off with a 10 - 20 second pitch and ask something like "would you be interested?
And (this is the best bit)...
If the prospect says "No"
You say, "That's fine, thanks for your time, I'll leave you in peace and quiet, good bye"
No pressure, no arguments, no trying to handle endless objections.
Of course what you are really doing is just mining to get the people who do have an interest in your service/product. And simply agreeing with those who don't.
Most sales managers would have a blue frothy fit if they saw you using this technique ("Traitors and cowards get those objections into the open and f****** deal with them!").
Although the managers I spoke to who had their people go on the course were delighted that the room was buzzing with calls and sales were being made without any pain and torment.
I can tell you...
It makes cold calling a breeze even a pleasure.
You happily zip through the calls and boom get the sales.
Again many have furiously disagreed with me - "No, No No! You must have missed boatloads of potential sales - you blithering idiot!" (and that may well be true).
But at 5.00pm when I looked around the office. I saw so many exhausted heaps slumped on their desks worn out to a frazzle having desperately tried to persuade the unpersuadable.
Yes of course they did get sales but were knackered. And it seemed to take them so much longer because of the time they spent scrapping away trying to handle all the objections.
So, providing you have enough people to call, you tend to get the sales much faster than the gladiator "fight you to the death" routine.
And here's the surprising bit. You call back the people who "weren't interested" about 6 weeks later and would you believe it many are now interested and are happy to buy.
For anyone who has skipped to the end of this post and yes I could have made it a lot shorter and just said...
"When you're cold calling, and the prospect says "No" just agree.
Keep calling more people until you get all the "Yeses" you need"
And actually enjoy dialling all the numbers.
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
Shawn Baker
Indecision is the thief of opportunity
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Shawn Baker
Indecision is the thief of opportunity
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
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âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
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