Why is online marketing increasingly preferred over offline marketing?

43 replies
Why is online marketing increasingly preferred over offline marketing?
#increasingly #marketing #offline #online #preferred
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Show me the data that demonstrates your statement is true.
      Online Advertising Spend Is Expected To Surpass Offline Advertising For The First Time Ever


      The data is more than there - it been there and there is no looking back.

      What I find to be an interesting unspoken variable... offline marketing costs far less to produce. So when you look at these numbers and they are talking about online vs offline spend, there is a far greater expense on production which in turn translates to actually less spent on actual advertising. I'm still going to agree more is spent online than offline.

      My own business... spend ratio is 10 to 1 online to offline. To give you an idea of the production expense.. If I pull that cost out of my budget on both sides it drops to about 6 to 1.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author SARubin
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        What I find to be an interesting unspoken variable... offline marketing costs far less to produce.
        Just out of curiosity savidge4,

        What kind of offline marketing do you do , compared to online?

        I'm only asking, because my experience has shown the opposite to be true.

        I can produce, and send an email out to 10,000 people for short money, compared to sending 10,000 pieces of direct mail (with printing and postage costs)

        Of course I sell, and deal, primarily with the written word, so just curious to know about the less expensive (as long as they're effective) offline approaches you use?

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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by SARubin View Post

          Just out of curiosity savidge4,

          What kind of offline marketing do you do , compared to online?

          I'm only asking, because my experience has shown the opposite to be true.

          I can produce, and send an email out to 10,000 people for short money, compared to sending 10,000 pieces of direct mail (with printing and postage costs)

          Of course I sell, and deal, primarily with the written word, so just curious to know about the less expensive (as long as they're effective) offline approaches you use?
          You name an offline approach.. I do it, or have done it. The thing with offline, is yes there is testing involved ( well at least I test ) But time wise it is very quick.. Like post cards 3 different messages 100 each sent out.. blast 10,000 of the winner.

          Online is a whole other thing... Testing the traffic, testing the bait message, testing the landing page, The optin or offer, the thank you, the this, the that, the other. An absolute time and resource sink.. the end result however.. worth every minute.

          Think of it this way.. EDDM vs online.. its Shotgun vs Sniper 3% to 5% conversion vs 30%.

          Or Signage be it Billboards or corflutes ( yard signs ) or store frontage... way shotgun or you can laser target. Basically branding vs again sniper accuracy.

          And this is all within the box of single campaign vs single campaign.. what about more static online advertising? Being in the right place at the right time.. vs being there when the right time prompts an online search. A YouTube video being an example.

          If we look at the basic 3 steps of marketing... Targeting, Qualifying, and then closing Online ( for the most part ) hands down beats offline efforts, in all 3 categories. Again the issue is the WORK needed to make Onlinie work as compared to offline
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by SARubin View Post

          I can produce, and send an email out to 10,000 people for short money, compared to sending 10,000 pieces of direct mail (with printing and postage costs)
          I really didn't answer this did I? Lets just throw some numbers around... 10,000 pieces of mail we will say is $1.00 each so $10K - I think we all know its less So on the other side of this we have 10,000 emails.

          Cold for cold.. you would then have to buy a list of 10,000 local email address'. I can get a local list based by zip for about $.05 each or $500. Now to send them.. there is some other added expenses.. Proxies.. Server space etc etc.. lets just place the number at say $100. So now we are at $600.

          Ok we send out 10K emails.. we know the open rate is going to suck. We know the click through rate is going to be even worse.. AND then the conversion rate is going to be piss poor. For giggles here lets say we actually convert .01% or 10 sales.

          Those 10 sales have an acquisition cost of $60 each

          So back to the direct mail... 10K post cards 3% conversion right? So that's 300 sales. That means our acquisition cost is roughly $34.

          So give or take right off the bat.. acquisition cost alone is 100% higher with the email model. You start factoring in the cost to develop a lander and thank you and processing and this and that and the other.. the online model is per acquisition a F A R greater expense.

          To really get to apples to apples we would need to bring the number of conversions to an equal number. So, in order to bring the online efforts up to the 300 sales bar.. we would have to repeat the process 30X. 30 x 600 = $18,000. Not so appealing at that point.

          I would say that comparing Direct mail to email is far and away to the advantage of offline direct mail. But within the confines of a local market and you compare Direct mail vs say facebook advertising where your acquisition cost could easily be in the $5.00 or less range.

          Its not always about how much you spend.. its about how much it costs to make the sale, and how many sales you can make.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    Originally Posted by Camila123 View Post

    Why is online marketing increasingly preferred over offline marketing?
    I'd argue that they're both saturated and preferred. I'm surprised military aircraft aren't sponsored by "Coke" or something.
    Domains for sale - see seopositions.net
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  • Profile picture of the author posinfo1
    I think that a shrewd marketer recognises the value of both online and offline marketing. I think that it is fair to say that your website is your global shop window.

    I suspect that there are only a smaller precentage of businesses that do not have a website. However, I am sure that you still see ads in newspapers and magazines and received mailshots.
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    • Profile picture of the author tritrain
      Originally Posted by posinfo1 View Post

      I think that a shrewd marketer recognises the value of both online and offline marketing. I think that it is fair to say that your website is your global shop window.

      I suspect that there are only a smaller precentage of businesses that do not have a website. However, I am sure that you still see ads in newspapers and magazines and received mailshots.
      Yep. Go where your market is, so wherever you can find them.
      Domains for sale - see seopositions.net
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  • Profile picture of the author mrjackpowers
    If by "preferred," you mean, more people prefer it as opposed to marketing themselves offline, I'd say they're afraid of face to face interaction. If by "preferred," you mean, "better," I'd like to see some evidence.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by mrjackpowers View Post

      If by "preferred," you mean, more people prefer it as opposed to marketing themselves offline, I'd say they're afraid of face to face interaction. If by "preferred," you mean, "better," I'd like to see some evidence.
      I think that's it. In online marketing, you never have to talk to another human being. At least that's the fantasy going in.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Online marketing is not even close to the marketing volume offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate H Smith
    I don't know about others. But, I'm investing more in offline businesses and marketing.
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  • As we all know that in today's world where, if we want to connect with lot of people in small span of time then connecting them with means of social media sites will be the best option one must usually prefer for .In the Similar way doing the business online will be the best way to expand your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author umairhp
    As more and more people are shifting their business online and customers are ever increasing, it makes logical sense to move away from conventional marketing to online marketing. It's much more cost effective too.
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  • Profile picture of the author nalbandian1
    Yes, I do agree with @Jasos.
    Both Online and Offline marketing have their own Importance.
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    Offline B2B marketers have an easier time of it.

    You'll find this hard to believe (I'm speaking in a whisper now) but Business customers not
    only tell you where they are and what they do....giggle... but they also tell you how to contact them...snigger....

    They are however more difficult to target online.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Why is Amazon opening up brick and mortar stores?

    Despite advertising preferences, 90% of retail sales worldwide is still offline.

    Sure online advertising is much easier and and perhaps less "expensive", but overwhelmingly people tend to buy locally offline after researching online.

    Online retailing giant going for offline sales - The Blade

    By ignoring the offline market, you may be missing 90% of your prospects and leaving huge piles of money on the table.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    BIA/Kelsey published some interesting forecast data earlier this year...

    New York State Top Media 2017
    Direct Mail - $3.56 Billion
    Online - $1.78 Billion

    Top 5 Media Choices for Business Ad Dollars In California
    Direct Mail - $4.6 Billion
    Online - $2.3 Billion
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  • Profile picture of the author Wobble
    What an interesting discussion.
    Offline advertising is really used to direct people to your online offering , is it not ?
    As an aside, we deliver @ 20k leaflets per month to households for various local businesses, most have websites, some just mobile phones.
    Are there any MLM companies that are appropriate for mainly offline, leaflet drops etc
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      Originally Posted by Wobble View Post

      Offline advertising is really used to direct people to your online offering , is it not ?
      Some is, some isn't.

      As an example of the latter, many direct mail ads feature coupons that bypass the internet completely.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheodoreLCook
    Offline marketing will always be there. But online marketing is more time and money effective and it produces excellent results by targeting right audience with less efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    I'd like to know what you mean by "preferred." Higher volume doesn't equal "preferred." I get MUCH better ROI marketing offline. I think what someone (sorry, forgot who) on this thread said it true: most people prefer online because there's less human interaction. But again, preferred doesn't equal better. I prefer a piece of cheesecake over a bowl of greens. I think most people agree. But we ALL know which is better.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    I believe there is Advantages to each depending on what it is you are selling. It is my experience that selling services IE SEO, or Web Design, or CRO is best done within the confines of offline offerings. However, move across to selling Product.. online is hands down no questions ask the winner - in my experience.

    An example I used in this thread here: https://www.warriorforum.com/offline...ine-world.html is Butterball pitching Turkey Deep fryers.. they are without question targeting the right audience... but the timing is horrendous. I didn't see the offer til the day that I would actually use one, and was basically unable to get one.

    When I look at big retailers ( Walmart, Target, Best Buy ) its hard to pull an exact online to offline ratio out of their numbers.... There are simply to many purchasable items in these stores that will always be an in store purchase. Groceries being "one" of those items.

    But look at the likes of Amazon.. and you have the ability to extract that advertising and selling product solely online is more than viable.

    It simply depends on what you are pitching / selling and understanding the best methods to use to create the relationships needed to turn prospects into customers.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Any marketing channels work nicely if you feel passionate about working them, if you work 'em through practice, and if you get clear on these channels as viable, effective strategies.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Any marketing channels work nicely if you feel passionate about working them, if you work 'em through practice, and if you get clear on these channels as viable, effective strategies.

      Ah, if only that were true. But, it isn't.

      You do things in business because they work. Because they bring you more business.

      Passion has absolutely nothing to do with it .

      Common sense, commitment, obligation, quality, integrity, character, yes...always.

      Like a good marriage, there's a lot that goes into running a successful business.

      Passion wouldn't get you past the first hurdle.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

        Passion wouldn't get you past the first hurdle.
        Indeed. Passion is more often an obstacle and can distort sound business judgement. Generally, it is better to remain detached emotionally from the outcome and rely on measurable metrics.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Notice how great this thread has become. The OP has not been here on this forum since he posted this thread. Not even a thank you for any of the good advice in this post. Just a drive by poster with a simple statement.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ash2994
    online marketing is easy than offline marketing and it shows the result earlier
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Ash2994 View Post

      online marketing is easy than offline marketing and it shows the result earlier
      Well defend your self ! Why is it easier while others say it is not any easier ?
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  • Profile picture of the author litonkrl
    I think the percentage is not to close to prefer online then offline! But online marketing is really increasing rapidly.
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  • Profile picture of the author bestwebsolca
    This is happened because most of the person in the world prefers internet to do any work. In case of business man they want to promote their business on internet and also people like to buy anythings from internet like goods,clothing,foods etc. So that is reason it is increasing day by day.
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  • Profile picture of the author cearion
    because for the fact that online marketing reaches a lot more audience?
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Obviously, because it's preferable. (Do I win?)

    Originally Posted by Camila123 View Post

    Why is online marketing increasingly preferred over offline marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour
    Online marketing is preferred for a number of reasons. One it is cheaper, it is where everyone is (your mobile device is always with you), and you can laser target your audience.


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  • Profile picture of the author trevordd
    I don't know, I personally like offline marketing these days too. It works great for my small business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Fishman
    Because that's where people are placing more and more of their attention. The time old formula for copywriters is AIDA - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

    You can't get anyone to do anything until you get their attention, so go where ever you can get that attention in the most affordable and beneficial ways you can according to your niche, budget and skill sets!
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  • who says this?

    I do not agree with it all. Opposite.
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  • the huge problem online is there is only one Google. One facebook...so eventually you end up competing at higher and higher prices. It can work if you have a unique brand with high profit margins but for the smaller guy....it ends in death (business wise)

    I am starting to go offline much more. Almost given up with online...
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Because more and more people browse online before making decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author vastberry
    It doesn't matter statistics, a successful business start and fall with your enthusiasm and connection to the matter/niche/technology/connections you're dealing with.
    As long as there is a volume in both it all starts with getting connected to yourself first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tirthankar
    Due to its cost effectiveness.
    With online marketing you can reach to a number of people at a very cheap price as compared to any other forms of marketing
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