What Do Offliners Call Themselves These Days?

7 replies
I have never done any offline work except to help a few business friends pro bono.

If I want it I have an opportunity being handed to me on a silver platter for doing some easy website tech work for several small businesses.

I have a thriving authority/Amazon site so I am not inclined to do it but I would be a fool not to weigh the pros and cons since it will be good money and possibly recurring.

I will need another business name. I know some that do offline will specialize and others do everything. What are some offliners using as business names? Do specialized/targeted names work better or does it even matter?

I know how to do most everything a small business may need if I wanted to add other services later.

Too narrow for me if I decide to take it further...
ABC Web Design

ABC Consulting
ABC Marketing
ABC Web Development
ABC ???

I know, I know... there are many other things I should think about first but I can't get this out of my mind.

Thanks in advance.
#call #days #offliners
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

    I have never done any offline work except to help a few business friends pro bono.

    If I want it I have an opportunity being handed to me on a silver platter for doing some easy website tech work for several small businesses.

    I have a thriving authority/Amazon site so I am not inclined to do it but I would be a fool not to weigh the pros and cons since it will be good money and possibly recurring.

    I will need another business name. I know some that do offline will specialize and others do everything. What are some offliners using as business names? Do specialized/targeted names work better or does it even matter?

    I know how to do most everything a small business may need if I wanted to add other services later.

    Too narrow for me if I decide to take it further...
    ABC Web Design

    ABC Consulting
    ABC Marketing
    ABC Web Development
    ABC ???

    I know, I know... there are many other things I should think about first but I can't get this out of my mind.

    Thanks in advance.

    I'd go with consulting or marketing, that pretty much covers everything.

    Do some searches on Indeed, that might give you a better idea what businesses are searching when they post job titles/descriptions.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

    I have never done any offline work except to help a few business friends pro bono.

    If I want it I have an opportunity being handed to me on a silver platter for doing some easy website tech work for several small businesses.

    I have a thriving authority/Amazon site so I am not inclined to do it but I would be a fool not to weigh the pros and cons since it will be good money and possibly recurring.

    I will need another business name. I know some that do offline will specialize and others do everything. What are some offliners using as business names? Do specialized/targeted names work better or does it even matter?

    I know how to do most everything a small business may need if I wanted to add other services later.

    Too narrow for me if I decide to take it further...
    ABC Web Design

    ABC Consulting
    ABC Marketing
    ABC Web Development
    ABC ???

    I know, I know... there are many other things I should think about first but I can't get this out of my mind.

    Thanks in advance.
    As part of your brainstorming Janice, consider 5 years from now. Will it grow big? Do you want that? Are you prepared for scale?

    Would it be a business you could sell in five years, and get big money from, is it a cashflow business?

    How much TIME will it require? And is the ROI on your time investment worth it?

    As for name. I like one of two choices.

    The name. For example a Warrior I like is Marcia Yudkin. Have a look over her website. An example of using your name and a "Description" which could be the name if he sold it off is Bill Myers, "Product Developers Resource Center".

    I liked JS&A Joe Sugarman and Associates, something like this, using your initials gives you both options.

    OR a more generic, with the idea you will build it to sell it, might be JSA MEDIA. A media company covers it all. Which is why you see so many of them.

    Then too, like Bill Myers "Product Developers Resource Center". you could add a short blurb, JSA Media & Marketing.

    So I can't give you a good name, but hopefully some food for thought, with a glance 5 years down the road and a peek at your work schedule, what do you want it to be?

    Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Good ideas above - I'd add my advice to avoid "SEO" or "web design" as those are overused on sites like Fiverr....

    I'd make the business name generic enough that I could perhaps use it again i the future or expand the business if necessary.

    I like "your name" or "your initials" or even "your pen name" - followed by general terms that sound businesslike without a narrow focus.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Second the "consultant" label; super wide ranging and gives you wriggle room down the road. Easy peasy way to market your services offline or even online if you stray toward that niche as we become more cyber centric year by year.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author tobywells
    Keep it simple and stick to Consulting and Marketing (or MArketing Consulting)
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  • Profile picture of the author .
    Agency Owner.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    JS Consulting.
    Janice Sperry, Director.

    I think that would cover everything.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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