Dress, How The Customers See You Arrive And Depart...Everything Matters
A little about dress and appearance. I always found it to be to my advantage to play it safe. You don't know what tastes, prejudices, or dislikes a prospect is going to have....so i just wanted to appear "Solid". And by that I mean; My shoes would be black work shoes that were polished. A white clean shirt, dress pants, and I was clean shaven. Frankly, I looked like a Mormon.
I may wear a watch, but no jewelry except a wedding ring. I didn't chew gum, smoke, or anything that they could dislike. Was I doing this because I had some moral standard? No. I did this because I didn't want to appear or act in any way that they could dislike. No Mohawks, no sandals, no earrings....no piercings. Again, just to appeal to the widest segment of the population.
And here is a secret most don't talk about...when you arrive at the appointment (or arrive at the place you are going to cold call on), you don't know if they can see you. Assume they can.
Soooooo.....what do they see when you pull up in your car? It's far less important that you have an expensive car...than it is that the car is clean, without any visible rust, and doesn't make a noise that indicates a repair is needed. It gives the impression that you are slovenly or inattentive. And the prospect may think "If they don't take care of their car, how are they going to treat their customers?"
When you get out of your car is the radio blaring? are you spitting out your chew? Are you putting out a cigarette? Assume they can see you. Assume that as you pull into the driveway or parking lot...you are visible to them.
And even more importantly, as you are leaving ...after you just made a sale....how are you behaving? Do you peel out of the driveway because you are excited? Do you blast your radio before you close the windows?
If you are with someone else (meaning two of you went on the call), are you "High Fiving" each other? Are you laughing loudly? If you just bought something from a salesperson, and you saw them walking to the car laughing...what would you think? "Are they laughing at me?"
I was leaving a home where I had just made a good sized sale. I was with a trainee. As we walked to my car, he jokingly gave me an obscene gesture. I tuned around, and saw the lady looking out the window. I told the guy with me "You just cost me that sale. Before we get back to the office, they will have called to cancel the sale". Of course, they did.
If you want to blast the radio, laugh out loud, sing along with the music, or squeal the car's tires...do it after you have gone down the road.
As I was walking off the porch...where the people just bought from me...the guy I was training (another one) said to me "Do you think they will call to cancel? That guy was an assh@le". It was in the Summer, and the windows were open in the house. Yes...you guessed it...the customer heard it, and before we got to the car, he was out the door cancelling the sale.
I started telling the reps to assume that people could see them as they pulled up, and as they drove away...and everything in between.
Every single thing you do or say..how you look, how you act....even your expressions...will either increase the likelihood that you'll make a sale...or decrease the likelihood that you'll make a sale.
Everything matters.
People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
What I do for a living
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho