Marketing Ideas For Fortune 500 CEO'S

14 replies

I want to hear the best ideas for getting in contact with Fortune 500 CEO'S - Executive Management Teams, Board Of Directors.

Idea, thoughts, suggestions are greatly appreciated.
#500 #ceo #fortune #ideas #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    "getting in contact"....for what purpose? Don't know what your goal is so the answer below is very general....and a little tongue in cheek, too...

    Usually a question like this means 'how can I present my product/idea to...."

    If they've heard of you....or your product..or have a glaring problem you can fix

    If you move in the same social circles...or have similar business interests

    If someone they know/trust recommends you
    if you are able to speak with an asst and the asst recommends you
    if you are famous and everyone wants to meet you

    Trade shows - Chamber of Commerce meetings - membership in the same business groups....can help you get a foot in the door...maybe.

    Keep in mind people 'at the top' don't waste time - they focus on what promotes their business or serves their interests.

    If you are 'only willing to talk to the CEO" you may end up talking to no one....they have staffers to sort through those who ask for their time. Starting at the top may not be an option.

    As a last resort you can trip someone and hold them down or disable the elevator so they are a captive audience - but that often doesn't end well.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Jake,

    Really, 2 clear steps dude:

    1 - Become so good and skilled at what you do that you begin to pop up on their radar.

    2 - Find out gatekeepers from these companies and wine and dine them.

    Bonus step: do not attach to CEOs as end all - be alls. You'll have stunning success and be your own CEO one day - if your intent - by spending years helping people, building bonds and releasing expectations.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author christyjpp
    Get involved in the local community, eventually get yourself sitting on the same board/advisory council/etc that they do.

    What are you trying to achieve? Maybe there is a better/faster way to get the same end result.
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  • Profile picture of the author jake244
    Thanks guys... More information this is not really selling something... We are offering a free membership to something very valuable.... I can't publicly say what it is though. I do deal with CEO'S alot..I want to get in contact with $100 Million+ businesses.

    CEO'S Or executive management teams are the people we want to reach.

    I'm shocked to say High level Corporate CEO'S do in fact respond to email a lot more than I thought they would.. We've tested this over the years.

    Our first contact is to never sell anything, but to send them some free information and have them watch a webinar made specific for them.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by jake244 View Post

      Thanks guys... More information this is not really selling something... We are offering a free membership to something very valuable.... I can't publicly say what it is though. I do deal with CEO'S alot..I want to get in contact with $100 Million+ businesses.

      CEO'S Or executive management teams are the people we want to reach.

      I'm shocked to say High level Corporate CEO'S do in fact respond to email a lot more than I thought they would.. We've tested this over the years.

      Our first contact is to never sell anything, but to send them some free information and have them watch a webinar made specific for them.
      There is a recent Gary Vaynerchuck video kinda on the topic of meeting / getting time with people of influence. He He gets really blubt about it.. out of 14,001 who request time.. only 1 may get it. He goes on to expand.... The MOST precious comodity for these people is TIME.. asking to pick them up at the airport so you can pitch them is SELFISH as fFLICK. saying you can give this or that is SELFISH as Flick.

      When the approach is no longer about YOU.. or how you think YOU can help them.. then and only then will you be that ONE. They are already on top.. they dont need you. They have multi million dollar budgets they dont need FREE anything.

      YOU are being SELFISH, and WANTING and really NOT GIVING anything. and they can see it, smell it from a mile away.

      The MOMENT you start GIVING, and asking for nothing in return... then and only THEN will you start crushing fortune 500 CEO's
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        The MOMENT you start GIVING, and asking for nothing in return... then and only THEN will you start crushing fortune 500 CEO's
        And just what might one have to give to a Fortune 500 CEO that they would be in need of?

        This whole premise is flawed. Trying to attract them, if you are NOT in their strata, or damn close to it, is a ridiculous proposition.

        The fact that the people here cannot grasp this reality, proves how deluded they are.

        Are there exceptions to everything? Of course. I wish the OP or anyone else much luck in being one of them.

        Realistic expectations is one of the keys to a successful venture of any sort, unless you are Elon Musk.


        "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack

        The MOMENT you start GIVING, and asking for nothing in return... then and only THEN will you start crushing fortune 500 CEO's[/QUOTE]

        Dunno if Puma is a Fortune 500.

        The highest rank in there was the head of Oceana
        I dealt with and bossed.

        I gave them a product, they paid me money.

        They paid 28 days after delivery, which is normal
        business to business terms in this part of the world.

        They continued to buy.

        Here's a novel idea, have a product that they want
        and get paid without giving stuff away for free.

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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by jake244 View Post

      Thanks guys... More information this is not really selling something... We are offering a free membership to something very valuable.... I can't publicly say what it is though. I do deal with CEO'S alot..I want to get in contact with $100 Million+ businesses.

      CEO'S Or executive management teams are the people we want to reach.

      I'm shocked to say High level Corporate CEO'S do in fact respond to email a lot more than I thought they would.. We've tested this over the years.

      Our first contact is to never sell anything, but to send them some free information and have them watch a webinar made specific for them.
      honestly..if you are dealing with that level of target.. you have to sort of aim at individuals in those positions and research how to get that persons attention ..

      i am not sure you can get to the ceo of facebook.. or alphabet .. or ebay.. or aflak ... or exxon ..with a blanket marketing strategy.. or email campein or what .. so names of those your trying to reach and reasearch into how you can reach them .. each individually

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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      Originally Posted by jake244 View Post

      I do deal with CEO'S alot..I want to get in contact with $100 Million+ businesses.

      CEO'S Or executive management teams are the people we want to reach.
      Contact a respected list broker. Perhaps he has access to a list of individuals who meet your criteria.

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  • Profile picture of the author fastreplies
    Originally Posted by jake244 View Post

    I want to hear the best ideas for getting in contact with Fortune 500 CEO'S - Executive Management Teams, Board Of Directors
    • first we have to make you Executive Management team member #501
    • second, using forum members elect you to be our Board Of Directors liaison
    • third, designate you as our Fortune 501 contact and then mercilessly spam you
      with all sort of lobbying requests, petitions, pet projects and other schemes
      I'm sure Fortune 500 CEOs are dealing day in day out.

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  • Most CEOs got high paid lackeys further down the entreprenoorial food chain hooverin' up niche smarts from outta the ether gonna rock out all fyooture operations.

    That's why those guys get to dress all swanky an' hang around most places most people don't.

    Thing is, prior to becomin' RADARWORTHY, you gotta have sumthin' those guys want.

    That way, you can skip the radar an' jus' give 'em a call an' tell 'em what you got.

    tbh this is jus' datin'.

    Don't wanna sound hoobristic on that las' point ... but which CEOs you targetin'?

    If'n your intrinsic excellence ain't their bag, don't matter how much you squirt your own effusive juices in their direction.

    Always, what matters is a kissup made in heaven.

    Between the folks wantin' in on the CEO's offer to the planet ... an' that selfsame CEO's desire to maintain or boost current levels of swanky.

    (Less'n you figurin' sum kinda stoopid MONASTERY GARDEN ARRANGEMENT fulla SPIRITYOOLY ENLIGHTENED HIPSTER TYPES -- in which case, if'n you can grow tomatoes, make sandals last like 15 years, an' don't care too much nowan seems in charge, likely you can jus' walk in the place ...)

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author ConstMan
    If you are NOT in their strata, or damn close to it, is a ridiculous proposition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
    It's absolutely ridiculous that people in the "IM/MMO" space believe their cookie-cutter funnels or approaches work for everyone.

    If you're seriously targeting multi-billion companies (currently Cintras is ranked #500 at $5.4 Billion, source: Fortune 500 Companies 2018: Who Made the List ) The CEOs, Marketing Managers and all gate keepers know that to make advances or make money, you need to spend money.

    You think they are really going to take "free" training, white papers or webinars seriously? They understand funnels and approaches much more than you do and won't be baited into it.

    If you want to make an impression, have something worthwhile from the get-go with a price tag associated with it.

    The most valuable resource in these guys' (or gals') lives is time. They aren't going to take a "free membership" and a "free webinar designed just for you". C'mon, get real. Go back to businesses that are barely pushing a million/year and stick to the pond your marketing chops can handle.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post

      It's absolutely ridiculous that people in the "IM/MMO" space believe their cookie-cutter funnels or approaches work for everyone.

      If you're seriously targeting multi-billion companies (currently Cintras is ranked #500 at $5.4 Billion, source:.
      You ment Cintas the Uniform Company also notice right below them is Hess. No small corporations on that list the gate keepers would block the OP.
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