Marketing For Mattress Store

63 replies
Hey everyone, sorry for the hiatus....been a busy bee.....

I've had this Mattress Store client for 8 years now. We're expanding quickly and I finally have a decent budget. I'm kinda disappointed with my results from Google Adwords.

I'm reaching out to the Forum for some new ideas or suggestions to best serve my client.

Here is what I'm currently doing.

SEO - On and Off Page
Google Adwords - Adwords Express
Google Business Page
Bing Ads - Bing Business Page
Video Marketing
Facebook Marketing - 3 Paid Ads per month
Instagram Marketing - 3 Paid Ads per month
LinkedIn Marketing - Connecting with Power Partners
Email Marketing

Thanks in advance my friends.....

James Hickey
#marketing #mattress #store
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Right now I am all in on 3 platforms. LinkedIn, Instagram and facebook.

    If I had to lay in your bed...

    I would do some indoor signage about how to fall asleep in 3 minutes ( you can look this up on youtube ) I would write content on the same subject. and push with Insta and Facebook

    I would then come up with the mounds of data about sleep and work performance... I would write content and direct towards HIGH execs about the value of ensuring thier employees get proper sleep - do you see where I am going with this? Right now.. companies would do something silly like buy matresses for staff ( Low cost employee retention )

    I would then write content with the same sleep vs work performance work data to business individuals in general and tie success with sleep - AND throw added content about falling asleep In 3 minutes

    And push all of that in LinkedIn like a boss

    You asked...

    Hope that Helps!

    PS drop the Google spend for right now like a bad habit... UNLESS you are doing the google to YouTube retargetting
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    I have a list of those that are about to buy a mattress,
    worth over $500, in the next 90 days from all States.

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    • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
      We're just in San Diego right now my friend. Thanks though....

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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

        We're just in San Diego right now my friend. Thanks though....
        Got them for San Diego

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    • Profile picture of the author fastmover
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      I have a list of those that are about to buy a mattress,
      worth over $500, in the next 90 days from all States.

      Must be a good idea, a good email list is worth in gold!
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Use TV Teleshopping! People still buy there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    People walk into mattress stores knowing they're going to get ripped off. They just don't know how badly.

    Maybe your client is different. He's honest and deals fairly with prospective customers.

    If that's the case, in your advertising offer a free report that exposes the abuses... and how this mattress store is different.

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

      People walk into mattress stores knowing they're going to get ripped off. They just don't know how badly.

      Maybe your client is different. He's honest and deals fairly with prospective customers.

      If that's the case, in your advertising offer a free report that exposes the abuses... and how this mattress store is different.


      I shopped for a mattress and the rep said 'This one is only £879'.

      I told him I'd sleep on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author vcss15
    i am sorry to ask, does people really buy mattress online ?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by vcss15 View Post

      i am sorry to ask, does people really buy mattress online ?
      Do they? uh YEAH.. purple mattress comes to mind, Nectar, Ecosa, Saatva.. there are many that operate with an online model.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
      Yes, we're creating an online e-commerce store, currently have 1 product, Bed in a Box.

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    • Profile picture of the author fastmover
      Originally Posted by vcss15 View Post

      i am sorry to ask, does people really buy mattress online ?
      I understand your are surprised, but this is the fact of life: from my experince, this kind of online sales (in mattress niche) is larger than ever, and rapidly expanding. Most clients reporting increased online sales. It started some 10 yeras ago, and is VERY strong now.
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I would add this: make sure they get a lot of reviews online, yelp and such. They make a difference.

        I have never been involved with a mattress store, but with other businesses, yelp ads work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    The subforum had a discussion in 2016:

    For my part, I'd be looking for triggers to purchases. People have an 'itch' to upgrade mattresses just like they do for vehicles.

    When else do people decide they need a new mattress? Their kids grow out of crib stage. They move homes. There's a fire in the home. Separation (not kidding: a million years ago back in Vancouver my dad picked up a great bedroom suite for me--he was retired and had the time to look--for cheap because the guy had separated from his wife and no longer wanted to look at it.)

    The mattress people themselves made a list of, well, mattress-focused triggers...this might be useful of in-store confirmation ("You're here because of one of these reasons, right? That's normal! It's definitely time to buy"), or outbound educational pieces to help proto-customers "put their finger on what's bothering them":

    Ewen's list is probably made of people of who it is known when they last bought their last mattress and they're getting near their 'itch' date, or they just made a home move. Whatever the trigger, that information would be valuable to me.

    I'd probably analyze past sales by demographic, then direct mail nearby affluent and middle class areas to show them what their contemporaries are buying. What's popular for their lifestyle. That mattresses over 'X' age should be replaced, and why. How it would help them get a better night's sleep. Don't give them more than two choices in the mail piece. Likely just one recommendation.

    Also, assuming they haven't been doing this, start having the store staff ask the buyers what prompted them to come in. Record and use this information.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      The subforum had a discussion in 2016:
      I have a post at this link that's probably helpful.

      I've worked for mattress store owners and I have a retail store myself.

      The single most profitable thing I do for a instructional videos about specific brands and models.

      The brand is in the video title. So is the city and state. These videos dominate the local search results. And they bring in buyers.

      People aren't interested in mattresses until they are ready to buy. Then they go online. Some are thinking of buying a mattress online. But the local videos bring them back to the brick and mortar store.

      When I did this for a group of mattress dealers, I created maybe 25 videos for each store. The owner was the star. Each video (maybe a few minutes long) talked about one specific type/brand of mattress. Or it described one problem a mattress could solve.

      It took a whole day for each store...but these videos...years later...are still bringing in buyers. The strongest type of video is a product demonstration video. The prospects then call...ready to buy what was in the video.

      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Video Marketing
      Here are a few things I know.

      Almost nobody goes on Facebook looking to buy something. But Facebook is useful in keeping in touch with customers, and keeping you in front of them.'s another listing that shows up high in a Google search.

      When they are ready to buy a mattress, they do a Google search for the word Mattress, and usually a specific brand or model. Sometimes they include the city and state. The model name needs to be in the title of the video.

      You want at least two videos for every brand of mattress, every question a mattress buyer typically asks, and every type of mattress. These are not ads, they are product demonstrations (something mattress salespeople almost never do) that sell.

      Adding the work "Review" to the title of the video helps. Yes, a dealer can review something he sells. And it's more likely that the video will be watched.

      Don't let the video become an ad for the store. No talking about sales. Just real information. That's what gets the customers in. If the owner is shy, get a salesman to do it.

      If you want a videos that talks about the store, great. But that's not what brings buyers in.

      I created most of my videos (for my clients and myself) on an old Flip video recorder (or whatever it's called). The quality doesn't matter, it's the content.

      Just upload them to Youtube.

      Google will allow 2 or 3 videos per page per search. Make sure the videos are yours.
      Almost no dealer does anything like this. It works even in big cities.

      I also build at least one other website that hosts the Youtube videos. It will also show up on a Google search. A URL like helps

      Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

      People walk into mattress stores knowing they're going to get ripped off. They just don't know how badly.

      Maybe your client is different. He's honest and deals fairly with prospective customers.

      If that's the case, in your advertising offer a free report that exposes the abuses... and how this mattress store is different.

      I've done that. And I've also advertised a free DVD. But I had them come into the store to get it. Why? Because once they are in the store, they are there to buy. Nobody wants the report unless they already decided that they need a mattress.

      The problem is, this requires selling, and it's difficult to train the store owner and salespeople to transition from "Here's your free report" to "Here's what we have".

      But it gets buyers in the store.

      Originally Posted by vcss15 View Post

      i am sorry to ask, does people really buy mattress online ?

      Yes. They go online to buy mattresses. And if you own a local retail store, you want that search to bring up your store's website, Listings, and videos. I have three websites for my store that all show up on page one of a Google search.
      Maybe half of my buyers that came in from seeing us online (almost always from watching a video) actually went online to buy online, and saw our store's stuff all over the Google search results. And it brought them back into our store.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kurt
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I have a post at this link that's probably helpful.

        I've worked for mattress store owners and I have a retail store myself.

        The single most profitable thing I do for a instructional videos about specific brands and models.

        The brand is in the video title. So is the city and state. These videos dominate the local search results. And they bring in buyers.


        Yes. They go online to buy mattresses. And if you own a local retail store, you want that search to bring up your store's website, Listings, and videos. I have three websites for my store that all show up on page one of a Google search.
        Maybe half of my buyers that came in from seeing us online (almost always from watching a video) actually went online to buy online, and saw our store's stuff all over the Google search results. And it brought them back into our store.

        How do you track this?
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

          How do you track this?
          We just ask everyone that buys a vacuum cleaner what brought them in. Most people that saw a video say that the first thing, when they come in. It's also the first thing they say when they call.

          Some of our videos ask them to mention that they saw the video.

          It's not 100% accurate, but it's at least 90% accurate, which is enough to give me my figures.

          And any error is because they really came in off of a video, and didn't mention it. So our response is probably a little higher than we think.

          If they come in to see a specific brand or model, the first thing I ask is how they heard of it. They always say either that it was a piece they got in the mail, or they saw me online. If it's online, I ask if it was a website or a video. Although our websites show up well in the local searches, it's usually a video that brings them in...because they want to see a specific model.

          Added later; Something that wasn't mentioned earlier is that the single best prospect for a new mattress, is someone that already bought a mattress from you before. No other list comes close.

          Mattress dealers usually know how long someone has a mattress before they may be ready for a new one. And most people have more than one mattress.

          Frankly,every single time I sent a direct mail piece to my customers (that bought a high end vacuum cleaner), the ad made multiples of it's cost in profit. And just getting on the phone with customers who bough 5-8 years ago, always gets me sales, even if it's only a half an hour of calling.
          One Call Closing book

          What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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          • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
            [QUOTE=Claude Whitacre;11474546] Something that wasn't mentioned earlier is that the single best prospect for a new mattress, is someone that already bought a mattress from you before.

            No other list comes close.[/QUOTE]

            A painful reminder!

            I once had a manufacturer's entire customer list. The manufacturer had "thrown in the towel" on one of their high end products. They fired all of their salespeople and all of their support personnel.

            I hired a few of those fired support techs and hit the phones running. I had to stop because I literally could not handle any more business.

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            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              [quote=Ron Lafuddy;11474590]
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              Something that wasn't mentioned earlier is that the single best prospect for a new mattress, is someone that already bought a mattress from you before.

              No other list comes close.[/QUOTE]

              A painful reminder!

              I once had a manufacturer's entire customer list. The manufacturer had "thrown in the towel" on one of their high end products. They fired all of their salespeople and all of their support personnel.

              I hired a few of those fired support techs and hit the phones running. I had to stop because I literally could not handle any more business.

              Good Stuff.

              If I owned a mattress store, and a mattress store in my area was about to close, I'd buy all their inventory (at maybe 50 cents on the dollar at wholesale) and their customers list.

              I've done this with 2 vacuum cleaner stores in my area.

              I had a competitor that sold high end vacuums in people's homes. I bought their customer list and got on the phone. It was so profitable that I did no other prospecting for 3 months.

              A list of buyers, that have proven that they spend money on what you sell is about the best asset you can own, besides your own customer list.

              And this is why Joint Ventures work.
              One Call Closing book

              What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      For my part, I'd be looking for triggers to purchases. People have an 'itch' to upgrade mattresses just like they do for vehicles.

      When else do people decide they need a new mattress? Their kids grow out of crib stage. They move homes. There's a fire in the home.
      I would suggest mattress purchasing is based on events and not an amount of time.

      • New Born
      • First "big boy / girl bed"
      • at about 10/12 when the car shaped bed isnt cool anymore
      • Going to college
      • Getting first apartment
      • moving in with first girlfriend / boyfriend
      • Marriage
      • Divorce
      • moving into a new house
      • house burning down / flood / tragic event
      • downsizing

      Look at available marketing today I see a lot of Sleep number.. they are using sports stars reinforcing the importance of sleep vs recovery IE you work all day at a physical job you need your rest

      Going hardcore blue collar a quality mattress keeps you working day in and day out - eases the pains of the job etc etc

      Going hard core white collar sitting all day, falling into a pillow of feather soft comfort to release the stress of the day

      I would bet weight is a consideration.. better yet weight LOSS - mattress is all compressed from your former heavy self. OR the reverse, weight gain.

      And again... being a bit more detailed in the answer... a ressession is coming, there is no question about that. The moment that hits, there will be a not so fine line between WANTING a new Matress, and NEEDING one. Right NOW is overtime in the upgrading for comfort and overall well being - WANTING one. THAT will come to an abrubt stop. In my book targetting that, is the play right now. You can redirect back to NEEDING one, once that happens.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
      Thanks Jason......BTW......You never never write.....LOL....

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  • Profile picture of the author akshay7
    These are the standard marketing campaigns. Maybe, kick it up and do some reactive marketing on social media. Find people who are posting on social media about not getting enough rest or being unhappy with their beds/mattresses.

    These are qualified leads and cost a fraction to acquire but isn't as easy as spend and wait. Requires you to monitor everything.
    Add customised hyper-focused news feeds to your website and increase dwell time. Track companies, industries or strategic topics in near real time. Message, or
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474289].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by akshay7 View Post

      These are the standard marketing campaigns. Maybe, kick it up and do some reactive marketing on social media. Find people who are posting on social media about not getting enough rest or being unhappy with their beds/mattresses.

      These are qualified leads and cost a fraction to acquire but isn't as easy as spend and wait. Requires you to monitor everything.

      Finding people that complain about beds on Social might be ( well i can tell you it is ) a chore.. but isolating what might cause not getting enough rest / un happyness would probably be more tangable in the sense of forming some type of targeting. Again this would fall into loosing / gaining weight, or an accident of some type.. Insomnia, users of CPAP's, "overworked" Single Parent might be an interesting one.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474301].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author akshay7
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        Finding people that complain about beds on Social might be ( well i can tell you it is ) a chore.. but isolating what might cause not getting enough rest / un happyness would probably be more tangable in the sense of forming some type of targeting. Again this would fall into loosing / gaining weight, or an accident of some type.. Insomnia, users of CPAP's, "overworked" Single Parent might be an interesting one.
        You are right on about it being a chore. But, what if you can get them nicely listed on your screen ?
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474313].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by akshay7 View Post

          You are right on about it being a chore. But, what if you can get them nicely listed on your screen ?
          iT SOUNDS great.. But the reality is the CONTEXT of that list would be NULL. UNLESS you could provide a list based on a string of text IE "I need to replace my mattress" or the like AND if that is the case I would gladly pay you to create that app for me.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474371].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author akshay7
            Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

            iT SOUNDS great.. But the reality is the CONTEXT of that list would be NULL. UNLESS you could provide a list based on a string of text IE "I need to replace my mattress" or the like AND if that is the case I would gladly pay you to create that app for me.
            That is exactly what I meant. A list of people who have explicitly posted (exact string included in their post or tweet etc) "I need to replace a mattress" or "I want to get a mattress" etc.

            Qualified leads ready to hop on your offer.
            Add customised hyper-focused news feeds to your website and increase dwell time. Track companies, industries or strategic topics in near real time. Message, or
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474475].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
      Good point.....I thought of that but haven't started doing it. Thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Jason and Savidge are on the right track with events triggered.

    One event is you wouldn't think of
    but 3 acquaintances have told me they went out
    and bought a mattress after this event.

    They hadn't thought about it
    until I bought it up to these marketers.

    This event is recently returning home from staying at a nice hotel.

    Now they had a comparison between what a really good bed is,
    which created that urge to go buy a replacement.

    That's one trigger to buy that you wouldn't think of.

    We can get a list of these people and mail to them.

    Away from the competitive noise and distractions of other mattress sellers.

    That is one list of -ready-to-buy mattresses.

    The other list comes from a more obscure source,
    yet is data driven from what people bought leading up
    to the purchase a mattress.

    When they buy these things, they are tagged and made available to us
    to mail to.

    What they buy before the mattress can have no correlation.

    Data has no bias.

    It just shows us what is.

    It's up to us to act on it, should we choose.

    This comes from a credit card co.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    A list of people who have explicitly posted (exact string included in their post or tweet etc) "I need to replace a mattress" or "I want to get a mattress" etc.

    Just curious - do people actually post that on tweets? If so, no wonder I stay away from twitter.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Be the reason someone believes there are good people.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474542].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author akshay7
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Just curious - do people actually post that on tweets? If so, no wonder I stay away from twitter.
      Maybe not that exactly, but something like "my bed sucks" sounds more plausible.
      Add customised hyper-focused news feeds to your website and increase dwell time. Track companies, industries or strategic topics in near real time. Message, or
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11474566].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Just curious - do people actually post that on tweets? If so, no wonder I stay away from twitter.
      The short answer, yes.. they also post images of the mattress they want on Pinterest.. they ask what to buy on facebook, and twitter, they post this kind of stuff on Instagram.. they start threads on Reddit..

      Its called "Social Media" for a reason LOL. Its simply understanding how to get yourself with a desired product / service / offer in front of these people in a NON SALESY way.

      In essence, you don't have to "build" a list.. you simply have to find the existing list of people that have their hand raised up and waving.. I AM READY TO BUY!!!

      And this doesn't stop with mattresses... its anything and everything
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author SidewalkWar
    Google Merchant Center ads have great ROI. The ads are low cost and target people ready to buy, so high conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Yaprakov
    What tools and strategies are you currently using? What have you accomplished so far? Also, could you expand a little bit on the SEO side?
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffpanicker582
    I know your concern, this all above-mentioned methods are a little bit expensive by the way and from my point of view i would suggest you to go for any outdoor marketing and it is especially low in cost when compared with online marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Try call-only ads on Google. Because few people know about them, it's usually possible to get a call for the same price as you'd pay for a click, and most websites only covert a click to an enquiry at 20% or less, so in effect you're paying only a fifth as much for a contact.

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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Sleepys/Mattress Firm closed up stores due to losing business to pure online companies like Casper. So perhaps a change of business model is what's in order here.

    Even traditional retailers not involved with bedding, have been advertising a "sequence" you could say, trying to get people who visit their websites to come into the stores as their next step, to enjoy that in-store experience. What does that suggest? They're trying to increase foot traffic because that's how they sell stuff? Losing out to online competitors? But they have to re-program everyone shopping online into shopping that way, a far bigger harder task than selling a mattress.

    You probably know the only time someone comes into a mattress store is when they absolutely have to because they need to. But isn't that also when people jump online?
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  • Profile picture of the author fastmover
    Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

    Hey everyone, sorry for the hiatus....been a busy bee.....

    I've had this Mattress Store client for 8 years now. We're expanding quickly and I finally have a decent budget. I'm kinda disappointed with my results from Google Adwords.

    I'm reaching out to the Forum for some new ideas or suggestions to best serve my client.

    Here is what I'm currently doing.

    SEO - On and Off Page
    Google Adwords - Adwords Express
    Google Business Page
    Bing Ads - Bing Business Page
    Video Marketing
    Facebook Marketing - 3 Paid Ads per month
    Instagram Marketing - 3 Paid Ads per month
    LinkedIn Marketing - Connecting with Power Partners
    Email Marketing

    Thanks in advance my friends.....

    James Hickey
    There is a very serious market in PPC in this line of business.Maybe it is time for making a kind of pro audit of your adwords? For example, if theer is Adwords Express involved, I can assure you that a minimally reasonable expert must improve the results at least by 50% (I'd say 100% is more usual number). So wait with stopping PPC, think about improving it.
    I am sure an good expert will agree to audit it without interferring with your client... Not a problem
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Update: Created 3 High End videos and running them on YouTube Ads. Close to 100,000 views in 45 days. Cost is about .02 per view.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501461].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Update: Created 3 High End videos and running them on YouTube Ads. Close to 100,000 views in 45 days. Cost is about .02 per view.
      And how many of those views turned into sales...?

      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
      What I do for a living

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501466].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by animal44 View Post

        And how many of those views turned into sales...?
        Yeah $2k in.. how much out? LOL
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Bounce rate is usually high in the Spring...
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

      Bounce rate is usually high in the Spring...
      <double take> huh? Bounce rate is seasonal now? REALLY?!?!?!

      Please... go read the first post here: then come back here and re-read what you posted. Then go back to that post one more time and read the second to last paragraph again. Focus on these words "And it's blaming that missed sale on something other than yourself. And the reason is simple. If you blame someone else, you stop trying to figure out what went wrong."

      Now... is bounce rate seasonal? or is it a personal excuse?

      Thanks Claude for the material to refer to - GREAT STUFF
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501491].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        <double take> huh? Bounce rate is seasonal now? REALLY?!?!?!
        Um... bounce rate...spring. - Mattress store.

        Yes I know, but don't shoot the messenger!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501538].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        <double take> huh? Bounce rate is seasonal now? REALLY?!?!?!
        Enlighten yourself with a '<triple take>'.

        Please... go read the first post here: then come back here and re-read what you posted. Then go back to that post one more time and read the second to last paragraph again. Focus on these words "And it's blaming that missed sale on something other than yourself. And the reason is simple. If you blame someone else, you stop trying to figure out what went wrong."
        Please, re-read my post and focus on my words....

        ....and resist blaming something other than yourself and failing to figure out what went wrong.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501848].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

          Enlighten yourself with a '<triple take>'.

          Please, re-read my post and focus on my words....

          ....and resist blaming something other than yourself and failing to figure out what went wrong.
          What went wrong? I didn't find it funny or see the pun at the time.. I took your words literally. am I to blame? sure.. but if I didn't get it, how many others didn't? what seperates a good comedian and a bad one? people laugh at the good one.

          Have a great day, I know I will < being sarcastic >
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501993].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
            We are surely blessed for your failure to get it...

            ...lest we'd be deprived of your passionate reply, which was, in fairness, a lot more entertaining.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11502004].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
          Facebook Video's are killing it. 3 Mattress Sales last week from one video. One sale was $8K Adjustable Bed. #winning

          Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
          Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11503856].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
          Just added Web Chat - Now when the 2K people who visit our site, we have WebChat Pop Up Box.
          Was told from Software company, we would get 3% close rate. That's 20 new mattress sales per month.
          Will report back in 90 days on this.

          Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
          Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11508074].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
        [QUOTE=savidge4;11501491]<double take> huh? Bounce rate is seasonal now? REALLY?!?!

        Hello savidge

        Bounce rates have always been seasonal but Daniel got it wrong about Spring, it happens more in the Summer. Just go to the nearest beach and watch us girls in our bikinis, you'll see I'm right.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11518911].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          <double take> huh? Bounce rate is seasonal now? REALLY?!?!

          Hello savidge

          Bounce rates have always been seasonal but Daniel got it wrong about Spring, it happens more in the Summer. Just go to the nearest beach and watch us girls in our bikinis, you'll see I'm right.

          Nah, not in California...all silicone!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11519030].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
            Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

            Nah, not in California...all silicone!

            Lol. Not much of that over here in England, I actually think its awful. I like natural.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11519055].message }}
  • Gotta figure you need JANEY JUICY -- lookin' all sweet an' bubbly as she bounces up an' down in her MINIMAL FABRIC bikini on the springboard twenty feet above the

    [Insert brand name here] mattress --

    an' then SOMERSAULTS EXOTICALLY onto the

    [Insert mattress features here -- springs or anti-sweat or body contour or dolphin' translation wifi hookup]

    while simultaneously


    proud to proclaim

    "If I'd known these mattresses were twice the price, I'd happily have paid TEN."

    Tellya, anywan quibbles that offer, you still got Janey's bikini to throw in as a freebie.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11501622].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    To accurately assess results one wouldn't we need to know the total gross profit which can be attributed to the ads less the total ad spend, plus factor in the amount of time (face to face time with all prospects & buyers) it took to return that net?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11504751].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      To accurately assess results one wouldn't we need to know the total gross profit which can be attributed to the ads less the total ad spend, plus factor in the amount of time (face to face time with all prospects & buyers) it took to return that net?
      No. You would take the time it took to create the videos, divided by the number of videos, times the number of views...multiplied by the average cost per mattress...minus the salesperson's commission....Minus the percentage of overhead attributed to the dollar amounts of each in the loss of sleep by thinking about all this.

      And that figure will be meaningless....because I'm just playing with you.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11504755].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mindtricks18
    You can also join Facebook products sale groups and sell and buy groups

    A buy and sell group is like a regular group except it lets members:
    List items for sale.
    Mark items as sold.
    Search items to buy.
    Items like animals, drugs, weapons, counterfeits and other items that infringe intellectual property rights aren't allowed in buy and sell groups or on Marketplace. Learn more about how to turn buy and sell features on in a group.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11510892].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    I just saw an ad for a mattress store (can't remember where) that gives away pet mattresses with every mattress purchase. The pet mattresses look just like people mattresses just smaller.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11554555].message }}

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