Can you help me segment today's opportunity seeker?

7 replies
Maybe I'm just too old school, but today, I have problems segmenting so-called Biz-Op types. I was asked the difference between WF and a couple of other business forums.

I think the WF attracts beginners and/or those wanting to sit at a computer to earn income.

A different forum caters more to those in business or with off line brick and mortar, old school types.

And still another one is a hybrid. The question is about lists and target markets. I have a friend with very specialized information, may be the world's foremost expert on the subject...certainly a successful example with decades of success and a 100 million widgets sold too. He wants to share his knowledge with those seeking money making and/or business opportunities.

He has someone who can generate some very good, targeted lists, for a low cost...but is having trouble defining opportunity seekers today.

I have 5 in mind, please add or correct or shed some light if you can.

1. Beginner, knows nothing.
2. Beginner in something new, has some experience which could be transferred.
3. Early stages, has done something, gotten the ball rolling, is getting some results.
4. Ready to scale up.
5. Established, seeking other opportunities.

Now, this could be 10 or 12 or 101, I don't know.

Do you take issue with any on my list, or are there gaps or people in between?

If I am able to help my friend, this could be sensational for many people, if not, I hope to learn a thing or two about today's opportunity seeker. Thanks for any share.

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Maybe I'm just too old school, but today, I have problems segmenting so-called Biz-Op types. I was asked the difference between WF and a couple of other business forums.

    I think the WF attracts beginners and/or those wanting to sit at a computer to earn income.

    A different forum caters more to those in business or with off line brick and mortar, old school types.

    And still another one is a hybrid. The question is about lists and target markets. I have a friend with very specialized information, may be the world's foremost expert on the subject...certainly a successful example with decades of success and a 100 million widgets sold too. He wants to share his knowledge with those seeking money making and/or business opportunities.

    He has someone who can generate some very good, targeted lists, for a low cost...but is having trouble defining opportunity seekers today.

    I have 5 in mind, please add or correct or shed some light if you can.

    1. Beginner, knows nothing.
    2. Beginner in something new, has some experience which could be transferred.
    3. Early stages, has done something, gotten the ball rolling, is getting some results.
    4. Ready to scale up.
    5. Established, seeking other opportunities.

    Now, this could be 10 or 12 or 101, I don't know.

    Do you take issue with any on my list, or are there gaps or people in between?

    If I am able to help my friend, this could be sensational for many people, if not, I hope to learn a thing or two about today's opportunity seeker. Thanks for any share.

    Are you looking to make different offers to different types of Opportunity seekers? Or are you looking for one specific profile, and want to extract those names?
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Are you looking to make different offers to different types of Opportunity seekers? Or are you looking for one specific profile, and want to extract those names?
      Great question Claude, and I don't know. The reason I don't is due to the complexity of the business. It can be as simple as one man sitting at a computer with a phone with one product and still doing hundreds of thousands, even millions in business.

      OR, it could get scaled out to several products or even made into a bigger business with employees and all that comes with that.

      For a beginner, it may take a year, or it could take a month the idea is simple to understand but requires advanced "negotiation" or deal making skills, which most beginners would lack.

      Because it is a simple computer/phone and basic agreement type business it would have appeals to those who want to stay behind their computers.

      It can also be done by direct contact, direct sales, face to face, and that may appeal to the more salesman type like yourself who is comfortable talking to people.

      I think he would be wise to start with top (my #5) experienced people and offer a high ticket item, but others are advising him to do the low cost intro, up the ladder type thing too.

      The information can easily be divided into those levels.

      Let us say for you, the OP seeker would be established, maybe 35 to 50 looking to add, expand or go in a different direction. Maybe someone who has had a store for 20 years and just is burned out but has enough cash to invest in something different.

      I wish I could be more specific, that is the problem I'm having, I can see multiple entry points to his information, but it would have to be customized for each, which may present a lot of slop and mess to the equation.

      I knew I would get some great questions here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11646526].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        I think he would be wise to start with top (my #5) experienced people and offer a high ticket item, but others are advising him to do the low cost intro, up the ladder type thing too.
        This is where I may add something.

        Is your friend going to talk to the buyers? If it's strictly online (maybe video tutorials), then I'd spread a wide net, and have the first few purchases (from the rank beginners) fund all the customer acquisition costs. Then the beginners and wannabes will separate themselves from the more serious players.

        If your friend is going to have them call him (or a phone call is in the first several steps), then I would stick with the people already used to talking to customers, business owners and sales reps.
        One Call Closing book

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11646528].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          This is where I may add something.

          Is your friend going to talk to the buyers? If it's strictly online (maybe video tutorials), then I'd spread a wide net, and have the first few purchases (from the rank beginners) fund all the customer acquisition costs. Then the beginners and wannabes will separate themselves from the more serious players.

          If your friend is going to have them call him (or a phone call is in the first several steps), then I would stick with the people already used to talking to customers, business owners and sales reps.
          Thank you Claude, this is my leaning too. Here is my idea, which I haven't yet submitted to him.

          Low cost (or free) INTRO to subject, including his history (decades).

          Entry level webinar, an hour or so with Q and A. Could be recorded and reused over and over. 99 to 159

          LIVE webinar for mostly Q and A. 199 to 299 (these figures are placeholders, have to test)

          Private Group?? High ticket, into several thousands of dollars.

          Something like this. Now his business has a built in back end, a Finder's Fee for other products. He has the distribution networks, the marketing networks and good working relations with top retailers too.

          But he can't be everywhere looking for the next big thing, so his students have that opportunity too. As an example, one guy was paid close to a million dollars for bringing a specialty item to a marketing company, which reworked it and repackaged it and sold millions and millions of units priced between 199 and 299 dollars. They were happy to give the million dollar finder's fee to him.

          As I said to Ewen, I'm fishing here, hoping you guys give me a lightbulb moment and then I can either proceed or back away altogether.

          Thanks Claude,

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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Gordon, I think a better question is, what are the lists of buyers
    of similar products, price point
    your friend will be aiming for.

    The biggest directory of these is on

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11646523].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      Gordon, I think a better question is, what are the lists of buyers
      of similar products, price point
      your friend will be aiming for.

      The biggest directory of these is on

      Thanks Ewen, I am doing a deep dive into Nextmark and Database USA, etc. I've been told not to worry about the lists, he has some list expert on hand.

      I am weighing my involvement. If it explodes, I don't want to be caught in the quicksand of slop and mess of customers. Pretty much DONE with clients, customers and consumers.

      If I can just consult with him from a distance, that would be my ideal. The problem for both of us is, I'm one of the few people who knows what and how he works. And at his age, probably not enough time to onboard a newbie and teach him the ropes.

      It is a unique situation, and honestly, I'm mostly fishing here for any and all ideas. Nextmark lists would certainly give us the ladder from low cost intro into high priced seminars.

      I do appreciate your input and advice, it is always high quality stuff.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11646630].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Thanks Ewen, I am doing a deep dive into Nextmark and Database USA, etc. I've been told not to worry about the lists, he has some list expert on hand.

        I am weighing my involvement. If it explodes, I don't want to be caught in the quicksand of slop and mess of customers. Pretty much DONE with clients, customers and consumers.

        If I can just consult with him from a distance, that would be my ideal. The problem for both of us is, I'm one of the few people who knows what and how he works. And at his age, probably not enough time to onboard a newbie and teach him the ropes.

        It is a unique situation, and honestly, I'm mostly fishing here for any and all ideas. Nextmark lists would certainly give us the ladder from low cost intro into high priced seminars.

        I do appreciate your input and advice, it is always high quality stuff.


        As a team, you'll have a stronger knowledge, skills and resources
        in a media format than others.

        Whatever that one is, your best bet is to match a list,
        the audience who are also proven to buy from that media.

        This means when searching for a list make sure the buyers
        were generated by that same media format.

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