How to get patrons for a Parade?

4 replies
Hey guys, a local Non Profit Group is planning a Parade for "Disability Awareness" in the summer, assuming of course that there won't be any Covid restrictions. I am seeking ideas for two purposes, how to reach people and get them to attend and also how best to generally build their Brand, any suggestions please?
#parade #patrons
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, a local Non Profit Group is planning a Parade for "Disability Awareness" in the summer, assuming of course that there won't be any Covid restrictions. I am seeking ideas for two purposes, how to reach people and get them to attend and also how best to generally build their Brand, any suggestions please?
    I would be thinking flyers in store windows kind of thing. I would be Looking at local based Govt facebook pages that you would be able to contact when the time comes. I would be looking at The local newspaper, and is there a section that comes out during the week (usually Friday ) that has a listing of what's going on for the week? - this is usually FREE.

    And those are all things that are done at the time of the event.... Promoting a "Parade" TODAY, that is 4 months a way.. is not going to help.

    Here is a goto article I use: ( ) Probably the best single reference for Non Profits and Branding and advertising.

    I actually learned about this one from the article... have used it a few times now ( ) Google Grants is a really cool program.

    My overall best advice, is keeping your "offline" efforts at a local level - grass roots if you will
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehende
      WOW! I don't think anyone could have presented any better advice for this as that first link covers every imaginable aspect involved I think, thank you very much! Will pass this info on to the group, blessings!
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        In addition to what Savidge said, I would contact local chambers of commerce. They tend to send out a monthly newsletter to their members where they could mention the event.

        They also have lists of members with contact info (name of owner/manager, address, phone number, email).

        Some join and never participate in chamber events but many do. That means they are likely to get involved with the parade.

        In addition, is an online newspaper that is nationwide but has sites for every city, suburb or village. Well, sometimes, they have one for a group of localities, if they do not have many residents.

        They publish nothing but local stuff.

        Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

        WOW! I don't think anyone could have presented any better advice for this as that first link covers every imaginable aspect involved I think, thank you very much! Will pass this info on to the group, blessings!
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  • Profile picture of the author mikehende
    Great, appreciate every bit of help thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11696978].message }}
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