Good idea to get some offline clients.

11 replies
Approach a business which you know/think has a large email list. Then, offer to do some SEO work for them for free if they send out 1 or 2 emails to their list about how awesome your service is and include a link to your site.

If you already have your own mailing list you can partner with another company, say a temp agency who has lots of emails to business owners/hr departments, etc. and offer to send out an email to your clients about the temp agency and how great they are for getting new employees and in return the temp agency emails their business contacts saying how great you are at seo yada yada yada.
#clients #good #idea #offline
  • Profile picture of the author PoolWarrior
    It's good idea but it depend on your location , for example in europe i think it's not easy to make such JV from my experience .
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  • Profile picture of the author theprofitguru
    I just did this with a local insurance agent about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I did a Google places listing that got ranked number 1 within 8 days in exchange for her emailing and mailing her business clients on my behalf. I also got a much better deal on e&o insurance . I have gotten 3 seo clients and 1 marketing client from this and still have 2 more appointments set. I am working on doing the same thing with one or two accountants. Within the next couple of weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsprank
    That's a great idea! Any one who is starting out, or having a slow month, could use that to get going quickly. Referral are always the easiest to close.

    It does not have to be just SEO either, which I think is great. That really gets the brain juices going. Thanks for the tip.

    Originally Posted by RioNomad View Post

    Approach a business which you know/think has a large email list. Then, offer to do some SEO work for them for free if they send out 1 or 2 emails to their list about how awesome your service is and include a link to your site.

    If you already have your own mailing list you can partner with another company, say a temp agency who has lots of emails to business owners/hr departments, etc. and offer to send out an email to your clients about the temp agency and how great they are for getting new employees and in return the temp agency emails their business contacts saying how great you are at seo yada yada yada.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ramsey
    Good idea Rio. I've done something similar, where I'll do small work for a client in exchange for high quality referrals - but this is a great idea too. Gets you in front of a whole lot more prospects much quicker.
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    • Profile picture of the author stacyfox
      When you don't have work for clients getting clients is your work. This is an excellent strategy for getting clients because you are trading your services for their extensive prospect list. It is a win-win situation. If you can barter for something as well (like reduced e&o rates as the profit guru did) even better.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    This is a good idea. It isn't easy to know how active someone's list is or size. A related idea I remember from trafficology was to find a website that gets lots of visitors but doesn't have an online newsletter. Offer to run it for free with the trade that you can put your own link at end in newsletter for your website.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    There is business flowing all around you, within miles millions of dollars are exchanging hands in small, medium and large increments. You need to pick up a phone and allow one of those streams of cash to come flowing your way.

    Put your offer in circulation. Release it, by picking up a phone and telling people about it.

    Let prosperity flow YOUR way.
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  • Profile picture of the author RioNomad
    Glad you guys liked the tip! However, I can't take credit for it. I read it or heard it somewhere, but cant remember where lol.

    And you are right, it isn't limited to just the online world. A landscaper could trade lists with a contractor, or a dentist with a doctor, or a veternarian with a local pet store, a gym with a supplement store, on and on and on. IMO this is a great idea for damn near any type of business.

    And another great thing, you can do this over and over and over again. Just keep changing up which business you do it with. You could go to a web design firm, an advertising firm, an accountant, graphic designer firm, those places that make shirt, pens and other marketing stuff, sign shop, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author MWGrubb58
    Why not go the whole way and do a seminar for the prospect's clients/friends.

    Show the prospect a little of your savvy and then offer to do a seminar or webinar as a gift from THEM. It gives a reason for it being free to the prospect's contacts, makes the prospect look good.... and if you give tremendous CONTENT.... you'll get clients.

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    • Profile picture of the author shaunburke
      Exactly right. I try my best to remove myself from the forefront and push all my success onto my client. His increasing success in the eyes of his peer is a good enough advert for me, and 'cos he feels chuffed at taking the credit he loves me even more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    I think Millard had a great idea there. Maybe even a combination of both. Have them email out for services and then do another email blast to your mini-seminar. Seminars are such an effective way to build a client base, it's amazing.
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