Telesales force or affiliates for B2B signups?

by NickP
5 replies
I'm looking for some feedback about the best way to generate business clients. I'm launching a pay-per-call directory of local professionals. I've done this before for previous clients and know how to drive traffic, however, the hardest part is signing up the businesses.

Every launch I've done, I've had a telesales team calling on businesses. The problem with this method is that it takes a lot of time. I'm confident that with a solid video landing page and no-brainer calls to action, I can generate the sales online.

The question then becomes, has anyone ever seen this sort of program run as an affiliate program? I can offer pretty good payouts for signups that pay, I'm just not sure how that would look.

With a sales team I can say...ok this week we're signing up plumbers in Las Vegas. Once we meet our quota, we can turn on the marketing and there it is. With affiliate marketing, it's a little more tricky as signups could come in nationwide, but no targeted focusing. Because of the nature of the directory, we'd like a good selection of businesses in a given county before we fire up the marketing there.

Ok, enough rambling....any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
#affiliates #b2b #force #pay-per-call #signups #telesales
  • Profile picture of the author dsprank
    It sounds like you may be best off to use telemarketers again, seeing as how you know the ins and outs of it. You would be able to get going much quicker that way. Otherwise you could be looking at lots of trial and error time, when you could have been getting more leads and signups in.

    Just a thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I think that you're still better off with telemarketing. With a video landing page, you'll still have to drive traffic to the site. You have very little control over your affiliates as compared to telemarketers, and I think it'd be a hit or miss proposition when it comes to running a successful affiliate program for offline marketing services.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author NickP
    That's what I figured...I guess I was just hoping for that "Never before revelead secret of offline business signups" warrior to come in here and tell me what I wanted to hear

    I'm open to any other input I get, but it looks like its time to get that script and boiler room going!!!

    P.S. Have you guys ever worked with telemarketers?? I'd rather have a root canal. LOL

    Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Unfortunately there isn't. The only viable way (that I know of anyway) of driving offline businesses to your squeeze page is with postcards, and those are neither cheap nor fast! The whole sales process occurs slower when it's on the internet, as you need to drive the traffic to your landing page, have them opt-in, and on top of that follow up with them via email before they get sufficiently convinced to hire you for your services.

    I think working with telemarketers is going to be a numbers game, and you'll probably have to go through many bad apples in order to find a few good gems. Definitely not for the impatient, but I think once you find a few good people you could really start hitting those big sales numbers quickly.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Telesales handsdown is the quickest way to achieve thousands of dollars per day offline, plus its controllable. You learn your numbers quick enabling you to scale out fast always with predictable results.
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