Is Facebook fanpage play a vital role to promote a business online, If yes then how prove it ?

19 replies
If you think, Facebook fan page play a tern-key to promote a business online. Then kindly give me your verdict and prove it how ?
#business #design #development #facebook #fanpage #online #play #promote #prove #role #services #vital #web
  • Profile picture of the author jb854791
    That is kind of a silly question to ask to be honest. Facebook consistently gets more traffic than google itself. Is that not enough proof? How about 500 million facebook users. I think it is more of a question of how to get a significant following to your page and push for that viral stage where you are getting much more exposure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler
    Just as with any other social media, Facebook is a TOOL. It's NOT the be all, end all with a huge pot of gold at the end.

    If you can use it effectively, do so. But, NEVER put all of your eggs in one basket.

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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    Since the question was so poorly written, I'm not even sure I completely understand it, but....

    If you want proof you're getting traffic from a fan page, simply add tracking to that link.

    Put up an offer on your fan page, use some kind of tracking to follow the clicks, and then see how many people went from the fan page to the offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author jb854791
      Originally Posted by James Foster View Post

      Since the question was so poorly written, I'm not even sure I completely understand it, but....

      If you want proof you're getting traffic from a fan page, simply add tracking to that link.

      Put up an offer on your fan page, use some kind of tracking to follow the clicks, and then see how many people went from the fan page to the offer.
      Also you can track with google analytics within any fbml tab.
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  • Profile picture of the author DennisM
    Jameson is correct! What other social proof do you need?

    Also, the Facebook fan page looks so much more professional then a cheesy website the offline biz may already have. Some of these sites are so bad the client is better off redirecting the domain to the FB fan page.

    Remember, don't underestimate the built in traffic with Facebook!

    There's a guy I know here in a suburb of Chicago that all he does is build fan pages exclusively. He's charging $500 to get started which includes hooking a YouTube channel and Twitter into the fan page. The ongoing maintenance is $250 monthly. He's only been at it for 3 months now and has 13 clients paying monthly.

    I'm going to try and get him on a webinar before the end of the year. :-)

    If one can't sell the value of Facebook then they're in the wrong business. Symonds, just be CONFIDENT when presenting your case. There's all kinds of social proof that can be printed right off the web to show your potential client.

    In sales, we call it the 3rd party endorsement. :-)

    Want some social proof? Here, American Express is QUOTED as saying they use simple follow up with customers via social media.

    More Small Businesses Marketing Through Social Media

    Tell your business clients now they can compete on the same level as American Express when it comes to connecting with potentially new or existing customers.

    Good luck and let us know how you're doing!

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben_R
    look how at how much Mark is worth the guy who owns Facebook
    check out the film the network too
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    My vote is the OP was post count builder spam.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    It depends on the business.

    Restaurants yes.

    Roofing contractor - maybe not

    Check out one of mine.

    Mud City Crab House | Facebook
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    • Profile picture of the author Jrobin
      Of course it plays a role in promoting a business, as for a vital role, maybe not but its a promotion in the least!
      Other than that Facebook has a huge volume of traffic something that is always worth tapping into, and as for proof as the other posters suggested.

      Don't hesitate make haste.
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      • Profile picture of the author ronr
        Doesn't it hinder that FB says you can't have personal and a seperate business account? Most people don't want to mix their personal account with business so you have either go around their rules or choose business or personal.

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  • Profile picture of the author taji
    It's a type of branding for the business. Everytime you post it goes out to all of the news feed of your fans. It's great for SEO. You get a backlink to your main site which helps with the search engine rankings. It also builds your credibility when a soon to be customer see's you have 2 or 3 thousand fans.
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  • Profile picture of the author rohnsmith
    yes, it is important to have a fan page . because if facebook is the website which people visit on regular basis. It may be possible that peole do not search daily on google but visit facebook daily. so if they like your page and you write update on page they will get noticed about your update. so this way your updates can reach to them faster with facebook rather than google.
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    • Profile picture of the author ahensel
      Has anyone had significant personal success with Facebook fan pages? Looking at the things that major brands like Coke do with their fan pages, it seems pretty basic. No one but brand loyalists would go to those pages. How can they be used as an acquisition tool and not just a tool for maintaining interaction with your most loyal customers? I guess it could be used as a conduit to send information to the marketplace about new products or services and so forth, but I feel like there's still a lot of untapped potential. Where are massive, game changing opportunities that everyone's overlooked?
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  • Profile picture of the author traceface
    I believe Facebook is one more place you can't overlook - but if you build a 'fan'page and don't work it, you won't get much out of it except links to your website (if you build the page properly). We've found the response to Facebook campaigns - response being spending money to buy whatever the page is selling - to be cumulative. Doesn't happen overnight. Doesn't happen in 30 days. Doesn't happen without care and feeding.
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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    Go to watch videos on creating 'static pages' and see how to turn your fb page into a literal landing page!

    There are also plenty of 'how to' videos on how to get likes for daysss!

    Traffic+Good offer=lists and $$

    Here is one I did for a mortgage guy here in my area, we are going to add an opt in box this week:!/p...app_4949752878
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Lynn
    Here is exactly how you "prove it":

    1. Get your facebook page up and running with plenty of "likes" from customers (which is super-easy to do nowadays)
    2. Make a few relevant status-updates/posts as you get your base of "likes"
    3. Post a special one-weekend only offer. Like a free appetizer or 25% off your bill or something.
    4. Compare store traffic/revenue from the promo period to the previous few week's non-promo periods for the same timeframe
    5. Done!

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  • Profile picture of the author kaswistry
    A personal experience of mine lies in the proposition: How many bought from you, will buy from you because of facebook? Try to check conversion factors and or rates and do a basic analysis of visitors. Did they come to you because facebook referred them or they saw your fan page? How many among your visitors come from facebook? How many buy or do business with you because of that?

    Those are really important questions you should answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
    Educate your customers with FB Fan pages. Engage with them! Post interesting articles that you think will interest your audience. Throw a deal in every now and then (1-2/month) and watch the conversion.

    Pitch (not too often)

    If ran properly, a FB Fan page could be a huge success for a business.
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