Do You Believe Yellowpages are Dying? I DO, READ NOW!

19 replies
THis is going to start another fight on here. But I hate when people will not realize that the YP's are out! Here is some info you can show your future clients and the people here that say otherwise. It was written 2 years ago.

just my thoughts

Gates Says Bye Bye
#dying #read #yellowpages
  • Profile picture of the author astnpwrz
    I see opportunity here. A new job market is about to be born, and a new market for providing a service....seems intersting.

    Multi-tasking is just half-assing a bunch of stuff at the same time!!

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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Oh yeah, baby! Advertisers in the yellow pages are some of our hottest leads!
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  • Profile picture of the author axelbrian
    hi ,
    This is good for advertisement .I have been visited your link and find it cool .
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Nice find there!

    Some of those quotes would make for a great headline promoting your other marketing services like "Bill Gates says...The traditional Yellow Pages are doomed!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Pat Ordenes
    keep in mind that you are also quoting the man who once said:
    "“No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer. 640K ought to be enough for anybody.”


    and I'm pretty sure that he once was quoted saying the internet was a passing trend...
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  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    I go to great lengths to see that my clients never spend another dime in the YP.
    When they start putting that YP money into regular direct mail it becomes clear to them rather quickly that they have been wasting thousands of precious dollars a year.

    If you are telling your clients to buy space in the YP you are wasting their limited resources on absolute garbage. YOU will make a bigger profit if you use direct mail.

    If you don't know what your doing in that arena then you get ahold of me for help.
    I've built and measured over a thousand mailings. I am on over 400 mailing lists and receive and observe several thousand pieces a year.

    My door is open.

    ...personally I think that the yellow directories won't die completely ...they may mutate in some way....become thinner....and far less expensive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    with Qr Codes becoming more popular and giving them the ability to take offline print media online I am surprised they have not implemented it to give them more clout.

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  • Profile picture of the author jsherloc
    Most business owners I have talked to are even more sick of the YP than your everyday consumer and many are well aware of the horror stories and often have some ROI insights of their own to that should tell you something right there.

    Certain industries still seem to do alright in terms of ROI though in certain areas, especially HVAC and plumbing. We've also established in past discussions on this topic that people in metro areas or close to metro areas are likely to never use the YP anymore versus someone out in the country or in small towns. The "age-usage" gap will lessen over the next decade too as more older folks get accustomed to local internet search. Heck, ipads are the new rage in my Grandma's church group.

    - Jim
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    • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
      Hi Jim

      We hear similar horror related stories about YP here too.

      Most business owners that we talk to are sick and tired of paying massive fees for virtually zero additional business.


      Bronwyn and Keith
      Originally Posted by jsherloc View Post

      Most business owners I have talked to are even more sick of the YP than your everyday consumer and many are well aware of the horror stories and often have some ROI insights of their own to that should tell you something right there.

      - Jim
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  • Profile picture of the author mrwill
    Originally Posted by www_retireonme_com View Post

    THis is going to start another fight on here. But I hate when people will not realize that the YP's are out! Here is some info you can show your future clients and the people here that say otherwise. It was written 2 years ago.

    just my thoughts
    Sure, The Yellow Pages Are Dead
    The best part of yellow pages advertising is the extraordinary incompetence of most folks advertising there.
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  • Profile picture of the author saralim
    Yellow pages is "out of fashion" and tool costly.Welcome to the new online world
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  • Profile picture of the author tonyscott
    A slightly different take on why YP can be hazardous to a business. I used to be a mortgage broker here in the UK. For those that don't know the mortgage market began a downturn in August 2007 that lasts till this day. My income dropped by 90% over an 18 month period until I finally left the industry and began full time IM. They were hard times.

    In February 2008 I attended a course about getting into the debt consolidation/ sale and leaseback market. There were about 20 brokers there, all desperately looking to replace lost income.

    One of them told us his story. He had been very successful using Yellow Pages, to the extent that he advertised sub prime mortgages in a number of areas. He was spending £60,000 per year (that's around $90,000 or $120,000 at the exchange rates back then) but pulling in £180,000 of business = happy days.

    Having just committed to a 12 month contract, the market turned and sub prime mortgages became almost impossible to place. So he's left with a £60k advertising overhead and no income. Not sure what happened to him. I'd be very surprised if he escaped bankruptcy.

    Obviously hindsight is a wonderful thing, but he didn't have a website. If he had, and had spent even half of his budget on seo/ppc he would at least have been able to swiftly change direction and solicit business that he could place. Instead he was left advertising to a high demand market that banks wouldn't lend to.

    The moral of the story isn't that YP is bad or that websites are good, it's that markets can turn quickly, taking businesses down with them. So don't encourage a business to put all their advertising eggs in one basket.

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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I don't think you'll start a fight here, pretty much everyone already knows that YP is on the way out, and it's just a matter of time before it gets killed off or just becomes irrelevant, just like print newspapers.

    There are still some offline business owners who don't seem to realize this, and now is the time for offline consultants to go after them with a vengeance! The next year is going to be very fruitful indeed for people like us, and we should take advantage of every chance we get while it's bursting with opportunity.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author build
    WE have had a really bad experience with yellow pages and do not use them any more.
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  • Profile picture of the author J.M.Wilson
    I think the main challenge is to convince your local business owners who have been advertising there for years that it's on it's last legs.

    These guys seem to be staunchly devoted to their YP adverts and think it's the only way to advertise their business.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    If the yellow pages are ever dead, that means the offline market is saturated. Everyone has websites and web guys... nobody is using print ads... no one left to sell to...

    Long live the yellow pages.
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    • Profile picture of the author SuzyBlack
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      If the yellow pages are ever dead, that means the offline market is saturated. Everyone has websites and web guys... nobody is using print ads... no one left to sell to...

      Long live the yellow pages.
      I think Dead as in the terms of advertisers willing to use YP is the wrong term.

      But with the numbers of users turning to a physical YP book in decline, its time for those advertisers to think about different strategies.

      I tell my customers not to advertise in YP simply because I can give them more value for money and get them more customers without the competiton - just seems to make sense don't you think?
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      • Profile picture of the author Nevin McQ
        Does that article have a copyright of 2007? That is what I see at the bottom.

        I would always expect Bill Gates and Microsoft to say this.

        Yellow Pages have been smaller and smaller I agree, however they will never die.

        Local Cable TV commercials are getting cheaper and cheaper, think target area...

        Yes you can use these numbers to your advantage but YP is still a valuable resource.

        Has anyone ever heard of the Bluebook of construction? They have some of the best online tools I have ever seen. However when talking to one of their directing editors who has grown staff from 5 to over 200 said that there are many people, many people no matter how sophisticated they have become online still TAB and Dog Ear their Bluebooks every year.

        I would have thought the opposite as I have seen and worked with their online tools.

        There is nothing like the feel of a book in your hands

        With news and or newspapers I do read them online only, however I do buy them as they are still a resource many people rely on for advertising and buying
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