How I made $1600 within 72 hours of being in OFFLINE MARKETING
Now you know my motivation for right this super long post. Here is what I promise not to do…
I promise not to share anything other than my own experience. If I do… I will tell you about it. There is no way in good conscience I could sit here and tell you stuff that is not fact based, and/or experience based. If someone else’s experiences are shared in this report, they will totally get the credit for it.
One of the problems I see with so many of the WSO’s that are out there?
They are re-writes of someone else’s material with absolutely no experience behind them. Or… they are someone’s just straight out B.S… An opinion based on conjecture. I will not share my opinion with you in this report. I will only share my experience. Opinions are really useless unless you have your own experience behind them.
Why do I say this?
Because… I grew up in Oklahoma. Oklahoma is the middle of the Bible Belt of the United States and people from that region are essentially good. Or at least they seem to have good motives, yet fall short of their chosen ideals on occasion. Being an “okie” made me start to take people at face value. Even on the internet. Maybe it’s because I make it a point to live by the principles of honesty and integrity, that I think everyone else does too.
That being said… I took what was being shared with me at face value and later found out this guy was a hack. A professional marketer who actually only said he had the experience he was sharing with me. After a short period, I started asking myself… why is his way not working? And more importantly, why is this person telling me this?
Needless to say… This guy is no longer around.
If you want to be successful in the online/offline arena, my first words should be… just be honest.
All over the internet and all over these forums you will find all these references to the “Law of Attraction”. Like attracts like… water seeks it’s own level… however you want to phrase it. I have found that if I am honest and forthcoming, it just so happens the people around me will be the same way.
So… Who am I?
Ok… Let’s get to it… Who am I? Hi… My name is Louie. You may know me as Amir Luis on the WF. Amir is actually my first name, a Persian name meaning prince, though I am not Persian, nor a prince. Growing up in the Midwest made it difficult having a Persian name so I just always went by Louie.
I have been in the offline marketing arena for about 8 years off and on. The thing is… I didn’t even know it. Offline Marketing as we define it today is combining your internet marketing savvy and mixing it with traditional marketing for the “brick and mortar” business. Back in 2002 I started the Re-Cell Technologies Corporation. What we did, was buy used cell phones in the offline world, then sell them online. Whether it be through secret trade related websites, or through open forums like eBay.
The whole business model was based on what we call today “offline marketing”. A sort of hybrid between the old and the new.
Then I started a window cleaning company. You know… squeegees and buckets. The main focus of that company was high end residential. Follow the money. The way I grew that business 50% annually was via internet marketing. Combining the internet with the other marketing streams ofcourse. But according to my tracking and split testing. The internet is where the majority of my business came from.
Really… offline consultants should beware that “the Phone Book” is not dead.
Why do I say this? Because I have a really good friend who is a Sales Manager for Yellow Book. What I lovingly like to call ‘Big Bird’. Yes… the print aspect of the phone book is dead. They know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.
What you may not know is YellowBook, Dexx, Verizon, Fiest, etc. Whatever you may have in your local area if not all, do 360 marketing. They give away print yellow page ads to get you to do SEO. YellowBook360 has partnered with Google. One of the 7 companies in the world that have a partnership with Google. So when algorithims change. They know. They are ahead of the curve.
So if your marketing strategy is to defeat yellow book yet you don’t want to cold call. You might be screwed. If your lead list comes directly from the Yellow Book because you know they are advertising. You might be screwed.
This is a little known secret that is never talked about in the Offline Marketing Community. Companywide YellowBook360 builds 15,000 websites a month.
You know how they do it? Cold calling… Do you really not want to cold call now? What do they do? They prospect over the phone. Set an appointment, and then make a sale. Why? Because it works!
It has been said that imitation is the kindest form of flattery. If you want to be successful, you have to do what successful people do… right?
So this begs the question…. Why wouldn’t you mix the old with the new too? What I am talking about specifically here is… if you haven’t guessed.
Cold calling.
Every person I know that is successful. Every single one…
That is what separates the men from the boys.
That being said… I know a former mentor of mine, Tom Pace - who's book you can pick up at Barnes and Noble, “the Kid and the CEO” always preached....
"The most important word in the english language is... Action."
So if you are not willing to take action... I don't know why you are reading this soon to be a report in post format. I would rather surround myself around people that are successful. People that don't take action, and aren't willing to do what other people won't do... get food stamps and unemployment benefits.
I don’t know about you… but I do not want to attract an hourly wage.
In all honesty... I really don't care for cold calling... But I will damned if it doesn't work. When the chips are down... I have bills due and no money coming in.... I can pick up the phone and go get that money. I'm not even really a good telemarketer. I fumbled my way through a lot of it. Then I got conditioned to be able to make calls with ease...
The first few times were very awkward… but I did it anyway.
Thank God for thetelemarketingforum and all its members.
Those guys held my hand and walked with me until I made some money. I had $0. And some bills due... It was taking WAYYYY too much time to get a list ready using Google... Newspaper ads... and the other entire BS opinions you here put out on these forums that someone read somewhere and preach it as gold.
I sold my Blackberry on Craigslist. I got a list and a cost effective auto dialer... and went at it. Starting with nothing and having my back against the wall with no job and no foreseeable income.
After all the crap I had done trying to do anything but cold call.
When I just did it, it worked.
I wonder how much money the people made that were clipping ads and circling it, saying they could help, then wasting money on stationary envelopes and stamps in those two and 1/2 days?
Even when I thought cold calling, and telemarketing (mixing the old with the new mind you) wasn't working... when my mind was telling me to give it up. I kept pushing forward no matter what. On Black Friday.... I took the day off. I got a call from a guy that I contacted over a month before. He ended up giving me $500 that day and agrees to the $230 per month I am charging his credit card. $100 of that goes to the guy that is actually doing the work. All I did was make some calls a month ago.
But.... If you keep cold calling even when you don't need to... You will fill your sales funnel. Then out of the blue someone will shoot you an extra $500 while you’re sitting on your couch watching reruns and recuperating from a Turkey Hangover.
My first day calling... My 3rd or 4th phone call was an appointment for my first $1500 client... I screwed up... I sold him the farm for really cheap. Originally I sold him a website at $1000 with all of the bells and whistles.
Really… I was nervous and full of fear. I really didn’t know what I was doing. I just walked into the appointment with nothing but a smile, and walked out with a check. Knowing before I went in… “I got this!”
Then after working together for a little while and letting him see in live action my attention to detail. He said to me, “We will gladly pay you $1500.” Now… I don’t know if this is because I try to live my life by good principles… But if you ask me… the “law of attraction” was at work here.
Under Promise... Over Deliver...
Over Promise... Over Deliver....
We all have to learn somehow....
200 dials.... 70 intros.... only a few actual pitches... No hard closes over the phone.... 3 appointments set...
One guy didn't have the time but repeated himself and I quote... "I would be VERY interested in you coming by and talking to me about this."
I bolded that to represent the inflection in his voice... yeah... that's a deal on lockdown in my book.... Out of all the calls made I never had anyone hang up on me. Or say anything negative at all really… But that one… I got goosebumps over...
That was the guy I sold the website to for $1500…..
I actually have been averaging about $1,500-$2,000 per week. How? Selling websites to small business owners as a “loss leader.” Really that is a low ball figure. Sometimes it’s $4,500… Sometimes it’s $1,500. Yet never less than $1500 though… I could do more… but a part time effort gets part time pay.
I usually get so caught up in the Technical side of things that I just forget to call... Then I get my back against the wall and start dialing my heart out.
Set a few appointments...
Get a sale...
Then focus on the techie crap that I know nothing about.
When I first started in offline marketing, I had only made websites for me.... now I am a bona fide pro...
This is why I sell websites with initial contact of a potential client.
Really offering a website is the best way to sell SEO. Selling a website or a re-design opens the door and gets them started and presold for other Offline Marketing Products. You are given the opportunity to start them with a good "On Page Optimized" site that is ready to rock once you add some "Off Page SEO". Making your job so much easier on the back end. As we all know… 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers.
So you can develop the relationship from start to finish. What started me using this approach is…
When I called offering SEO or anything else IM related, they would say… “I don’t have a website.” When I called offering a website, some said they had one. Others said they didn’t. It kept the door open… making an opportunity out of every phone call.
This way, when you initially call... if they already have a website you can go straight to SEO or Social Media. This gives you options to at least go out swinging with each and every prospect. I figured this out after about 2 days (1/2days I’m lazy) of calling...
So I started offering Social Media and Email Capture Services. I thank God for the forums. (Thanking God is my thing. I don’t mean to offend. If you don’t like that… you can thank whomever you please.)
The reason I am thankful to the forums is I am too busy to do SEO myself. So I can offer services I know nothing about and flip it to a trusted source on the forums! Yepper..... a no brainer. 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing.
So what do you say if they already have a website?
"That's great ________ I am glad you are happy with it. What's your web address and email? I'll take a look at your website and send you a free report on any possible marketing improvements that might be beneficial to you."
Send a report, wait 24 hours, then call back and offer SEO and Social Media Packages....
That's just what I have been doing... So far so good.
By the way...
You will get alot of people that say they have a website and when you go for the SEO, they balk. I am pretty sure they are lying about having a website.
One thing you have to remember about getting offline clients!
Remember, getting offline clientele is sales. You have to sell your services to those in need. Anyone who has ever been in sales knows. BUYERS ARE LIARS! Straight up. We are offering a solution to their problem and they are lying or in complete delusion about what the problem is. Then people say salespeople are liars.... while there are some. For the most part.... we are good people. The Buyer is the one doing all the lying. We are just here to educate and inform while providing a solution. That being said… Now let’s move on…
So Let’s Talk About the Numbers….
I go into every call with the primary purpose of selling a website. If other opportunities arise, then I pursue that avenue.
But for now… My unique selling proposition is marketing oriented content on direct response websites.
Anyone can build a site... but is it worth cost of hosting? Is it bringing in new business?
Let's say you didn't get greedy with your web design services....
Let's say you only charged $299 + $29.99 per month hosting and maintenance for a 5 page website... You outsource it to someone for $200.
Why? Because you want someone with a solid and proven marketing background to give you a Unique Selling Proposition compared to the other web guys out there.
What do you get out of the deal?
You get $100 from every sale after you outsource the work, which you can use to pay yourself or other proven telemarketers. You also get $30 per month for “hosting and maintenance” from here on out. That's $360 per year. Per client! You wouldn’t believe how fast this adds up.
Putting the money aspect aside…
This is what you really get.
You get more time to focus on what counts... bringing in more clients and helping the ones you have. The more websites you sell, the more you get in residual income from hosting, and the more warm leads you have for other marketing services. You aren't in the web design business. You’re in the hosting and internet marketing business. Website sales are just a way for you to get paid… to find qualified leads.
You have established that you are their "Web Specialist" when they need ANYTHING internet related. They will call you. Or you can get proactive and call them.... immediately after they are completely satisfied with their new online presence. You can call back and let them know...
"Hey Bill. Glad you like your site... Now you and I both now, it isn't going to do you much good without TRAFFIC... Did you know Google just changed the algorithm which tells them who to put at the top of search results?"
BAMMM.... Google Places and SEO listings SOLD! More money for you. All because you gave them a good deal on a website.
EDIT: The second half of this is further down the page if you want to read more.... Script included.
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