How I Closed $32,000 Deal In Just 10 Minutes

28 replies
A miracle?

I'll be honest that this deal was the fastest I ever had. But it's something that I designed to make it happen.

You can do this too by simply applying the strategies I'm about to share to you.

Why you should listen to me?

I migrated in Canada and move to Calgary in August of 2006 with only $532.12 in my pocket. I have no friends, no family, no job, I knew no one in the city, and some English in my vocabulary.

Most people in my situation will not even think about launching a business. No money? No connections? And I don't even know the Canadian currency back then.

The only asset that I have is the ability to design websites.

Since I have no job, launching a consulting (web design and seo) business is my logical choice. For me, I'm playing on with my strengths.

More than 3 years after, I'm now working with multiple clients from a local realtor to one of the biggest toy store in the US with contracts from $3K to $40K.

How I Did It

Most marketing advice you're getting are about "tactics" like post cards, cold calling (cough!), flyers, etc., are nice but it's an uphill battle.

How you make people to call you instead of you calling them? Close deals in just 1-2 meetings, and charge for a higher premium? It's all about "Positioning".

I call this "Client Persuasion Formula". Here are some of them:

Basic Proof
If you're saying to the client you're Internet Marketer, prove it to them. The best thing that worked for me is by ranking first and second in Google for "Calgary Internet Marketing."

Social Proof
Show them how many subscribers you have in your blog. Include testimonials as well.

Here's how I jumpstart my "stardom" in consulting world.

Create a meetup group that targets small businesses. It will cost you about $20 per month but you'll gain these:

Authority - most people would like to follow. If you lead and contribute, they'll follow. By being a leader of even a small meet up group, you're already one step ahead of your competitors.

Social Proof - have a small $10 seminar and then take pictures of you talking to the group. Put that picture in your site or anywhere it's applicable.

List Building Machine - will market your group to people. They'll rank well in Google. People are signing up everyday to this meetups and you have opportunity to show your expertise to them.

Client Testimonials - after your seminar, assuming you did share great info, you can easily solicit testimonials from them. I even have video testimonials from my seminars. Again, that's a social proof.

These alone can give you clients more than you can work for in a year. There was a time I had two groups. The first one is for "solo professionals" like realtors. The other one was targeting small businesses.

Total cost is just $40 per month with 100 times ROI. LOL

My point is this; it's so much easier to get clients by positioning yourself as an "expert".

So how did I close the $32,000 deal?

One night, I was talking to a fellow in a bar in one of our meetups. It's just a casual "how's your business going?" type. It took us about 10 minutes. I didn't sell my services because I'm not a salesman and not good at it.

2 days after, he called me and...cha ching.

He then told me that he's been in my website and reading my stuff.

He's unaware that he was "hypnotized" while on my blog with some under the radar "persuasion elements". LOL
#$32 #closed #deal #minutes #offline maketing #small business marketing
  • Profile picture of the author joe0074
    That is a very good advice.
    However, I don't like talking to people or meeting up with people
    I would like to do my own thing at my own place.
    Do you have any advice for that?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3248154].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
      Originally Posted by joe0074 View Post

      That is a very good advice.
      However, I don't like talking to people or meeting up with people
      I would like to do my own thing at my own place.
      Do you have any advice for that?

      That is what a consultant does!

      How do you expect to succeed if you don't like talking to people?
      The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3248246].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author joe0074
        Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure it out right now
        There should be an alternative way to get around my problem.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3248287].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mancmusicman
          Originally Posted by joe0074 View Post

          Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure it out right now
          There should be an alternative way to get around my problem.

          no alternative..talking to people proabably sits outside your comfort zone but as one wise person said - if it wasn't outside your comfort zone you would have it already.
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        • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
          Originally Posted by joe0074 View Post

          Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure it out right now
          There should be an alternative way to get around my problem.

          English is not even my primary language but I was able to do this. I'm sure you can.

          Do this and start banking some serious money.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3248556].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author J Bold
          Originally Posted by joe0074 View Post

          Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure it out right now
          There should be an alternative way to get around my problem.
          Joe I think one of the solutions to your problem would be to partner with someone who does like to talk with people, and doesn't have the expertise you do to actually get the work done.

          Something to think about.
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          • Profile picture of the author cbest
            Excellent a consultant yes you should be able to talk to people, but if that isn't your strength then find a partner could be a webdesigner or web graphics person.. someone that can talk the talk. other people might be vertical markets that talk with business people on a regular basis realtors, printers etc..

            Offline/Online Coupon App free coupon for your clients coming soon.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3249442].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
          Originally Posted by joe0074 View Post

          Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure it out right now
          There should be an alternative way to get around my problem.
          There is...

          The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3248852].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aemilia
      Consultancy at its best. the juice is in the ability to engage and retain....
      Coming soon
      The only limitation in life is your lack of determination and imagination
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  • Profile picture of the author mancmusicman
    wow this is good..a lot of people will charge $7 or $17 for this as a WSO. many thanks for the information
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  • Profile picture of the author LudVanDaal
    Very good thread JJOrana. Thank you for sharing your model.
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  • Profile picture of the author mancmusicman
    JJorana...what sort of group did you start up on

    would it be something like Internet marketing for small businesses?

    I would really like to test out your method. many thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3248868].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
      Originally Posted by mancmusicman View Post

      JJorana...what sort of group did you start up on
      To get the most number, go for "small business group".

      TIP: Google loves since it's an authority website. Once you have your own meetup group, you can have hundreds of links from LOL.

      Note though, that the key to what I did is the "positioning" and "persuasion". Meetup is just a vehicle to accomplish this.
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  • Profile picture of the author mancmusicman
    many thanks for that. i wish you all the success
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Rhome
    Thanks to JJOrana for the kick in the butt. I already knew about those things, but hadn't followed through, especially the meetup solution.

    As for not talking to people Joe, sure you can team up with somebody. But bottom line, I fail to see why your partner would give even half if all you do is backstage stuff that can be easily outsourced by the "talker".

    It's like wanting to get in top shape without exercise and watching what you eat. It can't happen. Either you crave the results and adjust your thinking, or you settle with the results a comfortable process will give you.

    IM is indeed great for people who want to avoid people! Better get good at something that fits your personal profile better IMO.

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    • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
      Fantastic advice. Positioning is what separates the big players from the little guys. And you've worked out a way to get positioning and authority quick smart.

      Best of all anyone can do this, regardless of how good a web developer/whatever you are. It's why two people can be just as good as each other yet one charges 10x the price of the other.

      Incidentally Joe, you will need to be able to deal with people if you're going to make it as a consultant. It's a skill that can be learnt and practiced. If you don't like doing this perhaps consultancy isn't for you. But plenty of shy people learnt to do it. Plenty of people who just didn't want to do it learnt it too. I'm sure you can.

      Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail->
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  • Profile picture of the author MVF
    Pretty friggen sweet!

    Out of curiosity, during your group meetups, what are you sharing with the crowd? Are you giving away your secrets to marketing businesses online? If yes, how do you keep them from implementing it themselves?

    Or are you just info overloading them so that there's no way they can implement the tactics themselves?

    Would love to hear a bit more...

    Cheers and good on ya!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3251973].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
      Originally Posted by MVF View Post

      Pretty friggen sweet!

      Out of curiosity, during your group meetups, what are you sharing with the crowd? Are you giving away your secrets to marketing businesses online? If yes, how do you keep them from implementing it themselves?

      Or are you just info overloading them so that there's no way they can implement the tactics themselves?

      Hi Mike.

      Give as much value as you can but not overload them.

      In one seminar I taught them an Internet Marketing System...


      The most basic ones in this forum is already a golden information to them.

      Don't hold back valuable information. NEVER. At the end, they still want to hire you to implement it to them. Small businesses don't have time.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Great advice, JJ! In your meetup groups, doyou specifically target small businesses and solo professionals in your city (Calgary), or do you have a broader target market?

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3252269].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

      Great advice, JJ! In your meetup groups, doyou specifically target small businesses and solo professionals in your city (Calgary), or do you have a broader target market?

      Yes, Solo Professionals and Small Business Owners. Nothing else.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    Awesome deal! Networking in local business groups are indeed an awesome way to generate prospects and deals - even big ones.

    Now, let's be straight up about this and not paint an unrealistic, hyped up picture for people who are thinking that all they have to do is press a button, and money flies out of their LCD screen.

    It took far longer to develop your reputation, attend meetings, create some name awareness, etc... than 10 minutes. That time can't be discounted, in fact, it's the foundational necessity. And most businessowners will require more substantial evidence of the promised outcome of your services than can be articulated in 10 minutes. This wasn't a blind date ending in a sale of a $32,000 contract ten minutes after a dead cold introduction.

    Building "star power" takes time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3252340].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      Building "star power" takes time.
      It does...but after that... 10 Minutes is all you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author jrobconsult
    Where would you hold your meetings and how many people showed up? This is excellent info.
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    • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
      Originally Posted by jrobconsult View Post

      Where would you hold your meetings and how many people showed up? This is excellent info.
      Here's the best thing...

      Once I have my own group, all I did is look around and find JV Opportunities.

      I found a small business in "bartering" industry. I basically approached the person and co promote. He gave me places to hold the event in exchange of promoting his business to my group.

      You can also talked to small restaurants.

      It's a Win-Win.

      By the way, all my attendees paid $10 each to shoulder any expenses. If you have a JV partner, then you'll pocket all the fees.
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  • Profile picture of the author MWGrubb58
    I like your style!

    Great post and great food for thought!

    Keep the good stuff coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Very nice post there Jon!

    I was fully expecting you to say "have a book published" when you got to the part about "Authority" - but the tip about Meetup groups is excellent too.


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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Jenkins
      Great work man!!

      I love posts like this. You took some action and cashed in hard. I'm glad to hear it. We can all learn from your post. With that one deal you made what many people make in a year of "the grind."

      We should all take note of the leverage a little specialized knowledge and application can do!

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      • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
        I just hope everyone won't miss my point...

        ...which is "Positioning".

        Meetup is just a vehicle. With or without it you should position yourself as an expert in the mind of your market.

        The truth is, you don't have to be an expert in all these marketing things.

        ... I didn't position myself as "social media expert"
        ... I didn't position myself as SEO expert
        ... I didn't position myself as PPC expert

        I positioned myself as "Internet Marketing System" architect.

        There are abundance of IM tactics out there...but only few can show you how to put it all together for a specific market or industry.
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