What has been working for me in the Offline World So Far...

7 replies
Hi guys,

I have been through some trials and tribulations to say the least on whats working and whats not out there! Sweew! Here's some nuggets for ya:

*Door-to-door B2B...It's prolly not your fav, I know, mine either! But its a numbers game! I did 12-15 doors the other day and managed to get three hot leads and one sale so far! (PS-dress sharp and dont be shy to tell anyone who will listen that you can blow up their business with online)

*Keep going to the same businesses once in awhile...they start to get to know you and realize you arent going anywhere anytime soon!

*I blast emails to business owners telling them I have reviewed their company and their website and believe I can help their bottom line blah blah blah and have created a report just for them and ask them when I could share it with them...Copy this template to your notepad and send out as many as you can...you will get little return interest...but little is better than NONE!!

*Telemarketing...mm...not going so hot so far...alot of so called interested' ppl that never get back to me...

*Repeat mailers, hear the more you rinse and repeat this the better the results. Will try and report back soon.

*Ask for referals of current clients works good if they see value in you and your services

*Offer a 'freebee' of value to get your foot in the door. I have been offering free stuff to business owners and it has been 'wowing' them.

*Sidenote: Dont sweat your clients hard at first for $$. Let them see you care, keep in good contact, send a bunch of emails educating them with sound advice etc...and an offer here and there. This WORKS GOOD!

Goodluck fellow warriors!

#offline #working #world
  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Hey cchipster,

    Agree with almost all of your friendly advice, especially the part of not pushing too hard up front for cash.

    One thing on the door to door - if you can pre-qualify the client in ANY way - by finding a problem with their web site or a missed opportunity, you (in my experience) have a MUCH better chance of winning them!

    All success,


    OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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  • Profile picture of the author MusclecarJ
    i would think outbound telco based on how qualified your lead base is would work..
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  • Profile picture of the author jrobconsult
    One thing to consider when going door to door, some businesses have "No Solicitation" signs up. You may have the greatest thing since the wheel, but small business owners are disturbed many times a day for the next greatest thing. The good news is that often the ones who put up signs are the easiest to sell, if you can have a meeting with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    Ya, I do not look twice at the 'no soliciting' signs. Most owners forgot they even have them up, or they were up since previous ownership. It is NOT illegal to solicit businesses, just residential via the Reagan law 'the green river ordinance'.

    I think Gary nailed it with finding some issues before making the cold call. Shows you took some time out and actually care...
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Freebie def a good one.. worked pretty well for me as well.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Sparksman
    Originally Posted by cchipster View Post

    Hi guys,
    *Offer a 'freebee' of value to get your foot in the door. I have been offering free stuff to business owners and it has been 'wowing' them.
    What freebies have you been offering?
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  • Profile picture of the author adnima
    I assume this thread is addressing how you can improve an offline businesses website rankings as an SEO?

    I have been persuing an alternative method whereby you build a site and get it ranked, then rent it out to a relevant business for a monthly fee.
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