Make money with Domain Name Directories

by 50 replies
This is a new twist on old domain ideas. Perhaps you have heard this before but not sure...

You register a local domain name such as

you can go more local than that(such as or but you get the idea.

Think of how many beauty salons there are in Florida...(Hundreds)

You will contact each of them and ask them if they want to be in your directory for just $5 a month. For most this won't be much of an expense at all. Say you get just 5. That is $25 a month. Say you get 50, that is $250 a month. There are some nice directory scripts that you can find so that you can create a nice looking directory site. Most local domains can be ranked easily with little to no backlinks so you should be in good shape.

Think of the power of this:

$5/month* 10 businesses= $50 a month *12 = $600 a year
It only costs you 8 bucks per domain.

Good luck with this.

#offline marketing #directories #domain #make #money
  • Good thinking.

    Very plausible approach.

    This could be applied to any trade, service, business etc.

    The brain rattles...thanks for the prod!
  • Think of the upsell possibilities too! Rotating ads, website upgrades, SEO optimization, PLUS - you are building a niche rich list! You may have to get creative with the domain name, but that's no big deal.
  • Yes there is a lot of opportunity here and I know that other people are already doing it. I have typically sold all my names but will now try a new approach.
  • That is pretty cool, great idea FreshDomains...

    Thanks for info
  • I have recently been thinking of something similar to this. $5 a month isn't much at all and can definitely add up. Look at places like Life Lock who charges $10 a month and they make a killing even though they have all the overhead of office space, employees, advertising, etc.
    • [1] reply
    • Yea. a company would not mind paying $5 a month at all.
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • I want to earn money with Domain Name Directories .I think it is best and easy way to earn money .
    This is good opportunity for me to know earn money with Domain Name Directories.
  • i been thinking of doing this also any ideas on what CMS / themes you would use?
    • [1] reply
    • yeah i would like to know aswell if you have any suggestions
  • Hi Ryan,

    Would you mind providing a link to one of your directories? I'm curious to see how it's laid out to get an idea on how I could do it in my area.

    • [1] reply
    • Why didn't I think of that? lol.

      And yes, a sample may guide us all towards the right direction.
  • This is a terrific and easy way to make some income but I question if there's a lot of great domains left like the ones you quoted. I'm sure there are for small towns but I doubt many very localized domains are available for larger towns and cities.

    Please let me know if this isn't the case.


    • [2] replies
    • A good idea I will try later thanks to a very useful info
    • I disagree. You'd be surprised what is still available. I still almost can't believe it sometimes.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • That's a very good idea! I've thought of doing something like this in the past but just never pursued it. Thanks for reminding me!

    There are so many businesses and cities out there... lots of room for lots of people to do this type of thing!

  • I have contemplated this setup before.

    You would need to have additional content than just a domain and link back to the business's website. You could offer article writing services to them as well as a way to market their website on the directory, which would also provide needed content for ranking with Local SEO.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • This has been around for many years and to find a good GEO name is not only hard to find available but has a hefty price attached to it today. Like the GEO Restaurants that has been bought by big pocket investors who holds, hotels, insurance and so forth in big cities and states. So unless you have a small niche or deep pockets then I'm sure this idea can work but it will take more than $8.
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    • The idea is that you go for names that are dropping using a tool such as or
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • What are the factors that determine if a niche is worth going after? Such as population,amount of businesses in competition,webhits to their keywords etc.
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    • Anything really as long as you can find say 10 businesses at least. If you charge a cheap rate, no business wouldn't want to join up
  • That is a good idea, but what specific directory script can you do this with, and still have a piece of mind in being able to track who's paying and who's freeloading?
    • [1] reply
    • Directory Press from Premium Press. $79USD. Worth every cent. Plugs straight into wordpress. Has more than everything you need.

      PM me if you would like to use my affiliate link to purchase.
      • [1] reply
  • To be fair, I wouldn't say he was affiliate marketing. If someone goes out of their way to contact him to buy using his link I think it's fine. If he posted the affiliate link directly into the post then maybe you could potentially see something wrong with it.

    But either way, let's not get caught up in that stuff because this is certainly a great thread. It was something I have been thinking about but directory press theme just does not seem to me like what a local business directory theme should look like. Am I the only one who thinks this? I am basing this off of the demo on their site.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Hey mike, I'm a newbie here and I love your post. It just makes so much sense. I just have a quick question about the WooThemes. Can the listings theme be used for many different types of businesses (floral, auto, sports, etc..) accessed from a drop down box and then the businesses are listed under that or would I have to construct a different listings site for each business specialty? And what do you tell your potential clients during your initial contact to get them interested in having you put their business in your directory? Thanks,
    • [1] reply
    • Hi Jim,

      Good question and while I won't touch directly on it - do you think it might be better to set up a niche specific directory?

      I think this would work better as it creates a USP over the Yellow Pages etc who take any and all businesses - where as your directory ONLY takes a specific niche (sort of like the authority in a sense for that specific niche directory). Plus, if you work on one niche at a time it allows you to call them and actually populate it with relevant results. If you take on 'all' businesses, then by the time you fill up ALL possible searches it will take much longer, etc.
  • What's the best way to contact businesses and what do you say to get them signed up?

    If your only charging $10 a month do you get them to pay for a whole year up front?
  • I'm really like this idea but how would you go about informing the client they've been out bid and their spot/services has been taken so if they wanted to keep their position they now need to fork out more money or get less exposure on the site.. just like that? lol
    • [1] reply
    • I wondered the same thing. I considered the auction model but wonder if it could get people upset. It also seems like it would be more hassle to keep up with vs. just having some set prices for positions on first come first serve basis.

  • Banned
  • I think a set price would be better, only because it seems a little unprofessional (maybe only to me) and seems like you're really trying to milk these clients for all they have. I mean, that probably *is* the case but it would be nice to make it a little less subtle.

    Setting a higher price that you would be happy with and letting them buy it out is a good idea. If you find the ad gets bought quickly, next time around, raise the price some and keep doing so till someone still grabs the ad but you don't get so many people jumping on it.
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    • Name Directories are all over the net. There are also Yellow Pages and major sites that do this already. To make this work, it needs a niche. I've run directory services in the past, and what I found when running this was that it was a pain in the butt, plus a hassle. But if anyone wants to make some coin, then I'll share with you how I operated.

      First thing I would do is snag a domain such as

      Once you have the domain, jazz it up, and list it with your local dry cleaners. Pull the info from the net. It's already there.

      Next thing is to post some ads in the paper for your site. Get the traffic coming in. This is faster than SEO and works great for the general public.

      After your site gets hits - you track your views per company and then make your calls. Ask them for DEAL information you can post on their behalf. Tell them you are listing it for three months free.

      Call them back every week and ask them for their updated deal. by then - they know you - so to capatalize later on at 17 bux a pop was pretty smooth.

      Hope this helps. And if anyone needs more info - my email is vanfenix1 AT gmail dot com

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • what is you pitch over the phone.. what are you telling them they will get in return???
    basically they pay than what?

    can you elaberate on your strategies
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    • You just tell them that it would bring them more business and you would try to get on the first page of google to add extra value
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  • He offers them free cookies. j/k
  • I live in a city that has a good number of small businesses and who doesn't need an extra cash stream. This seems simple and rewarding. Thank you for this idea.
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    • Yep you are welcome. This is not a brand new idea but it is all about how you put your own twist on it. I am looking at putting more and more focus into this with my local domains.
  • Just curious, are there other ways to make money with directories besides a subscription? Would they make good adsense or affilate sites as well? Especially, if it was a specific niche, which it would be to be effective anyways, and a person posted information and articles on the niche along with the listings? Then, perhaps after it's been established down the road go for paid entries.
    • [1] reply
    • Yep that is a very good way to go about it!

      I am doing a few of them right now and will let you know how they go!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I like what you have done with the Woo Themes. Looks nice.

    I've been looking for a directory software that I'm comfortable with.

    Down to three.

    Woo Themes Listings
    Geo Places
    Premium Press

    I like the mapping interface of Geo Places, however, your Woo Themes looks very appetizing.

    For some reason, I've been hooked on the Geo Places and can't seem to shake it yet.

    The only thing that has kept me from pulling the trigger on Geo Places, is the lack of a trial period.
    • [1] reply
    • Yea, the listings is very nice but it really depends on the types of businesses.

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