$7,500 within 24 hours on One Single Cold Call! - A "Back Against the Wall" Offline Story.
Back in 2004 I believe, around January... My mortgage was in jeopardy and I had no money, so I took a shot in the dark.
This is NO LIE!!!
I Made a list of wholesale home decor suppliers, and decided I was going to cold call them and see if I could find a stocklot of dead inventory. I did within the FIRST call. I managed to strike a deal with the supplier to broker the product and get it out of his ware house as fast as I could for a commission.
That cold calling session lasted about 20 minutes.
I then went and listed this suppliers inventory on Alibaba.com and said "First come serve. This goes out to the first person with cash ready to wire"... and I offered an amazing deal.
2 hours later some guy emailed me from China and said "I have cash. I believe I am the first to offer. Please send me invoice and wiring instructions..."
So we did...
12 hours later my supplier called and said the China guys had wired $20,000. and then said, "You are $7500 richer. Where do you want me to wire your commission"?
Within an hour I went from broke , desperate taking a Looooong shot in the dark, mortgage in jeopardy... to having $7500 cash!!! ... yeah CASH!!! It was a miracle. I have told this story before, but you have to admit its cool!
Best part: My daughter thought I was a genius! ;D
That was not the end of it though...
Later I would spend another 5 hours cold calling and develop 4 more suppliers... THAT ONE call session (5 hours) has made me thousands upon thousands, upon thousands... since. I have sold over a million units of product overseas in the same way since that one 5 hour cold calling session.
Now you tell me?
Is that some serious ass kitchen table (jsamson) telemarketing or what?

Do I deserve to call myself an OPG? (Original Phone Gangsta).
I tend to forget about stuff like that when we talk about offline telemarketing. I have used telemarketing a HUNDRED different ways!
I swear every bit of the above story is 100% Gospel truth!

Thats why I believe telemarketing sets people free.
You will never be a slave as long as you can manhandle a phone book!
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