17 replies
Hi everyone,

I was thinking earlier today, that at some point in the near future, I would start up a sort of, Online marketing consultation firm. I would approach businesses and offer my services as a consultant, and help them advertise their product/business/service online.

Do you guys think there's a market for this?

Feedback is apppreciated

EDIT: I was supposed to write bussiness IDEA. Not plan.
#business #plan
  • Well, what you have there isn't a plan but an idea.

    Anyway, of course there is a market for this. The trend for demand for seo services keeps rising, more and more offline businesses realize that the majority of their prospects ain't looking in the yellow pages anymore and many of these companies don't even have their own site yet. Lots of room for this, unless you live in a big city where lots of online media consulting firms operate already.
    Stop Building Backlinks The OLD Way, Use >THIS< Instead!

    >Let Me Build HIGH QUALITY Backlinks For You!<
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3528736].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author spope91
      Originally Posted by BacklinkExcellence View Post

      Well, what you have there isn't a plan but an idea.

      Anyway, of course there is a market for this. The trend for demand for seo services keeps rising, more and more offline businesses realize that the majority of their prospects ain't looking in the yellow pages anymore and many of these companies don't even have their own site yet. Lots of room for this, unless you live in a big city where lots of online media consulting firms operate already.
      Yeah I'm aware it's not a plan, it wasn't until I posted I thought "probably should have wrote business IDEA"

      Thanks for the feedback, and I agree with you, I think there's alot of demand for this type of service. I was curious to see if anyone else is already doing this in their area, and if they're having any success with it.

      What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author TravisHarper
    There is a demand for helping offline business get into the digital era but SEO is just the tip of the iceberg. They need help with social media development and maintenance as well as the newest trend in mobile media marketing.

    If you are the type of person who can go out and talk to business folks and show them how they are missing out by not having an online and mobile presence, you can do really well.

    I have been quietly working in the Internet Marketing industry for over 10 years and have become an expert in driving traffic and SEO tactics. I have a new site all about niche marketers and I would love for you to check it out. Don't worry, this site is all about free content, not a sales page.

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    • Profile picture of the author spope91
      Originally Posted by TravisHarper View Post

      There is a demand for helping offline business get into the digital era but SEO is just the tip of the iceberg. They need help with social media development and maintenance as well as the newest trend in mobile media marketing.

      If you are the type of person who can go out and talk to business folks and show them how they are missing out by not having an online and mobile presence, you can do really well.
      Great post. This is what I intend on doing, but I do not wish to mis-lead anyone in any way. There's obviously a lot more thought and of course action put into this idea, but I think it could be something special
      What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
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      • Profile picture of the author 365Daysof
        Yes, there is a huge market there.

        I've been online since 1995, developing since 1996. My freelance business comes 90% from businesses just like you describe. People have social media skills, seo, selling skills, etc... and need someone with my technical skills to execute a website design concept while still keeping control of their client base.

        I work with 5 companies like this on a regular basis, and others at infrequent intervals

        That said, figure out what you do well, figure out how to sell it, and find your swarm - the group of people you will use to back you up, so you keep as much money in-house as possible.

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  • Profile picture of the author ValentinJed
    The market is hot right now. Just start doing it and you will see first money coming in pretty quickly.
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  • Make sure to have something that proves your value. Dont go empty handed. You need to prove that you can deliver results.
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    • Profile picture of the author spope91
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      Make sure to have something that proves your value. Dont go empty handed. You need to prove that you can deliver results.
      This is one of the speedbumps I need to figue out how to get over. I was thinking of perhaps helping out people I know who run businesses, free of charge, and in exchange, use them as case studies. Something like that anyway. This way I have something to show off the skills, and potential of what I can offer them
      What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3528821].message }}
      • Originally Posted by spope91 View Post

        This is one of the speedbumps I need to figue out how to get over. I was thinking of perhaps helping out people I know who run businesses, free of charge, and in exchange, use them as case studies. Something like that anyway. This way I have something to show off the skills, and potential of what I can offer them
        Record some case studies on how you've helped them, how you improved their rankings and what results they achieved from your actions. At the end of the day, people ultimately care about metrics and how much you can bump their bottom line.
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    If you want to help out businesses for free, then you can monetize that by just helping them out with SEO for example, and then referring them to other business solutions services through your affiliate links. Or you can just do free SEO work now, and then if they like it, offer them a paid monthly SEO subscription. That way you'll get paid residual income in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author spope91
    Some great posts here. Is there anyone actually doing this? If so what is it you offer and charge? Say a consultation and full report?

    What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author steveo
    A business plan is always evolving with experience, don't set everything in stone just yet! Online marketing consultants are out there, you definitely have some competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Originally Posted by spope91 View Post

    Hi everyone,

    I was thinking earlier today, that at some point in the near future, I would start up a sort of, Online marketing consultation firm. I would approach businesses and offer my services as a consultant, and help them advertise their product/business/service online.

    Do you guys think there's a market for this?

    Feedback is apppreciated

    EDIT: I was supposed to write bussiness IDEA. Not plan.
    Marketing is marketing is marketing.

    Online marketing is just taking marketing principles and applying them on the internet.

    It is the same be it online or offline - just different vehicles are used to promote the message.

    So, what is your background in marketing? Do you know how to increase ROI via marketing for any offline business?

    Marketing also requires research.

    Our opinions on the matter are just that - what you need to do is actually research the market you want to go into to find its potential and see if it is something you want to do.

    Originally Posted by spope91 View Post

    This is one of the speedbumps I need to figue out how to get over. I was thinking of perhaps helping out people I know who run businesses, free of charge, and in exchange, use them as case studies. Something like that anyway. This way I have something to show off the skills, and potential of what I can offer them
    This would certainly be beneficial to the path you are looking at.

    Credentials will help you market yourself better.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3529700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
      Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

      Marketing is marketing is marketing.

      Online marketing is just taking marketing principles and applying them on the internet.

      It is the same be it online or offline - just different vehicles are used to promote the message.

      So, what is your background in marketing? Do you know how to increase ROI via marketing for any offline business?

      Marketing also requires research.

      Our opinions on the matter are just that - what you need to do is actually research the market you want to go into to find its potential and see if it is something you want to do.

      This would certainly be beneficial to the path you are looking at.

      Credentials will help you market yourself better.
      I agree with all these points. MArketing requires research... if you know your market you are better off!

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      Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author andreac
    Even if you are in a saturated market, you can probably differentiate and carve out a niche. It's not like you are stuck in your geographic area either.
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