Selling A Offline Website

12 replies
I have a website right now that I was looking to rent to a local roofer but now Im just thinking about selling it.

Its a simple 5 page website on wordpress. its made for a local roofer

I currently have it on the first page of google.

although not in the first spot but in the 8TH spot.

It has a google places listing that was ranked number one before all the changes. Since then I have not updated the places page.

Should I wait till i hit the number one spot in organic or does that not really matter as long as its on the first page?

what do you guys think i can sell it for ?..
#offline #selling #website
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    I think the words "first page" have a percieved value that works.

    Kinda like if you drive a 2007 mercedes cl 600 it has about half the value of a new one but 100% of the "percieved" value when people see you driving it down the road.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
    Don't sell it! Put a lead capture box on the front, then sell the leads to anyone who wants to buy them. You could also rent premium ad space on that site. Use the first page as a selling angle.

    Originally Posted by vApor View Post

    what do you guys think i can sell it for ?..
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  • Profile picture of the author aaronngoh
    Listing in flippa is a great suggestion. Have you done it?

    Make sure that you have some traffic data to show and even better if it starts to make some money by then

    What is your website URL?
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  • Profile picture of the author teecamo
    kind of vague description. Having a site "on the first page of google" can mean A LOT of things. what are the keywords?
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    • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
      Hmm yeah what's your keyword and how many visitors do you get? I think you should keep it and make quick cash for something else. Value of a website depending on many factors.
      I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

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      • Profile picture of the author KaterSD
        Originally Posted by aaronngoh View Post

        Listing in flippa is a great suggestion. Have you done it?

        Make sure that you have some traffic data to show and even better if it starts to make some money by then

        What is your website URL?
        I havent tried flippa yet.

        Originally Posted by Anthony La Tour View Post

        Jeffrey beat me to it! I know someone in my local area that is currently doing this for a plumbing business. He's making a very good income. I would recommend doing as Jeffrey instructed.

        Best Regards,
        Anthony La Tour
        I'll look into it

        Originally Posted by teecamo View Post

        kind of vague description. Having a site "on the first page of google" can mean A LOT of things. what are the keywords?
        San Diego roofer, San Diego roofing
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  • Profile picture of the author deesangels
    Perhaps-- rent it, especially if you can't sell it right away -- May put money in your pocket faster -- treat it like real estate property...
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