The "HOLY GRAIL ANSWER" For not Sounding Desperate!!** WARNING**: Not A Translation of Davinci Code!
Dont "Be" desperate.
Ponder that one...
How can you not "be" desperate in a Sales Situation...?
What makes you "FEEL" desperate , and thus "Behave Desperately" in a sales situation?
Thats what Makes you "sound" desperate...
Do you sound desperate when you arent Desperate, or only when you are?
I have some thoughts, but it would be great to hear others.
Whats the opposite of being desperate for appointments?
= Being "Appointment Abundant".
Im not desperate when I have an abundance of people to talk to.... and I dont sound that way... "Scarcity" is what creates desperation. If my whole life is hanging in the balance with the guy on the other side of the table, then he has the power.... But If I dont need him to close that bad because I have 5 other prospects booked for appointments right behind him, then "I" have it, and I dont sound desperate, because I really take him with a grain of salt... he is more a goal to check off my appointment sheet...Take it or Leave it.
Working out of the state of desperation costs about 2 hours a day for a week.
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