What Really Gets the Phone to Ring and Orders to Come In for Your Offline Clients?
Page one placement in the search engines isn't enough. How many WSO's are out there trying to teach you how to get your clients ranked on page one and be the hero?
I've found that being at the top of the search engines IS NOT what clients really want. In fact, page one placement is the least of their concerns.
What these local businesses really want is for the phone to ring, leads to come in and orders to be taken.
Enough of the fluff on SEO and building websites for customers! For gosh sakes, we're marketers. Our job is to increase our customers bottom line, bring them more business, and at least make the phone ring.
What have you done for your offline clients that you can truly say has really made a difference in their bottom line? Give us some real numbers, i.e. sales percentage increases, dollar amounts, number of new customers, strategies, etc.
Page one placement, top of search engines, and more site traffic are not acceptable answers. (The local business owners aren't buying it, so let's assume we won't here either.

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