Super Simple Strategy For Offline Marketers - Video How I Generated Over $75,000 & 246 New Patients
I just put together a short video (about 5 minutes long) that may be of help to new offline warriors. It's basically a case study where I took a VERY SIMPLE adwords campaign (that anyone can do) & turned it into $75,000+ in revenue and 245 new clients for a Doctor.
I have other vid's in the War Room, but I figured that I would share this one with everyone since it's so simple. I hope that you can get some use out of the info & if anyone has any questions..please feel free to ask. I've learned quite a bit from Warrior Forum & hopefully I can help out some newbies.
A Google Adwords campaign is an easy up-sale that is 100% trackable & provides super fast results. Your client can start booking appointments on the day that it is set up!
Oh, here's the link to the vid --> Get It Here
(No Need To Opt-In - This is the full video)
Best of luck,
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
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1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
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1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
Quentin's Mobile Script [coupon code "instant"]
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
Quentin's Mobile Script [coupon code "instant"]
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
Small Business Marketing Strategies
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1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients
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1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
3. Using Money Saver To Get Offline Clients