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Think about this. What if you were presenting a pitch to a potential client and he doubted your ability to deliver? It doesn't matter how convincing you are or how professional, you didn't make a dent in his cynicism. But if you pulled out a binder with testimonials, do you think that would make a difference? How about audio testimonials? Don't save these testimonials for in-person presentations, use them in all of your marketing efforts.

Whenever you are meeting with a new prospect, you need to have the following items with you every time:
  • Reference binder - Client testimonials are powerful. Your binder must have testimonial letters grouped by subject so that you can pull out the right letter at the right time.
  • Presentation Binder - Several things must go into this binder, company overview, fee schedules, past client lists and contracts, of course. Know your presentation backward and forward but, when you need a little boost to help you out on days when your brain is moving slowly, write some crib notes on the back of the visual aids you use during the presentation. It works like a charm; just remember not to give away your cheat sheet.
  • Presentation Video - Give some serous thought to using video during your presentation. It doesn't have to be long; between 10 and 20 minutes is sufficient. A video is simply a version of your pitch along with the testimonials and endorsements. This is helpful for those times when you are just not presenting as well as you usually do. When you use a video, you give a perfect presentation every time.
  • Book - At a minimum you can sell your book and at best you can give your potential client the book as a free gift once you close the sale.

When you include these four things as part of your presentation materials, you will find your credibility, and your profits, increase quite a lot. Thanks for reading please leave feedback.
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