This isn't that friggin hard

52 replies
Stop it.

Stop complaining, crying, and $*&^ over how "hard" offline marketing is.

The truth is this - it's easy.

How do I know - well lets see here - I built my business from nothing to 6 figures during the time everyone in the media was calling "the greatest recession ever".

You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information - it's that you don't have the focus, discipline, and determination to make your dreams come true.

Tough words to hear I know - but as someone who has been where you are it's easy to beat.

Here what you need to do.

Work on the fundamentals: Look all business comes down to three things.

1. Getting new leads. New customers are the lifeblood to any business. Don't believe me? Stop trying to get new customers and call me in a year. Chances are you'll be out of business.

#2 Converting those leads. Look you spent all that time and energy to get them "in the door" you better have a system that works for you. Note I said system - not some wing it mentality where you hope everything goes well - but a proven system that converts leads to buyers more times than not.

#3 Get them to buy more stuff. They made it in the door, they want to buy, now get them to buy even more. Upsells, downsells - you name it - the key is just to get them to spend as much money as possible for the greatest ROI possible. This doesn't mean soaking them for all their money with useless crap - sell them exactly what they want and need but do it for the highest prices possible.

Stop learning, start doing: Look no one makes a dollar reading, watching, and thinking. We all make money by doing something. Who cares if it isn't perfect, you screw up, or even fall on your face once or twice?? That's why it's called learning because we never stop improving.

I spent the weekend with a multi-millionaire and just watched what he did.

While he spent a part of every day learning something new - the biggest thing he did was take ACTION on the ideas he had learned that day in order to make money.

Ideas without action are worthless. To quote my friend Gary Halbert - motion beats meditation every time.

Focus. I have a dog named Ricky. He's a great little dog and the only thing Ricky loves to do is chase tennis balls. I don't care what time of day it is or how hot it is outside he loves to fetch the ball. He's been so focused on catching the balls that every once in a while he'll forget where a tree or the fence is and run into it.

Problem is - a lot of you are just like him. You're running from one thing to the next and you never really focus on one thing and make it your own. Before you know it time has passed by and frustration beings to mount.

Next thing you know you're thinking about giving up completely because "this doesn't work" when in reality you've just been swimming in circles the whole time.

Don't give up. I send out emails and sometimes don't get a great response. Same thing happens every once in a while with postcards, direct mail pieces, phones, etc. Everything fails at some point or some time.

The difference - I just keep doing it over and over again. Hall of Fame baseball players strike out 7 out of 10 times - yet they are considered the greatest of all time.

You don't have to hit a home run every time you swing the bat. Focus on the overall picture and just keep swinging. Eventually, even if through sure dumb luck and determination, you'll get a winner.

So do yourself a favor - stop worrying about everything and start focusing on these 4 things and you'll be amazed at what happens.

Tim Castleman
Timothy Castleman
#friggin #hard
  • Profile picture of the author Creativegirl
    Agree! Having a plan, being focused and DOING are the keys. The rest takes care of itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Web Junkie
    Now that's keep'n it real... Good Post!

    Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

    Stop it.

    Stop complaining, crying, and $*&^ over how "hard" offline marketing is.

    The truth is this - it's easy.

    How do I know - well lets see here - I built my business from nothing to 6 figures during the time everyone in the media was calling "the greatest recession ever".

    You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information - it's that you don't have the focus, discipline, and determination to make your dreams come true.

    Tough words to hear I know - but as someone who has been where you are it's easy to beat.

    Here what you need to do.

    Work on the fundamentals: Look all business comes down to three things.

    1. Getting new leads. New customers are the lifeblood to any business. Don't believe me? Stop trying to get new customers and call me in a year. Chances are you'll be out of business.

    #2 Converting those leads. Look you spent all that time and energy to get them "in the door" you better have a system that works for you. Note I said system - not some wing it mentality where you hope everything goes well - but a proven system that converts leads to buyers more times than not.

    #3 Get them to buy more stuff. They made it in the door, they want to buy, now get them to buy even more. Upsells, downsells - you name it - the key is just to get them to spend as much money as possible for the greatest ROI possible. This doesn't mean soaking them for all their money with useless crap - sell them exactly what they want and need but do it for the highest prices possible.

    Stop learning, start doing: Look no one makes a dollar reading, watching, and thinking. We all make money by doing something. Who cares if it isn't perfect, you screw up, or even fall on your face once or twice?? That's why it's called learning because we never stop improving.

    I spent the weekend with a multi-millionaire and just watched what he did.

    While he spent a part of every day learning something new - the biggest thing he did was take ACTION on the ideas he had learned that day in order to make money.

    Ideas without action are worthless. To quote my friend Gary Halbert - motion beats meditation every time.

    Focus. I have a dog named Ricky. He's a great little dog and the only thing Ricky loves to do is chase tennis balls. I don't care what time of day it is or how hot it is outside he loves to fetch the ball. He's been so focused on catching the balls that every once in a while he'll forget where a tree or the fence is and run into it.

    Problem is - a lot of you are just like him. You're running from one thing to the next and you never really focus on one thing and make it your own. Before you know it time has passed by and frustration beings to mount.

    Next thing you know you're thinking about giving up completely because "this doesn't work" when in reality you've just been swimming in circles the whole time.

    Don't give up. I send out emails and sometimes don't get a great response. Same thing happens every once in a while with postcards, direct mail pieces, phones, etc. Everything fails at some point or some time.

    The difference - I just keep doing it over and over again. Hall of Fame baseball players strike out 7 out of 10 times - yet they are considered the greatest of all time.

    You don't have to hit a home run every time you swing the bat. Focus on the overall picture and just keep swinging. Eventually, even if through sure dumb luck and determination, you'll get a winner.

    So do yourself a favor - stop worrying about everything and start focusing on these 4 things and you'll be amazed at what happens.

    Tim Castleman
    Timothy Castleman
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      I kinda like Ricky's attitude though in the sense that he's so singularly focused on what he loves, and so clear... I'll bet he's the best tennis ball chaser on the block.

      You got to know what you are about...and you got to be "About Something".

      The world has to know what you stand for. You got to stand for something, or you will fall for anything.

      I think a good question is "What are you ABOUT"?

      What makes you tick. Quit trying to fit a square peg in a round hole... You'll get all scarred up that way...Find a round hole and it will be an easy fit...

      What makes you feel excited to talk about?

      We dont know if you dont... What are you excited about?

      What can you tell me about that excites you, what major thing do you know that could really change my life?

      Preach it to me.

      I want to know what you are about...even if I dont buy it, I might buy "YOU", because you are they say "About it".

      Ricky is all about the tennis balls, and I will bet everyone knows it.

      You know what Ricky is about, that makes you relate to him more than a dog that you have no idea why they even exist.

      2 pence there.

      Great thread.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4075689].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author High Horsepower
        Offline marketing is easier than it's ever been. I own 2 brick and mortar stores, plus I do offline marketing permanent part time. I make well over $100,000 part time from helping other business owners. I think the reason I do well part-time is because I don't have time to mess around with anyone and I know this stuff works in my own business.

        Most offliners don't realize this bad economy (worldwide) is the best thing that could happen to us. I've been marketing my own business for decades, starting helping other business owners in 2003 with marketing. In good times (like 2003-2008) business owners didn't need help because they were doing well in Spite of themselves. Now that the economy is in dumps they are no longer the Experts

        Like Nike says, "just do it".
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      • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        I kinda like Ricky's attitude though in the sense that he's so singularly focused on what he loves, and so clear... I'll bet he's the best tennis ball chaser on the block.

        You got to know what you are about...and you got to be "About Something".

        The world has to know what you stand for. You got to stand for something, or you will fall for anything.

        I think a good question is "What are you ABOUT"?

        What makes you tick. Quit trying to fit a square peg in a round hole... You'll get all scarred up that way...Find a round hole and it will be an easy fit...

        What makes you feel excited to talk about?

        We dont know if you dont... What are you excited about?

        What can you tell me about that excites you, what major thing do you know that could really change my life?

        Preach it to me.

        I want to know what you are about...even if I dont buy it, I might buy "YOU", because you are they say "About it".

        Ricky is all about the tennis balls, and I will bet everyone knows it.

        You know what Ricky is about, that makes you relate to him more than a dog that you have no idea why they even exist.

        2 pence there.

        Great thread.
        I totally agree! We try to only take on businesses that we believe in. It may sound "snooty" but if I don't want to talk about your product, or I don't believe it will sell, how am I going to sell it? It's worked very well for us to take an interest in what we are calling on. I love opening the files I work on and knowing that I'm going to inform people and change their businesses with the calls I'm about to make for that day.

        Know yourself, believe in yourself, believe in who you are calling for and learn it well. You'll be amazed how much you enjoy what you do and how successful you are at it!

        Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
        Cold Calling, Appointment Setting, Training, Consulting - we do it all!
        PM for more information

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  • Profile picture of the author High Horsepower
    Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

    You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information - it's that you don't have the focus, discipline, and determination to make your dreams come true.
    I don't think that's true in many cases. I think newbies worry/fear thinking they have to know it all, be the "know it all guy".

    I also believe "confidence" plays a big role. If they haven't helped any business owners they really haven't experienced the results of how they can help a business.

    In 2003 I started dabbling in online marketing for my own business and saw tremendous results, I was like "holy ****, this stuff really works".

    Back then we had No Facebook, No Twitter, No Google Places, Frontpage by Microsoft was our software for web design (looked like crap), No Yelp, No nothing.

    It's 100x easier today, just do it.

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  • Profile picture of the author bobbydiraag
    Hi Tim,

    That makes so much sense and I,m trying to find out why I and alot of others do that..

    Its getting me no where and I,m sick of it man..

    The 80/20 rule comes to mind..

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    • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
      Tim great perspective.

      I may have not said people don't need knowledge. You do need it - you just don't have analyse it to death and that's where the issue is with many newbies (including myself when I was fresh). I over thought/worried about what I charged, how I could possibly compete, etc. The truth is as John said, 'what are you about?' You've got to take the knowledge and carve it into your own character and delivery.

      High Horsepower makes another great point. 'Personality' My cheesy smile probably got my foot in the door before people actually knew what I charged or how I worked. Even on the phone you can smile. I've never bought anything from anyone who was over serious, miserable or nervous.

      V --> demo of what a cheesy grin looks like
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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    @High Horsepower - I don't think I've really heard the "why" it's so much easier now than it was between 2003 and 2008 quite that way - so true. Offline businesses need consultants now both because they need the boost in business and because more and more people are online first before leaving the house to go to dinner, get a dentist, buy a sliding glass door or hire a roofer.
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

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    • Profile picture of the author High Horsepower
      Originally Posted by GailTrahd View Post

      @High Horsepower - I don't think I've really heard the "why" it's so much easier now than it was between 2003 and 2008 quite that way - so true. Offline businesses need consultants now both because they need the boost in business and because more and more people are online first before leaving the house to go to dinner, get a dentist, buy a sliding glass door or hire a roofer.
      Many business owners didn't want to listen to what I had to offer during the housing boom. Many have called back since asking for help. For some I could help, for many it was too late. They ran out of cash and time, looking to me for a miracle, no thanks. I guess it thins the heard.
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  • Profile picture of the author reimer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4076810].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
      I'm in the same situation
      But i am trying everyday.For the moment i'm just emailing to business owners.Didn't got any client of my own yet for my custom mobile websites but i'm tweaking it everyday, and try to target other niches to see the kind of response.
      I'll be trying more and more and maybe once i get some $ i'll buy some software from here to save plenty of time.
      Good luck my friend and maybe someone could give us some ideas too

      Originally Posted by reimer View Post

      Any advice for those who wanna target american business but don´t live in the USA?

      Thanks for the motivation by the way
      ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
      Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
      More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4077362].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gale10
      Originally Posted by reimer View Post

      Any advice for those who wanna target american business but don´t live in the USA?

      Thanks for the motivation by the way

      I don't live in the USA and I have one client in the US and one on the way. I live in the UK, but the internet makes it really easy to help small businesses without having to actually shake hands so to speak.

      I also find that businesses in the US are totally lovely to deal with when cold-calling (or warm calling), even when they say no thanks they do it with warmth.

      I don't know where you live but I would totally say give it a go. Don't allow the no thank yous to upset you. They are gonna happen. And so are the yes pleases.

      Best wishes,


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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Clough
    Great stuff Tim! Yup, do it over and over and over again. Larry Bird practiced the same shot in his backyard over and over and over again....he never gave up!

    Guess it worked
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    • Profile picture of the author tanya7zhou
      I Like Ricky

      You see, Ricky is focused on one thing. he doesn't care what the wether says or what. He is all about his ball and getting the results he needs.

      Many people, don't even know what to chase. They chase this ball today, and tomorrow, they see something, they ignore the ball and chase that something. Ricky is focused.

      Get focused. No the ball to chase and chase it no matter what the weather and conditions says,,,,,,,chase your ball.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4079267].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Richards
    Great post Tim!

    You've reiterated succinctly what's been preached on this forum since day 1 -

    "Find something that works and then work it!"



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    Just $50/$100 - PM Me When You're Ready

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    • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
      Originally Posted by Rob Richards View Post

      Great post Tim!

      You've reiterated succinctly what's been preached on this forum since day 1 -

      "Find something that works and then work it!"


      That's the whole enchilada right there--Finding something that works *to* work it!

      **Rest In Peace Billy Mays...**

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4080627].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kershawm
        I some extent.

        I stuck to it and have been doing this full-time for a year and it was very hard for me at first, to get clients. Now, it is easier than ever and I have gotten a lot better.

        However, I have found that there is a ton of competition out there. Every business I work with is getting hammered with constant emails and phone calls from various SEO and Local Search companies. Most of them are spamming and of questionable repute but the business owners don't know the difference.

        I understand all of you that are struggling. The whole key is to have a system for getting customers, then working that system every day......don't give up and don't after day. Then things will turn around for you.


        Semi Retired Offline Consultant

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4080736].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
          However, I have found that there is a ton of competition out there. Every business I work with is getting hammered with constant emails and phone calls from various SEO and Local Search companies. Most of them are spamming and of questionable repute but the business owners don't know the difference.
          Stop making excuses - instead find a way to be different.

          Think about internet marketing. Millions of emails sent out a day - hell I get 20-30 emails a day from marketers. Yet there are a handful of people who I read every single email from no matter how many times they email me.

          Why? Because they found a way to be different and because of that I spend money with them.

          Don't worry about what everyone else is doing - worry about what you do and how you can be different than everyone else.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4081040].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ghalt
            The "get off your butt and do something" advice is really good. So many people have analysis paralysis. Which is fine...more for those of us who take action.

            If you have a "real" business, one other thing I'd suggest is to join a business networking group. I joined a local BNI (Business Networking International) group, and I get referrals almost every week from them.
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4081474].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Neil M
            Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

            Stop making excuses - instead find a way to be different.

            Think about internet marketing. Millions of emails sent out a day - hell I get 20-30 emails a day from marketers. Yet there are a handful of people who I read every single email from no matter how many times they email me.

            Why? Because they found a way to be different and because of that I spend money with them.

            Don't worry about what everyone else is doing - worry about what you do and how you can be different than everyone else.

            It seems no matter how much you post stuff like that people are going to do what they are going to do.

            But yeah you're right, offline is fricken easy. You're also right about the whole making yourself different thing. I had a guy tell me the other day...

            You know you're in a really competitive business(just after he wrote me a check mind you). I could barely keep myself from laughing at him.

            I said so if I opened a restaurant you'd probably say the same thing. What about a barber shop? Car dealership? you get the point.

            It doesn't matter what business you are in there is always going to be competition. That's business! And it's great news for offline marketers because they are always going to be fighting for that number one spot, for their share of the market etc. They are always going to need marketers like us to help them do that.

            You can't be afraid of competition, just find out who your competition is, what they are doing....and do it better, cheaper, more efficiently, just be cooler and a better person. It's not hard to be better than a spammer.

            Anyways good thread man, I just wanted to throw my two cents in.

            To find out more about what I'm up to...

            >>>>Visit Rising Ideas Labs <<<

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4091890].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ghalt
              I actually meet with my competition, and find that it's a pretty good networking opportunity. Often they have clients that aren't the right size for them, that work for me, and vice versa. We create a referral commission schedule, and send work to each other, and still make money.

              It's been said before...If there's competition, that means there's dollars chasing that industry.
              Got eBook?

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              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4093361].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
              Originally Posted by Neil M View Post

              It seems no matter how much you post stuff like that people are going to do what they are going to do.

              But yeah you're right, offline is fricken easy. You're also right about the whole making yourself different thing. I had a guy tell me the other day...

              You know you're in a really competitive business(just after he wrote me a check mind you). I could barely keep myself from laughing at him.

              I said so if I opened a restaurant you'd probably say the same thing. What about a barber shop? Car dealership? you get the point.

              It doesn't matter what business you are in there is always going to be competition. That's business! And it's great news for offline marketers because they are always going to be fighting for that number one spot, for their share of the market etc. They are always going to need marketers like us to help them do that.

              You can't be afraid of competition, just find out who your competition is, what they are doing....and do it better, cheaper, more efficiently, just be cooler and a better person. It's not hard to be better than a spammer.

              Anyways good thread man, I just wanted to throw my two cents in.

              Neil -

              I can't change human nature which is cool. But I can try to help those who are really looking to change their lives not just pretend.

              Thanks for the comments.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4094272].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Neil M
                Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

                Neil -

                I can't change human nature which is cool. But I can try to help those who are really looking to change their lives not just pretend.

                Thanks for the comments.
                I definitely understand that. You most certainly can change your life through this whole internet marketing thing. I am living proof of that. It sure wasn't quick and easy like most people think. It requires hard work and consistent effort/action, but it's definitely possible.
                To find out more about what I'm up to...

                >>>>Visit Rising Ideas Labs <<<

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  • Profile picture of the author big steve
    Just what I needed to read right other words..Get off your butt Steve, stop reading it and start DOING it!! Thanks Tim..

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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    Excellent post Tim!

    I find these are some of the easiest customer
    in the world to land. I use pull marketing though,
    speaking a chamber of commerce, GKIC meetings,
    civic groups, etc.... and the business owners
    approach me :-)

    How's the cigar shop?


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4079915].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author brice46
    Thanks Tim - that's just the kick in the pants I needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author aawarrior
    Just do it.

    Asanda Madikane

    Get paid to giveaway free stuff. Who says no to free stuff. See how I get 20+ leads a week. Selling Nothing. That Free Thing 4uu

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4080398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AUKev
    I finally got over my paralysis due to analysis and started going after clients. I have landed 2 this month, and I can only currently dedicate 10-12 hours per week to offline. Hoping to crank it up and replace my full-time income with offline consulting by this time next year.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4081757].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
      Originally Posted by AUKev View Post

      I finally got over my paralysis due to analysis and started going after clients. I have landed 2 this month, and I can only currently dedicate 10-12 hours per week to offline. Hoping to crank it up and replace my full-time income with offline consulting by this time next year.
      Congrats Kev.

      Way to take action.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4083698].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author biggoogle
        I'll be the first to agree that there is a definite need for our services, and people will often greet you with open arms if you approach them correctly and make a good impression.

        Tim - I wanted to ask you how much you charged for GPlaces optimization. I assume you set things up to get a monthly check from your clients?

        I'll be going after advertisers in the paper, who already have money to spend.

        Thanks for all your videos - they are great!

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  • Profile picture of the author PaulKlein
    Great posts all around.
    I have found the more you network around your community and neighborhoods, you will begin finding leads where you weren't thinking to before.

    Willie C. mentioned Chamber meetings - there are other places to connect as well, such as Toastmasters (which will HELP improve your delivery immensely), Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis. Get out and network.

    It gets easier the more you connect. When you satisfy a couple of clients, word begins to get out for you.

    Paul Klein
    Transcription Services

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael William
    Also, I found out that you do not need to be the "expert" (unless you are). It is liberating and much more comfortable to just tell prospects that this is a new business for you. If they hear in your voice that you really want to do a good job for them, there is a good chance they will hire you.
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  • Profile picture of the author azritch
    OK - I got it - will do!
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  • Profile picture of the author tjbooker
    Great thread

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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
    Couldn't agree more with you Tim. Get off your dead ass and go do it. What's the worst that can happen? The client says no. If that is the case use the no to refine your approach or presentation. Big deal. Once you get the first one, the others become oooh sooo ez.

    Have a great day.
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    The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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  • Profile picture of the author Rossrevew
    Yes, Even on the phone you can smile. I've never bought anything from anyone who was over serious, miserable or nervous.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Milburn
    As Tim says this is really a simple business. it can be started with very little money (in fact at times no money). But it does take something else, and this something else is something that stops people dead in the tracks. And is four letter word puts fear in most peoples minds and hearts.

    Work - Yes it takes work, a lot of work often long hours, and if you are doing this part time you will need to give up some free time. And yes it also takes time.

    But if you add work and time together over a period of time, you will be become successful. But it all starts with that first letter or call. So today make a start go and do some work on your road to success.

    Helping people with Auction Selling

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4094971].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
    Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

    Stop it.

    Stop complaining, crying, and $*&^ over how "hard" offline marketing is.

    The truth is this - it's easy.

    You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information - it's that you don't have the focus, discipline, and determination to make your dreams come true.

    Tough words to hear I know -

    Here what you need to do...

    spend the weekend with a multi-millionaire and just watch what he does.

    So do yourself a favor - stop worrying about everything and you'll be amazed at what happens.

    Tim Castleman
    Okay, well, I looked outside my neighborhood where they all live...tried to solicit a few for help...and almost got myself arrested. Any other bright ideas? (j/k) As serious and great as this post is...I swear I couldn't help but laugh when I read through it because it was just funny in way, so I took some fun *liberty* with it. Now, if I could just get one of those multi-millionaires to hang out with me for a whole weekend and pick their, brains. I'd be rich!

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    • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
      Originally Posted by want2knowhow View Post

      Okay, well, I looked outside my neighborhood where they all live...tried to solicit a few for help...and almost got myself arrested. Any other bright ideas? (j/k) As serious and great as this post is...I swear I couldn't help but laugh when I read through it because it was just funny in way, so I took some fun *liberty* with it. Now, if I could just get one of those multi-millionaires to hang out with me for a whole weekend and pick their, brains. I'd be rich!
      It's not that hard to talk or even hangout with rich people.

      Next month I'm flying to see my favorite band - Blues Traveler - live at Red Rocks.

      We got tickets and backstage passes from John Popper himself to hang out with him for the weekend.

      How? I just asked.

      PLUS if you provide value to someone first then they will want to return the favor.
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      • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
        Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

        It's not that hard to talk or even hangout with rich people.

        Next month I'm flying to see my favorite band - Blues Traveler - live at Red Rocks.

        We got tickets and backstage passes from John Popper himself to hang out with him for the weekend.

        How? I just asked.

        PLUS if you provide value to someone first then they will want to return the favor.
        You're killing me over here! Not that hard...? What rich people do you know who'd want to hang out with poor people...and let them pick their brains about how to get rich? LOL! Do you know what lunch with ole Warren Buffet costs?? He ain't exactly *generous* with his time...

        How do I get close enough to ask Prince for tickets and backstage passes? :confused:

        I can provide value. I promise not to rip them off while they're telling me their secrets to wealth and prosperity. LOL! (j/k) but's not that easy befriending somebody rich. They're either too high brow or paranoid.

        Years ago, I tried soliciting customers for a business I was starting, using flyers and went into this wealthy neighborhood near the governor's mansion. Well, it didn't exactly go over well. One housekeeper wasn't too pleased seeing me on her employer's property. I hadn't noticed all of the security camera's located inside the open driveway gate until the *brush off* at the door. lol. then all of the subsequent GET OFF MY PROPERTY/GET OFF MY YARD that came from other neighbors didn't quite scream, "We'd love to meet you!"

        Even now...driving near the area the memory still haunts me...and I even tip toe on just two of the wheels of my Pathfinder '93!

        P.S--You ought to write a book about meeting them. I'd be the first one signed up to buy it and I'm sure they'rd be plenty of others lined up right behind me! LOL!

        Tim Castleman...YOU 'tha maaaaayan!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4099603].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
          Originally Posted by want2knowhow View Post

          You're killing me over here! Not that hard...? What rich people do you know who'd want to hang out with poor people...and let them pick their brains about how to get rich? LOL! Do you know what lunch with ole Warren Buffet costs?? He ain't exactly *generous* with his time...

          How do I get close enough to ask Prince for tickets and backstage passes? :confused:

          I can provide value. I promise not to rip them off while they're telling me their secrets to wealth and prosperity. LOL! (j/k) but's not that easy befriending somebody rich. They're either too high brow or paranoid.

          Years ago, I tried soliciting customers for a business I was starting, using flyers and went into this wealthy neighborhood near the governor's mansion. Well, it didn't exactly go over well. One housekeeper wasn't too pleased seeing me on her employer's property. I hadn't noticed all of the security camera's located inside the open driveway gate until the *brush off* at the door. lol. then all of the subsequent GET OFF MY PROPERTY/GET OFF MY YARD that came from other neighbors didn't quite scream, "We'd love to meet you!"

          Even now...driving near the area the memory still haunts me...and I even tip toe on just two of the wheels of my Pathfinder '93!

          You ought to write a book about meeting them. I'd be the first one signed up to buy it and I'm sure they'rd be plenty of others lined up right behind me! LOL!
          Do you enjoy life with all your limiting beliefs?

          While you're sitting here telling me every reason why you can't do something there are people who are doing it.

          Never been a big prince fan.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4099661].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
          Originally Posted by want2knowhow View Post

          You're killing me over here! Not that hard...? What rich people do you know who'd want to hang out with poor people...and let them pick their brains about how to get rich? LOL! Do you know what lunch with ole Warren Buffet costs?? He ain't exactly *generous* with his time...

          How do I get close enough to ask Prince for tickets and backstage passes? :confused:

          I can provide value. I promise not to rip them off while they're telling me their secrets to wealth and prosperity. LOL! (j/k) but's not that easy befriending somebody rich. They're either too high brow or paranoid.

          Years ago, I tried soliciting customers for a business I was starting, using flyers and went into this wealthy neighborhood near the governor's mansion. Well, it didn't exactly go over well. One housekeeper wasn't too pleased seeing me on her employer's property. I hadn't noticed all of the security camera's located inside the open driveway gate until the *brush off* at the door. lol. then all of the subsequent GET OFF MY PROPERTY/GET OFF MY YARD that came from other neighbors didn't quite scream, "We'd love to meet you!"

          Even now...driving near the area the memory still haunts me...and I even tip toe on just two of the wheels of my Pathfinder '93!

          P.S--You ought to write a book about meeting them. I'd be the first one signed up to buy it and I'm sure they'rd be plenty of others lined up right behind me! LOL!

          Tim Castleman...YOU 'tha maaaaayan!

          The saying goes something like, "If you THINK you can, or if you THINK you cant, either way your right"

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  • Profile picture of the author Taruru
    this is a great post alright, one that this newbie needed to read. thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Thanks for the kick in the rear Tim. I definitely think its easy to make a mountain out of a molehill with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author jr1228
    I couldn't have said it better myself, Tim! "Stop learning, start doing" and "never give up" were two of the biggest things that led to things finally working out for me. I just put my head down and pushed through when I was absolutely terrified. It was pretty much my last resort, and it ended up working.
    500-word articles for $3!
    Send me a PM for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author blueorca17
    Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

    Stop it.

    Stop complaining, crying, and $*&^ over how "hard" offline marketing is.

    The truth is this - it's easy.

    How do I know - well lets see here - I built my business from nothing to 6 figures during the time everyone in the media was calling "the greatest recession ever".

    You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information - it's that you don't have the focus, discipline, and determination to make your dreams come true.

    Tough words to hear I know - but as someone who has been where you are it's easy to beat.

    Here what you need to do.

    Work on the fundamentals: Look all business comes down to three things.

    1. Getting new leads. New customers are the lifeblood to any business. Don't believe me? Stop trying to get new customers and call me in a year. Chances are you'll be out of business.

    #2 Converting those leads. Look you spent all that time and energy to get them "in the door" you better have a system that works for you. Note I said system - not some wing it mentality where you hope everything goes well - but a proven system that converts leads to buyers more times than not.

    #3 Get them to buy more stuff. They made it in the door, they want to buy, now get them to buy even more. Upsells, downsells - you name it - the key is just to get them to spend as much money as possible for the greatest ROI possible. This doesn't mean soaking them for all their money with useless crap - sell them exactly what they want and need but do it for the highest prices possible.

    Stop learning, start doing: Look no one makes a dollar reading, watching, and thinking. We all make money by doing something. Who cares if it isn't perfect, you screw up, or even fall on your face once or twice?? That's why it's called learning because we never stop improving.

    I spent the weekend with a multi-millionaire and just watched what he did.

    While he spent a part of every day learning something new - the biggest thing he did was take ACTION on the ideas he had learned that day in order to make money.

    Ideas without action are worthless. To quote my friend Gary Halbert - motion beats meditation every time.

    Focus. I have a dog named Ricky. He's a great little dog and the only thing Ricky loves to do is chase tennis balls. I don't care what time of day it is or how hot it is outside he loves to fetch the ball. He's been so focused on catching the balls that every once in a while he'll forget where a tree or the fence is and run into it.

    Problem is - a lot of you are just like him. You're running from one thing to the next and you never really focus on one thing and make it your own. Before you know it time has passed by and frustration beings to mount.

    Next thing you know you're thinking about giving up completely because "this doesn't work" when in reality you've just been swimming in circles the whole time.

    Don't give up. I send out emails and sometimes don't get a great response. Same thing happens every once in a while with postcards, direct mail pieces, phones, etc. Everything fails at some point or some time.

    The difference - I just keep doing it over and over again. Hall of Fame baseball players strike out 7 out of 10 times - yet they are considered the greatest of all time.

    You don't have to hit a home run every time you swing the bat. Focus on the overall picture and just keep swinging. Eventually, even if through sure dumb luck and determination, you'll get a winner.

    So do yourself a favor - stop worrying about everything and start focusing on these 4 things and you'll be amazed at what happens.

    Tim Castleman
    Timothy Castleman
    Amen, brother! This should be the first thing that people see when they visit the WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
    Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

    Stop it.

    Stop complaining, crying, and $*&^ over how "hard" offline marketing is.

    The truth is this - it's easy.

    How do I know - well lets see here - I built my business from nothing to 6 figures during the time everyone in the media was calling "the greatest recession ever".

    You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information - it's that you don't have the focus, discipline, and determination to make your dreams come true.

    Focus. I have a dog named Ricky. He's a great little dog and the only thing Ricky loves to do is chase tennis balls. I don't care what time of day it is or how hot it is outside he loves to fetch the ball. He's been so focused on catching the balls that every once in a while he'll forget where a tree or the fence is and run into it.

    Problem is - a lot of you are just like him. You're running from one thing to the next and you never really focus on one thing and make it your own. Before you know it time has passed by and frustration beings to mount.

    Tim Castleman
    Timothy Castleman
    Great post Tim,
    I'd just like to add my slant on a couple of your comments:

    "You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information" Actually, the problem is that most people into or getting into offline marketing actually have TOO MUCH information,... and not enough focus and therefore have little chance of applying any of that information that would probably work gangbusters if they applied the discipline you spoke of!

    Good analogy about Ricky but again IMHO most people need to be just like him in so much that they need to focus on one thing (tennis ball of the day/week/month) and go for it with single minded total focus just as Ricky does with his tennis ball fetching.

    Good points overall and a solid contribution to all offliners.

    Love your stuff Tim and enjoy your blog posts,.. keep em coming

    Best regards,
    Russell Hall

    Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4106374].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
      Originally Posted by Russell Hall View Post

      Great post Tim,
      I'd just like to add my slant on a couple of your comments:

      "You're problem isn't that you don't have enough information" Actually, the problem is that most people into or getting into offline marketing actually have TOO MUCH information,... and not enough focus and therefore have little chance of applying any of that information that would probably work gangbusters if they applied the discipline you spoke of!

      Good analogy about Ricky but again IMHO most people need to be just like him in so much that they need to focus on one thing (tennis ball of the day/week/month) and go for it with single minded total focus just as Ricky does with his tennis ball fetching.

      Good points overall and a solid contribution to all offliners.

      Love your stuff Tim and enjoy your blog posts,.. keep em coming

      Best regards,
      Russell Hall
      Russell -

      Thanks for you kind comments. I agree that there is SO much out there that people are just overloaded with information. It's crazy.

      Your goal should be to find ONE thing, and work it for all it's worth.

      Good luck to you.

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  • Profile picture of the author moneycometh
    You're absolutely right. There is a old say that goes "Either s*** or get off the pot". It's really not that hard!
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  • Profile picture of the author rixlo
    Originally Posted by TimCastleman;4075505
    Here what you need to do.

    Work on the fundamentals:[/B]
    Stop learning, start doing:
    Ideas without action are worthless.
    Tim Castleman
    Timothy Castleman
    Tim, Thanks for the direct suggestions. It reminds me of the fellow who put up sticky notes everywhere he could with motivational statements of what he was going to do that day. On the mirror, bathroom, computer, door, etc. The sayings were great. The only thing....he never left the house.
    "Humpty Dumpty was pushed"
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  • Profile picture of the author Julie M
    Really valuable post! And i just want to add to the 'just ask' point - it really is amazing what people are happy to give/help you with if you just ask. Once you get over the fear of rejection your life can literally be much, much richer!! This was one of the vaubale things that was drilled into me at numerous marketing/business seminars and I've been amazed time and time again at what this has done for my life. Just be sure you are willing to reciprocate and do what you can for others as well.
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