can I trust someone in sending a check to my house?

26 replies
I have a client that wants to pay with a check and I just want to know if it can be trusted, did anyone else have people pay with a check?

I told him that we do have a lawyer in a message. so I can think he is trustworthy.
#check #house #sending #trust
  • Profile picture of the author twright
    Matthew - Yes a check is realistic payment form to receive from a offline business. Remember most businesses have accountants and a need to keep good records for a " Marketing Tax Write off"

    So don't let a check stop you. Also If you look at a number of WSO's for Offline - They show checks from Customers =)
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthewgen
    Thanks this is my first client and i am on the fence, trust wise. but thanks.
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    • Originally Posted by Matthewgen View Post

      Thanks this is my first client and i am on the fence, trust wise. but thanks.

      I suggest that you get a Post Office Box #. You can get one from your Post Office or at Mail Boxes Etc. Also check with your UPS store, I believe they have them available as well.

      Note that they will provide you with an actual address, not a P.O. address, if this concerns you.

      Matt, using this type of "business address" is the preferred method for any kind of business people, especially those working at home, rather than your personal home residence.

      Hope this helps.


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      • Profile picture of the author jenifer smith
        check is a legal means of business transactions especially with off line business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthewgen
    yes i am going to check the P.O address but I sent the person my personal address (is that still okay?) he does live in hong kong and that is oversea's
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    • Originally Posted by Matthewgen View Post

      yes i am going to check the P.O address but I sent the person my personal address (is that still okay?) he does live in hong kong and that is oversea's

      That's fine don't worry about it, a lot of people give out their personal address.

      Again, it's a comfort level for people. Some people are comfortable with it, others are not. You aren't, so just look into the P.O. # when you have a chance and use that in future.


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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Sure, however wait until it clears before you give the product or service. It's just plain smart buddy.

    Bernard St-Pierre
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthewgen
    yes i already told the person that we will not be able to start the work until the check has cleared, and he said okay to that.

    That is business 101, do not do anything until you get the money in your pockets, after all checks can bounce.
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    • Profile picture of the author jenifer smith
      yes, you can receive check but you have to be smart about it, clear the check and deliver the product.
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      • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
        I'm think you've already set the ball in motion to get a check judging by your other post. Personally I don't take them anymore. Way too much hassle. It's either money paid online or directly into my bank account. I have had no one (not even the big companies) complain about this arrangement. I think it also depends on your country - the US tends to discuss checks a lot. Here in the UK not even supermarkets will accept them now.

        A check clearing prolongs payment and work commencing - that doesn't interest me as a business owner.

        I have a cheque (UK spelling) book for my business account - never used the thing and I don't have one for my personal account at all.

        Sure, people do still use them but there is a much wider acceptability to refuse taking them - especially in business.

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        • Profile picture of the author T.R. McCarroll
          Originally Posted by ITS-V View Post

          directly into my bank account.
          Like V's suggestion ... anything over 5K
          on a first payment goes via wire transfer
          then a merchant account thereafter on monthly

          Nice job too ...

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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    Check is perfectly normal for a business, especially with higher-end clients. Yes it's a risk. Have a plug to pull if it doesnt clear. I've had lawyer's bounce checks (which can get their license pulled) but generally not a problem.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    A check? Seriously, it's 2011. I have not used a check in years. Send him an invoice with whatever electronic payment method you like. Build into your pricing the merchant fees. Don't wait for the check to come and then clear, get your money and get down to business.
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    • Profile picture of the author deesangels
      Hey, if you have a business checking account, you can invoice through your bank and your bank will process the check for you -- No merchant fees, get your funds faster and miniimum account fees -- Most major banks offer this. Good Luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author SamyE
        Another option is

        Check to credit card, where the check is converted and treated like a credit card transaction.... So check with you credit card processor ... if you have one.

        There are also several check authorization programs that will run the check, see if it clears, and release the finds, some will even gaurentee the checks (additional fees) and cover them if they bounce after being run through the system.

        Lastely just photo copy the check and then deposit it. Then wait for it to clear. Ask your bank how long that takes. If the check is drawn from the same bank you work with then its immediately moved from one account to another.

        Samy Elashmawy Simple Sales Training
        Personal One on One Coaching, Training, and Consulting. Phone 201-467-4929 or Cell 201-926-9412. And Yes, I answer my own phone. If I am on a call, please leave a message and I will personally get back to you!

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        • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
          If it was local, I would take a check any time and explain to the client that the work will not start until after the check has cleared.

          Being that they are from another country, I would make them pay by international wire or PayPal. Accepting a check from Hong Kong is ridiculous.

          I worked at a bank for over 8 years. First of all, your bank is not going to let you deposit the check. It will have to be sent to a special department. It will probably take them anywhere from a week to three weeks to process the check and put the funds in your account. Oh, and your bank is going to charge you some extra fee to process it as well.

          Secondly, just because a check "clears" does not mean that it can't come back and be returned later. I saw customers all the time that had checks returned as fraudulent after they had cleared 6 weeks earlier.

          If they are not willing to pay by wire or PayPal, search for a new client.
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  • Profile picture of the author webideasonline
    The more methods of payment you accept the better. But don't do the work or give the product without successfully getting your money.

    I was skepticle as well when I had a client want to pay by check for the first time. I had established a rapport with him so it didn't bother me too bad. But I still waited for the check to clear before I gave up anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
    We've worked from home for 6 years. Been burned a total of 5 times. Bad checks, canceled checks, no checks. That was years ago.

    Our rule now is we will take checks for the first week only. After that, we accept paypal BEFORE service. There is no excuse for any business not to be able to pay via CC or check online. If they don't "trust you" then they can move along. Trust goes both ways, and if I'm providing the service, I have to trust that you'll pay me.

    Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
    Cold Calling, Appointment Setting, Training, Consulting - we do it all!
    PM for more information

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Clough
    I'll take a check any day over Paypal, and I've been with paypal even before ebay
    bought them.

    I've spoken to the good folks at paypal (regarding chargebacks) and they most always side with the "buyer" of the service and not the seller.

    Not that you'd have a chargeback, but even if something happened, they freeze your funds until the issue is resolved.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Depends, many businesses work on an invoicing system... But like Mwind says, even for appointment setting, I have had insurance companies just give me a $1,700 credit card over the phone... If a business regularly pays for such services, and they dont have some kind of board induced protocol for paying out on a certain date of the month... They should be able pay up front. That would include "most" business that are under 20 employees or so, it shouldnt take an act of God to get paid if they are serious. Personally if you cant pay me now you are gonna turn into a "will call" because you arent ready to do business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sondor
    Aren't business owners who are still stuck in the dinosaur era still using checks one of our target demographics? These are the people who never have any intention of learning how to make their life more simple via technology.

    They are ideal in that once they get it in their brain that what you're doing for them is working, they will send you that 'difficult to cash' check month after month after month...

    Just be smart about it and not commence work until the check clears.
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  • Profile picture of the author Colm Whelan
    The VAST, VAST majority of my SME customers still use cheques. They leave a really nice paper trail for their accounts people. Once it has cleared it's as all good and unlike credit cards the client can't easily dispute it if he suddenly gets buyer's remorse.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthewgen
    is there is contract form I should have them sign or something? and how whould I do that if he is oversea's?
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  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    Nothing is problem with that , its just a form of offline payment - no worry , nothing can be wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetloleypop
    As long as they have you actuall address i cant see any problem with it, just be carefull someone use P.O. so be sure it is acutall address.About a check payment yes in fact i have recieved many times.Good luck.
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