How To Make $840 A Month With Business Cards

86 replies
Offline bulletin boards really do work as a traffic builder for small businesses.

People use offline bulletin boards to advertise things they want to sell, trade or buy.

Real estate agents, plumbers, carpenters, home based businesses, etc. use them as a way to advertise their services.

Anyone can organize and make money with a local bulletin board advertising service by charging the advertisers a small weekly or monthly fee to place their business card size ad on X amount of bulletin boards.

The first step is to contact as many local businesses in your area, such as corner stores, grocery stores, barber shops, laundry mats, beauty salons, auto service stations, etc. and find out if they have a bulletin board for you to place your customers ads on.

Then write down the business name and adress of all the ones that do have a bulletin board, so you can provide a list to all your advertisers of all the places their ad with be placed.

Make up a sign or business card that says something like:

Bulletin Board Advertising Service

Have your business card or business
card size ad posted on 25 local bulletin
boards 4 times a month for only $50.

For more info. call Martin
at (585) 285-0000

and place the sign or business card on all the bulletin boards that you plan to service.With this type of service business you really don't have to hunt far to find customers, they are right on the bulletin boards you will be servicing, so simply write down the names and phone numbers of every business that has a business card or ad on display and call them and offer them your service.

What you will be doing is creating an ad flyer with 10 business card size ads spaces on it and just copy and paste your customers business card or ad in those spaces, then just make the number of copies you need to service all your bulletin board four times a month and place them on the bulletin boards once a week, it's as simple as that!

Here's are two profit examples:

10 advertisers @ $2 per bulletin board per month X 25 bulletin boards = $500
minus printing/gas costs of $80 = $420 per month, per 10 advertisers.

20 advertisers @ $2 per bulletin board per month X 25 bulletin boards = $1000
minus printing/gas costs of $160 = $840 per month, per 20 advertisers.

Now go make some money!

#$840 #business #cards #make #month
  • Profile picture of the author jt808
    Nice post and great idea. Sometimes doing offline marketing is a nice boost, especially if you are just starting out in marketing and need an instant boost.

    It's seems link there are endless ways to mix and match online methods with offline methods.

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  • Profile picture of the author adam68
    That is really good but to get really good business cards done, I went to CardsMadeEasy a online company. They were really great and had excellent customer service. you should check them out!
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  • Profile picture of the author atrbiz
    Martin, nice business idea! I've definitely got to test it out. It seems doable to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    A very nice business idea.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yeh02
    hmmm.... the first thing that came in to my mind after reading you post is GREAT IDEA!!! thanks for sharing it to us and I really do believe that it could really work...
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I drive past one of these big ones, everyday and never thought of this. WoW! very very cool I must say. Must get to work and make use of this.

    Great little tip. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author ramireec
    nice simple and strait to the point, I will give this a try seems like the opportunities are all over we just need to open your eyes and pay attention to whats around you.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      You make a very good point when say "opportunities are all over we just need to open your eyes and pay attention to whats around you".

      I come up with a new possible biz idea once a week from just what people are saying and asking for from me, so finding ways to make extra money really isn't that hard if you just look around you, listen and pay attention.


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  • Profile picture of the author derricks4
    Nice. Business cards are always changing, too. There is always a need!
    EXPLODE Your Sales! The PREMIER Copywriting Service on WF<PM ME!
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  • Profile picture of the author willyyard
    Yeah its very true that in today market offline marketing still works but you cant ignore benefit of online marketing, what you say?
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      You made a very good point with the fact that business cards are always changing which is one of the major benifits of starting and profiting from a bulletin board business as you will never run out of customers.


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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I think right now we are at a point where you must combine offline and online marketing together, for example QR codes. I love finding ways to make money online, but I always think of how I can take my online ideas offline and make even more money with it.

      Just my 2 cents.


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      • Profile picture of the author sparro
        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post


        I think right now we are at a point where you must combine offline and online marketing together, for example QR codes. I love finding ways to make money online, but I always think of how I can take my online ideas offline and make even more money with it.

        Just my 2 cents.


        I totally agree Martin. Having a Hybrid approach is where the market is right now. Creativity is key.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I think with so many businesses and people adverting online these days that it's now more than ever a great time to start also advertising offline, so I'm not saying to not advertise online, but that advertising offline should be part of your marketing plan.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by willyyard View Post

      Yeah its very true that in today market offline marketing still works but you cant ignore benefit of online marketing, what you say?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6263921].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
    Once again another great idea from Martin! I'm going to start keeping an eye on this guy...

    Doubt everything you believe.

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  • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
    Hi Warriors,

    There have been a few people through out this thread that have said they where going to try my idea and i was just wondering if anyone here has done anything yet that they could share here?

    Or if anyone needs more help or has any question's for me please feel free to ask.

    Much Success,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4389667].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author qualityin
      Hello Martin,

      Your post is a very helpfull idea. A great contribution to warrior community.
      could you please advice if this method help to generate business for web design and development service. Or do you have some great idea for me.
      Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

      Hi Warriors,

      There have been a few people through out this thread that have said they where going to try my idea and i was just wondering if anyone here has done anything yet that they could share here?

      Or if anyone needs more help or has any question's for me please feel free to ask.

      Much Success,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6743232].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

        I have a good friend who owns a computer repair and website design business and I place ads for both his services on all the ad flyers I do and he always gets leads and sales, so I can't guarantee anything on your results, but advertising computer services on flyers can work.

        All the best,


        Originally Posted by qualityin View Post

        Hello Martin,
        Your post is a very helpfull idea. A great contribution to warrior community. could you please advice if this method help to generate business for web design and development service. Or do you have some great idea for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author piona
    I didn't think business cards are that good! There is really nothing impossible in internet marketing. Thanks for sharing this Martin.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Business card are great and low cost way to market your online or offline business with and now with QR codes you can link your business card to your website and that makes your business card even that much more impacting and a sales tool to help your business grow and make sales.

      There are so many different ways to use a business card to market your business theses days.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by piona View Post

      I didn't think business cards are that good! There is really nothing impossible in internet marketing. Thanks for sharing this Martin.
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  • Profile picture of the author kronic
    adding a QR code next to the business card could be another selling point. next to the business card, have "scan this code to visit "business x's" website" or something of the sort. or the business phone number if they don't have a website yet. This could help upsell the advantages of a website, using the business card idea as a foot in the door.
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  • Profile picture of the author InTh3Moment
    Martin, I cannot thank you enough for this valuable post!

    It's funny that I came across your post as I was about to spend the entire day putting up flyers around down for my personal business but went from the Jobless Dad thread and made my way over here five hours later

    I am going to be putting up the flyers tomorrow but making MUCH more use of that time as I get the info from other businesses that have posted in those same areas.

    I was wondering if you had any tips that you found to be helpful in carrying this plan (although everything you wrote is more than enough to carry this out), j/w if you had any additional tips or tricks.

    Thank you again for the valuable post!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6190460].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I'm glad my business card bulletin board idea was able to help you tap into another avenue to make some potential money with and I wish you much success with it.

      Please keep us posted here with your results.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by InTh3Moment View Post

      Martin, I cannot thank you enough for this valuable post!

      It's funny that I came across your post as I was about to spend the entire day putting up flyers around down for my personal business but went from the Jobless Dad thread and made my way over here five hours later

      I am going to be putting up the flyers tomorrow but making MUCH more use of that time as I get the info from other businesses that have posted in those same areas.

      I was wondering if you had any tips that you found to be helpful in carrying this plan (although everything you wrote is more than enough to carry this out), j/w if you had any additional tips or tricks.

      Thank you again for the valuable post!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6195903].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Yogini

        This is an interesting idea for my nephew- would you have them give you the business cards as well in case there isn't room for a flyer on the board? Do you also suggest taking a picture when it's posted and sending it to them via email as proof? Another idea I was thinking was also dropping off some pens there because a lot of times people don't have a pen with them.

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        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

          What I do if the bulletin board is full, I simple tape the flyer on the wall to the side or bottom of the bulletin board.

          I have never taking pictures as proof, but it's a good idea that no a days makes sense. I used to just provide a list of all the places I hung the flyers and the advertisers could just check a location if they wanted to.

          The pen idea is also a good one that I have done before, but the pens always end up getting stolen, so you can try it, but maybe tie a pen to a string and tack it to the bulletin board and see if it ends up staying there and doesn't end up getting stolen.

          Thanks for sharing your ideas.

          All the best,


          Originally Posted by Yogini View Post


          This is an interesting idea for my nephew- would you have them give you the business cards as well in case there isn't room for a flyer on the board? Do you also suggest taking a picture when it's posted and sending it to them via email as proof? Another idea I was thinking was also dropping off some pens there because a lot of times people don't have a pen with them.

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  • Profile picture of the author DaWarrior
    Nice info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    If you really want to take this idea to the next level and make it super professional consider setting up a network of small businesses and promoting a community biz card
    Some visuals can be found here . Lots of ways to structure , here is one of them

    Take a 60 ct display and put them in just 10 high traffic businesses and charge 10mo per location=100 mo per advertiserx50 spots (we give each of the 10 businesses a free spot for allowing us to put up display)=5k per month=60k yr.

    Initial cost for 10 nice displays is less than $5000 and you would be collecting some money upfront anyway so you dont have to pay for this right away.

    Make money for years to come.

    Once its set up you only have to monitor and make sure enough cards are available one day a month.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6203323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MonteMichaels
      I like it. It looks more professional that way. Once you have the racks they are paid for, and are not going to be taken down so easy.

      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      If you really want to take this idea to the next level and make it super professional consider setting up a network of small businesses and promoting a community biz card
      Some visuals can be found here . Lots of ways to structure , here is one of them

      Take a 60 ct display and put them in just 10 high traffic businesses and charge 10mo per location=100 mo per advertiserx50 spots (we give each of the 10 businesses a free spot for allowing us to put up display)=5k per month=60k yr.

      Initial cost for 10 nice displays is less than $5000 and you would be collecting some money upfront anyway so you dont have to pay for this right away.

      Make money for years to come.

      Once its set up you only have to monitor and make sure enough cards are available one day a month.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6203370].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DaWarrior
      Sounds good.
      What do you recommend for business card display?
      Also you know of any places like markets, shopping center which allow you setup a stand? Probably cost some money though

      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      If you really want to take this idea to the next level and make it super professional consider setting up a network of small businesses and promoting a community biz card
      Some visuals can be found here . Lots of ways to structure , here is one of them

      Take a 60 ct display and put them in just 10 high traffic businesses and charge 10mo per location=100 mo per advertiserx50 spots (we give each of the 10 businesses a free spot for allowing us to put up display)=5k per month=60k yr.

      Initial cost for 10 nice displays is less than $5000 and you would be collecting some money upfront anyway so you dont have to pay for this right away.

      Make money for years to come.

      Once its set up you only have to monitor and make sure enough cards are available one day a month.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6203661].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
        Originally Posted by DaWarrior View Post

        Sounds good.
        What do you recommend for business card display?

        For me the biggest size possible as I know I could sell them all. For you it would depend on what you are comfortable with selling and also consider that the bigger the display the harder it MIGHT be to find space for it.

        Also you know of any places like markets, shopping center which allow you setup a stand? Probably cost some money though

        You just got to go in and talk to people, how would I know what they will allow where you live. Like anything its all in how you present the offer, I would not be looking to pay anyone. They are already getting a free spot and tons of extra exposure inn the community. Its not like they were making use of that space anyway.

        You can also tell them you will put a special "community builder" or "featured business" sticker on all their spots for extra prestige and visibility.
        Promise Big.
        Deliver Bigger.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6203755].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thanks for sharing the link and for adding other ways to make money with my original idea.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      If you really want to take this idea to the next level and make it super professional consider setting up a network of small businesses and promoting a community biz card
      Some visuals can be found here . Lots of ways to structure , here is one of them

      Take a 60 ct display and put them in just 10 high traffic businesses and charge 10mo per location=100 mo per advertiserx50 spots (we give each of the 10 businesses a free spot for allowing us to put up display)=5k per month=60k yr.

      Initial cost for 10 nice displays is less than $5000 and you would be collecting some money upfront anyway so you dont have to pay for this right away.

      Make money for years to come.

      Once its set up you only have to monitor and make sure enough cards are available one day a month.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6214056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author focusedlife
      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      If you really want to take this idea to the next level and make it super professional consider setting up a network of small businesses and promoting a community biz card
      Some visuals can be found here . Lots of ways to structure , here is one of them

      Take a 60 ct display and put them in just 10 high traffic businesses and charge 10mo per location=100 mo per advertiserx50 spots (we give each of the 10 businesses a free spot for allowing us to put up display)=5k per month=60k yr.

      Initial cost for 10 nice displays is less than $5000 and you would be collecting some money upfront anyway so you dont have to pay for this right away.

      Make money for years to come.

      Once its set up you only have to monitor and make sure enough cards are available one day a month.
      Brilliant! I looked and it seems like a very viable option.

      Wondering if you or anyone here has tried making a go of this method. The cost of that rack is not cheap.

      Would love to hear what more details we can uncover.

      Thanks so much for the share. I'll have my own shares soon enough.


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  • Profile picture of the author joerudy1988
    wonderful idea but does it really work?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6203948].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      If your refering to my business card bulletin board idea, than I can tell you that it worked for me, as I made money with it, so for me the idea has been proven and tested to work.

      Almost all the money making ideas I share here I have made money with myself, but you will only know for sure if it will work for you and if you can profit from my ideas if you take action.

      I wish you much success,


      Originally Posted by joerudy1988 View Post

      wonderful idea but does it really work?
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  • Profile picture of the author KelticWarrior
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Your welcome and I hope you can benifit and find a way to profit from my idea and if so, please post back here with your results,Thanks!

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by KelticWarrior View Post

      Just finished reading. Nice twist. Will help me in my journey. Thanks.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM

    Thanks for this great post. But is it really effective? Will it really help me in my work? Does it really work? Can you recommend something for the business cards? I can think of some but I still need other opinions. Thanks for this post thought.

    Thank You!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6233341].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Chronic IM,

      I don't know if it's me or if I'm just to tired, but I'm not really sure what your question's mean and what you are asking?

      Please exspand on your question's so I can get a better idea what you are asking and need help with?



      Originally Posted by Chronic IM View Post


      Thanks for this great post. But is it really effective? Will it really help me in my work? Does it really work? Can you recommend something for the business cards? I can think of some but I still need other opinions. Thanks for this post thought.

      Thank You!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6237132].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alimutohar
    a good idea. I got to thinking to promote my website offlinely. it seem to be useful. lately I pay less attention to the offline world.
    sometime I want to practice this idea. thanks for the ​​creative idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6251943].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      With so many businesses and people advertising online now it's so over saturated and people don't pay attension to ads and emails as much as they used to, which is why now more than ever offline advertising is better as it catches peoples attention. I'm not saying that online advertising is not good or a waste of time, I'm just saying that it is more of a benifit to advertise online and offline and don't put all your adverting eggs in one basket.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by alimutohar View Post

      a good idea. I got to thinking to promote my website offlinely. it seem to be useful. lately I pay less attention to the offline world.
      sometime I want to practice this idea. thanks for the ​​creative idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6259804].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author B.Smit
    Martin, thanks for a useful post.

    I have two questions:

    1. The owner/manager of a bulletin board says, "Hey, folks post their ads for free here, and I know you get paid to post these. Either cut me in, or get yourself another board to post on." I guess in this case you'll move along, but what is your opinion on this?

    2. Four, five budding entrepreneurs catch on to what you're doing, and before you can bank your third month's profit, the BB owners/managers start complaining about bulletin spam. Have you had to deal with something like this?

    Thanks again for a good idea, and for your guidance on it.

    “... at the root of human nature is the need for free creative work under one's own control.” ~ Noam Chomsky

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6297217].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I have never had an owner of a bulletin board contact me and ask to be cut in or that I can't place flyers or business cards on their boards.

      They are to busy with thier business to even think about or worry about what is on their bulletin boards and the point of the boards are to place ads, etc. on, so they are providing the board for this purpose and they are not trying to make money off it.

      Also, I have yet to have any issues with anyone competing with me or trying to steal me customers, but I'm sure it could happen and if it did I would work around it and make my deal with my advertisers better or just get new advertisers.

      I hope this answers your questions.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by B.Smit View Post

      Martin, thanks for a useful post.

      I have two questions:

      1. The owner/manager of a bulletin board says, "Hey, folks post their ads for free here, and I know you get paid to post these. Either cut me in, or get yourself another board to post on." I guess in this case you'll move along, but what is your opinion on this?

      2. Four, five budding entrepreneurs catch on to what you're doing, and before you can bank your third month's profit, the BB owners/managers start complaining about bulletin spam. Have you had to deal with something like this?

      Thanks again for a good idea, and for your guidance on it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6329349].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shawnyshawn
    Sounds like a great idea. Thanks for posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Mukherjee
    Very interesting and easy. Just one question: may be I missed something but as you said we can t offer he service to the business owner who already displaying ads on that board. if they already have the ad there, what is the point to offer this service to them or I will offer them to put their ad on other boards?
    Sorry if its a very silly question but thanks very much for the great idea. I want to try it out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6301277].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Roadlesstraveled
      Thanks! I'm taking action with this.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Yes, the point is to sell them on getting their ad placed on other boards and the fact that they are already adverting on bulletin boards makes them an easier sale as they already know the benifts of them and it also let you know that they are looking for low cost ways to advertising, so if you can provide them with ad services at a low price and generate customers for them you will have a customer for life.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Tina2012 View Post

      Very interesting and easy. Just one question: may be I missed something but as you said we can t offer he service to the business owner who already displaying ads on that board. if they already have the ad there, what is the point to offer this service to them or I will offer them to put their ad on other boards?
      Sorry if its a very silly question but thanks very much for the great idea. I want to try it out.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6308127].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jchoros
    Very creative Idea, I'm just not sure IM's would want to go around to different businesses 4 times a month to do this, any thoughts on creating some sort of online boardw you could target with locally oriented keywords?
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  • Profile picture of the author kaper7
    I have had extreme success by offering qr codes on business cards for my offline clients. This strategy open doors to conversations on multiple ways to use it and I usually end up making additional sales as a result.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I also have been implimenting QR codes on my business cards and drop cards with success and it's true they do help to stir up conversations with people and business owners, so QR codes are a great method to use to help generate leads and new customers.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by kaper7 View Post

      I have had extreme success by offering qr codes on business cards for my offline clients. This strategy open doors to conversations on multiple ways to use it and I usually end up making additional sales as a result.
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  • Profile picture of the author focusedlife
    @Martin - Very, very very cool idea.

    If you have done it before or are currently still doing it, do you mind if I labor intensive is this for you or in other words... how much time does this take you and what are some of the possible pitfalls?

    Are any of the businesses that host the bulletin boards getting mad at you or someone that works for you simply coming in once a week to post and not buy anything?
    The only group with more actionable info than any WSO → The Parlay Society
    Want me to write stuff for you? → Click here to check this out
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6421816].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      The time involved in this type of business depends on how many advertisers you have and how many bulletin boards you have to post to, so I can't give you a direct answer, but I never spent more than 2 hours going around to hang up business cards or flyers on the bulletin boards.

      I also, never had any issues with owners of the bulletin boards, I have answered this question and other in this thread, so you might want to read over this whole tread to get a better idea and answers to some questions you still might have.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by focusedlife View Post

      @Martin - Very, very very cool idea.

      If you have done it before or are currently still doing it, do you mind if I labor intensive is this for you or in other words... how much time does this take you and what are some of the possible pitfalls?

      Are any of the businesses that host the bulletin boards getting mad at you or someone that works for you simply coming in once a week to post and not buy anything?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6428424].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nspire
    Nice idea for a business model! I guess one could target several areas with this strategy.

    Do you mainly just do one location?
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I work this idea in my local area around were I live.

      I target businesses in a 10 mile radius of the 12 bulletin boards I post to.

      Yes, this idea is very profitable if you work it in several different areas.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by Nspire View Post

      Nice idea for a business model! I guess one could target several areas with this strategy.

      Do you mainly just do one location?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ummahm
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      If you have bulletin boards in your area, then I don't see any reason why this idea wouldn't work outside the US.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Ummahm View Post

      thanks very good idea. but is it worked in every country? are you talking about usa? what about asian country such as Bangladesh, India? thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author kgopaul
    Thank you for this. Its a great plan and can be used in any ways as well. It was just what I needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gavin8492
    This is a great plan. Will implement it soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author erikeightsix
    Awesome idea, I'm a big fan Martin!

    While it might cut into your profits, maybe you could appraoch business owners by saying you'd like to rent some of thier wall space? This way you can enter some kind of contract with them for a year so you have some security on the placement of the cork boards.. This should also take care of any greedy business owners.. Nothing too much. I'd still try the free approach first.

    I'm going to have to try this once I get a little more cash flow.

    As far as ideal placement,some of the best places I can think of are at the car wash just above the change machine. In gyms in the male and female changing rooms. Anyone else have any good ideas for placement? Will edit in some more later.

    Oh and also if you broke it down into subcategories like plumber, electrician, physical therapist , then you could also use exclusivity as a selling point.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6743970].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      It's funny you brought this idea up as I'm in the works of getting a board made that I will be hanging in a busy chinese resturant in my area and I'm in negotiations with the owner on what it's going to cost me per month to hang the board on his wall and from there I will figure out the cost of what I will charge for advertising inside my display board.

      Thanks for sharing your great ideas.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by erikeightsix View Post

      Awesome idea, I'm a big fan Martin!

      While it might cut into your profits, maybe you could appraoch business owners by saying you'd like to rent some of thier wall space? This way you can enter some kind of contract with them for a year so you have some security on the placement of the cork boards.. This should also take care of any greedy business owners.. Nothing too much. I'd still try the free approach first.

      I'm going to have to try this once I get a little more cash flow.

      As far as ideal placement,some of the best places I can think of are at the car wash just above the change machine. In gyms in the male and female changing rooms. Anyone else have any good ideas for placement? Will edit in some more later.

      Oh and also if you broke it down into subcategories like plumber, electrician, physical therapist , then you could also use exclusivity as a selling point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Huy Phan
    Great idea and low cost. What are your thoughts on using vistaprint for cards? I've always seen large bulletin boards at most, if not, all laundry mats/coin laundry places I've been too. Where else should I check out for these bulletin boards?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6811280].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author neeralt
      I read this thread just today and I found out that this is a very good idea to start with. This morning I went all over the town and sadly, there are only 6 bulletin boards available and I'm not sure all of them will offer outside advertisers to post ads as the boards is already almost full with their own ads. I don't know if this business idea will work in my town though but I will scan through the town once again and see how many bulletin boards available.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6812434].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

        Well if there is truly a very limited amount of bulletin boards in your area you can try setting up your own bulletin boards by talking with and asking permission from local businesses such as dinners, laundry mats, grocery stores, etc. and ask them if you buy, install and maintain it will they allow you to place a bulletin baord in their place of business which is good will for them to help customers have a place to tac up their business card or items for sale, etc.

        I hope this idea helps,


        Originally Posted by neeralt View Post

        I read this thread just today and I found out that this is a very good idea to start with. This morning I went all over the town and sadly, there are only 6 bulletin boards available and I'm not sure all of them will offer outside advertisers to post ads as the boards is already almost full with their own ads. I don't know if this business idea will work in my town though but I will scan through the town once again and see how many bulletin boards available.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967766].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          I just wanted to state that business card are still great and low cost way to market your online or offline business with and now with QR codes you can link your business card to your website and that makes your business card even that much more impacting and a sales tool to help your business grow and make sales.

          There are so many different ways to use a business card to market your business theses days.

          All the best,

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6979046].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

        Well if there is truly a very limited amount of bulletin boards in your area you can try setting up your own bulletin boards by talking with and asking permission from local businesses such as dinners, laundry mats, grocery stores, etc. and ask them if you buy, install and maintain it will they allow you to place a bulletin baord in their place of business which is good will for them to help customers have a place to tac up their business card or items for sale, etc.

        I hope this idea helps,


        Originally Posted by neeralt View Post

        I read this thread just today and I found out that this is a very good idea to start with. This morning I went all over the town and sadly, there are only 6 bulletin boards available and I'm not sure all of them will offer outside advertisers to post ads as the boards is already almost full with their own ads. I don't know if this business idea will work in my town though but I will scan through the town once again and see how many bulletin boards available.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7645106].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Huy Phan,

      There is nothing wrong with using VistaPrint for business card printing and there are buuetin boards all over in places you would think of such as, post offices, corner stores, colleges, hospitals, dinners, office building lobbies just to name a few.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Huy Phan View Post

      Great idea and low cost. What are your thoughts on using vistaprint for cards? I've always seen large bulletin boards at most, if not, all laundry mats/coin laundry places I've been too. Where else should I check out for these bulletin boards?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6816143].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Huy Phan,

      There is nothing wrong with using VistaPrint for business card printing, but I personally prefer and there are bulletin boards all over in places you wouldn't think of such as: post offices, corner stores, colleges, hospitals, dinners, office building lobbies just to name a few.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Huy Phan View Post

      Great idea and low cost. What are your thoughts on using vistaprint for cards? I've always seen large bulletin boards at most, if not, all laundry mats/coin laundry places I've been too. Where else should I check out for these bulletin boards?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7201137].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pablo4103
    Once again another great idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6980675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author johnyo
    The most important thing, people will be able to have a more popular
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  • Profile picture of the author lets2money
    Nice post and great idea
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  • Profile picture of the author IainD
    Hi Martin,

    Do you copy the business cards onto the flyer at full size, I'm thinking that the size of the flyer needed to fit 10 full size business cards adverts is going to be to big for a lot of notice boards?

    Any chance of posting a copy of one of your flyers?


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7277982].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Yes, I resize the business cards to fit on the flyer and
      I'm pretty sure there is an image of the flyer on my
      site at:

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by IainD View Post

      Hi Martin,

      Do you copy the business cards onto the flyer at full size, I'm thinking that the size of the flyer needed to fit 10 full size business cards adverts is going to be to big for a lot of notice boards?

      Any chance of posting a copy of one of your flyers?


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  • Profile picture of the author lewiswharf
    I have read through this whole thread and I'm surprised that nobody has actually taken action and reported back.

    Thanks for sharing your model. I'll report back if I can find enough bulletin boards in my area.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7278885].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    What kind of response rate do people expect from the boards? I can't say I've ever stopped to look at one.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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