Yellow Pages Not Dead - Hidden Pizza Restaurant Case Study

23 replies
Just ran across this Yellow Pages case study in Australia...very clever

#case #dead #hidden #pages #pizza #restaurant #study #yellow
  • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
    You notice they said Yellow Pages WEBSITE right? of course they are going to find it on the Yellow Pages website if that's the only place it is. Google - "Hidden Pizza" - find it on Yellow Pages website. If somehow they weren't indexed, I'm sure a free pizza is enough incentive to at least look in the paper copy for most folks... but I guarantee most people went straight to online search.

    I think the whole thing is an admission that without online search, the Yellow Pages really IS dead.

    Remember a time when everyone had a hard copy in their house. I do, but I imagine many of you younger warriors don't. I haven't opened one in years.
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  • Profile picture of the author krzysiek
    Haha, their idea of "Yellow Pages isn't dead" is so flawed.

    In addition to what Michael has said above, you also NEED to take into consideration one major factor.

    They are giving away a free pizza.

    One person finds the ad - sees a free pizza offer - tell several of his mates to join him/her.

    Result? A whole lot of people going into this pizza shop.

    Now tell me, when you're dealing with your dentist, lawyer, salon, etc are you able to afford such loss leaders to just hand your 'gravy' away for free. Quite simply, the demand for food is HIGH, and when you give it away for FREE, yes - people will tell their friends and come down.

    In everyday use, the YellowPages is simply NOT that effective. Try using the YP to get your local client that much traffic, we'll see if you can
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    • Profile picture of the author Summertime Dress
      Originally Posted by krzysiek View Post

      Haha, their idea of "Yellow Pages isn't dead" is so flawed.

      In addition to what Michael has said above, you also NEED to take into consideration one major factor.

      They are giving away a free pizza.

      One person finds the ad - sees a free pizza offer - tell several of his mates to join him/her.

      Result? A whole lot of people going into this pizza shop.

      Now tell me, when you're dealing with your dentist, lawyer, salon, etc are you able to afford such loss leaders to just hand your 'gravy' away for free. Quite simply, the demand for food is HIGH, and when you give it away for FREE, yes - people will tell their friends and come down.

      In everyday use, the YellowPages is simply NOT that effective. Try using the YP to get your local client that much traffic, we'll see if you can

      Isn't this the point of good direct response marketing? Creating an irresistible offer that goes viral for your clients' target market? Why assume that a dentist, lawyer, salon, etc. must use a loss leader? There are many creative ways to make a break even or better offer you just have to dig sometimes.

      I agree the video leaves out a lot of details about the cross media marketing aspect. In the beginning they state contact details were only available through YP. Whether that is the print book only or also online/mobile is unclear. I think they are clearly promoting YP as a "network" of cross media advertising (website, mobile, and print).

      Originally Posted by Doran Peck View Post

      I still would never ever ever never....never ever suggest to any of my clients that they spend money in the yellowpages, or set up a YP website. It's a
      Waste of money anyway you slice it.
      Perhaps your clients have tested YP and it hasn't worked. But, if they've never tested, then I feel such thinking is dogmatic and a disservice to your clients not to use as many media avenues as will work for them...
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      • Profile picture of the author krzysiek
        Yes, obviously that is the point of direct response marketing - giving an offer that they cannot resist. I would say such an offer should be used in all marketing media.

        BUT - from their pizza video promotion of the YP not being dead, they are, at the very best, confusing potential clients or business owners and giving them a false sense of results.

        Basically, unless you're a pizza shop offering free pizzas for getting 'found' then you might replicate results. Otherwise, the results will certainly not be the same if you're relying only on YP if you run a dental clinic, for example. You can use an incentive all you want, but the end result will not drive that traffic to your door.

        Now obviously I am not saying YP does not work AT ALL. It does work. No doubt. BUT - it does not work to the level of effectiveness that they are trying to make their customer believe it does. This is where I think they are wrong. They are misleading people and have created all this 'buzz' that YP is still awesome when quite simply, it is not.

        Does it drive traffic? Yes. Will it work as well as they have made it out to work in the video, for most industries? No. If the industry is non-food related, you wouldn't be seeing results like that. ALL people gotta eat, and they gotta eat every day.

        To make it REALLY effective, they could have chosen an industry where not all people MUST use their service and certainly not something that people need EVERY single day.

        They should have set up a hidden Law Practice or similar - and advertised on the YP exclusively. Had they done this, I would be in amazement and re-thinking my opinion - but what they have done was nothing 'amazing'.

        Just an I M O.

        Originally Posted by Summertime Dress View Post

        Isn't this the point of good direct response marketing? Creating an irresistible offer that goes viral for your clients' target market? Why assume that a dentist, lawyer, salon, etc. must use a loss leader? There are many creative ways to make a break even or better offer you just have to dig sometimes.

        I agree the video leaves out a lot of details about the cross media marketing aspect. In the beginning they state contact details were only available through YP. Whether that is the print book only or also online/mobile is unclear. I think they are clearly promoting YP as a "network" of cross media advertising (website, mobile, and print).

        Perhaps your clients have tested YP and it hasn't worked. But, if they've never tested, then I feel such thinking is dogmatic and a disservice to your clients not to use as many media avenues as will work for them...
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        • Profile picture of the author Jacko
          Guess there are much more effective advertising ways nowadays...
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Have to agree with the comments here and those on this website about the promotion.

    I have a hard time believing they ran just a "simple ad" on their online yellow pages site - and combined with their massive media blitz asking people to find them in exchange for free food - I don't think that's fair to compare this to the results one of their typical advertisers might see.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    I still would never ever ever never....never ever suggest to any of my clients that they spend money in the yellowpages, or set up a YP website. It's a
    Waste of money anyway you slice it.

    Just my 2
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    • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
      Originally Posted by Doran Peck View Post

      I still would never ever ever never....never ever suggest to any of my clients that they spend money in the yellowpages, or set up a YP website. It's a
      Waste of money anyway you slice it.

      Just my 2

      You could not be more wrong than you are with that statement.....some business MUST be in the yellow pages ( book ) or they will suffer losses. This is not hype from someone who does not know, this is a fact from somebody who owns and runs a very large and successful business. I have tested and tested and I hope all my competition listens to advice like you and some others insist on giving.....I will eat them alive and continue to take their business because yellow page ( book only ) is a big part of a total package.

      I have argued this here a few times in the past and suggest looking at some of the past talks I contributed to on this subject.

      I will not talk about my specific service niche or how I market but, the book absolutely brings clients and makes me money on a continued basis.

      My YP book listings have been trimmed over the years and now only cost $ 379. monthly and not one single person on WF could ever demonstrate any possible way to replace this via the Internet, NOT POSSIBLE and I LOVE marketing on the Internet.

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  • Profile picture of the author krzysiek
    Enterpryzman, I understand for some businesses or industries it may or probably still does work very well. However, there is no arguement or debate over their recent commercial (in OP). A commercial/ad like that does not build credit for the YellowPages, in fact, I would argue it discredits them because the whole story is not made clear.

    Either way, i'm glad the YP are working for you. Do you use different numebrs on the YP ad to track callers, etc? As long as you have a positive ROI, then theres no problem. I'm just interested if you do indeed use a different number to track the conversions from the YP ad?

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  • Profile picture of the author WhyGuy
    I have worked in marketing for a variety of franchise corporations for 20 years and watched the slow death of yellow pages. The only ones who need to still be in the books are service businesses that you only use in case of emergency -- the plumber, the electrician, the exterminator... and of course the pizza delivery man!

    Just look at what the yellow page publishers try to sell you now -- they focus as much or more on their web presence than their actual books. There used to be one book in each town, but now with so many companies trying to get a slice of the pie they've split the market so much it's diluted the effectiveness of any one book.

    The only loss here is for the toddlers of the world. What are they going to use as a booster seat now to sit up high enough at the kitchen table!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    I initially wasn't going to respond, but here's a couple things I want to mention:

    1) The majority of advertisers in the Yellow Pages have no headline, no call to action, and no real marketing message. They are essentially just yellow business cards. In this case we have a HIGH perceived value with a call to action.

    End result? Yellow Pages isn't "dead" but those that advertise ineffectively in the Yellow Pages will be.

    2) The promotion resulted in a ton of viral buzz and social proof, combined with scarcity (limited time free pizza promotion) and the psychological desire to fit in "Hey, have you been to that hidden pizza place?! No?! Oh you gotta go check it out! Its hidden beneath this secret alley..."

    3) Once again, as mentioned by @Enterpryzman (and similar to #1 above), Yellow Pages isn't necessarily a "black hole" of money-suck for ALL businesses BUT only if they properly split-test marketing messages, and follow the basic rules of direct response advertising. (including testing the best converting ad-size etc.)

    Those that test to continuously to improve on their response rate will dominate...and will essentially be buying money at a discount...and those that are too lazy to test...will burn through money like a fire through a dry field.

    My 2 cents.

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    • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
      Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

      1) The majority of advertisers in the Yellow Pages have no headline, no call to action, and no real marketing message. They are essentially just yellow business cards. In this case we have a HIGH perceived value with a call to action.
      Was talking to a business owner about this today. She showed me her ad in a newspaper she is paying $500/mn for and I pointed out about 15 ads in the same newspaper with absolutely no call to action...including her own. No headlines, nothing. Just a menu of services.

      Showing her a mock up of whats possible tomorrow. Think she will be shocked at the difference in what a good ad REALLY matter where you put it.
      I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author jennis
    That's so cool.
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    • Profile picture of the author garyfromdurham
      I deal with many offline businesses every month (all different niches) and I can assure you that they are pulling out of Yellow Pages in their droves.


      It is a dying business model.

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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    The YP in oz ? (as a book) not even worth using it as a door stop any more. they now promote the YP as an on line / complete on line marketing option with a web site.

    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    The key is to create as many ways to advertise and promote that can work in harmony with one another, reinforce each other.

    I get quite angry when I see anyone making a blanket statement that YP book is a total waste of money. Statements such as that only demonstrate a lack of marketing understanding as it is completely impossible to have a single "right " way to promote anything/everything, especially in service businesses such as mine.

    These discussions are healthy and educational for us all.

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    • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      The key is to create as many ways to advertise and promote that can work in harmony with one another, reinforce each other.

      I get quite angry when I see anyone making a blanket statement that YP book is a total waste of money. Statements such as that only demonstrate a lack of marketing understanding as it is completely impossible to have a single "right " way to promote anything/everything, especially in service businesses such as mine.

      These discussions are healthy and educational for us all.

      but then on the flip side...a statement like "some business MUST be in the yellow pages ( book ) or they will suffer losses" annoy me as much as statements like I tend to make, annoy you

      I believe there are precious few businesses that really should have a minimal visual presence in the YP...98% of everyone else will do just fine without it.

      I don't buy into the idea that a business that would actually "suffer losses without it"...there are just too many other avenues to branch into.

      I'm going to guess that you might be in the funural I can understand your viewpoint and why you are big on the YP...but what might apply to you doesnt apply to most everyone else.

      Having a free phone listing is a good idea for any business...but spending $1000's per month? No way. That money can be divied out to other mediums and have far better return.

      I agree with you that there isn't one great medium that surpasses all others..but I will tell you that just with direct mail alone my clients are drowning their competitors who rely heavily on the yellowpages. I know other marketers who are doing the same thing with their specialites.

      want to know why? ...because the yellowpages is just so easy to beat up and and kick around. It has way to many crippling deficiencies.

      People think plumbers have to be in the book...and they are the biggest spenders in the book...several thousand per month. A plummer could spend that same amount of money and have a mailer in every household every month keeping his name in front of people and educating them, positioning him as the authority.

      Frankly for the 98% of businesses out there...if people have to go find you in the yellowpages then that can only mean your marketing sucks. There simply is no other explanation.

      I tell my clients... "people should already know who is the name to call when the situation arises"...and then we build a marketing attack to achieve that. ...and its pretty much a given that if they are already putting tons of money in the YP, I will redirect that budget into direct mail, referral programs and other media. ( lately texting for restaurants has caught my eye)

      The problem I have with prospects diving into the yellowpages is that now they get introduced to every single one of your competitiors...WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT THAT?? There is absolutely nothing advantageous about that scenario.

      Marketers spend so much effort differentiating and wanting to be singled out from the competition...yet the yellowpages is the antitheses of get thrown into a jarbled mess of advertisements amongst everyone else, and ok flip a coin and pick, I find that unacceptable, and I will not let my clients spend attrocious amounts of money for such a thing.

      Hopefully we have a better understanding of each other, and of the two schools of thought on the subject.

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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I agree with marketing in the YP. My brother does it. He owns a service business and pays $75/year for a little one inch by two inch spot. He has sold three units through that little ad that had resulted in over $8,000 in revenue for him.

    It is just his business name and the services he offers...
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
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  • Profile picture of the author Avanyx
    It doesnt actually say what they did on the yellow pages website, it may have been just a listing or a banner ad spread wide across the entire website you never know. Also I agree with the other suggestion about giving away a free pizza to everyone if it is just using yellow pages of course there are going to be a lot of freebie seekers that just take them up on the offer simply because it is free, it would be good to find out if the pizza place was capturing those customers onto a list of somekind in order to get them back or the return on investment for the yellow pages website ad just wouldn't be worth while.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    First, I think it's a great commercial ABOUT the experiment, but what it proves is that...


    I can do a lot with a "FREE PIZZA OFFER", anywhere, anytime with almost any media.

    ...all this proves is that the YP is not 100% completely dead in Australia,in the pizza category, but not much else. ....ok, maybe that Aussie accents are cool!
    Bruce NewMedia
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  • Profile picture of the author krzysiek
    RentItNow, do you mind sharing what industry or niche that is in where they are spending $500/month to have an AD in there?
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    • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
      It won't be a niche that determines the price.

      You buy on size of ad and where it is placed in the paper and for how long you want to run it for etc etc.

      Phone your local newspapers and ask them to e-mail you their rate cards plus market figures. (ie Melbourne Times, 90,000, 1 paid edition Monday/ 1 free edition Wednesday, ABC demograph ,postcodes M123, M456 for example)

      Then knock approx 35% off and you'll get a rough idea of what all the ads in your newpaper are costing the business owner.

      You can also get the YP rate card sent to you.

      A 2 x 6 in colour (which means two column widths and a 6" drop) where I live has a distribution of 90,000 homes twice a week, no specific demograph as goes to every house (free edition) on an inside page costs £264 plus VAT per week. (VAT is 20% in the UK)

      If you are in Marketing or want to be you should know this information.

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