Simple Cash Ideas For Newbies - Stuff That You Can Learn Easily And Make Money.
Someone asked me that today, in another thread, but I thought it deserved a thread of its own... His questions are in Black and my answers in Blue... maybe some of you can contribute ideas as well... No this isnt some kind of pre launch for those of you wondering. Its honest advice. I hope it helps someone, anyone reading who is experienced, feel free to elaborate on these ideas.
Im currently unemployed in this bad economy and im trying desperately to make money to support my family. Will the export method work if you are living overseas? That is to say - would i be able to contact the same U.S companies and basically do the same thing as you without actually living in the U.S? Currently i live in Dubai but i can stay awake during U.S work hours if necessary.
Yes, there are at least two people on the WF (That I know of anyway, Im sure theres more) who live outside of the U.S. who have struck deals with US distributors this year and then sold the loads overseas to other countries... sort of a triangle kind of thing, operating in three different countries simultaneously. One of those guys has made 10's of thousands, and the other has made thousands this year.
Exports however isnt the "quickest" way to make money, although its a way to make ALOT, and you can stuff the pipeline as hard as you want to and take it as far as you want to go. The only thing it requires is common sense a ton of tenacity, a kitchen table, and 30-40 minutes per day.
As with anything you have to bring your own personal "Will". But it isnt rocket science and I believe just about anyone could do it... Not something you generally do overnight though. I have personally made a truckload of money doing it... and once I made a deal within 24 hours and got a $7500 commission, but... Thats a rare deal, most take weeks or months. The key is to stuff the pipeline and get two deals per month going over the course of time, developing repeat customers... Exports makes many millionaires.
And one final thing... i was wondering if you could possibly advise me on what you feel is the best money maker for someone like me out of all your ideas so that i can make a living in this world, im lost and desperate to find a light in this dark tunnel.
God, the universe...whatever you call your higher power... the creator, "source"... has given us ALL the ability to make a living in this world... We are equipped to conquer adverse circumstand and over come.
That being said, here are some ideas:
I think that if you speak good English, and have a good work Ethic, the easiest way to make Guaranteed money, without alot of fuss is "appointment setting", or offering a "service".
Outside of appointment setting though, here is another simple service you could offer and make a good living:
You are surrounded right now by off-liners... People who have customers and are making sales and they are looking for out sourcers...
Lets say you know word press... and lets say you can create, according to your economics, a 5 page website for $99. and it only takes you 2 hours...
Lets say you DONT know word press and it takes you a week to learn it from one of these great cheap 10.00 courses around here... you can do that too...
You could place an ad in your sig and people with clients who need websites would buy that service from you, because they could easily make a profit by subcontracting work to you. They want to make as much profit as they can... all you have to do is.
A: Get one Offliner Client
B: Do a Good Job and get a testimonial.
Soon you would have 4-5 regular clients each doing a couple sites per week and you would be making a decent living.
How many sales would it take to give you a good month? How much would you have to charge?
On another hand... there are people who need appointments... Maybe according to your economics, you could create quality appointments cheaper than anyone else...
If you only have ONE customer... you could make a few hundred dollars per week BUT, if you do a good job and he writes you a testimonial... You will have people banging your door down! Very literally, and you can charge higher prices.
So how do you get into appointment setting?
B: Do a Good Job.
See? Thats not rocket science, one could easily make a grand a week at the very minimum virtually overnight if they do those two things.
I say these are good ideas because they are SIMPLE.
Another thing one could do would be to start a mailing list.
Here are the basics:
A: Get Aweber
B: Get a Hosting account with someone like hostgator.
C: Create a Web page with something very valuable on it as a free gift.
D: Require people to opt in with their email address to recieve the free gift, or make opting in optional...
E: Have your aweber auto responder send them a thank you email with a link to another relevant product that you think they might be interested in, or would be useful to them given their nature of interest...one that cost maybe $10.00 and where you receive a $5.00 commission.
You can easily make a few hundred per week doing that, and maybe grow into much more. Those are the very basics but for 10.00 there are a ton of wso's around here that will teach you step by step.
Another idea,
A: Research keyword phrases in very small towns. To do that you need to (basically) open two windows...One with the google adwords free keyword research tool (you can google that), and the other with "godaddy . com".
B: Find long tail keywords such as "Texarkana Arkansas law firm".
C: In small towns people tend to over look the long tail keywords and they go for the broader ones alot of times, you can easily out rank them.
D: Even though lets say only 50 people search texarkana lawyers per month... Texarkana lawyers pay "findlaw . com" $1000 per month for top rankings.
E: Open go daddy.com in another window... Everytime you find an attractive keyword, see if the.com or net is available. Exact match only.
F: Almost none of attorneys using findlaw have exact match domains... so you can out rank findlaw on multiple good keywords in most small towns... Most also dont have a ton of backlinks, many only have a very few.
G: Once you find a town and a few good keywords with available exact match domains... Start calling every lawyer on findlaw, and say "I know you are paying a grand or month or more with findlaw, and they are bringing you some business, but, you are spending 1k per month on someone elses real estate and not your own... We could build you a site and rank number one for these keywords _____, ___________, _____________
H: Charge that person $1000 down and $400 per month lets say... Now find someone on the warriorforum to do minimal SEO for $200 per month.
Theres an idea.
Im doing the same thing for my own attorney shortly bercause he is paying findlaw instead of building up his own real estate value. No backlink is worth $1k per month...which is basically all they are for him, especially when you can easily rank for 5 other terms that would bring you just as much traffic on your own.
Soo in short...
Find a good market, and call some business owners and sell them a website... or SEO...
Thats maybe the best idea ever.
You could also, just cold call local business owners out of the yellow pages... and sell them basic sites for a few hundred dollars, maybe even cheaper depending on your economics.
Selling services works for almost anyone, you just have to find one you can provide.
Back to the idea of selling to people with directory listings that they are paying thousands per month for..."
There are many directories other than attorneys, and findlaw such as veterinary directories, real estate, chiropractors, dentists... Where they pay similar fees for similar services... many of them do not have their own websites and need to.
If you dont know where to outsource... Look no further than the warrior forum, there are several areas here that are designed especially for finding people who can do good work very cheaply. So in truth, you dont even have to know how to design websites as a member here, there are plenty of people who will do the work if you will do the sales and find the customers.
Those are four ways to make money.
Each can be modified and customized, for instance you can give away free webpages as loss leaders and free maintenance for thirty days... and then do recurring billing monthly and create a residual income.
If your offer isnt working for you you can recraft it anyway you want to...
Whether you are offering a service to US manufacturers with overstock, or whether you are offering a service to offliners, or small biz owners who are paying to much for too little... Selling services, even mowing lawns, raking leaves... is something ANYONE can do. services are always in demand, and here at the warrior forum, if you can sell and dont know how to fulfill or do the work, there are plenty of people who will want to partner up with you.
These are some basic ideas. Hope it helps.
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