[DEMANDING PROSPECTS] How Do You Side Step the Guaranteed Results Request??

by benbro
20 replies
Recently I had a prospect say something that was new to me - which is that they've been duped by 4 or 5 offliners in the recent past and don't want to commit to my services without some sort of results guarantee.

I responded in what I thought was a straightforward manner-which is that if anyone in mktg ever gives you some sort of statement where they're guaranteeing a certain amount of clients or calls you better be careful. But then the guy was like, right..."but why should I commit to your services if there's no guarantee and if at the end of it all I still have no new customers?"

My response then was to break down the lifetime value of a single customer and say look...I cant guarantee anything, but what I can say is that on average one customer is worth XYZ to your business over the lifetime of the relationship-so to make it work you just need a minimum of one client per month and that will more then make up for my fee.

That seemed to ease his concerns and we set up an appointment but at the end of the conversation I got the feeling that he's not done asking that question.

Is there anything anyone else has done to deflect or fully address clients who want a performance guarantee?

#demanding #guaranteed #offline business #offline performance #offline prospects #prospects #request #results #selling #side #step
  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Point them to the Google site where they themselves say to be careful doing business with anyone that guarantees certain rankings.

    Only Google can make those guarantees and only 2-3 people at Google have the "code" for those rankings.

    To ease the clients mind, just show them all the work you are doing and where you are listing their business (citation sites along with Places)

    You can offer a guarantee to do the work steps that you agree to, but Google and other competitors affect the results.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author dancorkill

    Did those other people entice you with guarantees?


    Oh really how interesting.


    Point I'm getting at above is differentiate yourself from all the no results sales people offering guarantees he has dealt with before (I'm assuming this based on people don't usually develop this fear on the 5th time, I bet he asked the first guy the same thing). You seem to be on the right track doing this already.

    Also I always went with people pay me month to month, I don't need a contract because people love to keep paying me when they see results (and charge upfront). Position it to him as not "committing to your services" but as "making an investment in his business so that he can achieve X", X being the thing he wants most, e.g. more money, more time with family, new boat etc. His alternative is to take no action and get no results, if that's what he wants move on fast, don't waste time on him.

    People that need a guarantee have a poor mindset and are unwilling to invest money, that is their problem not yours. Boss business owners know marketing is an investment and like all investments there are no guarantees. I notice a lot of offliner's unwilling to spend money on their own biz.

    Other thing you can try is flip it around onto his Industry. e.g. if a real estate agent, do you offer guarantees to your clients on what you can sell their house for. Mechanic so you can guarantee me my car will never break down ever again etc
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    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      Originally Posted by dancorkill View Post


      Did those other people entice you with guarantees?


      Oh really how interesting.


      Point I'm getting at above is differentiate yourself from all the no results sales people offering guarantees he has dealt with before (I'm assuming this based on people don't usually develop this fear on the 5th time, I bet he asked the first guy the same thing). You seem to be on the right track doing this already.

      Also I always went with people pay me month to month, I don't need a contract because people love to keep paying me when they see results (and charge upfront). Position it to him as not "committing to your services" but as "making an investment in his business so that he can achieve X", X being the thing he wants most, e.g. more money, more time with family, new boat etc. His alternative is to take no action and get no results, if that's what he wants move on fast, don't waste time on him.

      People that need a guarantee have a poor mindset and are unwilling to invest money, that is their problem not yours. Boss business owners know marketing is an investment and like all investments there are no guarantees. I notice a lot of offliner's unwilling to spend money on their own biz.

      Other thing you can try is flip it around onto his Industry. e.g. if a real estate agent, do you offer guarantees to your clients on what you can sell their house for. Mechanic so you can guarantee me my car will never break down ever again etc

      I love these examples! I used a similar example about real estate agents the other day when someone asked me why do I expect to get paid upfront all the time. I asked them *can you go to a realtor and get a free house?* a lot of business owners don't offer free things so it's not like they're shocked when you want your money upfront..they just ask to see if you'll fall for it Anyway, back to the guarantee thing, sounds like you (OP) said the right thing..that no one can guarantee results..if he doesn't take that, let him move on to the people that *sound good* to him since it seems that's what he's looking for..It's kind of like the WSO section..we like to fall for the ones that say we can make $200,000 in 2 months, but when a real one comes along and says you have to work, you can probably see $200 in a week, we skip over that because it's not what we want to hear..the $200,000 sounds better..so he sounds like he's looking for the next shiny thing that sounds good to him..go to the appointment and see what he's all about lol
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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    you can suggest this (up to you) , a tiered payment system that means that if you do deliver leads really well to the clients then they will end up paying you maybe even 100% more than if they take the usual route.

    ie lets say they 'expect' 30 leads a month

    if you deliver 25-35 leads you get the agreed monthly fee

    if you deliver 15-24 you get 75% fee
    if you deliver 8-14 you get 30%
    if you deliver 36-46 you get 130%
    47-60 180% etc etc

    or enquire what guarantees of satisfaction/ performance they gives to their clients/ prospects


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  • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
    First of all, it depends what kind of service you offered to him. Leads, sales, top position, new website... What was it?

    If they ask, if you can guarantee customers, simply say "absolutely not". Even Google
    doesn't offer clients (they sell you clicks with adwords), neither does YellowPages...

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    • Profile picture of the author benbro
      Hi Vegas Greg,

      That's a good point. Which brings me to another point...Sometimes places takes a while to activate the listing and start sending traffic to it. But you're right letting them know about the citation sites that would link to them in the meantime is a good idea.

      Originally Posted by VegasGreg View Post

      Point them to the Google site where they themselves say to be careful doing business with anyone that guarantees certain rankings.

      Only Google can make those guarantees and only 2-3 people at Google have the "code" for those rankings.

      To ease the clients mind, just show them all the work you are doing and where you are listing their business (citation sites along with Places)

      You can offer a guarantee to do the work steps that you agree to, but Google and other competitors affect the results.
      Hi Dan, I like what you said about mindset and agree with you. But let me ask you a question about the month to month part...What about on something like Google places where it could take two months for them to start seeing major results b/c of how long it takes google to start sending impressions?

      I use month to month too but try to emphasize to the client that it could take several months before the work that's being done translates into more traffic, leads, or etc. so that they wont be antsy after the initial 30 days. So far that's worked well but I was almost hesitant to use that approach with these folks until I figured out they're angle.

      Great point about flipping the angle too!

      Originally Posted by dancorkill View Post


      Also I always went with people pay me month to month, I don't need a contract because people love to keep paying me when they see results (and charge upfront). Position it to him as not "committing to your services" but as "making an investment in his business so that he can achieve X", X being the thing he wants most, e.g. more money, more time with family, new boat etc. His alternative is to take no action and get no results, if that's what he wants move on fast, don't waste time on him.

      People that need a guarantee have a poor mindset and are unwilling to invest money, that is their problem not yours. Boss business owners know marketing is an investment and like all investments there are no guarantees. I notice a lot of offliner's unwilling to spend money on their own biz.
      Thanks MJB, that sounds interesting. So in essence that would be more or less a pay per performance system, right? Just not sure I'm ready to offer that type of system yet. But I reckon it's certainly worth keeping in mind!

      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      you can suggest this (up to you) , a tiered payment system that means that if you do deliver leads really well to the clients then they will end up paying you maybe even 100% more than if they take the usual route.

      ie lets say they 'expect' 30 leads a month

      if you deliver 25-35 leads you get the agreed monthly fee

      if you deliver 15-24 you get 75% fee
      if you deliver 8-14 you get 30%
      if you deliver 36-46 you get 130%
      47-60 180% etc etc

      or enquire what guarantees of satisfaction/ performance they gives to their clients/ prospects
      Hi Thomas, Thanks. They've got an atrocious website architecture as far as seo friendliness is concerned. So onsite SEO, linkbuilding and Places optimization.

      Great point on Google not even guaranteeing results too. And you're absolutely right. Thanks again!

      Originally Posted by SirThomas View Post

      First of all, it depends what kind of service you offered to him. Leads, sales, top position, new website... What was it?

      If they ask, if you can guarantee customers, simply say "absolutely not". Even Google
      doesn't offer clients (they sell you clicks with adwords), neither does YellowPages...


      "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author somacorellc
    Before you end up with a client you hate, keep in mind that you're interviewing him too. If he's not a good fit for your company, don't bring him on. This guy's probably just being careful, but you don't want someone who's waiting for the phone to ring just so he can hound customers about if they heard of him online.

    This almost reminds me of a girl I dated once, briefly, that told me she'd dated a lot of guys and they were all jerks. She was crazy.

    Don't take on everyone.
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    • Profile picture of the author benbro
      Thanks Mike. I guess at the end of the day it's a relationship just like any other so you're right why put energy into a biz relationship that could be doomed from the start.

      That's the approach that I think I'll take-is that I'm interviewing them too. Take care!

      "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author Slave1
    I had this conversation with a client yesterday...I told him we can control his site, his content, his links.

    What we cannot control is if his competition is in a meeting right now talking about SEO and willing to spend $5,000 a month

    He agreed and sent me $1,600 via paypal to kick of the SEO project an hour later
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  • Profile picture of the author angmoore
    It is a combination of things - you could even get them on page one of Google but if their site is horrid and they don't want to change it what good will it do if no one responds to their message. If they have all the right elements in place they should get more business but they have to understand they need to get found and get engaged. They will get better results with the more exposure they have and the more they are buildig relationships online. Anyone can guarantee a page one ranking but it isn't necessarily for keywords anyone is looking for. I see this happen all the time and it is disturbing that people in this industry are not being honest.

    If you buy a subscription to a gym can they guarantee you going to lose weight? If you go to the Dr. for a medical condition - do they guarantee the can make you better? If you put an ad in the paper,magazine, tv radio, etc - do they guarantee you will get calls? This isn't fast food where if you don't deliver in 30 minutes you get it for free
    What guarantee do they give their customers?
    I guarantee that I will work to the best of my ability and continue to work for the client as hard as I can to achieve the desired results. If something doesn't work we tweak the campaign.

    Angie Moore

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    • Profile picture of the author SendCards
      Use this reply from the movie Tommy Boy:

      Tommy Boy (1995) - Memorable quotes

      Tommy Boy Guarantee - YouTube

      Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.
      Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.
      Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?
      [chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]
      Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?
      Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?
      Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of ****. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.
      Tommy: Well, that's...
      Tommy, Richard Hayden: ...What?


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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    Ask the business owner if he advertises locally in Newspapers, or with other Print Media such as Brochures, Flyers, etc. If so, ask if they guarantee leads? Ask how he tracks the leads he gets from these sources. No one can guarantee leads or sales in business.

    The best idea would be to set them up with the least expensive marketing ideas you have, and explain how they can make use of them to get leads. Then give them your contact information and let them know you are available if they decide to progress further.

    In general, I try to set all my clients with a Business Website that converts online traffic into Leads (It is up to the business to convert leads into sales). I then help them set up Google Places, and show them ways to get happy clients to leave their review on the site (or other business directories they have claimed, such as Yahoo, Bing, etc). They should also be visually advertising their website at their place of business (Or through business cards if they are a mobile business such as a Plumber or Electrician).

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author Not So New
    Hey Ben,

    I like the way you handled it, but putting value on 1 new customer. I would then follow that up with a question like.

    From the xxx searching for you every month, if you were positioned properly, how many new customers do you think you would get? (or a variation of that)

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Two excellent points have been made in the replies:

    1. You don't have to try and turn every prospect into a customer: many just aren't a fit

    2. You can only control what *you* do, not what other people do.

    The best prospects are those who have an urgent need for what you can provide, and can afford it.

    You can guarantee you'll make calls, set up backlinks, write content, follow a process consistently.
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  • Profile picture of the author DennisM
    Hi Benin,

    I tell my clients "look, I don't guarantee ranking, I guarantee that you're PHONE WILL RING". Then explain and show Google's opinion on shady SEO services such as a "guaranteed first page ranking".

    No offense to the post by Mike Bailey but I highly suggest you do not tie results back to leads generated. For me, it was a waste of time and I got tired of the calls from my clients such as "It's the 15th of the month and it looks like you're not going to get me more leads". If you want to sell leads, then by all means, go that route but again, I don't recommend getting pinned down on a lead number.

    What I tell my prospects (after you close them they then become clients obviously) is that I will help you close business by making the phone ring. If the prospect pushes back then I just tell them I want 20% of EVERY sale I generate (this works well in service business's with high margins). They realize that's more money then paying me for the monthly residual so the greedy part gets the best of them and they back off.

    You need to also threaten to walk away. What works for me is before I ever meet a prospect in person or a conference call I make sure I have their competitors. I tell the prospect I'll just work with their competition (props to Justin Brooke). You obviously can't say this in a mean way, just be professional and to the point. I also offer a 60 day money back guarantee. I've only had ONE offline client ask for refund.

    There's a lot of great closing techniques in a book "The Art of Closing the Sale" by Brian Tracy. Here's the link (NO Aff. link) Amazon.com: The Art of Closing the Sale: The Key...Amazon.com: The Art of Closing the Sale: The Key...

    Brian's book is the best in the market for closing sales in face to face selling. A MUST buy.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author benbro
      That's what I call a compelling argument!

      Originally Posted by Slave1 View Post

      I had this conversation with a client yesterday...I told him we can control his site, his content, his links.

      What we cannot control is if his competition is in a meeting right now talking about SEO and willing to spend $5,000 a month

      He agreed and sent me $1,600 via paypal to kick of the SEO project an hour later
      I feel you on how ppl in our biz do things sometimes. Also, like your analogies. Thanks!

      Originally Posted by angmoore View Post

      It is a combination of things - you could even get them on page one of Google but if their site is horrid and they don't want to change it what good will it do if no one responds to their message. If they have all the right elements in place they should get more business but they have to understand they need to get found and get engaged. They will get better results with the more exposure they have and the more they are buildig relationships online. Anyone can guarantee a page one ranking but it isn't necessarily for keywords anyone is looking for. I see this happen all the time and it is disturbing that people in this industry are not being honest.

      If you buy a subscription to a gym can they guarantee you going to lose weight? If you go to the Dr. for a medical condition - do they guarantee the can make you better? If you put an ad in the paper,magazine, tv radio, etc - do they guarantee you will get calls? This isn't fast food where if you don't deliver in 30 minutes you get it for free
      What guarantee do they give their customers?
      I guarantee that I will work to the best of my ability and continue to work for the client as hard as I can to achieve the desired results. If something doesn't work we tweak the campaign.
      Ha ha, these quotes are priceless! Thanks!

      Originally Posted by SendCards View Post

      Use this reply from the movie Tommy Boy:

      Tommy Boy (1995) - Memorable quotes

      Tommy Boy Guarantee - YouTube

      Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.
      Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.
      Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?
      [chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]
      Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?
      Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?
      Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of ****. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.
      Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.
      Tommy: Well, that's...
      Tommy, Richard Hayden: ...What?


      I hear you, we can get em to the water but getting them to take a sip's another matter entirely!

      Originally Posted by Teravel View Post

      Ask the business owner if he advertises locally in Newspapers, or with other Print Media such as Brochures, Flyers, etc. If so, ask if they guarantee leads? Ask how he tracks the leads he gets from these sources. No one can guarantee leads or sales in business.

      The best idea would be to set them up with the least expensive marketing ideas you have, and explain how they can make use of them to get leads. Then give them your contact information and let them know you are available if they decide to progress further.

      In general, I try to set all my clients with a Business Website that converts online traffic into Leads (It is up to the business to convert leads into sales). I then help them set up Google Places, and show them ways to get happy clients to leave their review on the site (or other business directories they have claimed, such as Yahoo, Bing, etc). They should also be visually advertising their website at their place of business (Or through business cards if they are a mobile business such as a Plumber or Electrician).
      Indeed, they're awesome examples. Also, terrific point...Ppl do wanna see how far they can push you if they think they can save an extra buck in the process.

      Originally Posted by Deidra Renee View Post


      I love these examples! I used a similar example about real estate agents the other day when someone asked me why do I expect to get paid upfront all the time. I asked them *can you go to a realtor and get a free house?* a lot of business owners don't offer free things so it's not like they're shocked when you want your money upfront..they just ask to see if you'll fall for it Anyway, back to the guarantee thing, sounds like you (OP) said the right thing..that no one can guarantee results..if he doesn't take that, let him move on to the people that *sound good* to him since it seems that's what he's looking for..It's kind of like the WSO section..we like to fall for the ones that say we can make $200,000 in 2 months, but when a real one comes along and says you have to work, you can probably see $200 in a week, we skip over that because it's not what we want to hear..the $200,000 sounds better..so he sounds like he's looking for the next shiny thing that sounds good to him..go to the appointment and see what he's all about lol
      Thanks Shawn...That's a nice spin! Will have to remember to follow up w/that.

      Originally Posted by Not So New View Post

      Hey Ben,

      I like the way you handled it, but putting value on 1 new customer. I would then follow that up with a question like.

      From the xxx searching for you every month, if you were positioned properly, how many new customers do you think you would get? (or a variation of that)

      Hi KG, right on. Coincidentally I made the decision this morning to forget about this prospect and move on. B/c I've certainly had my share of dealing w. folks who want the moon and stars for a penance.

      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Two excellent points have been made in the replies:

      1. You don't have to try and turn every prospect into a customer: many just aren't a fit

      2. You can only control what *you* do, not what other people do.

      The best prospects are those who have an urgent need for what you can provide, and can afford it.

      You can guarantee you'll make calls, set up backlinks, write content, follow a process consistently.
      Thanks Dennis, but that's the thing...I'm not sure I want to guarantee anything beyond that I will consistently follow the process that it takes to get there...That being said I like what you said about taking a commission for every lead generated-that oughta teach'em! Take care bud!

      Originally Posted by DennisM View Post

      Hi Benin,

      What I tell my prospects (after you close them they then become clients obviously) is that I will help you close business by making the phone ring. If the prospect pushes back then I just tell them I want 20% of EVERY sale I generate (this works well in service business's with high margins). They realize that's more money then paying me for the monthly residual so the greedy part gets the best of them and they back off.

      You need to also threaten to walk away. What works for me is before I ever meet a prospect in person or a conference call I make sure I have their competitors. I tell the prospect I'll just work with their competition (props to Justin Brooke). You obviously can't say this in a mean way, just be professional and to the point. I also offer a 60 day money back guarantee. I've only had ONE offline client ask for refund.

      There's a lot of great closing techniques in a book "The Art of Closing the Sale" by Brian Tracy. Here's the link (NO Aff. link) Amazon.com: The Art of Closing the Sale: The Key to Making More Money Faster in the World of Professional Selling (9780785214298): Brian Tracy: Books

      Brian's book is the best in the market for closing sales in face to face selling. A MUST buy.

      Good luck!

      "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author emasaa

    I have found that clients who want guarantees end up being the most annoying.

    If you go to a doctor, he doesn't guarantee that you will get well. He only offers to give you information and pills that may or may not work based on his experience. Then they have a caveat, actually a whole 500 pages of disclaimers.

    Be very specific about what you are offering. Then guarantee that.

    For example, if you are offering Google places rankings, you can't offer that they will get a phone call or 100 phone calls. Your service is to do the work.

    You guarantee that you will do the work that is needed to rank them in Google places eg 100 directory links, 1million comments etc. If you are a professional, you know what you need to do to get there.

    Probably that's the guarantee that he's looking for. That you know that if you took 100 dollars from him and you followed your SEO plan, then he will rank number 100. Based on current research,yours, then he will likely get 1 visitor. That you can guarantee. But not he will make money or he will get 10 customers.

    So your first problem is to figure out what he wants guaranteed and be very specific in what you are actually doing. You are not ranking him to first spot, but doing the work that is needed to rank him first. Caveat, you are not google.
    If you Want to Rank TODAY and Make Some Money too then Ndotoa Is your Solution

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  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    Hi Emasaa. Very true-setting very specific expectations upfront can make a world of difference. Thanks for pointing that out.

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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    • Profile picture of the author scarab
      I do not side step the 'Guaranteed Results' area, I reply with a a resounding NO. The only guarantee I offer a prospect or client is that I will deliver my products as promised and the products will work exactly as I state. There is no guarantee on their ROI, increased business, increased revenue by using my products or services. I do show them case studies of my clients and explain that the results are not guaranteed.

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      • Profile picture of the author benbro
        Fair enough my friend. And well said. Definitely something to keep in mind going fwd. But in this instance when I went back to the guy and started talking budget the guarantee question became a mute point anyway b/c he only wanted to begin with an itty bitty budget. If it the only issue had been a small budget but the prospect seemed reasonable I would have certainly left my thinking cap on but with those two things together I decided to pass.

        Thanks again.

        Originally Posted by scarab View Post

        I do not side step the 'Guaranteed Results' area, I reply with a a
        resounding NO. The only guarantee I offer a prospect or client is that I will deliver my products as promised and the products will work exactly as I state. There is no guarantee on their ROI, increased business, increased revenue by using my products or services. I do show them case studies of my clients and explain that the results are not guaranteed.

        "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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