Can I make $1,000 per month? Let's find out! (My Day-By-Day Journal)

27 replies
You heard it right! My current goal is to make at least $1,000 per month!

I will, hopefully and God willing, update this thread daily with what I am currently doing to try to reach my financial goal.

Follow me on my journey as I begin!

Let's get started...

The Journey Begins! Today is: 10/3/2011

I found the idea for flyer marketing on multiple sites/guides so I decided that only action could help decide if this would work in my favor or not.

I created a simple ad advertising a CPA offer for teeth whitening. It is a simple flyer with a big image of someone associated with the product and big bold text. It also has tabs.

Since I am currently a college student, I figured, "Hey! What better place to advertise then my campus?!" I, myself, check the bulletin boards relatively often and see others doing the same. I did a quick bit of research on my campuses website to see their flyer/advertising rules, regulations, and information. They said I can only create 3 flyers or I would be charged $10 for flyers that are not posted in the allowable locations and are above the allowable maximum of 3.

I didn't want to get in any trouble so I only printed 3. I also figured that since I printed 3 flyers, each with 8 tabs and each flyer having a link to the website on it, that would be approx. equivalent to at least 3X8=24 interested people seeing my flyer as well as the passerbys. But that is at best of course.

I'm going to try to put the flyers up tomorrow... One on each floor of my campus. I'll, God willing, tell you all how it went! I hope it goes well!

~To an exciting journey!

UPDATE: Thanks to a great idea, I will be updating from now on within my blog here: WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums - perfectlovehere

I will post here when I update there so you can take a look!
#daybyday #find #journal #make #month
  • Profile picture of the author Carl Fridsjö
    Good luck, if you put your mind to it you will be successful. I'll be following your progress!
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  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    How did you come up with the niche of teeth whitening? Heck... i think you should email me one of those flyers so i can take advantage of it Lol...
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Sieverding
    Could you describe your college campus some more? How many students? Region in the country etc.

    I'm on a college campus and thinking of doing something similar as well. I will be keeping track of this!
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    • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
      Originally Posted by danielkanuck View Post

      How did you come up with the niche of teeth whitening? Heck... i think you should email me one of those flyers so i can take advantage of it Lol...
      Here's the flyer I used. I blurred out a bit of "personal-ish" info and the name/image of the celebrity.

      Originally Posted by ToxicSteve View Post

      Could you describe your college campus some more? How many students? Region in the country etc.

      I'm on a college campus and thinking of doing something similar as well. I will be keeping track of this!
      Eastern campus with about 30,000 students. (Found that statistic on a website so not sure how accurate or not it is.) They have designated places to post flyers. I wouldn't recommend posting flyers up in places your campus doesn't allow. Make sure you figure that out first so you don't run the risk of paying a fine and/or getting in trouble.
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      • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
        [QUOTE=perfectlovehere;4802473]Here's the flyer I used. I blurred out a bit of "personal-ish" info and the name/image of the celebrity.

        Awesome. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    I would like to make a suggestion before you get to deep into this. The Day-By-Day thing doesn't work very well in a Forum setting. My suggestion would be to use your WF Blog to keep the information together, and use a thread as the discussion of your WF Blog. Yes, it puts the information in two places, but it's easier in the end than digging through possible hundreds of posts over the next 30 days.

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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    • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
      Originally Posted by Teravel View Post

      I would like to make a suggestion before you get to deep into this. The Day-By-Day thing doesn't work very well in a Forum setting. My suggestion would be to use your WF Blog to keep the information together, and use a thread as the discussion of your WF Blog. Yes, it puts the information in two places, but it's easier in the end than digging through possible hundreds of posts over the next 30 days.
      Hey Teravel!

      Thanks so much for the idea. I definitely think it would help.

      First post is here: WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums - perfectlovehere

      I'll update there and let you guys know here when I've updated.

      Wishing you all success!
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      • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
        Bit off topic with regards to your thread but I think you will find that we are called Britons and not Britians as your website says.

        In addition, 'color' = American so you may want to change the spelling to 'colour' if you are aiming at the UK. You seem to switch around from one to the other in your copy which your link takes you to.

        That may explain why no one will buy it here. (UK)

        Looks like an American site.


        PS: Forgot. Good luck with your quest.
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    Just a comment but you can sell these same type of flyers to local businesses and make that $1000/mn easily.

    99% of flyers out there do not contain even the simplest marketing elements (headline, offer, call to action, scarcity) and you will seem like a magician to local businesses when you can whip out an effective flyer for them for $99 each. I can easily do 10 in a month at that cost.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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    • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
      Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

      Bit off topic with regards to your thread but I think you will find that we are called Britons and not Britians as your website says.

      In addition, 'color' = American so you may want to change the spelling to 'colour' if you are aiming at the UK. You seem to switch around from one to the other in your copy which your link takes you to.

      That may explain why no one will buy it here. (UK)

      Looks like an American site.


      PS: Forgot. Good luck with your quest.
      Thank you very much for the advice! If I ever consider advertising within the UK I may look into that more. Since I am currently mostly doing offline marketing students within the USA will probably be my main prospects for the time being. And thanks for the good luck wishes!

      Originally Posted by perfectlovehere View Post

      Here's the flyer I used. I blurred out a bit of "personal-ish" info and the name/image of the celebrity.

      Awesome. Thanks!
      No problem at all! Hope it helps you!

      Originally Posted by RentItNow View Post

      Just a comment but you can sell these same type of flyers to local businesses and make that $1000/mn easily.

      99% of flyers out there do not contain even the simplest marketing elements (headline, offer, call to action, scarcity) and you will seem like a magician to local businesses when you can whip out an effective flyer for them for $99 each. I can easily do 10 in a month at that cost.
      Hmm... This is new to me... How does it work? And thanks for the tip!


      UPDATE: New blog post!!! 10/4/2011 Click Here!
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Sure you can!

    A couple things:
    1. Affiliate offers aren't allowed in signatures - probably a good idea to take that teeth whitening thing out before you get nabbed on it.

    2. Are you only using flyers to promote this? You're going to need more than three flyers to make $1000 a month.

    If you assume a 3% conversion (randomly pulled out of thin air), and a $25 CPA payout (again, huge assumption), you'd need 40 people to sign up (or 1333 people to look at your offer). If each of your flyers has 8 tabs you're gonna need 167 flyers to have all of their tabs pulled monthly..

    You may want to think about creating some small 4-up (4 per page on an 8.5X11 sheet) flyers and see about passing them out in your classes before hand. I think there's a thread somewhere in here about doing that.

    Another factor you're going to have to consider is that to make yourself $1000, you're actually going to need to make closer to $1200 in revenue, so the numbers I used earlier will go up a little maybe.

    Either way, I say congrats on going for it! You're already way ahead of the curve in that you've gone out there and DONE something. Good job!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4815682].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
      Originally Posted by mr2monster View Post

      Sure you can!

      A couple things:
      1. Affiliate offers aren't allowed in signatures - probably a good idea to take that teeth whitening thing out before you get nabbed on it.

      2. Are you only using flyers to promote this? You're going to need more than three flyers to make $1000 a month.

      If you assume a 3% conversion (randomly pulled out of thin air), and a $25 CPA payout (again, huge assumption), you'd need 40 people to sign up (or 1333 people to look at your offer). If each of your flyers has 8 tabs you're gonna need 167 flyers to have all of their tabs pulled monthly..

      You may want to think about creating some small 4-up (4 per page on an 8.5X11 sheet) flyers and see about passing them out in your classes before hand. I think there's a thread somewhere in here about doing that.

      Another factor you're going to have to consider is that to make yourself $1000, you're actually going to need to make closer to $1200 in revenue, so the numbers I used earlier will go up a little maybe.

      Either way, I say congrats on going for it! You're already way ahead of the curve in that you've gone out there and DONE something. Good job!
      Thanks for the great advice! I've removed the affiliate link so hopefully there won't be any issues. I appreciate that!

      Do you know where the thread is about passing out flyers after classes? I would definitely be interested in checking that out. Thanks!

      Also, do you guys have any suggestions on other cpa offers or clickbank offers that may convert well for college students? Advice is always appreciated!

      Thanks guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    $3000 = 4 conversions per day x 30 days at a $25 payoout... Hmmm.

    Doesnt seem impossible to make 1k per month at that pay out rate , if that is the case. As stated; "huge assumption".

    Have you thought of setting up a kiosk at a mall?

    Why not pay people $1.00 cash for filling out a form?

    I have often thought that a person could sit at a mall all day long and have people filling out forms at a kiosk that way...or if they offer some loss leader.

    In the modeling industry this (what we call Offline CPA) is called "promotional work".
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    • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      $3000 = 4 conversions per day x 30 days at a $25 payoout... Hmmm.

      Doesnt seem impossible to make 1k per month at that pay out rate , if that is the case. As stated; "huge assumption".

      Have you thought of setting up a kiosk at a mall?

      Why not pay people $1.00 cash for filling out a form?

      I have often thought that a person could sit at a mall all day long and have people filling out forms at a kiosk that way...or if they offer some loss leader.
      That would be very unlikely to work... Especially with CPA offers because they track the IP address used to fill out the offers (usually) and if it all comes from the same IP they may think something is fishy and ban your account which may result in all earnings becoming forfeit. Good idea in theory, though.
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      • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
        Originally Posted by perfectlovehere View Post

        That would be very unlikely to work... Especially with CPA offers because they track the IP address used to fill out the offers (usually) and if it all comes from the same IP they may think something is fishy and ban your account which may result in all earnings becoming forfeit. Good idea in theory, though.

        I would assume you could get approval from your affiliate manager if you let them know ahead of time what it was that you were doing.

        When I used to dabble in CPA marketing, I did some out of the box stuff that would have normally thrown red flags, but I never had a problem because I'd always let my affiliate manager know ahead of time.

        Some of my ideas were shot down, but they were actually pretty accommodating on lots of others.

        Just a thought, because that's a pretty damn good idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author BuyLandOnline
    What an interesting concept to make money by passing out affiliate flyers. I know it will be a lot harder than you think buy once all the hard work is finished you will have a residual income that will last for quite some time.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Also, here one thread about putting the flyers on the desks.. although not the one I remember. I think that one might have been deleted and turned into a WSO.

    Here are some others that might be relevant:
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  • Profile picture of the author manjit129
    I will be following this thread closely. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Just wanted to update with an offer for you guys who want some pretty easy money.

    I provide training so there's no experience required and you have the potential to make a few hundred dollars per day.

    Sales material is also provided.

    If you're interested in earning some pretty easy income, please send me a pm.

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    • Profile picture of the author marc.v
      Originally Posted by perfectlovehere View Post

      Just wanted to update with an offer for you guys who want some pretty easy money.

      I provide training so there's no experience required and you have the potential to make a few hundred dollars per day.

      Sales material is also provided.

      If you're interested in earning some pretty easy income, please send me a pm.

      Uh... how did you go from knowing very little about internet marketing to being in a position to train people... all in 4 days?

      I don't know about that.
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      • Profile picture of the author caloyski
        I will be checking this post from time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author grandstar
    Would college loan pay per lead offers not do better? Or one directed to overcoming hangovers? (Though I think hangovers is a perfect prize to pay for binging)
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  • Profile picture of the author Huie
    Hmm how come when i go to it redirects to the offer right away? How can i do that instead of putting a banner on my site?
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    • Profile picture of the author tampaprogrammer
      I must have missed it but have you given a $$ figure lately as to what you have achieved?
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