what's the best review script for an industry

3 replies
I am wanting to set up a niche review site in a specific segment of the legal industry. What is the best looking, most functional script that comes to mind. The market is not huge, perhaps 1000 or so in the USA.

#industry #review #script
  • Profile picture of the author mahoney12
    I'd go for wordpress with a review theme. Nice and cheap, functional and looks amazing.
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    • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
      Originally Posted by mahoney12 View Post

      I'd go for wordpress with a review theme. Nice and cheap, functional and looks amazing.

      Have been looking, have you ever used one ? I am looking for simple and clean.

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  • Profile picture of the author kashem
    I suggest wp as your script . Then you can find someone to custom design template for your site.
    Niche Masterly - Get Revenue Generating Keywords For Your Niche Site.
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