"NO STRINGS"- FREE OFFLINE REPORT-"The Great Telemarketing War Report" - Make Money Starting NOW!!

No catch! No affiliate links or hidden opt ins or upsells... Just a gift that has helped alot of others.
Its attached to this post at the bottom. Enjoy!
RE: WSO of the Day...
Is John Durham The Warrior Forum's Most Successful "Teacher"? (you decide)
I am just going to come right out and say it... I have NEVER seen someone on the forum with more success stories attached to their name than John Durham.
(Of course, you can decide for yourself, but the amount of people actually succeeding with John's methods speak for themselves.) - Mike Lantz
Please pardon my language but dammit John!!! Brilliant!!! absolutely wonderful. I haven't made a dime in this so called offline marketing business until today at 1:10 pm. Did exactly what you said damn near verbatim, and BAM. 3 appointments 1 sale out of a list of 32 businesses that I found with a nifty little app on my cell phone. A $750, 13.22 minute no hassle cold call. This has never happen to me before. I'm lost for words. People this works, flat out. want to talk more about it but that conversion rate is to good to stop now, gotta get back to it and double that 750. Once again thanks John I owe you one buddy. Oh before I forget: tattoo shops are ready for the picking. the owner answer the phone on 9 different calls. |
.... After reading ...., i now know why so many people look upto you, i don't have any doubts that it really did change many peoples lives over the last yr or so, and will prob change many more in the years to come. .... |
If it weren't for this report and offline crack by JD - I may have been on the streets with my 15 y.o. son. This method has been the basis for getting clients since I started cold calling last July. It works. Thanks John! |
The report is awesome. You will spend hundred of dollars on this forum but will not get the quality that this report delivers... |

Did exactly what you said damn near verbatim, and BAM. 3 appointments 1 sale out of a list of 32 businesses that I found with a nifty little app on my cell phone. A $750, 13.22 minute no hassle cold call. This has never happen to me before. I'm lost for words. People this works, flat out.... Once again thanks John I owe you one buddy. |
i can vouch for the methods in this book, made my first offline sale for $390 for 1 website. The guy also phoned me up a year later and wanted another website for $390. so one day of cold calling probs around 4-5 hours made me $780. |
I'm an admitted poor cold caller, but in 7 hours on the phone I made over $1,000 in my initial test run from your telemarketing report, so I know it works. I'll be buying this one too. Steve |
John, your scripts are always right on, practical and designed to get RESULTS. Thanks! |
John is a champ. Like I said in his WSO thread, I've make over 4k just from using the things he's posted here for free. |
Originally Posted by Cary When I ran across John's forum and the telemarketing report…my chosen vehicle for success was/is video….Today, I closed my first sale from telemarketing. 2 videos annualized at $700….I really pumped my up. I just know If I can get to the 200 calls in a day…I will be much more productive and profitable! |
Originally Posted by Mike Brandino I bought Johns WSO and at first I was hesistant to get myself on the phone , but a few days after reading it when I finally talked myself into spending hours cold calling in the manner prescribed. to my surprise I ended up closing sales at a profit of $450 RECURRING my first day! |
Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne Hi everyone! Inspired by John Durhams Warrior Forum thread, I took action one week ago and, today, I made my first two Offline sales. So excited by such quick, tangible, money-in-my-hands results. My mind is in overdrive with the possibilities - particularly as I am a full-time freelance writer and I was able to add-on monthly packages that include my content and article marketing services. So Woo Hoo! |
Here are the grand total stats for the last week : - 500+ cold calls (was aiming for 750, didn't quite get there) - Roughly 250 answered the phone and was the boss - 35 leads (couldnt book appointments for 95%, too far away) - 3 sales so far ($575 website redesign, $900 new site and $2000 new site and SEO) - 1 appointment on Monday, and a couple hot leads asked for callbacks after new financial year. It's official : I'm actually pretty busy right now. I am working on about 7 different jobs for clients, with 3 brand new ones in the last week....All this, 100% of the work, purely from picking up the phone and dialling cold numbers....I pretty much use John Durhams exact script in his Free Telemarketing Report. |
I have picked up $1,425 in the last 6 days and I have $800 owed to me early next week - Adukes
today i made my first $900 sale yeah!!!!!!!!! it feels great to see a check that big and i hardly worked for it so before you start reading everything i want to let you know that yes i did cold call the first day, and the second day i went to meet the clients. ....anyways what i did was this. i was at the telemarketing forum and i found a post from john durham it was about selling SEO, so i used it.....THANK YOU JOHN DURHAM FOR CREATING THE TELEMARKETING FORUM AND FOR WRITING THAT POST THAT CHANGED MY LIFE ...... |
I actually used John's script about a year ago when I was in a "need quick cash" situation and my usual largish projects pipeline had died down. Probably done £2k on it that month and got me outta a tight situation. These were phone closes too. |
I've said it before and I'll say it again: JD you are THE man! Why? Because he cares and loves to help the little guy. He's helped me get on my feet, and if you listen and just DO IT, you'll get on your feet too. #justanolddudestartingalloverfromsquareone |
Originally Posted by Amir Luis; I made $1600 within 72 hours of applying the techniques in this report...Thanks John! - Louie |
Hey guys and gals! ...I started cold calling back in March based on what I read in the Newbies thread, started by John Durham. This guy knows his stuff... it took a few days, but this week in particular, the flood gates have begun to open. i've made a TON of great contacts, i've had business owners calling ME back!!!!! two businesses in one day!!! (that's pretty awesome for a newbie!) i have a meeting set up for tomorrow, i have two businesses in my same line of work that are ready to send customers my way for their own varying reasons.woohoo! DO NOT GIVE UP! if you have not gotten on that phone - go make a call, go make 200 calls! MAKE something happen!!! |
Hey everyone....It's official...I AM 500 BUCKS RICHER!!!!!!!!!... I DID IT!!!!!... and I JUST MADE ANOTHER APPOINTMENT!!!! I have a chance to get about $800 worth of matinence done on my car in exchange for building a 5 page website. this is so awesome!!!!! If you are new, or just looking to make some extra money to dig yourself out of a hole (like me), take action....IT WORKS!!! John... If you read this, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Don |
John, Thanks for the free report. There was one thing that jumped out at me in your report... that we are equals... business owner to business owner! Not above them, nor not below them... that is what has been holding me back from calling... I've always felt below... a beggar... a salesman pleading for a sale... Thanks for those key words in your report... it has opened up my mind on this subject and given me a clear path to picking up the phone without reserve. Thanks again John! |
John, You one great guy that I respect a lot on warrior forum. I am Nigerian and after reading your post titled : NEWBIE READ THIS..., I got fired up.... So far , I have gotten 4 clients and still counting .... A lot of guys here on warrior forum did not like that post. The great thing about it is that, that post has gone far to change lives as far as Africa. Thank you so much for endless support. jideofor. |
Hi John, Thanks for the great method. It is so simple. Guys this works full stop. I have made 25 calls today, I would say 10 went to answering machine or were invalid numbers. Out of the remaining 15 calls I got 2 leads... Nick |
i purchased this report what seems like a long time ago and it was such a good investment. glad to see that others will be able to gain from it as well! |
Hey John, this is damn good stuff. Your base script is eerily similar to the script I've used to sell IT services to 1,000+ seat companies. And if I can sell a $50/user service to a 63,000 seat company using this approach, I bet it'd work OK for the Mom and Pop around the corner... Anybody that needs new clients but "hates cold calling" should probably read this. Or don't. But you will see better results, much faster, if you do. |
For those that doubt what John is saying, I'm proof that his systems work. I contacted John several weeks ago, and I told him I needed to make at least $1,000 extra this month. John told me to buy his course and if I took action I would make it easy. I bought his course, and I am admittedly truly not a sales person. I was also somewhat apprehensive about cold calling. I called 103 businesses and signed up 2 customers for websites costing $499 plus recurring of $25.00. It might not sound like much, but to me it was like winning the lottery. I have a son that had huge medical expenses and we needed to still eat, be sheltered and at least try to pay off the medical expenses. In many ways John's course saved my family. It also led to another offline project which is making me $1,200 recurring income and will soon replace the income of both myself and my wife. I anticipate workibng only a couple more months and then my recurring income is going to dwarf anything I've ever made before. John's teachings have truly saved my life and family from sure financial disaster. There is no way for me to thank him enough for his help. Steve |
...John "The life Saver" Durham should be you new name ![]() So big thanks goes out to John. |
Thanks for this report! I'm not a fan of slick talking, pretending to be all this and that when in reality, all I am is me. So the honest & humble approach outlined in this report is a good fit for how I operate my business & how I would like to approach other businesses whether on the phone, email, or however we cross paths...Thanks again for this report. This approach will surely help me to reach my goal of having 150-200 clients on my books. Only 143-193 more clients to go! ![]() |
Notes: (7/2/12)
Dear Readers,
The pitch in the report was really designed (for lack of a better word) for sales on the phone.
The only reason I added the part "When is a good time for me to stop by and get a check" is because I was in betweeen merchant accounts... and it was an off the cuff week long crunch , trying to pull things together in the nick of time sort of thing...
So I revised my pitch to allow me to go pick up a check.
Even my phone sale, I ended up sending a courier to go out and pick up the cash, and told them to look out for my courier and leave a check with the receptionist.
So we are talking BARE BONES... I didnt even have a web site.
This pitch was written in one of those "what to do if you're desperate" kind of moments.
More on how I arrived at it:
1: I took the way I was feeling at the time.
2: I created a pitch that would work with that vibe and come off naturally.
3: For the first 100 calls I sat there with a pen scribbling in and out words, until it rolled off the tongue nicely.
4: I added an appointment setting option (was meant to be a phone close pitch) to counter the fact that I had no merch acct. yet.
Now, having been at this for years, I can write a gazzillion styles of pitches, because have no doubt, Im a hardcore pro... But when I wrote this pitch I was feeling different... I intentionally told myself "im not going to do this the hard way...Im going to write an easy pitch that ferrets out the laydowns, and makes for a pleasant calling session.
Anyone should succeed with this.
More teaching ...
A pro telemarketer usually has a few different styles in his arsenal that he can switch back and forth from...
Part of coming in to work every day is paying close attention to how you feel, and deciding which pitching vibe you are going to go with based on that. Which one can you pull off most naturally today?
It may even happen from hour to hour...you may be in a great lighted hearted mood, taking the 'pleasant enthusiatic" approach and its working with you...
Then your girl friend texts you and says she saw her ex boyfriend at the park...and you cant get her to answer the phone when you try to call he back at break time...(Lol this really happened to me...).
Now you're tense... so you have to go back in to work despite that, and get back on the phone...
If you are smart you wont try to keep playing pleasant and enthusiastic, you will take a more authoritative style because it will come off more naturally...
Later she texts back and makes you feel better...now you feel light hearted again and you couldnt pull off the authority pitch if you tried.
Its important to constantly monitor how your pitching style is matching up with your vibe, because when you go with the grain its a much smoother ride and it works better....
I learned to use everything from determination, to easy going, to angry, to enthusiasm... to even "sadness" to my advantage by learning to adapt pitching styles to my moods...
All telemarketers learn to do that if they are good.
Now, you DONT change the words... you only change the energy they are delivered with.
Last note:
Now you know the history of the pitch in this particular report.
As I said in another thread, Im going to try and stop writing my pitches in threads... because I end up writing them over and over again, and it isnt fair to my pitch writing clients , but I hope this helps, the pitch in this report is meant to be a phone closing pitch (an easy going one) but was adapted for appointments...
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