Making Bank From Black Friday (Journal)

by 6 replies
Hey guys, so I hope this isn't against the rules here or anything, but I thought a few of you might be interested in how I'm going about profiting off black friday. I spent time writing all about this case study on my blog so check it out

My game plan for maximum profits

What I spent $1,000 on

More is on the way in the not so distant future

Here are some pictures of what has gone on so far

#offline marketing #bank #black #friday #journal #making
  • Right now I am waiting for supply to go down and demand to go up before reselling so I can get maximum profits. So I'm thinking of selling on December 1st and 15th on Craigslist and eBay because that is when a lot of people get their paychecks from work and have money to spend on last minute christmas gifts

    let me know if you guys have any questions and also let me know how your black friday shopping has gone. anyone able to sell PS3s or Xbox's over $300 on craigslist yet?
  • That's such a great idea! I consider a 'great idea' an idea you see and wonder, "Why the hell did I not think of that?", and that's whats going through my head currently so kudos to you!
    • [1] reply
    • haha thanks!

      it isn't too late, man! go for those cyber monday deals today! i don't think cyber monday is as profitable since there is a low entry barrier (people just have to click a buy button comfortably online as apposed to 8 hours in line) and also the deals go by really, REALLY fast. worth checking out though
  • I've seen people do this before and make good money. The key is always time vs. money so I am really curious how this turns out in the end. You will make a profit but was the profit worth your time?

    Great case study.

    But this IMO works best at a console launch. Especially if you have connections at retail stores that can tell you when they are getting shipments.
  • Subbed. Can't wait to see how this turns out
    • [1] reply
    • yeah i agree. i don't want to be making $10 an hour or something for $1,000 worth of risk. my goal was making $20/hr at least and so far i'm there with my estimates. now i've just got to hope it pans out like i was hoping or better. also, not living in california would instantly earn me maybe 20% more profits in that i don't have to pay 9% sales tax lol

      thanks... same here

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    Hey guys, so I hope this isn't against the rules here or anything, but I thought a few of you might be interested in how I'm going about profiting off black friday. I spent time writing all about this case study on my blog so check it out My game plan for maximum profits