Closed my first 2 real clients today!! $950 in the bank and $2k total work booked
just wanted to thank the warrior forum especially the offline section for giving me confidence and the knowledge to be able to take the steps to make a real business offline.
Anyway, today was a big day I deposited my first $949 of offline revenue into the bank.
The first $749 was from a client I got by posting ads on Craigslist...this ad specifically was for mobile website design. I landed the deal to do a full mobile website plus redesign his old school <table> based html site into an up to date wordpress site.
The whole job is $1498 and I sealed it last week but his bank check came in the mail today and made it legit. His project is big and I probably under-bid a little as there are some funky Google maps api scripts on his site that he wants to keep, so I will have to figure that out, but I am confident.
The second $200 check I picked up this afternoon was a deposit from a sub shop owner who needs a basic 5 page website that I sold him for $399. Should be easy and straight forward, but I know I also have him on an easy mobile site upsell for $199 once i finish the main site.
He will also want to integrate an online ordering sytem and possible SMS mobile coupons, so today I landed him for a $399 website + $29/mo hosting and maintenance but as 'Johnny D' always says "now im his web guy"! This could amount to some more upsells and residual very easily.
The sub shop guy was a lead my brother got me as he ate at this place last week and got to chatting with the owner, my bro being the salesman and networker that he is dropped my name. I called the owner that afternoon at 3pm when I knew he wouldn't be busy and booked the appointment for today.
On top of all that I have another lead to do a website for a youth basketball league from by boss at the Pool company I work for, which he says is a done deal.
This is a good first day and I have some work on my plate but tomorrow morning I'll be on the phone for 2 hours trying to book some SMS/ mobile site appointments keeping the pipeline full
Thanks again guys and gals, can't wait to build this business!
"The force is strong with this one"
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"The force is strong with this one"
Facebook Ad Services: http://sellabletraffic.com