Wow, Reputation Management must be the easiest sell ever?! MASSIVE LUCRATIVE MARKET !!!
Just closed my first ever "Reputation Management" sale

As soon as the boss lady spoke to me for half an hour and realised I knew my stuff, the deal was done!
My initial charges are a setup fee of £300 and a monthly rate of £250. This was my lowest package, they wanted to test my skills initially.
If I show results they are moving up to the £500 per month package in Feb.
I'm bouncing off the walls right now because the potential here is massive

Next week I have 4 more rep management meetings arranged!
This was from contacting 10 customers! 5 meetings from 10 customers???
Since I started my online business I have never heard of such a crazy conversion rate!!
Why are we seeing such awesome conversion rates here? The customers who are affected by bad reputation KNOW they are losing money 'hand over fist' because nobody wants to use a company with bad reviews.
Not only do they know about this, they are infuriated. Think about it, your business is like your baby. To have your baby openly berated by ungrateful customers? Its gotta hurt.
When it comes to finding immediate pain, this is the "bullet wound to the gut" kind of pain that needs IMMEDIATE attention...

The customers I am targeting are the companies you see on Google with like 1 or 2 stars out of 5. They have a string of bad reviews both on Google and spread around over the internet. These people are losing money every day and need your help now!
Another beautiful plus point we have here is that most of the so called Internet Marketing specialists out there do not offer reputation management.
It is wide open.
The company I just signed have been told repeatedly by their SEO company "There's nothing we can do"... What a wonderful thing to hear when sat in the position I was.
So if you haven't considered adding reputation management to your list of services I recommend doing so now. You will be amazed at the response you get.
Now you might be curious about the way I plan to deliver my work, what am I gonna do to fix the reputations of these companies? Quite simple really:
1. Get legit reviews on-line from their existing customers (this is easy, they already have a plethora of excellent testimonials)
2. Produce positive articles about the company on independent sites and rank them on the first page of google for relevant search terms (such as the company name)
3. Give their good reviews a stronger presence than their bad reviews.
4. Create Video testimonials and rank them in appropriate places.
Really its just like a large scale SEO campaign but such an easy sell and you can charge ALOT... and as always, with anything like this, you can outsource the work

This just might be the most excited I've been about offering a product in a while.
Ask away with any questions, it would be good to get some conversation going about this and perhaps hear from some other peeps who are offering this service.
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