For those asking if networking groups are worth it.....
He said he was a lawyer but didn't go into it too much after that. I think he thought it sounded boring. He then asked me what I did and I told him that I owned a creative marketing company which builds mobile websites, SEO optimization, and text message marketing which includes an appointment reminder by text system.
He then mentioned that his wife owned a hair salon and has to make calls every day to remind people of their appointments...and he heard of some other hair stylists using some sort of text message system for appointment reminders. I told him that's exactly what my system is used for and also talked about other marketing stuff.
The main presenter at the meeting then began so our conversation ended. But when it was over, he told me to call him next week to show him and his wife how the appointment reminder system works.
So here's a great lead that I got from a guest who came to our networking meeting. And since he's a lawyer, he may also need some marketing services done as well.
thelibidoguy -
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