Looking for pricing suggestions

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In a previous post, I mentioned having a meeting with a sales rep for a local magazine to hopefully have her introduce me to local businesses that advertise in that magazine.

Well, I talked to her today and she said that the magazine owner was interested in what I had to say and wants to set up a meeting. I know one of the issues she'll want to talk about is pricing.

Here's the game plan.

The sales rep sells a qr code (and whatever it does) to the advertisers in the magazine. She would then get me to create the QR code as well as whatever it does such as go to a mobile website, or a mobile coupon, or a mobile squeeze page, or whatever.

To make things easier, I would like to hand her a price list of each of those items, but I'm not sure what the best pricing would be. For instance....

1. Create a QR Code that goes to a 5 mobile website (that I would build) for $299 + $60 for each additional page.

2. Create a QR Code that goes to a single mobile webpage that's looks like a coupon for $150.

etc. etc.

I think if I give a straight price for each service, it will make it easier for the sales rep to add on whatever they want to charge and present it to their advertisers. They're used to dealing with straight up numbers such as $500 for 1/4 page color ad....or $1500 for full page black and white ad...etc.

Do you think this would be a good pricing strategy, and if so, what are some typical pricing amounts for these types of services? If not, then why?


#pricing #suggestions

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