Now you can offer small business owners FREE unlimited text/SMS campaigns

314 replies
Now you can offer small business owners FREE unlimited text/SMS campaigns

Maybe I shouldn't do this. Many here are appreciative of my copywriting, but what most people don't know is I am a bit of a mad scientist when it comes to integrating marketing with technology.

Over the last month or two, I've perfected a marketing strategy to go into local businesses (restaurants are particularly appreciative) and share with them a way to do free text messaging to their customers.

That’s right, I said they NEVER pay for text messages! It's basically a way for you to get to know them and their needs better. You'll create enormous goodwill in the process.

In other words, YOU'LL BE THEIR HERO!

Why should small business owners pay 5 cents to 14 cents per text message to send their special offers and deals? It adds up fast!

Even costs a penny a piece which doesn’t sound like much at first, but those penny’s can really add up!

I've done this with about three dozen businesses so far and it's a true breakthrough for them. They can't wait to try it.

So, how can any business owner send unlimited text messages for absolutely no charge?

To do it, we're going to route our messages through our friend, Twitter.


1. Go to Twitter and create an account for your prospect's business but with the word “deal”, “coupon” or “offers” in the Twitter name.

(The idea is to make the name easy to remember.)

Let’s say the prospect's business is a restaurant named “Kim’s Koffee”, your Twitter name could be KoffeeDeals.

2. Then the business owner advertises her text message service"

The call-to-action can be something like:

Text "Follow KoffeeDeals" to 40404 for VIP specials, offers and discounts.

Then each time the business owner tweets a deal under the KoffeeDeals Twitter account, their customers will receive it via a text message.

Pretty cool, uh? Try it for yourself.

3. BONUS: When customers text "Follow KoffeeDeals " to 40404, they will not only receive future deals, they also receive the LAST TWEET that was previously sent.

4. Get this: Customers do not have to have a Twitter account in order to receive these text messages, they just have to text "follow (username)" to 40404 and they will be subscribed.

5. The particular Twitter account you set-up for your prospect or customer is JUST for text message offers. It does not replace their regular Twitter account. And with this special account, they shouldn’t send out more than 1-2 offers per week.


Go ahead and try it. Share the tool with your prospeects and current customers. They'll thank you and then you can upsell them something that makes you some money.

- Rick Duris

PS: For those who need to know more, here's Twitter's take on the service:
#business #campaigns #free #offer #owners #rick duris #small #small business owners #text or sms #twitter #unlimited
  • Profile picture of the author Non Geeks Guide
    This is an awesome tip. I can't wait to offer it to my customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author KaterSD
    Great tip.

    Would of made some money as WSO "Free text messaging for your offline clients"
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    • Profile picture of the author EdKirby
      Very Cool! Thanks for sharing this tip. I had been looking at Twilio but this is handy.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5422186].message }}
  • Thanks for the tip Rick!

    Now that I have read it...can you delete it?

    (How am I supposed to sell SMS to my clients with this floating around? :rolleyes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5422177].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author shuttercraft
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      Thanks for the tip Rick!

      Now that I have read it...can you delete it?

      (How am I supposed to sell SMS to my clients with this floating around? :rolleyes
      HAHAHA, I was thinking the same thing

      But getting past that this is a great post
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5657031].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jaimegm
      Quite often I think the same
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    • Profile picture of the author brandon_holcomb
      Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

      Thanks for the tip Rick!

      Now that I have read it...can you delete it?

      (How am I supposed to sell SMS to my clients with this floating around? :rolleyes

      Hope they find you first on their mad search for marketing success before they find this lone post on the WF.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6191975].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    Very cool tip thanx!
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  • Profile picture of the author rangerd
    Way smart stuff

    Discover Marketing Technology with Ritz like service at Quality Inn pricing. Also keeping fit with the 7 minute workout 3 times a week.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5422450].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mcfcok
      First off can this tip be used in the UK and can someone pm it to me as i missed it.


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      • Profile picture of the author Falkonator
        Thank you for the great tip. I'm glad I saw it last night before you removed it. I will definitely use it!
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  • Profile picture of the author UncleChucke
    I found this about 3 months ago and offers free sms texting and unlimited keywords...they also provide a mobile friendly website builder...very exciting times...cheers, to all msg411 dot com and biz250 dot mobi
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5423722].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ErikNilsson
    Rick I missed it Can you post it back or PM me? I'm in need of it.
    USA Bank Account + ATM Card for Non-USA Residents Service PM me
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5424954].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Same
    Yeah PM me back if you can do that, I missed it too!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5424997].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rgbiz
      Can you please PM me the info as well.

      Thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5425739].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KaterSD
    You guys are gonna have to wait till his wso comes out.
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    It has to do with
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
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  • Profile picture of the author echelon
    This is really cool information. Thank you for sharing. I did not know that twitter could be used this way.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Leutner
      This is indeed the newest and fastest way to advertise. There are also other SMS provider that offers aspiring internet marketers to be their affiliates. Check my signature to get to the affiliate form. You might also visit for more info about SMS Marketing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5427073].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
        You're going to love this little story.

        Seems I stepped on a couple of toes sharing the information above.

        I'm ok with opinions. But then sh*t hit the fan. I was threatened. Not once, but twice.

        Seems like some folks don't want this information "out there."

        In response, I pulled the post. I'll admit it, initially I was taken back and a bit of a p*ssy.

        I had a second plan. I figured maybe I'd release it as a WSO or something. Bury it an OTO in something else. Who knows. Because the fact is, the information IS valuable.

        But as you can see, I've decided against it.


        To those who say it's just Twitter or "I've heard this before," I say "WTF? What are you smoking?"

        What I'm sharing above, can not only open many doors for local marketing consultants, it can give new life to local businesses of all kinds. The only limitation is your marketing creativity.

        I can't tell you how appreciative business owners are when you share this kind of information without reciprocity. They are so grateful. And once you demonstrate your ability to help them and they start to see just a tiny bit of results, you'll have their implicit trust.


        And to those who threatened me for sharing something designed to be free?

        It only shows me how desperate you are with your failing business model. Clue phone! It's for you: Does aWeber or mailchimp charge per email?

        I only have two words for you and you know what they are.

        - Rick Duris

        PS: Thanks to the folks giving me the encouragement and desire to re-post.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5427183].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author theemperor
          Great tip!!!

          There are codes for different countries: Twitter Help Center | How To Find Your Twitter Short Code or Long Code

          UK is 86444
          Australia is 0198089488 (Unfortunately Telstra Only!)
          Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5427229].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
          Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

          You're going to love this little story.

          Seems I stepped on a couple of toes sharing the information above.

          I'm ok with opinions. But then sh*t hit the fan. I was threatened. Not once, but twice.

          Seems like some folks don't want this information "out there."

          In response, I pulled the post. I'll admit it, initially I was taken back and a bit of a p*ssy.

          I had a second plan. I figured maybe I'd release it as a WSO or something. Bury it an OTO in something else. Who knows. Because the fact is, the information IS valuable.

          But as you can see, I've decided against it.


          To those who say it's just Twitter or "I've heard this before," I say "WTF? What are you smoking?"

          What I'm sharing above, can not only open many doors for local marketing consultants, it can give new life to local businesses of all kinds. The only limitation is your marketing creativity.

          I can't tell you how appreciative business owners are when you share this kind of information without reciprocity. They are so grateful. And once you demonstrate your ability to help them and they start to see just a tiny bit of results, you'll have their implicit trust.


          And to those who threatened me for sharing something designed to be free?

          It only shows me how desperate you are with your failing business model. Clue phone! It's for you: Does aWeber or mailchimp charge per email?

          I only have two words for you and you know what they are.

          - Rick Duris

          PS: Thanks to the folks giving me the encouragement and desire to re-post.

          If you were actually threatened maybe you should post the threatening email or PM along with the sources. A threat is actionable in the law and if it is made public you just may be showing you fear for your life. If you do, that is actually actionable in the law.

          It's funny what happens when you shine the light of day on underhanded tactics and bullying. Mind you, I'm not telling you what to do, I'm merely making a suggestion.

          Not legal advice but it is what I would do. We don't need that type of crap on this forum or on the Internet either.

          Just my 2¢...
          Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

          The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5432378].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
          Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

          Seems I stepped on a couple of toes sharing the information above.
          Seems like people are forgetting what this forum is about. It's about giving value, not taking value. Thanks for contributing this great idea, I'll definitely be using it!

          I'll add this- If you want scheduling capability you can incorporate your new Twitter account with Hootsuite.


          Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5432564].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thomas73
          I'll be cancelling the SMS service I just signed up for and was setting up to resell thanks to this GREAT post from Rick ... now I will show my clients how to do it for free and sell them my other mobile and website services...Thanks so much Rick
          #1 Source of Tools & Resources Helping Consumers Use Existing Laws to Deal With Debt Collectors, Get Lawsuits Dismissed, Eliminate Debt & Restore Your Credit to 720+

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5729537].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jason Stovall
          Quote from "Wolf Of Wall Street"

          I've learned one thing, the easiest way to make money is CREATE something of such value (Free SMS) that everybody wants it and go out and give it away, the money comes automatically!!

          Keep Going Donkey Kong ..LOL

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5732678].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author anamikasingh
          Hey ,
          Please add that post again.I missed too.
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      • Profile picture of the author hypxdavid
        Originally Posted by James Leutner View Post

        This is indeed the newest and fastest way to advertise. There are also other SMS provider that offers aspiring internet marketers to be their affiliates. Check my signature to get to the affiliate form. You might also visit for more info about SMS Marketing.

        You may consider creating a professional website if you wanted treated professioally.

        As for this thread, it is really a great way to use SMS Marketing approach to promote your products and site. It will surely be a win win situation to the client and the provider.
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      • Profile picture of the author cozens
        This quite smart. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbishop
    Now I have nothing holding me back from offering sms service. Best post ever!!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbishop
    I do not understand why people get crazy about someone sharing info that is out there publicly for anyone to find.

    Innovate or die! If you are based on the per message system, you need to look to see how this info can beni\efit you, not hurt you!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5427323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
      Because they would do an WSO, shocking new technique with RAVING REVIEWS and sell it to all the newbies around .... they wanna profit from something free instead of helping them and share something really useful

      Thanks Rick for sharing this. You're one of the few who really understand what this forum it's all about.

      This will go perfectly with my custom mobile design business


      Originally Posted by sbishop View Post

      I do not understand why people get crazy about someone sharing info that is out there publicly for anyone to find.

      Innovate or die! If you are based on the per message system, you need to look to see how this info can beniefit you, not hurt you!!
      ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
      Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
      More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5430625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WebSeeds
    Outstanding information Rick! This could definitely play a major role in client relations. This is the type of information that business owners would drool for, instead of wasting away their money to a 'Local Mobile Marketing Guru' scam artist, stealing a high percentage of their money in exchange for their menial SMS management tasks.

    Not only does this provide your clients/prospective clients with great information, it also provides them with satisfaction. Thus earning yourself trust, respect, and honor. 3 important qualities you as a marketer need in order to maintain a strong client-base, as well as a strong and stable income. The small amount of money you could make off of running a paid SMS campaign is nil, compared to the vast amount of money you can make off of providing actual service to the client, who has gained your respect.

    Its simple, save them money (along with the frustration and the negative psychological aspects that come along with spending money), and replace is with value. Value that will gain you respect in their eyes, which will knock out half of the battle in your sales pitch. They will already be on your side. Then, offer them more value, your service, and they will most likely hop on it without even thinking about it. Their massive serotonin release will already by linked psychologically to you, they will want it again.

    Being a good, successful marketer means that you must be a good person as well!

    To Rick- Thank you for providing this information to me, and all others who can use it for the good. I am saddened by the negativity this has caused you, but please know that this info IS very much appreciated. Shame on those who let their ill-will and ignorance take control and harass you.
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    I'm extremely appreciative of everyone's comments and contributions.

    Business owners are going to appreciate you even more when you share.

    Wait until you see what I have in store for you.

    And the best part is the stuff I'm sharing I've tested and proven in the field or on the phone.

    - Rick Duris

    PS: With "Twitter as SMS" service strategy, you can still sell the SMS service. Do you get that? It's just a matter of what your marketing process is. You can use it as a loss leader or use it on the backend.
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  • Profile picture of the author agonce
    this was sold as a WSO long time ago ... I just can't find the link to the WSO right now but I am 100% sure the guy who sold that wso made a lot of money.
    Of course there are many things that make this strategy not as good as when you pay for specialized sms services. ie you can't manage your list and do whatever you want with it, users will find out that they are following this person in twitter easily.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5432292].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author David B.
      Originally Posted by agonce View Post

      this was sold as a WSO long time ago ... I just can't find the link to the WSO right now but I am 100% sure the guy who sold that wso made a lot of money.
      Of course there are many things that make this strategy not as good as when you pay for specialized sms services. ie you can't manage your list and do whatever you want with it, users will find out that they are following this person in twitter easily.
      You are correct but you can use this to get in and get results for the business owner, then get them on a paid sms system with all the features later on because they know it works plus they should now afford to spend money the proper system.

      There are also small restaurants that using this will be enough for there needs.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5432522].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BurntOut254
    I just tried this. You should of seen the eyes of the restaurant owner! Especially when I tuned over the keys to his Twitter account.

    I didn't make a dime today, but sure felt good. I'll know in a few weeks if he'll pay to have me do his mobile website.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5432429].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author itsmybusiness
      Great you could also offer to manage rewards program etc. Then you could make a monthly income. Don't charge to setup, but help them out by managing it so it will be successful. Offer advertising media, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    Interesting approach. Not sure how I feel about this.

    It's really great outside the box thinking but I wonder if it opens up any legalities. Since they have to type leave [name] vs stop to end it
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  • Profile picture of the author wrench
    are you able to see the mobile numbers of the people who follow you?
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  • Profile picture of the author brianpalmer
    Great information! Glad you share it and those who don't threatened you should be banned!

    I came across something similar with QR codes. I was looking at a "fancy" qr code maker WSO and went on a web search for similar products.

    I use a Mac, and found an awesome full featured, custom color with image qr code generator on the Mac store for $4.99. Save a lot on that one!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5433379].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author criniit
      As someone who is actually running a successful Text Marketing company I'd like to offer my opinion on this, take it for whatever you think its worth.

      While this method is great if all you do is wish to send out a couple discounts and never go any further than that, sure use it. Better yet use it as a loss leader and upsell more expensive services on the back end as others in this thread have suggested.

      The REAL value that you provide when offering Text Message Marketing is your expertise. You managing the campaign, training their servers/employees, you deciding what offers are good enough to send out, you knowing what time of day to send out the offers for maximum response rate ect.

      I offer my texting services for $149 a month plus a $99 set up fee, that includes 2000 texts a month. I have never ever had anyone even pause at that number. Really the only objections I get are the owners wondering if it actually works. In that case I will give them a month free and they see a 3-6x return on their investments. That is true value, you could charge $1,000,000 if it made your client $20,000,000. I would not worry about what it costs the client but what you can earn the client.

      Secondly this system for supplying texts has almost zero features all you can do is send out a text. The feature I can offer my clients are as follows:
      • text to win
      • text to vote
      • surveys
      • collection of emails
      • collection of phone numbers
      • text to screen
      • text to poll
      • send video
      • send mp3
      • send pictures
      • autoresponders
      • QR codes hooked up to text optin
      • appointment reminders
      • and more...

      Being able to provide your clients with all those options to utilize with their lists, the marketing possibilities are endless!

      Just my humble opinion that more options = better product and better service.

      PS: I think you should post here the threatening message or atleast tell the mods, thats completely unacceptable and downright childish.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5433459].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
        Originally Posted by criniit View Post

        As someone who is actually running a successful Text Marketing company I'd like to offer my opinion on this, take it for whatever you think its worth.

        While this method is great if all you do is wish to send out a couple discounts and never go any further than that, sure use it. Better yet use it as a loss leader and upsell more expensive services on the back end as others in this thread have suggested.

        The REAL value that you provide when offering Text Message Marketing is your expertise. You managing the campaign, training their servers/employees, you deciding what offers are good enough to send out, you knowing what time of day to send out the offers for maximum response rate ect.

        I offer my texting services for $149 a month plus a $99 set up fee, that includes 2000 texts a month. I have never ever had anyone even pause at that number. Really the only objections I get are the owners wondering if it actually works. In that case I will give them a month free and they see a 3-6x return on their investments. That is true value, you could charge $1,000,000 if it made your client $20,000,000. I would not worry about what it costs the client but what you can earn the client.

        Secondly this system for supplying texts has almost zero features all you can do is send out a text. The feature I can offer my clients are as follows:
        • text to win
        • text to vote
        • surveys
        • collection of emails
        • collection of phone numbers
        • text to screen
        • text to poll
        • send video
        • send mp3
        • send pictures
        • autoresponders
        • QR codes hooked up to text optin
        • appointment reminders
        • and more...

        Being able to provide your clients with all those options to utilize with their lists, the marketing possibilities are endless!

        Just my humble opinion that more options = better product and better service.

        PS: I think you should post here the threatening message or atleast tell the mods, thats completely unacceptable and downright childish.
        Couldn't have said it better.

        Great post!

        Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6142245].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sitefurnace
          I think that the power in this system is in its simplicity. If you want to be offering all these extras then you will inevitably have a lot more support to deal with from customers.

          In my opinion most really small biz (I'm in the UK) don't want to spend any money and would rather have the limited features in return for zero cost and simplicity.

          The main problem that seems to keep cropping up is the fact that you are not holding the numbers. Well at sign-up time just get the customers number and make a paper record of it for future reference.

          There is a lot of scepticism from people here in the UK about SMS marketing, the best way to get the sign up is in the presence of the biz owner where he can reassure them that they will not be charged or tricked. He gets them to text to join and also politely asks for the number to write down.

          Twitter is likely to be around for a long time, probably longer than a lot of other SMS providers so I wouldn't be too worried about that, and if they do disappear just get the paper record out and go find someone else.

          Now if only I could work out a way to charge a recurring fee for providing a free service?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151424].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    This is a really good way for businesses to get a start. My only concern is not having a true list of phone numbers, twitter has the list.
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    • Profile picture of the author BizGrabbers
      Originally Posted by geotargeted View Post

      This is a really good way for businesses to get a start. My only concern is not having a true list of phone numbers, twitter has the list.
      Just an honest and sincere question:

      Why would YOU want the list?

      Without pondering the question for a while, I don't think it would be that beneficial to you. Unless you were planning to do something else with the list.

      Maybe I'm missing something. If I am (and I usually am), please enlighten me.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483269].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jayspann
      Originally Posted by geotargeted View Post

      This is a really good way for businesses to get a start. My only concern is not having a true list of phone numbers, twitter has the list.
      While it is true that this doesn't build a list of phone numbers... I feel that it builds a list indefinably more powerful.

      When someone joins your "list" you can see a picture of them, there last umpteen tweets, who there friends are, where they typically go to eat, etc.

      This is a market researchers wet dream, you can get data from your list that you would have to normally pay BIG money for.

      This is one of the benefits over a traditional SMS system. They both have there pluses and minuses.

      Before I sold my consultancy I used this for all my clients... either as a foot in the door or as a free 'just because your a great client' add on.

      Why? Because if you can get into your client's customer's heads, and know their wants and needs, you will never have to worry about that next invoice

      Jay Spann
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5502152].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mason1
        Originally Posted by jayspann View Post

        While it is true that this doesn't build a list of phone numbers... I feel that it builds a list indefinably more powerful.

        When someone joins your "list" you can see a picture of them, there last umpteen tweets, who there friends are, where they typically go to eat, etc.

        This is a market researchers wet dream, you can get data from your list that you would have to normally pay BIG money for.

        i dont think this applies to people who "follow" you by signing up with their phones and who dont have twitter accounts.. i just looked at my test account for this and even though ive followed the twitter account with a few phones it shows up as 0 followers because they dont have twitter accounts. so my point is, i dont think you get any pictures of them, dont get to see their tweets (they dont have any since they dont have a twitter account but have just signed up for your special offers), dont get to see who their friends are, and dont get to have that wet dream. but i still think its good..

        it would be nice to know how many people are following you though. seems weird that you could have thousands of people signed up to follow you by text message but it shows as 0 followers. i wonder if there is any way to find that info out?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5653208].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author itzpaul
    Great information. I believe, this info is gold! It's a nice way to test out a service and offer something to them for free.

    Twitter, SMS for basic SMS is perfect.
    The advanced is better, if you are asking payments from your customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    Man this is SOOOO cool. I've not been able to sell the mobile SMS thing because of the HIGH cost in Canada. This brings my services to a new level!

    Thanks Rick!
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tuddy
      Twillo is in Canada now I'm vary grateful for this posting. I know some small businesses that are struggling and would like my SMS service but could not afford the lay down I needed to get them started

      Dan Hornburg

      Offline marketing SMS text marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author adms122
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    • Profile picture of the author javarog
      Great advise to get the foot in the door,, if this is all they need you can charge a setup fee and for the signage and table tents..

      And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

      Abraham Lincoln

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  • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
    I think you can also do the similar things now withFacebook I just noticed on business fan pages,not individuals at bottom left it says get updates via SMS or RSS options.

    I am not sure what the big deal is if Im not mistaken its all over TV an Web that businesses can get a FREE website but we all know what that is like for the customer it still doesn't make sales, lead capture or post content.

    Happy new Year 2019

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  • Profile picture of the author vipervin
    I don't really work in the mobile SMS field, but this is a fantastic post nonetheless.
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  • Profile picture of the author debml
    Unquestionably, this is great information. From my perspective, the most valuable takeaway from this post is the way Rick has positioned himself in the mind of his client, and he does it so well, it's subtle yet incredibly effective.

    If I imagine being Rick's client, Rick's approach leaves me feeling - I don't know how much Rick charges, and I don't even know if I can afford him... but I want him helping me with my business' marketing strategy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5441898].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
    This could be a great method as a foot in the door, and make you the hero in someone's eyes for sure -

    I think it is great you shared this information, and I hope people do use it to get their foot in the door, or help existing clients. I would see it being difficult building a whole business model around this idea though. Not to take away from the OP at all!

    Not trying to make a buck , and adding value will come back and re-pay you 10fold.

    Again, I can see this as positioning your self as an expert in the marketing field by "knowing this" (thanks OP) , but I cannot see a substantial SMS business built around for the lack of capabilities that are out there these days.

    With more robust platforms, you can actually figure out your demographic: if you are a "club/bar" you can have the end user reply if they are male or female to target them. A grocery store can find out if you like coke or pepsi.. etc etc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5441976].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Thanks again everyone for your thanks, contributions and ideas.

      Here's another thing you can do: You can introduce this "Twitter as SMS" in all sorts of scenarios:

      1. Let's say you're doing a seminar or webinar or tradeshow. And you tell attendees, "Here, let me show you something cool about SMS..."

      (Now you can do group texting, and get them to call you! It's also great as a reminder service.)

      2. Or if you're at one of those BNI networking meetings, you can share the idea with the people you meet.

      3. Or if you're at a cocktail party and meet an interesting person or two, you can show them with their own phone.

      The key is NOT to sell! That's right, you don't have to sell.

      Most business owners will be amazed you're sharing something with them that's this valuable.

      Plus, you can introduce this to all types of "groups":

      1. Community groups, where members are invited to sign-up for updates and opportunities.

      2. Churches & other religious places--a "daily thought for the day" from the pastor or preacher would be rather interesting, wouldn't it?

      3. Local brick and mortar businesses where they want to communicate with their employees on a mass basis using SMS.

      4. Special one time events like a Marathon run, a walk for whatever, restaurant week, weekend festivals, etc.

      The list goes on...

      So don't be stingy with the information, ok? Share it. (I'm not asking for a royalty, am I? )

      And the best part? The information is so new and powerful, and you're sharing it so freely, add on work is all but inevitable.

      For instance, they can embed links to mobile sites in messages, right? Who do you think should get that business? Hmmmm... that's a hard one to answer.

      - Rick Duris
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5442472].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
        Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

        Thanks again everyone for your thanks, contributions and ideas.

        Here's another thing you can do: You can introduce this "Twitter as SMS" in all sorts of scenarios:

        1. Let's say you're doing a seminar or webinar or tradeshow. And you tell attendees, "Here, let me show you something cool about SMS..."

        (Now you can do group texting, and get them to call you! It's also great as a reminder service.)

        2. Or if you're at one of those BNI networking meetings, you can share the idea with the people you meet.

        3. Or if you're at a cocktail party and meet an interesting person or two, you can show them with their own phone.

        The key is NOT to sell! That's right, you don't have to sell.

        Most business owners will be amazed you're sharing something with them that's this valuable.

        Plus, you can introduce this to all types of "groups":

        1. Community groups, where members are invited to sign-up for updates and opportunities.

        2. Churches & other religious places--a "daily thought for the day" from the pastor or preacher would be rather interesting, wouldn't it?

        3. Local brick and mortar businesses where they want to communicate with their employees on a mass basis using SMS.

        4. Special one time events like a Marathon run, a walk for whatever, restaurant week, weekend festivals, etc.

        The list goes on...

        So don't be stingy with the information, ok? Share it. (I'm not asking for a royalty, am I? )

        And the best part? The information is so new and powerful, and you're sharing it so freely, add on work is all but inevitable.

        For instance, they can embed links to mobile sites in messages, right? Who do you think should get that business? Hmmmm... that's a hard one to answer.

        - Rick Duris

        Rick just to add:

        I have a lead for a high school principal

        Imagine schools being able to instantly contact all students parents in the event of an emergency, school closure, etc. As well as keep them up to date on school being out .. dances.. events.. etc etc..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5442871].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
          Originally Posted by ryanmckinney View Post

          Rick just to add:

          I have a lead for a high school principal

          Imagine schools being able to instantly contact all students parents in the event of an emergency, school closure, etc. As well as keep them up to date on school being out .. dances.. events.. etc etc..
          That's pretty cool, Ryan!

          Before you share with them, get "the lay of the land" first. They may already have this capability in their school admin software.

          So ask them first: "Do you already have the ability to send messages to parents on their cell phone for things like snow days and half days and special events and such?"

          If they do, there's no need for this. But by all means, try other things.

          - Rick Duris
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5445279].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Bizmarkie
            Thanks for the tips. I think SMS text message marketing is going to really blow up in the next 24 months
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5446399].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mnjuguna
        Writing all the way from Nairobi Kenya, Rick,please receive my hug! Just seen I can implement that here and you know what,I will first test it with my clients for free.

        I will then give it to others for free! Thank you so so much

        Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

        Thanks again everyone for your thanks, contributions and ideas.

        Here's another thing you can do: You can introduce this "Twitter as SMS" in all sorts of scenarios:

        1. Let's say you're doing a seminar or webinar or tradeshow. And you tell attendees, "Here, let me show you something cool about SMS..."

        (Now you can do group texting, and get them to call you! It's also great as a reminder service.)

        2. Or if you're at one of those BNI networking meetings, you can share the idea with the people you meet.

        3. Or if you're at a cocktail party and meet an interesting person or two, you can show them with their own phone.

        The key is NOT to sell! That's right, you don't have to sell.

        Most business owners will be amazed you're sharing something with them that's this valuable.

        Plus, you can introduce this to all types of "groups":

        1. Community groups, where members are invited to sign-up for updates and opportunities.

        2. Churches & other religious places--a "daily thought for the day" from the pastor or preacher would be rather interesting, wouldn't it?

        3. Local brick and mortar businesses where they want to communicate with their employees on a mass basis using SMS.

        4. Special one time events like a Marathon run, a walk for whatever, restaurant week, weekend festivals, etc.

        The list goes on...

        So don't be stingy with the information, ok? Share it. (I'm not asking for a royalty, am I? )

        And the best part? The information is so new and powerful, and you're sharing it so freely, add on work is all but inevitable.

        For instance, they can embed links to mobile sites in messages, right? Who do you think should get that business? Hmmmm... that's a hard one to answer.

        - Rick Duris
        Signature - For Corporate websites and web apps - Free crm and project management - Investment clubs and groups software....coming soon- Investors wanted
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7041930].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Hey Rick,

    Just have to say that this is an excellent idea that could be a great "foot in the door" to just about any business. Sure, you're not getting any of the features of a paid service and you're at the mercy of Twitter, but this could be just enough to prove that sms marketing works and there are so many ways this could be used as you've pointed out.

    Thanks much for sharing this here!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5443273].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sophia M
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    • Profile picture of the author oildrops
      I have used Twitter to test SMS text messaging but gave up on it since it was being used with the same Twitter account where there was a lot of activity, resulting in many annoying text messages.

      The idea of having a separate Twitter account that sends the meaty coupon like deals is a way to get around the above problem.

      Thanks for sharing and this should be a great way to interest new customers into the mobile world.


      Discover How a pack of Thieves Conquered the Black Plague and how You Can Use this Knowledge Today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5448262].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author maderemark
        Thanks for sharing Rick!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5448569].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Janet Andersen
          Thanks for the great info Rick.

          Just checked and as of August 10th/2010 Fast Following without creating an account is currently available only in the US, but we're working with carriers to bring it to other countries.

          I am checking with Twitter to see if fast following is available in Canada yet? Have my fingers crossed.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5449477].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    I don't think will "blow up" AS IS, and again this represents a HUGE opportunity, for us.

    What will ALWAYS hold us back is the hard costs of messaging are passed on to the user.

    Unless they have "unlimited texting", they being charged.

    Normally, they don't complain if THE CUSTOMER initiates the text.

    BUT if a restaurant iniiates a text? That text message will *scrutinized* for relevancy and usefulness to their lives.

    That's where apps come in. I believe apps will be THE WAY for a business to communicate with it's prospect and customer base long term.

    The folks who download and install and business' app WANT to communicated with regularly, the communication can be free, and you can communicate s much as is needed within reason.

    With an appm installed on their cell phone, they truly will feel special.

    For instance, a restuarant communicating its daily special, a bar talking about what band is playing tonight, etc., daily discounts at the local scrapbooking store, insurance companies will send out monthly reminders about stuff, etc.

    What will be even cooler is given the backend, the customer content can be personalized and previous transaction data drawn on.

    That's my opinion.

    I think every local business within reason will have a dedicated app. That's what I think s going to be huge, especially to local marketers.

    - Rick Duris
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5448257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LenF
      Great post Rick!

      I agree with many others this is a great foot in the door. Plus great for one time events etc. where a SMS pckg may be unnecessary. I think the opportunity for referrals is huge. ("Who set this up for")

      Also gives businesses a way to test SMS and if someone is thinking about starting a SMS service, great way for them to learn the biz before charging clients.

      As an idea, the person setting up the service can enter their info on the Twitter page. (This service set up courtesy of...)

      Read your post re Apps. Would like to hear more of your ideas on that. Also, if you don't mind sharing, what do you like for an app builder?

      Thanks again for the great info!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5453081].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
      Thanks for this information. I am meeting with a local client that knows she needs online and social media just doesn't know where to start so is hiring me. This would be a great way to test the SMS market with a new client at no cost to them.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5726382].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Fereday
      Excellent info Rick...thanks!
      It never hurts to truly help a prospect/client with something like this; makes them really appreciate you.

      I certainly appreciate you sharing this tip. Thank you very much.

      Like Dogs? Come see us to Get Daily Heart, Soul and Fun for The Dog Lover in You! ;

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5729174].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
      Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post


      If you were actually threatened maybe you should post the threatening email or PM along with the sources. A threat is actionable in the law and if it is made public you just may be showing you fear for your life. If you do, that is actually actionable in the law.

      It's funny what happens when you shine the light of day on underhanded tactics and bullying. Mind you, I'm not telling you what to do, I'm merely making a suggestion.

      Not legal advice but it is what I would do. We don't need that type of crap on this forum or on the Internet either.

      Just my 2¢...

      You got that right!!

      Originally Posted by criniit View Post

      PS: I think you should post here the threatening message or atleast tell the mods, thats completely unacceptable and downright childish.
      YES, please do. I don't understand why you wouldn't post it here or at least copy and paste it somewhere online and post the link here - like what I did here:

      I was wondering about something most people don't understand or maybe they just don't notice. After reading this, I'm thinking fear prevents people from asking certain questions out on the public forum - like this one, for example:

      Do people usually pay $97 or $297 for using a share tool that drives most of the traffic right back to the seller? Is that supposed to be normal?
      Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

      I don't think will "blow up" AS IS, and again this represents a HUGE opportunity, for us.

      What will ALWAYS hold us back is the hard costs of messaging are passed on to the user.

      Unless they have "unlimited texting", they being charged.

      Normally, they don't complain if THE CUSTOMER initiates the text.

      BUT if a restaurant iniiates a text? That text message will *scrutinized* for relevancy and usefulness to their lives.

      That's where apps come in. I believe apps will be THE WAY for a business to communicate with it's prospect and customer base long term.

      The folks who download and install and business' app WANT to communicated with regularly, the communication can be free, and you can communicate s much as is needed within reason.

      With an appm installed on their cell phone, they truly will feel special.

      For instance, a restuarant communicating its daily special, a bar talking about what band is playing tonight, etc., daily discounts at the local scrapbooking store, insurance companies will send out monthly reminders about stuff, etc.

      What will be even cooler is given the backend, the customer content can be personalized and previous transaction data drawn on.

      That's my opinion.

      I think every local business within reason will have a dedicated app. That's what I think s going to be huge, especially to local marketers.

      - Rick Duris
      Rick! First you burst my bubble and then you blow it right back up again!

      I think I have exactly what you're talking about but very few seem to understand what you just explained. Willie Crawford understands and if you can afford his personalized service, his offer was one of the best. [No, I am NOT his or anyone else's affiliate.]

      Last year, I signed up for Unlimited SMS and iphone App - the same partnership that Office Max Jane Mark and ran a couple of classified ads here but that was when the cost of iphone apps and SMS Messaging were still so much higher, most people were skeptical and some said it must be another scam.

      This is exactly what the iphone app looks like before you do any customizing The affiliate program pays 25% of $39 every month which is okay but if I added another 25% wouldn't this program be worth promoting for 50% because I'm not getting anywhere by myself. Is anyone else?

      Besides that I'm more interested in connecting that app with Facebook for getting more traffic driven back to the mobile apps, making the offer even better but I can't do both.

      The whole purpose of any forum is to collaborate and help other members on the same level for the same reasons. Turning other member into repeat customers or rabid buyers doesn't help anyone but the seller and his affiliates. I wish you would post those threatening messages.... come on...or put them online and just post the link here!!

      I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

      When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751084].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author puja2sharma
      its a great idea for sharing information. it is the best used of small business propose.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5971291].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ionutcib
      What if my clients will ask me how much will they pay for a SMS at 40404... what shall I tell them?
      Is this service available world wide?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6289902].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bsvoboda
    Dave Offen shared this great thread with me. I was looking for a great freebie to offer restaurant owners and have avoid mobile related marketing until now...

    Would love to join your list, if you have one.


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  • Profile picture of the author DriveTheGoods
    Really good idea! Especially for a coffee shop or wine store.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5453506].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author everge
    Great Tip Rick for free SMS service for Local Businesses...

    I'm based in Australia and for those in Oz the number to switch Twitter on in Australia is 0198 089 488...You will find that in Australia the end user being the client needs to have their Twitter account registered with their mobile number.....have tested today..the advantage thou if set up correctly is that the business owner will also build a following hence a database of local followers based on Rick's instructions to set up
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454642].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TonyBabb
      Awesome info.

      Thanks for sharing. I have been wanting to get into Text Marketing. This will help give me a start.
      **** Partners Needed Now! ****

      Will pay you monthly for 4 months. Several sources of income and tax returns to back it up. Plus other benefits. DO NOT MISS THIS! Find out more here:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454696].message }}
      • Good tip.

        I think more and more free SMS services are appearing. Wassup for iPhone users for instance...but you need to have the others phone number.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5455372].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    this is really just killer stuff. Thanks. I just bought a new iphone, the only thing It cannot do is make your breakfast in the morning, and rumor has it, they are making an app for that we speak. LOL.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5455735].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jideofor
    Hello. I think I need a step by step guide to get this to work for me as I have tried it with friend's phone number and he said that he did not receive any text.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5457547].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Originally Posted by jideofor View Post

      Hello. I think I need a step by step guide to get this to work for me as I have tried it with friend's phone number and he said that he did not receive any text.
      Maybe I should do a video?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5463735].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author maderemark
        Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

        Maybe I should do a video?
        Can't go wrong with a video!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5464148].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
      Originally Posted by jideofor View Post

      Hello. I think I need a step by step guide to get this to work for me as I have tried it with friend's phone number and he said that he did not receive any text.
      I just documented the process for a friend, so I'll send you a link with my instructions and you can see if that helps any.



      P.S. let me know the twitter username and shortcode and I'll let you know if it works for me. It could just be that your friends provider has issues with the text messge.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5465536].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author maderemark
        Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

        I just documented the process for a friend, so I'll send you a link with my instructions and you can see if that helps any.


        Hi Steve - can you send me the link too?


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5465543].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jideofor
        Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

        I just documented the process for a friend, so I'll send you a link with my instructions and you can see if that helps any.



        P.S. let me know the twitter username and shortcode and I'll let you know if it works for me. It could just be that your friends provider has issues with the text messge.
        Thanks for the report. Sorry, this came rather late. I was very busy. It was really an awesome report with value. Thanks for your time.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5528217].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MediaPlanner
        Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

        I just documented the process for a friend, so I'll send you a link with my instructions and you can see if that helps any.



        P.S. let me know the twitter username and shortcode and I'll let you know if it works for me. It could just be that your friends provider has issues with the text messge.
        Hi Steve,

        Please send me the link too.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5720146].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Wealth Mentor
        Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

        I just documented the process for a friend, so I'll send you a link with my instructions and you can see if that helps any.

        Hey Steve, can you send me a link to your instructions, please?

        Thanks much....
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5728605].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Teez
        Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

        I just documented the process for a friend, so I'll send you a link with my instructions and you can see if that helps any.



        P.S. let me know the twitter username and shortcode and I'll let you know if it works for me. It could just be that your friends provider has issues with the text messge.
        Hi Steve I'm having a similar issue here in the UK I followed the procedure and then nothing when I posted a tweet I thought it would come up as a text on my phone but nada

        My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

        You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5896709].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chrisjenva
    Cool technique. I just setup a test run and I have another use for this as well.
    ==>Founders Needed! Only 2 more Positions Available!<==
    Get 100% back on your WSO Purchases. Earn when others buy WSOs. Share in a special BONUS POOL that pays for 12 months! New Concept!
    Email chrisjenva @ or PM me for details...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5464031].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PsycFa
    I think i read that somewhere but I can't remember where exactly.. But the way you explained it is top notched; way better! Another reason to get your offline clients to get with you.. I like that! cheers

    The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5465610].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mav Thompson
    Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

    Now you can offer small business owners FREE unlimited text/SMS campaigns

    2. Then the business owner advertises her text message service"

    The call-to-action can be something like:

    Text "Follow KoffeeDeals" to 40404 for VIP specials, offers and discounts.

    Then each time the business owner tweets a deal under the KoffeeDeals Twitter account, their customers will receive it via a text message.

    Hi, I maybe missing something here, the business owner will be still paying for the cost of sending a SMS (cost being the telco/carrier charge). Is that correct?

    How does the customer opt-out of this service?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5466113].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Originally Posted by Mav Thompson View Post

      Hi, I maybe missing something here, the business owner will be still paying for the cost of sending a SMS (cost being the telco/carrier charge). Is that correct?

      How does the customer opt-out of this service?

      1. No, there is no cost through Twitter. You're tweeting your message to the cellphone subscribers.

      2. It's in the instructions when the subscriber signs up.

      - Rick Duris
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5466201].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bloggerd
    Great Info Rick, How do you go about offering it to new clients how do you put it across to them?

    Thanks agin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5475664].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author imwarrior84
    Great share very clever, I just love it

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5475770].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ayhaah
    I believe, this info is gold!

    Cheap Backlinks From PR2 -PR6
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5481830].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author brianpalmer
    Again, great info here. I wanted to share how I'm using this.

    First, I approached a few non-profit types - limited budget organizations. I put together a quick twitter sms package and qr code for free. In return, I ask them to refer any business owners on their donor list that could benefit from text marketing. Also, I've been asked to speak at several meetings explaining how to use this "sophisticated" system.

    When the business owners ask, I tell them I can set up a similar system for a fee or I upsell them to my "real" sms provider. When they see the benefits of the upsell - unlimited messages, unlimited contacts, and unlimited secondary keywords all for a low fixed monthly price - I close the majority.

    Good luck!

    ps - If you want to know more about my sms provider, PM me or email brian (@) molomarketinggroup dot com.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483297].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    When you set up a new business on twitter, what good is it if they have zero followers? How do they build a following? Internal marketing to all their existing customers?

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483330].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
      Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post

      When you set up a new business on twitter, what good is it if they have zero followers? How do they build a following? Internal marketing to all their existing customers?
      That's a decent question, but one that would hold true even if you used Twilio or any other SMS provider. The thing I like about this method is that you could pretty much do an entire campaign for a business for no money as sort of a seed campaign to attract interest from other businesses, and get recurring monthly income from them.

      Set up some custom QR codes for them. Make some signs for the business. Get them to put a post on their Facebook fan page (don't have a fanpage, eh? I can help with that too!).

      If they already advertise in a local magazine, put in a QR code and a blurb that says "text FOLLOW MYBIZ to 40404 for EXCLUSIVE discounts and offers", and see how that skyrockets their business.

      Put an article in some strategic LinkedIn groups about this pilot program you are running for business X, and invite other businesses to come check it out.

      Etc, etc.

      It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
      - Benjamin Franklin

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5522268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    I've tested this before as well.....

    It's a cool free alternative to traditional SMS marketing....but I agree it has some major drawbacks.

    They may be appreciative but they're missing out on building a list, plus the fact that it is free will under value your later upsells and services IMO.

    I do, however, see the value in this for referrals and for helping places like maybe the "Chamber of Commerce"?!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483747].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BizGrabbers
    Thanks to Rick for this information. It's always good to see someone who believes in doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do instead of just trying to get more and more dollars any way he can.

    I don't know much about Twitter, but I've been reading their TOS and I found this:
    Current Twitter limits
    The current technical limits for accounts are:

    Direct Messages: 250 per day.

    Updates: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as updates.

    Changes to Account Email: 4 per hour.

    Following (daily): Please note that this is a technical account limit only, and there are additional rules prohibiting aggressive following behavior. You can find detailed page describing following limits and prohibited behavior on the Follow Limits and Best Practices Page. The technical follow limit is 1,000 per day.

    Following (account-based): Once an account is following 2,000 other users, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios. The Follow Limits and Best Practices Page has more information.

    I found this at this link:
    (Sorry I can't post the link so here is the

    Could that present a problem?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5483871].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
      Originally Posted by m and s global View Post

      Thanks to Rick for this information. It's always good to see someone who believes in doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do instead of just trying to get more and more dollars any way he can.

      I don't know much about Twitter, but I've been reading their TOS and I found this:
      Current Twitter limits
      The current technical limits for accounts are:

      Direct Messages: 250 per day.

      Updates: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as updates.

      Changes to Account Email: 4 per hour.

      Following (daily): Please note that this is a technical account limit only, and there are additional rules prohibiting aggressive following behavior. You can find detailed page describing following limits and prohibited behavior on the Follow Limits and Best Practices Page. The technical follow limit is 1,000 per day.

      Following (account-based): Once an account is following 2,000 other users, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios. The Follow Limits and Best Practices Page has more information.

      I found this at this link:
      (Sorry I can't post the link so here is the

      Could that present a problem?
      As that's in their section on "finding and following" people, I don't see any connection between that and people signing up to receive sms updates about your tweets, so I don't think there's anything to worry about there.
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    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Originally Posted by m and s global View Post

      Thanks to Rick for this information. It's always good to see someone who believes in doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do instead of just trying to get more and more dollars any way he can.

      I don't know much about Twitter, but I've been reading their TOS and I found this:
      Current Twitter limits
      The current technical limits for accounts are:

      Direct Messages: 250 per day.

      Updates: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as updates.

      Changes to Account Email: 4 per hour.

      Following (daily): Please note that this is a technical account limit only, and there are additional rules prohibiting aggressive following behavior. You can find detailed page describing following limits and prohibited behavior on the Follow Limits and Best Practices Page. The technical follow limit is 1,000 per day.

      Following (account-based): Once an account is following 2,000 other users, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios. The Follow Limits and Best Practices Page has more information.

      I found this at this link:
      (Sorry I can't post the link so here is the

      Could that present a problem?
      The information you are referencing are each aggressive actions taken by a Twitter account holder. These restrictions are an effort to limit spammers but each has nothing to do with how many fast followers a Twitter account can have.

      You can have an unlimited number of Quick/SMS Followers and each time you send an update, each of those followers will receive an SMS message, whether you have 10, 10,000 or 100,000.

      No cause for concern.

      - Rick Duris
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5503635].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SpiralX
        Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

        The information you are referencing are each aggressive actions taken by a Twitter account holder. These restrictions are an effort to limit spammers but each has nothing to do with how many fast followers a Twitter account can have.

        You can have an unlimited number of Quick/SMS Followers and each time you send an update, each of those followers will receive an SMS message, whether you have 10, 10,000 or 100,000.

        No cause for concern.

        - Rick Duris
        I just created a demo Twitter account, it's brand new, not following anyone and no followers. Then I texted in the message to follow it from my phone. Unfortunately, I got a reply back from Twitter:
        'Sorry, you have reached your following limit for now.'

        Any idea what this is about?


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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    is there a way this can be joined up with Twitter analytics to give us more info than we would normally get ?

    Also to UK people, not all providers are covered on this at the moment, lets hope they all come onboard asap


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  • Profile picture of the author jRad
    Awesome tip! Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
    Hate to be a bubble buster, but here it is.

    FREE can go away at any time.

    Why? Same reason no one really uses free hosting for anything serious.

    Will you base your customer's, or your own, SMS to something that might go away? Ok, its Twitter, they don't seem to be going anywhere, but what if they change the TOS? Remember the craziness of the FB fanpage change?

    With real SMS providers, like Avid Mobile, you pay less than a CENT for an SMS, charge your customer 2c a text 7500 SMS per month, that's only about $150 to the customer, charge $300 for it, 20 customers, 3K in your pocket.

    You then avoid the customer finding out you;\'ve been charging them to build a non-existent SMS Database with which they can do nothing, because they have nothing.

    Do as you will, but I very much disagree with using the Twitter model for a customers SMS program. You are asking for headaches.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5529052].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
      Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

      Hate to be a bubble buster, but here it is.

      FREE can go away at any time.

      Why? Same reason no one really uses free hosting for anything serious.

      Will you base your customer's, or your own, SMS to something that might go away? Ok, its Twitter, they don't seem to be going anywhere, but what if they change the TOS? Remember the craziness of the FB fanpage change?

      With real SMS providers, like Avid Mobile, you pay less than a CENT for an SMS, charge your customer 2c a text 7500 SMS per month, that's only about $150 to the customer, charge $300 for it, 20 customers, 3K in your pocket.

      You then avoid the customer finding out you;\'ve been charging them to build a non-existent SMS Database with which they can do nothing, because they have nothing.

      Do as you will, but I very much disagree with using the Twitter model for a customers SMS program. You are asking for headaches.

      What if the FCC comes out next month and makes a ruling that says you must get a triple opt-in from text message list members in order to send promotional texts, and that any existing text lists must be deleted and you must start from scratch?

      Or what if you didn't do your due diligence on Company X, and the reason they are so cheap is because they don't do a redundant backup of data, and their servers are wiped out?

      Or what if you use Company Y, which is owned by Joe Hotshot, who bankrupts the company in a bad investment scheme, and you can't switch to a new carrier?

      There are always going to be several different ways to look at an opportunity like the one Rick showed us - you can view it as another tool for your arsenal, and use it, or you can find ways why it's wrong, and not use it. The choice is yours, but, either way, it's good knowledge to have.

      It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
      - Benjamin Franklin

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5529098].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
      Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

      Hate to be a bubble buster, but here it is.

      FREE can go away at any time.

      Why? Same reason no one really uses free hosting for anything serious.

      Will you base your customer's, or your own, SMS to something that might go away? Ok, its Twitter, they don't seem to be going anywhere, but what if they change the TOS? Remember the craziness of the FB fanpage change?

      With real SMS providers, like Avid Mobile, you pay less than a CENT for an SMS, charge your customer 2c a text 7500 SMS per month, that's only about $150 to the customer, charge $300 for it, 20 customers, 3K in your pocket.

      You then avoid the customer finding out you;\'ve been charging them to build a non-existent SMS Database with which they can do nothing, because they have nothing.

      Do as you will, but I very much disagree with using the Twitter model for a customers SMS program. You are asking for headaches.

      Hi Michael. dont go away, valid points youve got there.

      I think the OP did say that this is great for getting businesses to accept that text messaging can work for them without them having to commit to a long term contract or shell out on the cost of messages (granted theyre not much but we all know how some business owners wrap their bank accounts in swaddling!) , I dont beleive the OP suggested it was a long term solution, it was an easy entry for newbies perhaps and an easy way to show business owners proper (shall we say) texting services ARE worth their time and investment


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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
    As I said, do as you will, but how will you answer your customer's questions about the number of opt-ins this week, response rates, total number in the database, possibility of cross marketing the list, how else can I monetize this list, etc, etc, etc.

    You have no answer to these questions using Twitter as SMS service.

    Please, by all means, give it a shot. Just understand the possible pitfalls. I'll leave your thread alone now.
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  • Profile picture of the author thefsboking
    Thanks Rick. It is guys like you that make this forum worthwhile.

    Mike Williams

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  • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
    lol bummer for me! I've been doing this silently for about 6 months now and putting together a report/WSO for it... so much for that *opens trash bin and...* 3 pointer!

    However, there are MANY ways to leverage this beyond the basics... so think as hard as hard as you can. I might modify the WSO a bit to be fair to Rick and include this thread, but I'll give you a hint on how to use this even better:

    Find a way to gather phone numbers (twitter followers as described) of interested home buyers (that's YOUR job, I'll tell you what to do with it) and work out a commission deal on clients who show up to open houses/buy houses through the twitter account.

    Working out the deal with the real estate agent is your job. I've been paid as much as $2,500 for somebody buying a house when the agent was getting both ends of the commission (3% + 3% buyer/seller is normally standard, and on a 300k house, that's 18k, so $2,500 was reasonable and fair, to me)

    Not to mention, they paid me to manage the twitter account as well
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5655402].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author junioreality
      I read this tip one day on a blog after doing some Googling the other day. Even though the downsides are not getting contact info, time period stats, and an accurate follower list, a work around is to periodically tweet/text all subscribers to sign up to Twitter if they don't have an account, or to go to a landing page when you finally have an autoresponder or SMS set up

      So, the Twitter path can be a way to get your foot in the door, but if one is trying to record accurate info for a pay per lead system they have with a client, I would go with the autoresponder or SMS route from the jump.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5656274].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
      Originally Posted by Brenden Clerget View Post

      Working out the deal with the real estate agent is your job. I've been paid as much as $2,500 for somebody buying a house when the agent was getting both ends of the commission (3% + 3% buyer/seller is normally standard, and on a 300k house, that's 18k, so $2,500 was reasonable and fair, to me)

      Not to mention, they paid me to manage the twitter account as well
      How do you arrange a payment on real estate transaction and make it legal? Could you give some pointers on how to structure a deal like this?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5656740].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mason1
        Originally Posted by SirThomas View Post

        How do you arrange a payment on real estate transaction and make it legal? Could you give some pointers on how to structure a deal like this?

        i never did a deal like this when i was doing a ton of deals from 2004-2007 but i had some friends who did. they did a lot of them with realtors and they said they wrote it up as a consulting fee and not any type of commission. because in the u.s. if you mention that at all youre gonna need to be licensed.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5661543].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
      Originally Posted by Brenden Clerget View Post

      lol bummer for me! I've been doing this silently for about 6 months now and putting together a report/WSO for it... so much for that *opens trash bin and...* 3 pointer!

      However, there are MANY ways to leverage this beyond the basics... so think as hard as hard as you can. I might modify the WSO a bit to be fair to Rick and include this thread, but I'll give you a hint on how to use this even better:

      Find a way to gather phone numbers (twitter followers as described) of interested home buyers (that's YOUR job, I'll tell you what to do with it) and work out a commission deal on clients who show up to open houses/buy houses through the twitter account.

      Working out the deal with the real estate agent is your job. I've been paid as much as $2,500 for somebody buying a house when the agent was getting both ends of the commission (3% + 3% buyer/seller is normally standard, and on a 300k house, that's 18k, so $2,500 was reasonable and fair, to me)

      Not to mention, they paid me to manage the twitter account as well
      Hi Brendon - I would love a WSO with proven offers in specific verticals, like Pizza Restaurants, Auto Repair, Day Spas, etc.

      Like 6 months worth of offers that are known to pull in business that can then be licensed to business owners.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5656904].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
        Originally Posted by SirThomas View Post

        How do you arrange a payment on real estate transaction and make it legal? Could you give some pointers on how to structure a deal like this?

        Basically, you receive the payment as a third party. They get paid their commission as normal, then after the deal is done, they pay you out of pocket for a referral fee which you bill them for.

        Easier, as you don't need any real estate certification or anything, and most brokers don't care where their agents are getting leads from or paying for advertising at, as long as they sell houses.

        Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

        Hi Brendon - I would love a WSO with proven offers in specific verticals, like Pizza Restaurants, Auto Repair, Day Spas, etc.

        Like 6 months worth of offers that are known to pull in business that can then be licensed to business owners.
        That's a great idea, and we've got a looooong list with promo materials. Maybe I'll get some of our interns on polishing them up and just give them away instead. I'm starting to become uninterested in WSOs, to be completely honest. Too much time, pain and headaches.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5667009].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Wealth Mentor
      Originally Posted by Brenden Clerget View Post

      Find a way to gather phone numbers (twitter followers as described) of interested home buyers (that's YOUR job, I'll tell you what to do with it) and work out a commission deal on clients who show up to open houses/buy houses through the twitter account.

      Working out the deal with the real estate agent is your job. I've been paid as much as $2,500 for somebody buying a house when the agent was getting both ends of the commission (3% + 3% buyer/seller is normally standard, and on a 300k house, that's 18k, so $2,500 was reasonable and fair, to me)
      Originally Posted by Brenden Clerget View Post

      Basically, you receive the payment as a third party. They get paid their commission as normal, then after the deal is done, they pay you out of pocket for a referral fee which you bill them for.

      Easier, as you don't need any real estate certification or anything, and most brokers don't care where their agents are getting leads from or paying for advertising at, as long as they sell houses.
      Hey Brenden...I like your out of the box thinking on this. Only problem is...what you suggest is illegal in like 50 of the 50 states (as in ALL of them). As a result, this particular "creativity" could earn you a nice four-fugure fine, plus jail time in any of those 50 states.

      But the serious threat is that you would also likely be violating RESPA (look it up), which could potentially earn you an unforgetable vacation at a Club FED facility...and a felony conviction.

      Needless to say, real estate brokerage is one of the most highly regulated industries around. So don't mess around there if you don't have the right credentials. Hint to the wise....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5728667].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mason1
        Originally Posted by Wealth Mentor View Post

        Hey Brenden...I like your out of the box thinking on this. Only problem is...what you suggest is illegal in like 50 of the 50 states (as in ALL of them). As a result, it could get you a fine, plus jail time in any of those 50 states.

        But the real threat is that you would also likely be violating RESPA (look it up), which could potentially earn you a vacation at Club FED.

        Needless to say, real estate is one of the most highly regulated industries around. Don't mess around with it if you don't have the right credentials. Hint to the wise....

        i've friends who've done it many times.. cannot call it a commission or get a percentage.. had to be a flat price consulting fee and you get 1099'd on it. and thats in the states
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5728708].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Wealth Mentor
          Originally Posted by mason1 View Post

          i've friends who've done it many times.. cannot call it a commission or get a percentage.. had to be a flat price consulting fee and you get 1099'd on it. and thats in the states
          Agreed...but that is not what he suggested. Or what he said he was doing.

          What you suggest will work fine, with zero problems...if you can sell it.
          The way he is doing it...will eventually come back to bite him.

          Trust me...competing agents will NOT appreciate "creative" solutions to earn income in their industry when you are not licensed, bonded and regulated like they are.

          Can you believe they consider that unfair competition?!??! Well they do...and will drop a dime on you in a New York minute!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5728857].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    This strategy gives you a huge opportunity to basically "gift" business owners something that has the potential to greatly impact their business.

    It allows you to prove the concept works, build trust and credibility, filter out the clients that are serious and want to go to the next step, and as the naysayers (they're always there, aren't they?) and the sky does fall, and Twiiter changes their TOS, a comet strikes Twiiter's servers, treasure hunters severe Twitter's fiber optic pipe to the Internet, or whatever, and talk about a forced up sell :-)

    The bottom-line is there are tons of small business owners that will not commit to even $30 per month, but once you are able to offer a free solution to prove how well it can work, and you follow up with carefully crafted offers to get people to coming in (they have to show the offers message on their phone) then you can explain the downfalls and how to upgrade to a more practical, long term solution.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5656882].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    I just looked on my Excel file and I have created exactly 41 accounts for restaurants in my area with no issue and when I just read your post, I set up another and I just texted it and it worked fine.

    You do have to have at least one message posted because all new subscribers receive your last message.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5656931].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SpiralX
      That's bizarre. Anyone else trying this from Canada, shortcode 21212?

      So there is also no problem with a single cell phone number following multiple accounts?


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    • Profile picture of the author mojo1
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      I just looked on my Excel file and I have created exactly 41 accounts for restaurants in my area with no issue and when I just read your post, I set up another and I just texted it and it worked fine.

      You do have to have at least one message posted because all new subscribers receive your last message.
      This sounds awesome. Would you mind sharing what your first twitter message post is for all new subscribers.

      Also, do you talk with the restaurant owners first or do you simply set up their deals/coupon twitter account first and then share the fact that you've a new acct for them?

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  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    I can't speak for Canada, I am in Texas, USA, but I am subscribed to all of the accounts I created for my area restaurants.

    What is cool for me at least, is I now have 40+ restaurants I can eat for free at each month. That has a value of at least $1,000 or more per month, if I were to have one meal at each location.

    And I was able to sell websites to 3 of those restaurants thus far, generating $7,230 in actual green backs.

    I'll continue to "give away" accounts to new restaurants I meet and play it by ear.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5657022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      I can't speak for Canada, I am in Texas, USA, but I am subscribed to all of the accounts I created for my area restaurants.

      What is cool for me at least, is I now have 40+ restaurants I can eat for free at each month. That has a value of at least $1,000 or more per month, if I were to have one meal at each location.

      And I was able to sell websites to 3 of those restaurants thus far, generating $7,230 in actual green backs.

      I'll continue to "give away" accounts to new restaurants I meet and play it by ear.
      Now that's the kind of thinking that I love!

      Offer something valuable to restaurants for free to get a foot in the door and start a relationship with them - eventually sell them on additional and higher priced services - AND - have them thank you by giving you free food!

      That's the ideal WIN-WIN-WIN situation if you ask me - nicely done!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5663861].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Legacy3
    Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

    I can't speak for Canada, I am in Texas, USA, but I am subscribed to all of the accounts I created for my area restaurants.

    What is cool for me at least, is I now have 40+ restaurants I can eat for free at each month. That has a value of at least $1,000 or more per month, if I were to have one meal at each location.

    And I was able to sell websites to 3 of those restaurants thus far, generating $7,230 in actual green backs.

    I'll continue to "give away" accounts to new restaurants I meet and play it by ear.
    To me this post points to why this thread is NOT a great idea. Let's put aside the fact that Twitter's TOS could soon not support this, the fact that you can't own your list, or even the fact that one of your subscribers could hijack the list with their offers once they realize you are broadcasting via twitter. Instead let's just focus on the numbers presented here.

    At first glance it looks great that you could call on any one of the 41 businesses for a free meal. But really, how long do you expect that to last? Besides that, I'd rather buy my own meal or even cook every once and while and still get paid.

    I can't help but thinking that if your efforts included presenting SMS as a valuable service and then actually offering it for a fair price that you would be in MUCH better position than a $1000 worth of charity or even $7,230 (which is great, BTW). Let's look at the numbers.

    Even if you sold SMS as a commodity (that is basing your pricing off of a per message rate (i.e. $0.05 per text, $0.07 per text, etc.)), which is NOT recommended you probably stood to make $50-200 per business within the first 2 months and that number would grow as they built their lists. But let's call it $50. $50 x 40 businesses = $2,000 (real dollars - not charity) EVERY month (or $24,000 annualized).

    Let's say you offered SMS as a fully managed service, which IS recommended, and assisted the business owners with building their lists, instructed them on the types offers to put out, showed them how to convert one time customers into repeat customers or raving fans, and provided them with ROI many times over their monthly investment at a rate of $250 - $500 per month. You probably wouldn't have 40 of those so called "customers" (I'm using that term VERY loosely) but what if you captured half them at $250/mo (20x$250=$5,000/mo or $60,000/yr.) or a quarter of them ($2,500/mo or $30,000/yr.) or even 1/8, which is just 5 of of them. That would be $1,250 per month ($15k/yr.) in REAL dollars that you could spend on anything that you wanted besides food.

    And something tells me that those 5, 10, or 20 REAL customers would still be as grateful as the 40 freebies (if not more than because that's how the human psyche works - generally, the more we pay the more we value what we pay for). They'd also be more than happy to pay you for additional services (like the 3 websites you mentioned) because they were used to paying you a fair price and were used to receiving real ROI from you because a real price was attached to the transaction rather than artificial markup in the first place.

    It's obvious that on some level you and the business owners feel that SMS Marketing is a valuable service. So, why make excuses as to why you have to give it away for free instead of selling it? It only erodes the market for it particularly when you scale this idea up in one area. And the reality is that even though you may be looked upon as a "smart guy" by those 40 business they are no closer to becoming your customer than they are to becoming mine or the next guy who comes along and ASKS FOR THE SALE. Because trust me, as soon as you left the Yellow Pages Guy, Billboard Guy, Direct Mail Guy, Newspaper Guy, Coupon Guy, Radio Guy, and TV Guy came along right behind you, didn't make excuses as to why the business couldn't afford their service or why the business needed proof of concept and converted your freebies into REAL PAYING CUSTOMERS with higher priced but less effective offerings. The only thing is, they collected REAL money AND got a free lunch too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5666479].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
      Originally Posted by Legacy3 View Post

      To me this post points to why this thread is NOT a great idea. Let's put aside the fact that Twitter's TOS could soon not support this, the fact that you can't own your list, or even the fact that one of your subscribers could hijack the list with their offers once they realize you are broadcasting via twitter. Instead let's just focus on the numbers presented here.

      At first glance it looks great that you could call on any one of the 41 businesses for a free meal. But really, how long do you expect that to last? Besides that, I'd rather buy my own meal or even cook every once and while and still get paid.

      I can't help but thinking that if your efforts included presenting SMS as a valuable service and then actually offering it for a fair price that you would be in MUCH better position than a $1000 worth of charity or even $7,230 (which is great, BTW). Let's look at the numbers.

      Even if you sold SMS as a commodity (that is basing your pricing off of a per message rate (i.e. $0.05 per text, $0.07 per text, etc.)), which is NOT recommended you probably stood to make $50-200 per business within the first 2 months and that number would grow as they built their lists. But let's call it $50. $50 x 40 businesses = $2,000 (real dollars - not charity) EVERY month (or $24,000 annualized).

      Let's say you offered SMS as a fully managed service, which IS recommended, and assisted the business owners with building their lists, instructed them on the types offers to put out, showed them how to convert one time customers into repeat customers or raving fans, and provided them with ROI many times over their monthly investment at a rate of $250 - $500 per month. You probably wouldn't have 40 of those so called "customers" (I'm using that term VERY loosely) but what if you captured half them at $250/mo (20x$250=$5,000/mo or $60,000/yr.) or a quarter of them ($2,500/mo or $30,000/yr.) or even 1/8, which is just 5 of of them. That would be $1,250 per month ($15k/yr.) in REAL dollars that you could spend on anything that you wanted besides food.

      And something tells me that those 5, 10, or 20 REAL customers would still be as grateful as the 40 freebies (if not more than because that's how the human psyche works - generally, the more we pay the more we value what we pay for). They'd also be more than happy to pay you for additional services (like the 3 websites you mentioned) because they were used to paying you a fair price and were used to receiving real ROI from you because a real price was attached to the transaction rather than artificial markup in the first place.

      It's obvious that on some level you and the business owners feel that SMS Marketing is a valuable service. So, why make excuses as to why you have to give it away for free instead of selling it? It only erodes the market for it particularly when you scale this idea up in one area. And the reality is that even though you may be looked upon as a "smart guy" by those 40 business they are no closer to becoming your customer than they are to becoming mine or the next guy who comes along and ASKS FOR THE SALE. Because trust me, as soon as you left the Yellow Pages Guy, Billboard Guy, Direct Mail Guy, Newspaper Guy, Coupon Guy, Radio Guy, and TV Guy came along right behind you, didn't make excuses as to why the business couldn't afford their service or why the business needed proof of concept and converted your freebies into REAL PAYING CUSTOMERS with higher priced but less effective offerings. The only thing is, they collected REAL money AND got a free lunch too.
      Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but more than the free food is I have helped a business owner that is struggling and it is no sweat off my %$@ to give them an idea that is free to implement.

      I was NOT going into these restaurants to SELL anything, I was going there to eat. I am in the field 5 1/2 days per week and eat 12-15 meals each week in restaurants each week.

      I love restaurants and their owners. My family are 3rd generation restaurant owners and currently, my parents own 3 steak houses.

      So when I visited these restaurants, the share really was to just help them, and I originally threw out the "free meals" as a joke, but the response was positive.

      Now, since my post, I have sold another website, and I have an appointment with another. For me, I don't need to make a million dollars a month. And I'll take a free meal any day. Every penny counts in this economy and I have 4 kids going to college soon. :-)

      For me, 4 websites per month is a nice living, and I was already averaging that before I even started sharing this with the restaurants I am frequenting anyway. I am thankful for this idea, as it not only makes me happy to make these owners happy, but if I can add an additional job or two each month or so to my families bottom line, then all the better.

      Anyhow, I did create a flyer that explains how to set up their free sms service along with some ideas on offers to make. The reverse side explains the Twitter solution, versus a paid solution and the pros and cons of each. Then there is a call to action if they see value from their free test to go pro.

      And the last 1/3rd of the reverse page talks about my web designs with another call to action. I just gave my first flyer out tonight at a new Italian restaurant I had dinner at this evening. I have an appointment with the owner next Monday to discuss redesigning their website, which currently was designed using Microsoft Office Live.

      My father used to say, we shall see what we shall see, but I see no harm in turning a handful of business owners onto something that costs them nothing to try out, and if they are pleased with the results, move to a paid solution.
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      • Profile picture of the author maderemark
        Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

        Anyhow, I did create a flyer that explains how to set up their free sms service along with some ideas on offers to make. The reverse side explains the Twitter solution, versus a paid solution and the pros and cons of each. Then there is a call to action if they see value from their free test to go pro.
        I just read your post on how you're helping restaurants get started in SMS. You mentioned a flyer you created promoting your service. Would you mind sharing it with me? I'm in Ohio so I am not your competition.

        Thank you for your time.

        Mark Madere
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5693251].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jason Stovall
          Ok, You got me!, where is that

          Thanks a million

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5732796].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ttrfanatic
        Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

        Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but more than the free food is I have helped a business owner that is struggling and it is no sweat off my %$@ to give them an idea that is free to implement.

        I was NOT going into these restaurants to SELL anything, I was going there to eat. I am in the field 5 1/2 days per week and eat 12-15 meals each week in restaurants each week.

        I love restaurants and their owners. My family are 3rd generation restaurant owners and currently, my parents own 3 steak houses.

        So when I visited these restaurants, the share really was to just help them, and I originally threw out the "free meals" as a joke, but the response was positive.

        Now, since my post, I have sold another website, and I have an appointment with another. For me, I don't need to make a million dollars a month. And I'll take a free meal any day. Every penny counts in this economy and I have 4 kids going to college soon. :-)

        For me, 4 websites per month is a nice living, and I was already averaging that before I even started sharing this with the restaurants I am frequenting anyway. I am thankful for this idea, as it not only makes me happy to make these owners happy, but if I can add an additional job or two each month or so to my families bottom line, then all the better.

        Anyhow, I did create a flyer that explains how to set up their free sms service along with some ideas on offers to make. The reverse side explains the Twitter solution, versus a paid solution and the pros and cons of each. Then there is a call to action if they see value from their free test to go pro.

        And the last 1/3rd of the reverse page talks about my web designs with another call to action. I just gave my first flyer out tonight at a new Italian restaurant I had dinner at this evening. I have an appointment with the owner next Monday to discuss redesigning their website, which currently was designed using Microsoft Office Live.

        My father used to say, we shall see what we shall see, but I see no harm in turning a handful of business owners onto something that costs them nothing to try out, and if they are pleased with the results, move to a paid solution.
        I love the way you are approaching this. I know someone else previously asked to see your flyer and I wanted to ask as well. Would you consider sharing your flyer with the forum? TIA if you do...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5721429].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bshelite
        Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

        Anyhow, I did create a flyer that explains how to set up their free sms service along with some ideas on offers to make. The reverse side explains the Twitter solution, versus a paid solution and the pros and cons of each. Then there is a call to action if they see value from their free test to go pro.

        And the last 1/3rd of the reverse page talks about my web designs with another call to action. I just gave my first flyer out tonight at a new Italian restaurant I had dinner at this evening. I have an appointment with the owner next Monday to discuss redesigning their website, which currently was designed using Microsoft Office Live.
        I was wondering if you would be willing to share your flyer?



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        Don't Do It Before Checking Out This Inexpensive Postcard Profits Marketing Course...
        The HBB Advisor

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5730433].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pplbronx2
    I tried it and it is not working. I follow your directions to a tee. Does this not work anymore?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5715355].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    Works for me and all of the accounts I have set up.

    Again, you have to have at least one post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5715467].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    I just sold my appointment a website for $3,500, $1,000 down and $500 per month for 5 months.

    And over the weekend I set up 3 more accounts in exchange for $100 per month in food and beverages from 1, and $50 per month for each of the other 2.

    I am getting better and better at introducing my offer :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5716024].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 8675309
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      I just sold my appointment a website for $3,500, $1,000 down and $500 per month for 5 months.

      And over the weekend I set up 3 more accounts in exchange for $100 per month in food and beverages from 1, and $50 per month for each of the other 2.

      I am getting better and better at introducing my offer :-)

      Your post should end with:

      WSO coming soon...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5725214].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Nice marketing tip... I hope this is going to work with all kinds of mobile network service provider...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5717505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HypeText
    Maybe us Mobile Marketers need to give away free Websites and charge for Mobile Marketing! lol
    (916) 520-HYPE (4973)
    Local & Mobile Marketing Solutions
    $0 Setup & $99/mnth Private Label Reseller Accts
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5721666].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Legacy3
      Originally Posted by HypeText View Post

      Maybe us Mobile Marketers need to give away free Websites and charge for Mobile Marketing! lol
      HypeText, You're absolutely right! This is a clear case of disrespecting a market by thinking I'm not really into SMS so, I'll devalue it to promote my website business...while not thinking they both really go hand in hand with a larger profit share leaning toward SMS.

      ...oh well!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5722714].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ttrfanatic
        Originally Posted by Legacy3 View Post

        HypeText, You're absolutely right! This is a clear case of disrespecting a market by thinking I'm not really into SMS so, I'll devalue it to promote my website business...while not thinking they both really go hand in hand with a larger profit share leaning toward SMS.

        ...oh well!
        I look at it as an opportunity to possibly bring in clients that would otherwise possibly never consider the service because they think that it would be too much for them to pay for the service.

        I don't think anyone is devaluing SMS. What I have read so far is a way to introduce the value of SMS to potential clients. If I can give a service away to a potential client (which by the way is costing me nothing) and have them see the upside and potential of that service, then I at least have the opportunity to sell them on a "true" SMS service, with all of the perks that the service comes with. Not to mention that by giving them the free service will do wonders for getting them to potentially see the value in all of the other services that I have to offer.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5723111].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author HypeText
          Originally Posted by ttrfanatic View Post

          I look at it as an opportunity to possibly bring in clients that would otherwise possibly never consider the service because they think that it would be too much for them to pay for the service.

          I don't think anyone is devaluing SMS. What I have read so far is a way to introduce the value of SMS to potential clients. If I can give a service away to a potential client (which by the way is costing me nothing) and have them see the upside and potential of that service, then I at least have the opportunity to sell them on a "true" SMS service, with all of the perks that the service comes with. Not to mention that by giving them the free service will do wonders for getting them to potentially see the value in all of the other services that I have to offer.
          Here is the Problem...

          Showing them how to send free texts using Twitter does next to nothing to show them the true power of SMS Marketing.

          There is no Tracking
          No Analytics
          No Lead/List Data
          ZERO Added functionality

          It's like giving someone a Soap Box Racer in order to show them the benefits of owning an automobile...
          (916) 520-HYPE (4973)
          Local & Mobile Marketing Solutions
          $0 Setup & $99/mnth Private Label Reseller Accts
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5730805].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author srdjank
            Originally Posted by HypeText View Post

            Here is the Problem...

            Showing them how to send free texts using Twitter does next to nothing to show them the true power of SMS Marketing.

            There is no Tracking
            No Analytics
            No Lead/List Data
            ZERO Added functionality

            It's like giving someone a Soap Box Racer in order to show them the benefits of owning an automobile...
            Which is exactly why you should use this to, A) get your foot in the door, B) get them to trust you, C) get them comfortable/thinking about mobile marketing.

            I've no doubt in my mind the business owners who choose to utilize this service effectively will receive some kind of feedback from customers, eg. "I got a text from you the other day about..."

            Let them run it for a few weeks then offer an upsell, either a mobile website, an app, or full blown SMS service with the benefits you stated. I'm going the app route.

            - Srdjan
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5741792].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
            Originally Posted by HypeText View Post

            Here is the Problem...

            Showing them how to send free texts using Twitter does next to nothing to show them the true power of SMS Marketing.

            There is no Tracking
            No Analytics
            No Lead/List Data
            ZERO Added functionality

            It's like giving someone a Soap Box Racer in order to show them the benefits of owning an automobile...
            Tell that to the restaurants I am helping generate new business and the excitement in their voice when they tell me "it actually worked!" and customers are claiming their SMS offers!

            What you and most mobile consultants and even sms companies are not getting, business owners could care less about tracking, analytics, list data, etc. Should they? Sure, but they don't. Stop wasting time trying to get them to do something they don't care about and give them what they want, more business.

            You'll then have a better opportunity to get them to listen to what they "should" be caring about. ;-)

            I just sold another sms "client" a website, this one was $1,500, but is only 5 pages.

            Also, for those of you that have requested the flyer I am using... it is a constant state of improvement and it really took quite a bit of time and effort to get it to it's current version. I really don't want it getting out in the wild, and it is too easy for someone to digitally "share" and soon, someone in my area is using it. I am closing 3 out of 5 restaurants I talk to, which at first glance you'd think would be a no brainer, I mean I am giving something away for free that will generate more business, but make no mistake about it, you still have to make the sale.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5742552].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author mojo1
              Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

              Tell that to the restaurants I am helping generate new business and the excitement in their voice when they tell me "it actually worked!" and customers are claiming their SMS offers!

              What you and most mobile consultants and even sms companies are not getting, business owners could care less about tracking, analytics, list data, etc. Should they? Sure, but they don't. Stop wasting time trying to get them to do something they don't care about and give them what they want, more business.

              You'll then have a better opportunity to get them to listen to what they "should" be caring about. ;-)

              I just sold another sms "client" a website, this one was $1,500, but is only 5 pages.

              Also, for those of you that have requested the flyer I am using... it is a constant state of improvement and it really took quite a bit of time and effort to get it to it's current version. I really don't want it getting out in the wild, and it is too easy for someone to digitally "share" and soon, someone in my area is using it. I am closing 3 out of 5 restaurants I talk to, which at first glance you'd think would be a no brainer, I mean I am giving something away for free that will generate more business, but make no mistake about it, you still have to make the sale.
              What you're saying is so very true in terms of giving the businesses what they want and not the dohicky we want to sell them.

              I had my very first conversation with an Italian restaurant owner yesterday after having sent him a mobile mockup of his site.

              He told me that he knows the importance of a mobile site and that he'd spoken to another person who tried to sell him one but that I offered a working demo and he is seriously interested. Yet, he was still in a quandry which I could hear in his voice.

              He said that he's not sure a mobile site is the best place to spend right now as he has a budget for a few things.

              I asked him what his 3 most pressing issues were and just like that he really opened up.

              1. Bar inventory issues
              2. Increasing lunch traffic as his store just opened in a new location and they are now serving lunch for the first time in their history.

              3. Being able to update daily lunch specials.

              Needless to say I was kind of like a deer in the headlights as I know a mobile site is important but something like this free twitter sms system would have been a deal closer for me. I'm new at business consulting but not in sales and will definitely study this method and technology in order to be better prepared to present my solutions as the answer to business owners concerns/problems.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5744390].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author HypeText
              Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

              Tell that to the restaurants I am helping generate new business and the excitement in their voice when they tell me "it actually worked!" and customers are claiming their SMS offers!

              What you and most mobile consultants and even sms companies are not getting, business owners could care less about tracking, analytics, list data, etc. Should they? Sure, but they don't. Stop wasting time trying to get them to do something they don't care about and give them what they want, more business.

              You'll then have a better opportunity to get them to listen to what they "should" be caring about. ;-)

              I just sold another sms "client" a website, this one was $1,500, but is only 5 pages.

              Also, for those of you that have requested the flyer I am using... it is a constant state of improvement and it really took quite a bit of time and effort to get it to it's current version. I really don't want it getting out in the wild, and it is too easy for someone to digitally "share" and soon, someone in my area is using it. I am closing 3 out of 5 restaurants I talk to, which at first glance you'd think would be a no brainer, I mean I am giving something away for free that will generate more business, but make no mistake about it, you still have to make the sale.
              And when they are ready to move to a "REAL" solution they will all of a sudden find out that they don't own their customer data and will have to start from scratch.

              Down the line it could be very problematic.

              Then there is the issue that Twitter is paying for every Text Message to an outside source. ( and I won't be surprised if we see a change in the TOS once that Bill starts getting out of control.

              It seems that your Business Model is leaning more towards Website Design. You stated you just charged a client $1500 for a website. Now imagine if someone else had gone to that customer...and told them "Oh, don't pay can get one for FREE" and you client cancelled his order as a result?

              Is the Free Website going to be anywhere near as nice or functional? Probably Not! But its FREE!
              (916) 520-HYPE (4973)
              Local & Mobile Marketing Solutions
              $0 Setup & $99/mnth Private Label Reseller Accts
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5750559].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mojo1
        Originally Posted by Legacy3 View Post

        HypeText, You're absolutely right! This is a clear case of disrespecting a market by thinking I'm not really into SMS so, I'll devalue it to promote my website business...while not thinking they both really go hand in hand with a larger profit share leaning toward SMS.

        ...oh well!
        Well Google is the biggest offender of devaluing business services as they've just kicked off the following all for FREE the first year in different US test markets:

        "New! Get your business online with Google" forwards to Georgia Get Your Business Online

        Just check out your Google home page, it's right in your face. Survival of the fittest.

        Based on your thinking, I guess consultants who give away free services should just all pack up and go home.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5744257].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MLEWISJRONE
    GREAT tip Rick!! Thanks so much!!
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  • Profile picture of the author BillHus
    This is a great start for those who are just starting out but as has been mentioned b4, I think its a lead in to a better upsell and no more. The features of the premium texting services far outweight the cost as our only concern is ROI.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5728608].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Diver Doug
    I've heard about this before and it seems like a great idea. However, down here in Australia, it only works if your mobile carrier is Telstra, which i am not. In fact, it is probable that most of the clients wouldnt be able to access this. Compounding the problem is that all recipients of these free sms must have a twitter account down here in Oz. THerefore, its a great idea but not actually available to many outside the US.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5731851].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Hooked
    Great posts! What is the best re seller program or service provider in the USA? I want to sell sms services for about $100 a month to my clients with unlimited sms's, I want to be able to resell a white label platform that i re brand with my logo through a reliable company that will be around for the long haul.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739208].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author azjoemartin
      Originally Posted by Hooked View Post

      Great posts! What is the best re seller program or service provider in the USA? I want to sell sms services for about $100 a month to my clients with unlimited sms's, I want to be able to resell a white label platform that i re brand with my logo through a reliable company that will be around for the long haul.

      Couple of good ones I know of are Lime Cellular and AvidMobile. There are pros and cons to both. There is a thread on this in Mobile Marketing area also.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5753402].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author enetllc
    That is a great Tip/Idea. Thanks for sharing and giving more than taking. It is rare but very appreciated. Great lesson to be learned and repeated.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5743744].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tracy411
    Thanks for this tip, OP.

    You're right. It will create excellent goodwill, as well as provide small businesses with an opportunity to test SMS marketing without draining their pockets. It won't take the place of a fancier solution that allows text-to-win, birthday specials, etc, but is a great entry point nonetheless.

    Thanks again

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5744444].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Analytic Mind
    Wow!! Such an informative and interesting thread!
    Thank you Rick for the amazing share and thanks to everyone else for sharing.
    I am a newbie to mobile and sms marketing, I was wondering if there was anyone in NZ on this thread who may have tried some of these tactics, very interested in havn a chat
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5745159].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    This is a fantastic service. However like others have said, free is free. Meaning value perceived.

    BUT...this is where it can be great.

    Imagine this: You go to sell this service (free or not, you still have to sell them on listening to you and why they should bother at all) with huge caveats and the right positioning.

    You manage expectations from the start. "This is just a taste" and, "it gives you an idea of the potential power to bring in customers."

    You explain how it certainly is no substitute for the total control, power and versatility of a SMS platform (that you offer as well), but that it can do the job, bring in customers, and make a difference within weeks. (Hopefully.)

    You offer to set it up, get their feet wet.

    Now you work the magic. After you've managed expectations and played up all the possibilities with a "proper" SMS platform.

    1) Tell them the general, but powerful benefits of getting customers in the door through text messaging (applicable to both methods).

    2) Spend a few minutes and verbally go over "what if you could's" (What if you could send a message and instantly see empty tables in a dead afternoon fill up with customers...broadcast a no-cover special to you VIP club...announce a recession buster offer...whatever) that encompass just the SMS paid platform.

    3) Drop back a bit and say, "But I don't want you to pay anything. I don't even want you believe me just yet. Let me show you just a taste of the power of text message marketing that you can use indefinitely to quickly bring in more business, more sales, and more good will than you wouldn't have had otherwise. All for free, now and as long as Twitter allows (you're managing their expectations).

    In fact, this is great because you won't have to pay a dime now or ever. It's a great way to quickly test and see for yourself what the potentials are. While it won't do everything we talked about you'll see results you're going to love.

    And if you ever want more robust options like (list the added features of a paid platform) then we can always set you up for far less than most advertising you've been doing and with far greater ROI.

    For now though, here's what we'll do..."

    Now you've positioned yourself with the best of both worlds. You're demonstrating value (and demonstrating that you give value) and setting them up to potentially want more.

    And if they don't, there are many other upsells you can do obviously, plus you made a business contact and you can leverage them for more, right?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5749198].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    Over the weekend, I received 2 additional website projects from my free sms clients!

    I am loving this more and more.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5758246].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      Over the weekend, I received 2 additional website projects from my free sms clients!

      I am loving this more and more.
      Good for you! I'm happy for you, NetEmpire.

      People don't realize how powerful this strategy is. The goodwill it creates with Clients is enormous. But it has to be positioned appropriately.

      - Rick Duris
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5758915].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
        Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

        Good for you! I'm happy for you, NetEmpire.

        People don't realize how powerful this strategy is. The goodwill it creates with Clients is enormous. But it has to be positioned appropriately.

        - Rick Duris
        And Rick - I do want to hire you for a whole day during my children's spring break and have you review all of my marketing creatives.

        I will IM you or use the chat function on your website if that is okay.

        Thank you so, so much!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5783455].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author maderemark
          Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

          And Rick - I do want to hire you for a whole day during my children's spring break and have you review all of my marketing creatives.

          I will IM you or use the chat function on your website if that is okay.

          Thank you so, so much!
          Thank you so much for sharing your successes. You are truly an inspiration.

          And Rick - I'm sure you're monitoring this - please get with NetEmpire to see what he is doing with his marketing materials and maybe the two of you can create a WSO to save the rest of us from having to "re-invent the wheel." That's the main reason I buy these darn WSOs and monitor the forum!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5784074].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mason1

            thats awesome.. you've really inspired me about how powerful it is, and to start utilizing it more.. thanks for sharing that cool story
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5784230].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ceonewbeginnings
              Wow this is a great story! Can you please share exactly what you did and what you said to the business owner?

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5784273].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
                Originally Posted by ceonewbeginnings View Post

                Wow this is a great story! Can you please share exactly what you did and what you said to the business owner?

                Hey Gary - it really is not that difficult. Make a friend and you make a sale, but either way, I leave them better off than before I came.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5799429].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Austin357
                  Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

                  Hey Gary - it really is not that difficult. Make a friend and you make a sale, but either way, I leave them better off than before I came.
                  You are right on point! This a great way to start engaging in a friendly conversation with local businesses. No hard sell or aggressive in your face tactics needed. Make a new friend and help them with a great door opening value added service.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5899670].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author beachrat
            Originally Posted by maderemark View Post

            Thank you so much for sharing your successes. You are truly an inspiration.

            And Rick - I'm sure you're monitoring this - please get with NetEmpire to see what he is doing with his marketing materials and maybe the two of you can create a WSO to save the rest of us from having to "re-invent the wheel." That's the main reason I buy these darn WSOs and monitor the forum!
            I second this. I'd pick up this WSO in a heartbeat.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5903345].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author warrenp30
          Net Empire...this is my first post and I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. Sounds like a great way to run a business...finding value for your customers while making a living.

          If you decide to send out copies of your flyer, please put me on your list.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6627451].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AMABIZ
    This a really great concept. It has the same impact as a text message would, but with all the added bells and whistles...and minus the cost! Nice!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5758831].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BillBert
    ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! Nothing else needs be said...
    Do You Need a Cost Effective way of reaching out to your offline clients or prospects?

    Feel free to contact me directly and I will give you the details!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5758890].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LocalSocialClub
    Kick ass! These are the little golden nuggets that I wish I could come across more!

    Thanks Rick!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5765306].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Site87
    Just going through the thread and still can't believe it! Fantastic. Can't wait to incorporate this into my client's marketing campaigns.

    Thanks Rick!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5767353].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
      Originally Posted by FlashMatrix View Post

      this only works in the US!.
      I'm in the UK and this definitely works over here,

      I discovered this method about 2 weeks ago and then thought WSO lol

      So thought I'd check the WF to see if anyone was talking about it and here it is.

      I've been cold calling restaurants and salons my pitch is something like this,

      Hi is this "Business name"?

      Are you the owner?

      Owner : yes

      Me : Great, I'm a local businessman based in "there area" and I was just calling you to let you know about a brand new free texting services available to business owners in the UK.

      Do you currently use a texting sevice to keep in contact and gain more business from your customers

      I've had near enough 100% success rate of booking appointments if you take out chinese and indian restaurants (they didn't even have websites either)

      This is now my favourite foot in the door strategy
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5861988].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sreeprashanth
        Originally Posted by GraemeHawley View Post

        I'm in the UK and this definitely works over here,

        I discovered this method about 2 weeks ago and then thought WSO lol

        So thought I'd check the WF to see if anyone was talking about it and here it is.

        I've been cold calling restaurants and salons my pitch is something like this,

        Hi is this "Business name"?

        Are you the owner?

        Owner : yes

        Me : Great, I'm a local businessman based in "there area" and I was just calling you to let you know about a brand new free texting services available to business owners in the UK.

        Do you currently use a texting sevice to keep in contact and gain more business from your customers

        I've had near enough 100% success rate of booking appointments if you take out chinese and indian restaurants (they didn't even have websites either)

        This is now my favourite foot in the door strategy
        I am from India, and yes it works here with one niche - grocery stores. As per restaurants here in my place, they have their cash bells ringing.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5862233].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ovitruk
          Originally Posted by sreeprashanth View Post

          I am from India, and yes it works here with one niche - grocery stores. As per restaurants here in my place, they have their cash bells ringing.
          Hi there,
          thanks for sharing about things in India. I think the person who first mentioned about Chinese and Indian restaurants has in mind those national restaurants here in the United States, not India or China. I had the same experience, especially when I tried to call them and told who I actually was (i.e. what kind of business I'm doing etc.), all of them just told me they are not interested, they are just fine without any additional services :rolleyes:

          Well, who knows, maybe they are really fine...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5950047].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
            Originally Posted by ovitruk View Post

            Hi there,
            thanks for sharing about things in India. I think the person who first mentioned about Chinese and Indian restaurants has in mind those national restaurants here in the United States, not India or China. I had the same experience, especially when I tried to call them and told who I actually was (i.e. what kind of business I'm doing etc.), all of them just told me they are not interested, they are just fine without any additional services :rolleyes:

            Well, who knows, maybe they are really fine...
            I really think it is cultural and they actually have a good thing going on... at least to a certain point.

            At least around here, they belong to tight groups or merchant associations and they work only with people referred by the merchant group. The Korean's have perfected this. But what happens when they do not have someone that specializes in X, Y or Z within the group?

            As a result, it might work great for hiring a produce vendor or plumber, but to help market their business, they are going to have to go outside of the merchant association.

            Maybe we could do a couple of "test" merchants to prove our worth and gain the respect of the entire association?

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5960734].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
        Originally Posted by GraemeHawley View Post

        I've had near enough 100% success rate of booking appointments if you take out chinese and indian restaurants (they didn't even have websites either)

        This is now my favourite foot in the door strategy
        LOL - I agree 110%!

        I have yet to sell a Chinese or Indian restaurant. And boy have I tried.

        One thing I am doing now in addition to just dropping in, having a meal and sharing is I am now sending postcards out each month to local business owners using the free text messaging service as a door opener.

        This has forced me to begin treating this as a real business. I hired someone on Monday to help with sales and as much as I enjoy designing websites myself, I read The E-Myth Revisited - By Michael E. Gerber over the weekend and I realize what needs to change in order for me to have a business versus a job.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5869641].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ovitruk
          Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

          LOL - I agree 110%!

          I have yet to sell a Chinese or Indian restaurant. And boy have I tried.

          One thing I am doing now in addition to just dropping in, having a meal and sharing is I am now sending postcards out each month to local business owners using the free text messaging service as a door opener.

          This has forced me to begin treating this as a real business. I hired someone on Monday to help with sales and as much as I enjoy designing websites myself, I read The E-Myth Revisited - By Michael E. Gerber over the weekend and I realize what needs to change in order for me to have a business versus a job.
          Yea, I had similar experience with Indian restaurant owners.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5950027].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
          Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

          LOL - I agree 110%!

          I have yet to sell a Chinese or Indian restaurant. And boy have I tried.

          One thing I am doing now in addition to just dropping in, having a meal and sharing is I am now sending postcards out each month to local business owners using the free text messaging service as a door opener.

          This has forced me to begin treating this as a real business. I hired someone on Monday to help with sales and as much as I enjoy designing websites myself, I read The E-Myth Revisited - By Michael E. Gerber over the weekend and I realize what needs to change in order for me to have a business versus a job.
          Hey NetEmpire,

          Just read through your comments and its great to see you taking action with this and killing it. This is a better method than any other client getting WSO I've seen. The more people you talk to the more money you make!

          Would love to see what your table tents and other presentation materials look like.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5997381].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Teez
        Originally Posted by GraemeHawley View Post

        I'm in the UK and this definitely works over here,

        I discovered this method about 2 weeks ago and then thought WSO lol

        So thought I'd check the WF to see if anyone was talking about it and here it is.

        I've been cold calling restaurants and salons my pitch is something like this,

        Hi is this "Business name"?

        Are you the owner?

        Owner : yes

        Me : Great, I'm a local businessman based in "there area" and I was just calling you to let you know about a brand new free texting services available to business owners in the UK.

        Do you currently use a texting sevice to keep in contact and gain more business from your customers

        I've had near enough 100% success rate of booking appointments if you take out chinese and indian restaurants (they didn't even have websites either)

        This is now my favourite foot in the door strategy

        Graeme I just tried this now set up the

        Usernameoffers and then
        Used the UK number 86444

        Then text username offers follow from my phone I got this reply saying

        Hi to Tweet you need a Twitter Account.
        We'll set one up now .
        Reply W/signup to begin
        Already on Twitter ?
        Reply w/help for more.

        Then I did a demo tweet on the ''username offers'' twitter account but nothing.


        My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

        You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5895371].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Teez
          Originally Posted by Teez View Post

          Graeme I just tried this now set up the

          Usernameoffers and then
          Used the UK number 86444

          Then text username offers follow from my phone I got this reply saying

          Hi to Tweet you need a Twitter Account.
          We'll set one up now .
          Reply W/signup to begin
          Already on Twitter ?
          Reply w/help for more.

          Then I did a demo tweet on the ''username offers'' twitter account but nothing.


          All Working now guys

          Here was the problem I text

          ''Follow User name''

          The correct way is ''Follow Username'' (NO SPACE)

          My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

          You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5899962].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ovitruk
            Originally Posted by Teez View Post

            All Working now guys

            Here was the problem I text

            ''Follow User name''

            The correct way is ''Follow Username'' (NO SPACE)

            Thank you for pointing on such small mistakes and how to do it right.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5950017].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
          Originally Posted by Teez View Post

          Graeme I just tried this now set up the

          Usernameoffers and then
          Used the UK number 86444

          Then text username offers follow from my phone I got this reply saying

          Hi to Tweet you need a Twitter Account.
          We'll set one up now .
          Reply W/signup to begin
          Already on Twitter ?
          Reply w/help for more.

          Then I did a demo tweet on the ''username offers'' twitter account but nothing.

          You need to text "Follow usernameoffers" instead of "usernames offers follow". Thats where it looks like you've gone wrong
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5997118].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wesker123
    Great tip! Ill definitely do these. Cheers to you Rick Duris!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5774570].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    Regarding the comments of perceived value, the actual perceived value is based on the number of customers claiming each SMS offer, not the actual tool itself.

    And I am not walking in telling restaurant owners, hey, this is FREE.

    I set their restaurant up with a special Twitter account, ie: for Roy's Cafe it might be royscafevips

    Then I create the first offer (which must be evergreen as each Twitter message or "offer" will become the first message those that subscribe while that offer is live) and I give them a demo and hand them 20-30 table tents and flyers for them to display.

    I tell them the limitations of the service I am providing them, review my disclaimer flyer, which is really a sales letter with a strong call to action for my web design service and if they should choose to "upgrade" to a paid SMS solution.

    Once I was able to perfect the pitch, I have yet to have a restaurant reject me. Of course, I am also a customer and not perceived as a sales person trying to part them from their money. And I genuinely am trying to help them grow their business.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5778465].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    I had to stop by and post this one.

    My wife and I like to have a sort of date night once a week where the little ones stay with the sitter and we splurge a bit.

    We also like to try new restaurants and this evening, fate took us on a rather interesting journey.

    Not only did we have an incredible meal, but we also made some new friends and when I told our server I'd like to speak to the owner and tell him or her what a fabulous job she was doing, our server almost tripped over her own feet trying to get to the back of the restaurant and fetch us the owner.

    Well, out from the back comes a big ole Texan wearing the biggest cowboy hat I've ever seen. Now, we have a saying here in Texas (even though I'm originally from Arkansas, I am a Texan now) about someone being "all hat and no cattle" and I'm here to testify, that was not the case here.

    Four hours later, my wife and I parted with a down payment check of $4,000 for a contract totally $16,000!

    As it turns out, the owner, whom by the way is rarely at this location, thank you Jesus! owns additional restaurants in Texas, Florida and South Carolina. I was hired to build 6 websites with all the bells and whistles.

    And it all started with me demonstrating the SMS service I had spent about 7 minutes setting up prior to our arrival at this owners wonderful establishment.

    Of course my wife and I were having a magnificent time and thoroughly enjoying the company of our server, the captain, busers and even the servers for the tables around us. And I am sure the energy was contagious as the owner seemed to lap it up the moment he arrived at our table for the critique of his employee.

    When we asked him to sit down and that I wanted to pay him the biggest complement that I knew how, for doing such a splendid job from the pristine parking lot, to the incredible knowledgeable staff, fresh cut flowers, superbly broiled rib eye steaks, fabulously steamed lobster tails and the most amazing, sweet, and tender Alaskan king crab legs I have ever indulged in. These babies were huge, the size of a small tree trunk.

    We were all having fun and enjoying life. So, continuing, one of the greatest gifts I can give a fellow business owner is a referral, and I shared that I'll certainly be referring all of my family and friends, but that also opened the door to explaining what I do for a living, and the cost of acquiring a new customer, versus simply asking an existing customer to return (which by the way was the #1 reason what someone had not visited a previously frequented business, they were simply not asked) and I explained how I had taken the liberty of creating a system that will allow him to send specials out once per week to his very best "VIP" customers.

    I then shared the glossy table tents I created for him. I then had the business owner use his own cell phone to demonstrate the power of technology. To say that he appeared truly astounded, would be an understatement. He was blown away and you could see that his wheels were spinning, however, little did I realize at the time, his wheels were spinning not just for this restaurant, but for 5 other restaurants!

    Again, talk about the moon and stars aligning up, but what I have discovered is the more you put yourself out there, the more you partake of activities that have the greatest chance of growing your business, the more times the starts and moon align.

    It's like the more action I take, the luckier I get!

    So, I just wanted to come here and share this, as I am so excited and my wife is too.

    It is so nice for her to see what it is that I do and to hear her words, " you know, you are really amazing, but I think I could do that..."


    And you know what? She is right.

    In closing, I want to thank Rick Duris for sharing this amazing tip with me and my family. My friend, you have no idea what it has meant to my family, to my business, to my sanity. I mean I was doing ok, but I was losing my sanity trying to stir up projects. It was not fun, and I looked at it as a chore, because it quite frankly, it was a chore.

    And for everyone that wanted me to share the flyer I am using to help me win over new clients, after some research, I know that Rick Duris is an accomplished copywriter and his ideas and solutions for those of us that sell to brick and mortar businesses can not and should not be ignored. I found out later that he and his partners are actually working in this space themselves. I know that I went through a lot of trial and error and IF I had known what Rick actually did and does for a living, I would have gladly hired him on the spot.

    Once more, thank you Rick Duris!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5783436].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ovitruk
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      I had to stop by and post this one.

      My wife and I like to have a sort of date night once a week where the little ones stay with the sitter and we splurge a bit.

      We also like to try new restaurants and this evening, fate took us on a rather interesting journey.


      Once more, thank you Rick Duris!
      Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5950100].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mobile Tactics
    Thanks for the share, I will use this in some other industries, but I don't think its great for the restaurant industry and here is why. After a while, they will build their list to include 500, 750, or even 1000 people, and they will have problems. SMS has high open and response rates, so if they send them a great offer they will have lines out the door and upset customers. A real SMS system could segment the list and avoid this. But after it happens once they will probably stop using the system, or just start sending out poor offers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5799682].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author maderemark
      Originally Posted by Mobile Tactics View Post

      Thanks for the share, I will use this in some other industries, but I don't think its great for the restaurant industry and here is why. After a while, they will build their list to include 500, 750, or even 1000 people, and they will have problems. SMS has high open and response rates, so if they send them a great offer they will have lines out the door and upset customers. A real SMS system could segment the list and avoid this. But after it happens once they will probably stop using the system, or just start sending out poor offers.
      Or they can make the offer a little less valuable so not as many people respond. For example, 10% off a meal instead of 20%. Or Buy two meals and two beverages to get one free dessert instead of just buying two meals without beverages.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5800504].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mobile Tactics
        Originally Posted by maderemark View Post

        Or they can make the offer a little less valuable so not as many people respond. For example, 10% off a meal instead of 20%. Or Buy two meals and two beverages to get one free dessert instead of just buying two meals without beverages.
        That is what I meant by a poor offer. That will get little response, and people will unsubscribe, but you won't know it, because you have no way to track it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5801455].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mason1
      Originally Posted by Mobile Tactics View Post

      Thanks for the share, I will use this in some other industries, but I don't think its great for the restaurant industry and here is why. After a while, they will build their list to include 500, 750, or even 1000 people, and they will have problems. SMS has high open and response rates, so if they send them a great offer they will have lines out the door and upset customers. A real SMS system could segment the list and avoid this. But after it happens once they will probably stop using the system, or just start sending out poor offers.

      i'm guessing they might switch over to a better sms after a while when they realize the limitations.. but i think the whole point is to just get them to see the power of it first without any risk or money and just get your foot in the door so much easier
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5801480].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dgmufasa
      Originally Posted by Mobile Tactics View Post

      Thanks for the share, I will use this in some other industries, but I don't think its great for the restaurant industry and here is why. After a while, they will build their list to include 500, 750, or even 1000 people, and they will have problems. SMS has high open and response rates, so if they send them a great offer they will have lines out the door and upset customers. A real SMS system could segment the list and avoid this. But after it happens once they will probably stop using the system, or just start sending out poor offers.
      But segment the lists based upon what factor? Opt-in date? Number of times visited? I can see the case where 2 co-workers/friends frequent the same restaurant for lunch and one gets a coupon while the other does not. That should make for an interesting conversation.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5842610].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tinyreal
      Originally Posted by Mobile Tactics View Post

      Thanks for the share, I will use this in some other industries, but I don't think its great for the restaurant industry and here is why. After a while, they will build their list to include 500, 750, or even 1000 people, and they will have problems. SMS has high open and response rates, so if they send them a great offer they will have lines out the door and upset customers. A real SMS system could segment the list and avoid this. But after it happens once they will probably stop using the system, or just start sending out poor offers.
      In business, this is known as a "quality" problem

      I highly doubt everyone on the list will come rushing for the doors
      Click here now for 10 Strategies to give you all the traffic you deserve absolutely free.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6074654].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Seobizz
    awesome post man! I will definitely use this on some local businesses!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5801488].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    I still like this idea as a door opener, but I stumbled across a weak point. It's in unsubscribing.

    Say I opt in to 4 Twitter text follow offers, two are legit Restaurants, one is a restaurant that never does offers anyway, and one is a spammy internet marketer I just happen to follow because I'm intrigued by their offer.

    I like the deals and stuff I get from the two restaurants, and the third restaurant never sends offers anyway, but I get annoyed at the constant crap I get from the internet marketer.

    One day he texts me an afffiliate link, and I've finally had enough. So, just like I do with most spammy texts, I reply STOP.

    Guess what?

    Now I am unsubscribed from receiving ALL texts from Twitter, including the two I wanted.

    The right way to unsubscribe from just one list is to type OFF @Businessname

    But who is going to remember that? I didn't

    And once you do you have opted out of ALL Twitter texts, I say again......

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5811761].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wrestler
      I have actually seen a wso that has this information buried in it.
      Kudos to Rick for an excellent informational post.

      Rick I am stuck trying to figure out how to disclaimer such a free play by ear service, perhaps you and others wouldn't mind sharing how your disclaimer to a client is worded.

      I am mostly stuck on how to incorporate an as is / as provided free service into my main agreement sheet.

      Look forward to hearing some responses.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5812180].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mason1
      Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

      I still like this idea as a door opener, but I stumbled across a weak point. It's in unsubscribing.

      Say I opt in to 4 Twitter text follow offers, two are legit Restaurants, one is a restaurant that never does offers anyway, and one is a spammy internet marketer I just happen to follow because I'm intrigued by their offer.

      I like the deals and stuff I get from the two restaurants, and the third restaurant never sends offers anyway, but I get annoyed at the constant crap I get from the internet marketer.

      One day he texts me an afffiliate link, and I've finally had enough. So, just like I do with most spammy texts, I reply STOP.

      Guess what?

      Now I am unsubscribed from receiving ALL texts from Twitter, including the two I wanted.

      The right way to unsubscribe from just one list is to type OFF @Businessname

      But who is going to remember that? I didn't

      And once you do you have opted out of ALL Twitter texts, I say again......
      thats a good point i didnt think about. i'm not too worried about it though because i dont think it'll be a big problem, probably just happens infrequently. and even so, if they REALLY love your special offers your sending them , i bet they'll notice when they arent getting them anymore and will find out how to get back on the list. just need to make sure you've got good offers going out.

      to get twitter to permanently delete all your twitter lists you're following by sms, you need to text "stop" twice though. otherwise, you can reset all of them at once by just turning it back on again, by texting "on" to 40404 again. so if the person is bummed out they're no longer getting special offers, they could possibly retrace back to the text the received after texting "stop" and turn them all back on again.

      also, one cool tip i learned while just testing this stuff all out right now, was that you can shorten up the following test with just "f". like instead of "follow usatoday" just "f usatoday"..

      kind of has a bad ring to it though, that i just noticed as i typed it out..

      hate to say f thatcompany.. maybe i'll pass on that one. maybe thats why i havent seen it used very often
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5812359].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John K Glenn
    For Offliners , Its Amazing thing to play with using Twitter ! FOC for SMS is cool if you have many subscribers !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5812782].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Hogsten
    I have been considering this but see several drawbacks
    1 how can the client not know you are using twitter, the first message you get mentions you are getting tweets
    2 you are not building a list, you have no idea how many people you are reaching
    3 what if someone is just killing it and twitter decides to limit the number of messages a day it could be a disaster

    any thoughts on this
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5842974].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
      Originally Posted by Jeff Hogsten View Post

      I have been considering this but see several drawbacks
      1 how can the client not know you are using twitter, the first message you get mentions you are getting tweets
      2 you are not building a list, you have no idea how many people you are reaching
      3 what if someone is just killing it and twitter decides to limit the number of messages a day it could be a disaster

      any thoughts on this
      The customer is going to know its through Twitter, I don't see a problem with that, where else is he going to get SMS for free.

      Also it is better for a client to set up a new Twitter account for SMS only and limit broadcasts to 1-2 a weeks, I can't see Twitter in the future limiting there Tweets to less than 1-2 a week, If anyone receives more than say 3 max texts a weeks that would be overkill and people would unsubscribe.

      Jeff why are you worrying about a "disaster" as you put it happening with this. This is a really cool way of getting your foot in the door with clients and getting new clients you wouldn't of had the chance to get before.

      This works and clients will love you for it!

      Good luck,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5862029].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Teez
    Please guys its kinda time sensitive aswell

    My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

    You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5897721].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Teez
    Just found this think it could help everyone if they dont already use it especially with the tracking results bit

    Twitter Auto Follow/Auto Reply. AutoResponder DM. Send a message to new Twitter followers automatically.

    My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

    You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5902805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Teez
    Just found this think it could help everyone if they dont already use it especially with the tracking results bit

    Twitter Auto Follow/Auto Reply. AutoResponder DM. Send a message to new Twitter followers automatically.

    My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

    You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5902810].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
    Rick - I will be happy to talk to you and share my results if enough people would be interested in a WSO, I won't even ask for a dime, my pleasure for all of your help in growing my biz!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5941166].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mason1
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      Rick - I will be happy to talk to you and share my results if enough people would be interested in a WSO, I won't even ask for a dime, my pleasure for all of your help in growing my biz!
      i would be.. i am approaching my first restaurants with this..i 've already shown a few businesses and it got me one sale for another marketing product that i'm using it with.. but it really seems to fit the restaurant biz's the best though.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5941182].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author maderemark
      Originally Posted by NetEmpire View Post

      Rick - I will be happy to talk to you and share my results if enough people would be interested in a WSO, I won't even ask for a dime, my pleasure for all of your help in growing my biz!
      Wow! I would love to see some of your marketing materials and phone/email scripts you have developed. I really would not have a problem paying for it. Your time and knowledge is valuable - why do you think I've been "prompting" you for that info?

      Thank you!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5943734].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NetEmpire
        Originally Posted by maderemark View Post

        Wow! I would love to see some of your marketing materials and phone/email scripts you have developed. I really would not have a problem paying for it. Your time and knowledge is valuable - why do you think I've been "prompting" you for that info?

        Thank you!
        I saw that Rick Duris just released a WSO and clicked in anticipation, however it wasn't related to marketing this tactic, it still looked like a pretty cool WSO.

        [SECRET] Get Ultra-Valuable Aged Domain Names DIRT CHEAP. Worth $THOUSANDS$ <-- NOT an affiliate link of course

        If you are reading this Rick, I'll picked this WSO up after I grab some shut eye. I still want your Free SMS Tactic WSO as well as your Local Client Marketing WSO (with your copywrting based postcards, flyers and direct response letters)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5963541].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mobilemob
    Cool Tips!
    Yeah there are limitations and opt out compliance issues but still pretty cool.
    Has anyone tested this with non-Telstra phone in Australia?
    Free Software - No Opt Ins Required
    Affiliate Link Expired?
    Save Time and Money with Affiliate Campaign Monitor

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5949858].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ovitruk
    Thank you for this very useful information.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5949983].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mammothsnowman
    "And to those who threatened me for sharing something designed to be free?"

    To those who did that F U
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5967938].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adwizard
    This is so incredible.
    Building Businesses Beyond their Four Walls by
    Thinking Outside the Box... since 1993.
    Is anyone capable of designing a mobile site for
    this e-commerce site for a fee:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5971272].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stevenkuo
    Thanks so much for sharing Rick. I appreciate your courage and generous spirit in making this information available for us. The world is a better place with you in it :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5971351].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author maderemark
      Originally Posted by stevenkuo View Post

      Thanks so much for sharing Rick. I appreciate your courage and generous spirit in making this information available for us. The world is a better place with you in it :-)
      I totally agree.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5971378].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SalesMagicMan
    Hey Rick - I rarely read an entire thread all the way through but this one has been absolutely valuable and enlightening. I really appreciate all of the positive sharing that has been written on this thread and the comments of many who help to clarify various potential issues with this approach.

    From the beginning, I was disturbed to read that you had received threatening comments. Honestly, there are plenty of Internet marketers who avoid the warrior forum for a host of not very attractive reasons. I deeply appreciate you sharing this great idea and I am certain it will help a great deal in my business. It is actually refreshing to read about a great approach method without having to pull out my wallet.

    You and net empire have really put together a tremendous amount of information. I am grateful for your efforts. I don't really have a clue about dealing with comments that are threatening because it's so far out of the norm in business communication. I guess it's probably best to approach this forum cautiously. However, again, I am extremely appreciative of what you all have contributed here and wanted to put it on the record. Thank you.
    Get Your Video On Page 1 of YouTube In Minutes. Watch The Free Case Study (No Opt-In). Click here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5974994].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeb1
    Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

    Now you can offer small business owners FREE unlimited text/SMS campaigns

    Maybe I shouldn't do this. Many here are appreciative of my copywriting, but what most people don't know is I am a bit of a mad scientist when it comes to integrating marketing with technology.

    Over the last month or two, I've perfected a marketing strategy to go into local businesses (restaurants are particularly appreciative) and share with them a way to do free text messaging to their customers.

    That's right, I said they NEVER pay for text messages! It's basically a way for you to get to know them and their needs better. You'll create enormous goodwill in the process.

    In other words, YOU'LL BE THEIR HERO!

    Why should small business owners pay 5 cents to 14 cents per text message to send their special offers and deals? It adds up fast!

    Even Twilio | Build Scalable Voice, VoIP and SMS Applications in the Cloud costs a penny a piece which doesn't sound like much at first, but those penny's can really add up!

    I've done this with about three dozen businesses so far and it's a true breakthrough for them. They can't wait to try it.

    So, how can any business owner send unlimited text messages for absolutely no charge?

    To do it, we're going to route our messages through our friend, Twitter.


    1. Go to Twitter and create an account for your prospect's business but with the word "deal", "coupon" or "offers" in the Twitter name.

    (The idea is to make the name easy to remember.)

    Let's say the prospect's business is a restaurant named "Kim's Koffee", your Twitter name could be KoffeeDeals.

    2. Then the business owner advertises her text message service"

    The call-to-action can be something like:

    Text "Follow KoffeeDeals" to 40404 for VIP specials, offers and discounts.

    Then each time the business owner tweets a deal under the KoffeeDeals Twitter account, their customers will receive it via a text message.

    Pretty cool, uh? Try it for yourself.

    3. BONUS: When customers text "Follow KoffeeDeals " to 40404, they will not only receive future deals, they also receive the LAST TWEET that was previously sent.

    4. Get this: Customers do not have to have a Twitter account in order to receive these text messages, they just have to text "follow (username)" to 40404 and they will be subscribed.

    5. The particular Twitter account you set-up for your prospect or customer is JUST for text message offers. It does not replace their regular Twitter account. And with this special account, they shouldn't send out more than 1-2 offers per week.


    Go ahead and try it. Share the tool with your prospeects and current customers. They'll thank you and then you can upsell them something that makes you some money.

    - Rick Duris

    PS: For those who need to know more, here's Twitter's take on the service:

    Twitter Blog: Introducing Fast Follow, and other SMS tips
    Not liking this post Rick, just laid out money for text service for my clients. Anyways doesn't work in the uk
    Affiliate links are not allowed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5981138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeb1
      Really great share though will try some emails U.S. based and see if I can get a bite...
      Affiliate links are not allowed.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5981191].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Mike it does work, read through the thread someones put a link to the UK number needed , I'm using it succesfully in the UK


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5981298].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeb1
      Thanks for the tip will look again

      Affiliate links are not allowed.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5981739].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeb1
    Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

    Now you can offer small business owners FREE unlimited text/SMS campaigns

    Maybe I shouldn't do this. Many here are appreciative of my copywriting, but what most people don't know is I am a bit of a mad scientist when it comes to integrating marketing with technology.

    Over the last month or two, I've perfected a marketing strategy to go into local businesses (restaurants are particularly appreciative) and share with them a way to do free text messaging to their customers.

    That's right, I said they NEVER pay for text messages! It's basically a way for you to get to know them and their needs better. You'll create enormous goodwill in the process.

    In other words, YOU'LL BE THEIR HERO!

    Why should small business owners pay 5 cents to 14 cents per text message to send their special offers and deals? It adds up fast!

    Even Twilio | Build Scalable Voice, VoIP and SMS Applications in the Cloud costs a penny a piece which doesn't sound like much at first, but those penny's can really add up!

    I've done this with about three dozen businesses so far and it's a true breakthrough for them. They can't wait to try it.

    So, how can any business owner send unlimited text messages for absolutely no charge?

    To do it, we're going to route our messages through our friend, Twitter.


    1. Go to Twitter and create an account for your prospect's business but with the word "deal", "coupon" or "offers" in the Twitter name.

    (The idea is to make the name easy to remember.)

    Let's say the prospect's business is a restaurant named "Kim's Koffee", your Twitter name could be KoffeeDeals.

    2. Then the business owner advertises her text message service"

    The call-to-action can be something like:

    Text "Follow KoffeeDeals" to 40404 for VIP specials, offers and discounts.

    Then each time the business owner tweets a deal under the KoffeeDeals Twitter account, their customers will receive it via a text message.

    Pretty cool, uh? Try it for yourself.

    3. BONUS: When customers text "Follow KoffeeDeals " to 40404, they will not only receive future deals, they also receive the LAST TWEET that was previously sent.

    4. Get this: Customers do not have to have a Twitter account in order to receive these text messages, they just have to text "follow (username)" to 40404 and they will be subscribed.

    5. The particular Twitter account you set-up for your prospect or customer is JUST for text message offers. It does not replace their regular Twitter account. And with this special account, they shouldn't send out more than 1-2 offers per week.


    Go ahead and try it. Share the tool with your prospeects and current customers. They'll thank you and then you can upsell them something that makes you some money.

    - Rick Duris

    PS: For those who need to know more, here's Twitter's take on the service:

    Twitter Blog: Introducing Fast Follow, and other SMS tips

    How do you actually set up a separate business account ? been scouring twitter for this and don't see anywhere how this is done

    best Mike
    Affiliate links are not allowed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6012178].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
      Originally Posted by mikeb1 View Post

      How do you actually set up a separate business account ? been scouring twitter for this and don't see anywhere how this is done

      best Mike
      just set up a new Twitter account with a new user name lol

      Come on Mike
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6014667].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mikeb1
        Originally Posted by GraemeHawley View Post

        just set up a new Twitter account with a new user name lol

        Come on Mike
        I never new you were allowed to do that honestly
        Affiliate links are not allowed.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6019310].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ejunkie
    Great tip.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6029547].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMHunter
    Thanks a lot for sharing this. This will help me a lot.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6030057].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
      So basically we dont need Twilio in the UK then.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6030228].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TWalker
    There wasn't much info by the OP about what happens to customers numbers.

    Who owns 404040? Is this Twitter? A 3rd party?
    Is the service being provided by Twitter or someone else?
    Only a fool would turn over his customers numbers to someone else which is what many text providers do.

    Not a bad concept I'm just sayin...
    Needs more details...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6030294].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
      Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

      There wasn't much info by the OP about what happens to customers numbers.

      Who owns 404040? Is this Twitter? A 3rd party?
      Is the service being provided by Twitter or someone else?
      Only a fool would turn over his customers numbers to someone else which is what many text providers do.

      Not a bad concept I'm just sayin...
      Needs more details...
      I agree that this is the "problem", but it's also the "magic". Yes, a "fool" would turn over his customer numbers to twitter.

      This is now an upsell opportunity.

      Give this "Twitter" method away for free so the owners can see that SMS marketing WORKS. Then spend the next 30 days educating them about it and upgrade them to your paid service.
      "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
      To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6074900].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TWalker
        Originally Posted by XponentSYS View Post

        I agree that this is the "problem", but it's also the "magic". Yes, a "fool" would turn over his customer numbers to twitter.

        This is now an upsell opportunity.

        Give this "Twitter" method away for free so the owners can see that SMS marketing WORKS. Then spend the next 30 days educating them about it and upgrade them to your paid service.

        Yes, agreed.

        I'm reading a little more about as I am currently setting up my SMSWordpress for a client and free is good at this point. Of course if it works too well, what do they need a different system for?

        I just must make sure Twitter or "404040" or whoever controls the shortie does not start spamming these numbers.

        Does anyone have a list I can opt-in to see what it looks like? Yes, thats right I want to opt-in to your list and I dont even know who you are and what you offer.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6080414].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
          Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

          Yes, agreed.

          I'm reading a little more about as I am currently setting up my SMSWordpress for a client and free is good at this point. Of course if it works too well, what do they need a different system for?
          If it works "to well
          then they definitely NEED your "paid" service, IMO. This is because you would want to urge them to upgrade so as to "keep" their list of numbers. You'd try to do this quickly, within 30 days.

          The "Twitter method" as a great trial run for a business, and a great lead magnet for you.

          Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

          I just must make sure Twitter or "404040" or whoever controls the shortie does not start spamming these numbers.

          Does anyone have a list I can opt-in to see what it looks like? Yes, thats right I want to opt-in to your list and I dont even know who you are and what you offer.
          I'd just go ahead and setup your own list. It's free and easy.

          BTW, what wordpress sms plugin do you have?
          "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
          To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6082725].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lee M
      Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

      Who owns 404040? Is this Twitter? A 3rd party?
      Is the service being provided by Twitter or someone else?
      Only a fool would turn over his customers numbers to someone else which is what many text providers do.

      Not a bad concept I'm just sayin...
      Needs more details...

      I found this on FAN FAQ page.

      P.S. Are we talking about the SAME number? If Twitter is 40404 ... then this does NOT apply.

      NOTE: Although most Mozes-powered campaigns use the short code (5 digit number) 66937, some of our customers might use a different short code. Some of the other shortcodes Mozes powers include 30103, 404040, 50505, 72855, and 788638. You can text the STOP keyword on either shortcode and it will still work.
      Working from Home since 1991
      (Well before anyone knew it could be done!)

      “Observe your competitors, for they first find your faults.”
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6125124].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Muhammad Iqbal
    thanks bro...nice share
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6074523].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinyreal
    thank you for the awesome tip, never knew this but Im not surprised
    Click here now for 10 Strategies to give you all the traffic you deserve absolutely free.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6074593].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WF99
    nice tips ..
    i will definitely try it in near future
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6080762].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    You can try it on my account if you want. Text "follow mytestlist" to 40404
    "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
    To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6082809].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bizadpros
    Excellent tip to get your foot in the door for most businesses.

    "Upgrading" their free account to a real account where the business owner captures the cell phone numbers (and not twitter) is brilliant.

    This concept is the same with the business owners using Groupon and Daily Deal sites and thinking they have a great marketing tool... Dah, Groupon and others have the list - not the business owner!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6101820].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WorkOnline
    Wow, great thanks! Its really worth to read and I learned a lot from your post. I find it really interesting Congrats!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6105432].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daley
      way cool. Thank you so Much
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6106139].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ProAffiliate01
    I'd like to take advantage of those unlimited texting programs. I'm assuming you have to have permission to send the texts, right?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6106174].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stayathome2earn
    Hi Rick,

    This is really good stuff and you have add value to the peoples lives. Thanks for sharing your ideas. They are really gems.

    Will this work in Sri Lanka?

    If anyone has documented this whole process appreciate if I could get a link or a IM so that it will be easy for me to understand how to set it up. The reason is I am not that technically sound on this.

    Thank all you guys in advance.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6124107].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author solae
    Great tips!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6128711].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daley
      So, I am sitting in this Greek Deli right now.. I had already sold him a complete facebook page, and I was just here to collect my Check. He really like it. So, then I asked for referral. He said sure and wrote down a name of a guy. Then as I am sitting here I told him I could set up a special twitter account for him like described here. I said no charge. (well He bought me a couple drinks.) so as I am sitting here i set it up right in front of him.. Showed him how it works. Next thing He CALLS the referral and said you gotta talk to this guy and he made the appointment for me.

      GREAT TIP!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6135895].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author keyuria
    Is this only for America. Or is it worldwide. Any idea!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151814].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    I don't sell sms services though I am considering an investment
    in a local marketing firm that does... but here's my take on what I've
    read in this thread.

    On the surface this might look like a no brainer but before you get
    all excited and start doing the happy dance I think it would be prudent
    to think a little farther down the line and consider the law of unintended

    As I'm seeing it this "free" service can be a short term source of excitement
    and good will that can easily turn into a source of anger and frustration down
    the line on the part of the client.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6163357].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ish
    I can't seem to get this thing to work...I'm in the UK so i texted "follow usernamedeals" to 86444 but I have received nothing back from twitter.

    I have done a few tweets, but still i have not got any response yet from twitter for over a day.

    What am i doing wrong?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6164924].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ish
      Anyone from the UK could you help me out with this?

      I can't get it to it still working for you?


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6180403].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
        Originally Posted by ish View Post

        Anyone from the UK could you help me out with this?

        I can't get it to it still working for you?


        who's your mobile provider, see the list, under the UK, if yours aint on it that may be why its not working ?


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6180472].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ish
          who's your mobile provider, see the list, under the UK, if yours aint on it that may be why its not working ?
          Oh ok that may be why it is not working. i'm with t-mobile.

          I shall try it using my other phone, which is supported and I will post my results.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6180718].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    ditto, theres also a long code you can use under all the countries list for non conforming suppliers


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6180768].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 919492
    Most people would have sold this as WSO.. thanks for sharing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6185732].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ish
      Well i tried subscribing with my other phone to the twitter test account and it worked with my 02 happy about that

      Now i'm gonna approach one of my clients with this free sms service and see what they think.

      Its a pizza shop and i'm wondering...does anyone have experience with sms marketing for restaurants?

      What kind of offers should i mention to the owner to test out?...and what is the best way to promote this sms service to his customers so they sign up to receive these text tweets?

      I've never done sms marketing before, and I would really appreciate some input from someone who has experience with sms marketing for restaurants.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6201875].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Saif
        great post Rick,
        you really rock!
        you should make some WSO
        you'll definitely get buyers and fans!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6222998].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author maderemark
          Originally Posted by falisco View Post

          great post Rick,
          you really rock!
          you should make some WSO
          you'll definitely get buyers and fans!
          Others keep begging him but he apparently isn't interested. Really too bad. (I'd be first in line.)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6223028].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author margarimmoone
        This is excellent info and I have done this in the past , especially with restaurants.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9165293].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zahavi
    Thanks, Rick.

    I knew free SMSs had to exist but I had not figured it out. Yet, so simple.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6193433].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Big Gee
    Can we apply this to Facebook too ? Don't they have a feature where you can make a post and everyone with a cell can get the message to their mobile phone (as long as they have it added)?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6261436].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author emma22
    Thanks for tip.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6261645].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author speedfrog
    This is sweet. Kudos Rick and many thanks for sharing!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6279255].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
    This is great information and I have used this in the past , particularily with restaurants. thanks !

    free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6279428].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Quick update:

    I created this thread a couple of months ago, and I have to say if you're struggling selling and closing people, this is by far the easiest way to get the relationship started with a business owner.

    The private communication I've had with other consultants has been absolutely mind blowing.

    I urge you to at least try it. Especially if you're struggling. Or if you're new.

    - Rick Duris

    PS: Thanks everyone for all your appreciation.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6287615].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author speedfrog
    Once again... this is fantastic and one of the coolest things I've come across in the WF. I have a question, does anyone know if there is a way to find out who and how many people have followed a particular client? I am guessing there isn't anything to tell you directly in Twitter text joiners fly under their radar and aren't followers really. But is there a third party app of any kind that would tell you how many people are receiving a tweet/text that is sent?

    Just curious. Again, thanks so much for sharing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6294976].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hourstoincome
      I have been wondering the same thing. Anyone have an idea on how to do this?

      Originally Posted by speedfrog View Post

      Once again... this is fantastic and one of the coolest things I've come across in the WF. I have a question, does anyone know if there is a way to find out who and how many people have followed a particular client? I am guessing there isn't anything to tell you directly in Twitter text joiners fly under their radar and aren't followers really. But is there a third party app of any kind that would tell you how many people are receiving a tweet/text that is sent?

      Just curious. Again, thanks so much for sharing
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6300994].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alex Makarski
        I tested and here's what I've learned so far:

        1. The dang thing works

        2. You can't tell how many SMS followers you have. No data at all.

        3. One concern I have, I believe this thing send out a broadcast if someone mentions your id in their tweet. Which means someone can hijack the conversation and I don't know if there is a way to prevent that.

        "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -Confucius

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6301131].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
          Originally Posted by Alex Makarski View Post

          I tested and here's what I've learned so far:

          1. The dang thing works

          2. You can't tell how many SMS followers you have. No data at all.

          3. One concern I have, I believe this thing send out a broadcast if someone mentions your id in their tweet. Which means someone can hijack the conversation and I don't know if there is a way to prevent that.
          I think the trick there is to offer this only through SMS on aseperate Twitter account, so best not to encourage any normal followers to the same account inside Twitter, which will limit this happening as the receiver of the texts gets charged for each text they receive
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6332478].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GraemeHawley
        Originally Posted by hourstoincome View Post

        I have been wondering the same thing. Anyone have an idea on how to do this?
        as far as I know there's nothing that records that currently would be useful tho. However the business owner is going to know its working if he gets people coming in from texts
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6332497].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dennism70
    Just let the customers USE the received text message as the proof that they have a right to the COUPON or DISCOUNT.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6590533].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Wallz
    This is great !
    The only downside is:

    It can cost money to receive text messages for some people.

    Other than that, fantastic !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6591098].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jaginep
    Wow. This is pretty cool. Thanks for the tip Rick!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6612268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
    awesome post, thank you for posting this. you can totally use this to offer it to churches, you can charge them about 100$ per month with this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6615902].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author warrenp30
    And also thanks to Rick for starting this thread. What can I say...this is what I expected this forum to be. And all of the feedback, both supportive and critical, are great ways for us to gain new perspectives.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6627465].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
    For some reason, this doesn't work for me in the UK.
    I've created this account

    UK code is 86444. I've tried on my T Mobile phone and not working.

    Do you have to use the quotes as it's not working for me.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Thank you for the replies
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7035128].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iamankit
      Originally Posted by Michael Nguyen View Post

      For some reason, this doesn't work for me in the UK.
      I've created this account

      UK code is 86444. I've tried on my T Mobile phone and not working.

      Do you have to use the quotes as it's not working for me.

      Any ideas anyone?

      Thank you for the replies

      I think T mobile is not in the list
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7451571].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Hi Michael, I beleive TMobile is one of the providers it doesnt work on (think it says this on the site) , but others on other providers will still be able to connect


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7035365].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PowerWealth247
    I've used this method over the past year to introduce myself to many new groups/ businesses and have set it up for some them at no cost. Once the church or group begins using this it isn't long before the members know I was the guy that showed them how to do this for Free ! I've gotten plenty of busines from being the guy who helped them out for free.
    This can get a foot in the door to many groups, and groups have members. Groups like Chambers of Commerce...... (hint-hint)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7036794].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author carmelaward
    Thanks for sharing awesome tips
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7040699].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mach1Marketing
    Very Cool. Thanks for the Info.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043408].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author please
    great sharing here..!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7055775].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author e30drifter
    no it doesn't work...can't believe how many people are so negative about this open this door opportunity...thanks OP, I will test it, for others, I don't think it will work for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7056890].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kasei
    Thank you, this is really usefull.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7056907].message }}
  • <