Need Offline Marketing help!

12 replies

I would like to ask you one thing..

Recently i got an offer to do something like offline marketing.. One client asked me to sell his router products online.. hez not aware of anything about online marketing,all he needs is a "sales"..

Now my actual question is : Actually Im having good knowledge on seo,ppc, etc.. since I learned them in 1 year.. Im having very confident that I can do very welll on seo,etc..

BUT to start seo or whatever, it needs some investment on creating content, backlinks etc.. he said ,hez ready to give money for investment!

since this is the first time,Im really not aware how much should charge him and hez asking me what if Im fail to make sales after investing his money on backlinks etc..

Though im confident that I can do this job,but besides having little fear whether I can be able to do it or not, what if Im really fail on this..?

So my dears, pls suggest me what to price him and how should I proceed on this?

I feel that I have got some good opportunity,im thinking to take advantage on this so that I get confident too..

( I really didnt do any seo job for any of my websites,since lack of money for backlinks,BUT i knew very well on them!)

Hope U guyz provides me good suggestions on this
#marketing #offline
  • Profile picture of the author EmmaPowell
    Wow! This is a GREAT opportunity!

    If you are not confident that you can get results then I would perhaps search warrior for hire and find a really good thread with lots of feedback. PM them and let them know the domain and KW, you should make this an ongoing monthly subscription and let the provider know that this will be the arrangement.

    Get a couple of prices then make a decision.

    If you do feel you can provide results then do it yourself...... its totally your call. But you have options available and you should make the best decision for your business.

    Good luck in your new venture.

    This could create a snow ball effect where you end of with lots of monthly paying clients..... good times =)

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  • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
    Hi there,

    Awesome to have a client come to you asking for help.

    First things first, did you do some research into keywords and how competitive his market is?

    Also, if you get the traffic to his website or sales page, will it convert well?

    Is he selling to locals, nationals or global clients?

    I think you have to consider these things before you come up with a price of what to charge him.

    PPC is going to be quickest way of getting traffic but the landing page needs to convert well to get the ROI.

    Hope that helps a bit.

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    • Profile picture of the author gillw254
      hez selling only country wide (not completely globally)

      By considering what factors,should i price him?

      and what if im fail..? (this is bit fearing me..)

      Originally Posted by ItsChrissy View Post

      Hi there,

      Awesome to have a client come to you asking for help.

      First things first, did you do some research into keywords and how competitive his market is?

      Also, if you get the traffic to his website or sales page, will it convert well?

      Is he selling to locals, nationals or global clients?

      I think you have to consider these things before you come up with a price of what to charge him.

      PPC is going to be quickest way of getting traffic but the landing page needs to convert well to get the ROI.

      Hope that helps a bit.

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  • Profile picture of the author gillw254
    Thnx Emma for quick response

    Im good at keyword research and all that!

    Im not understanding how to price him..?

    and feel little risk, if im fail to bring sales for him,since im using his investment for backlinks and others!

    im bit less confident as im of with no experience yet with anyone!

    Big gurus.. any suggestions pls?
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  • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
    You will be able to prove you're doing your job in getting rankings and traffic to the site by monitoring, and tracking with Google Analytics, but getting the visitors to the site to convert to sales is mainly his job to ensure the content on the site is what the visitors are actually looking for and need. He's the one who knows his target market the best.

    Having said that, you should also look at his site and satisfy yourself if it looks like it will convert, since it's in your interest, and make suggestions.

    The more competitive his market, the more work will be needed, so charge more.

    What country are you in? Can you find out what others are charging in your area. That would at least give you a starting point.

    I wouldn't give any guarantees whatever you charge him, since you don't own Google and you can't force people to give him money.

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    What if you fail, you ask....

    I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear unlike the previous posters. I'd say congrats for the opportunity, but I have a feeling the opportunity is going to end badly.

    You say you're confident that you can provide results for him. You also said you never did SEO on your own sites because you didn't have money for the backlinks.

    Let me get this right.... you expect results, because you plan on paying for backlinks? It doesn't work like that.

    Visit the SEO forum with all these people claiming to be banned from google, losing their positioning, etc. Look at all the people SELLING backlinks.. these backlinks are garbage.

    If he is investing his last little bit of money to make a business work and its in SEO... bad move. Don't do it.

    Anyway, its good to be able to have a client, but not if you can't deliver what they order.

    I'd suggest holding off on it... learn how to do REAL SEO yourself.. learn to manually build backlinks, and then go for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Performing SEO and knowing PPC will not guarantee sales for your client. Your client must have a good product, brand, sales page, shopping cart...just to name a few things.
    I would personally tread lightly on this unless he has some of the things mentioned above in place. I can only assume selling routers online is very competitive with some big players taking up best positions.

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  • Profile picture of the author gillw254
    hey thnx for all!

    He just has products called "Routers".. he doesnt have any website, nothing.. He just said that he need sales for his router products..

    so,I shud only build website, create sales page etc..

    sometimes i feel why the hell i shud take risk by taking up this opportunity, instead I can sell any other amazon,or ebay,or some good cpa offers etc and I think I could make more money.. Am I wrong?
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    • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
      Originally Posted by gillw254 View Post

      hey thnx for all!

      He just has products called "Routers".. he doesnt have any website, nothing.. He just said that he need sales for his router products..

      so,I shud only build website, create sales page etc..

      sometimes i feel why the hell i shud take risk by taking up this opportunity, instead I can sell any other amazon,or ebay,or some good cpa offers etc and I think I could make more money.. Am I wrong?
      Seems like you have a big job cut out for you from the beginning. If the guy doesn't even have a website .....
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      • Profile picture of the author rjhartl
        I'm definitely not an expert, so please take this for what it's worth, but you could perhaps charge him upfront for the tangible things he'll need like websites, facebook fan pages, youtube accounts, etc. These are things he'll need irregardless of who is working on the traffic for him. If he doesn't have a ton of money to spend and you aren't confident you can get him traffic, then ask for a reasonable commission based on all online sales (e.g. 30% of the profit--not sales) for some set amount of time (e.g. 6 months, 9 months, 1 yr). Essentially he'd be paying you to gain online experience in this type of work with little risk to him.

        My logic is that you'd be assuming most of the risk, but you'd also be setting yourself up for a potentially huge reward once you start to succeed (presumably). Measure the risk/reward and decide if it's worth it to try. Remember, once that time has passed as long as you're making him much more money than he's paying you, he will be much more reluctant to jump ship to another SEO once it comes time to paying you those high hourly wages.

        Just an alternate idea to explore. Good job no matter what you try!
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  • Profile picture of the author racso316
    What you did wrong was offer your services and GUARANTEEING sales. You have no idea if the leads you bring him will convert for many different reasons, especially without testing first. Maybe the site has bad copy, looks unprofessional, prospects get lost in it, etc.

    What you should've and could still tell him (when you learn SEO yourself) is that the internet is growing (give him facts and statistics) and that you will do your best to offer him maximum online exposure. Offer him visibility online, that his clients/prospects that are looking for him on the internet will find him easily with your services. (Granted to the research and make sure you can do that.)

    Don't guarantee sales or conversions, guarantee that you will do your best to, following Google rules, to make his site be liked by google, and visible to his clients/prospects, giving him maximum presence and exposure online for targeted prospects and with that he'll have potential clients once those leads get into his site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hugh
    "Router products" sounds to me like artifacts produced by using the tool,router, on
    some substance like wood. The resulting product becomes art, the beauty of which
    is in the eye of the beholder. And like most "Art", I'm sure the "Artist" sees more
    value than the casual observer.

    Then I think about trying to sell art from a website. I start thinking about expensive
    cameras and photographers. Then lighting experts. This could become complicated.

    Think long and hard.

    Good luck and God bless,


    "Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill

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