How to prove to client SEO is worth it?

23 replies
I know I could do lead generation, but for the people who are getting paid monthly without lead are you proving to your clients that SEO is worth there payments?? I have my first client and don't know how to approach the SEO aspect of the business. Thanks.
#client #prove #seo #worth
  • Profile picture of the author Perestroika
    Convince them that you can get them results and dont talk about the technical aspect of things. Show them that without good placement on SE that they are missing out on potential customers. Show them statistics about which results get the most clicks on page 1.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1Dina
    I think the best thing would be to show a real case study - that should help close a sale!

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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Rank one site of yours, prove it, and see what happens. Sometimes people are so dumb they think you're screwing them... and don't believe in what you just did.

    True story.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author prodigy1290
      right on. thanks for the quick responses. i'm working on my clients website right now and hopefully within the week I can start with the SEO aspect.
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      • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
        Position does not compute to them sometimes. Start
        talking dollars they are giving away... to their competition
        currently ranked higher.

        This helps in 2 ways with small business owners:

        1. Their ego wants them to 'win' (also why they
        want their damned giant logo all over everything)

        2. They understand money. It would not be hard
        to explain what happens when a potential or
        existing customer can't find them in a search.

        They'll find something and that business will be
        getting the new found money

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  • Profile picture of the author MaxReferrals
    Show them which of their keywords are converting into sales. Conversions, in all likelihood, is what they are most interested in.
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    • Profile picture of the author prodigy1290
      Yea. I'm planning on putting together a nice portfolio I can bring with me to business owners that explains everything from web design to SEO. Blah. Got so much to do this week!
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Hmmm.. first thing you should do is see if it indeed would be worth it to them. Not every business can benefit from SEO compared to other methods of marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Hmmm.. first thing you should do is see if it indeed would be worth it to them. Not every business can benefit from SEO compared to other methods of marketing.
      Love this. The key is to figure out what if anything SEO will do for their buttom line. How will it bring more customers? Can you help them convert more of the leads? Is you fee worth the increase in business they will get?

      If they are a good match it shouldn't be hard to sell because you are talking all benefits for them.

      But if the search term gets 50 searches and their name itself gets 4,000 searches what's the point for them? They are already branded beyond the need for searches.

      Each business is different and unless you are selling a one size fits all you need to focus on their needs and how you can help them get more business.

      You can be an SEO specialist. You can be a web designer. Or you can be a consultant. Which do you think gets paid more?
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin2290
    I would start with explaining the concept of why targeted search engine traffic is so powerful. Show some stats on how buyer keywords convert. Just whip out Google keyword tool and show them how many potential customers are looking for keywords they can get ranked for, and turn that into money. Calculate a possible conversion rate, multiply it by a % of searches per month, and multiply that by their sales profit, and SHOW them what they could be earning in concrete numbers in front of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
    Is it a dentist?

    Point to the top 3 spots on Google and Ask "are they a better dentist than you?" Dr.NotSureAboutSEO "No" - .. "well.. everyone searching for your services assumes they are, they get all of the new clients, we are talking hundreds of thousands of searches monthly"

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    • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
      Originally Posted by ryanmckinney View Post

      Is it a dentist?

      Point to the top 3 spots on Google and Ask "are they a better dentist than you?" Dr.NotSureAboutSEO "No" - .. "well.. everyone searching for your services assumes they are, they get all of the new clients, we are talking hundreds of thousands of searches monthly"

      LOL! Smart approach, touches them where it hurts. Have to try it out tomorrow.
      People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hugh
    I NEVER sell SEO. Sell benefits, not features. Sell more customers.
    Sell more profits - IF you can really produce them.


    "Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill

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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    If you plan on explaining web design and SEO to them then assume you will walk out the door with nothing.

    Hugh is spot on. Sell them on the benefits of being on page one. Show them the percentage of people who click on each position and convert that to numbers for each search term. Ask them how often THEY ever go to page two on a search.

    If you want to educate people on what you do then be a teacher. If you want to sell then better help them understand the benefits of what you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
    Originally Posted by prodigy1290 View Post

    I know I could do lead generation, but for the people who are getting paid monthly without lead are you proving to your clients that SEO is worth there payments?? I have my first client and don't know how to approach the SEO aspect of the business. Thanks.
    The client saw an immediate spike in business and web hits. They saw it themselves and knew it was real. How else would you do it?
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  • Profile picture of the author rbecklund
    What I do is try to get them to understand how the search engines work on a very basic level because the theories business owners have about how a site gets on the first page on Google are insane - many have no clue how it works.

    Once they kind of understand (and some never get it) it is fairly easy to get them to understand how SEO/ranking works. Most, if not all business owners have been sold SEO so much there is no real need to sell them on the need for it.

    Another thing is make sure you feel confident you can get their site to rank well for the keywords they want to target, you don't want to set yourself up for failure. Also make sure it will generate some traffic and that it is useful traffic to their site.

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  • Profile picture of the author stone2010
    In my opinions you shouldnt have to convience someone to get SEO, after you discuss how it works and how it can benefit their business they should already be convienced if you did a good job presenting it.... Worry about selling solutions on how to get them clients and online visibility and you wont have to worry about being pushy and trying to convience them...

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  • Profile picture of the author Aussieguy
    SEO is a service where (offline) many of the customers will need education. You don't need to educate about the need for office cleaning or bookkeeping. You probably (these days) don't need to educate about websites eitehr. But SEO is like, well, what is it?

    So, to me (and this is an opinion, not experience, so take it for what that's worth)....if I were selling SEO I wouldn't get on the phone and say, "hey do you want some SEO? We have SEO's on sale this month, and we are throwing in steak knives if you say yes right now".

    I'd think to myself: who needs SEO? Okay, these people. Then I'd want to educate them in some way. That could be a report, face to face presentation, whatever works. Maybe you could go around offering website audits that show them where they're at. Maybe you could run a seminar.
    The aim would be to educate them on exactly what SEO is, and (more importantly) what SEO will do for them. I wouldn't be shy on telling them how to do it either. Run a seminar on "how to build your online presence through search engine optimisation".....sell the benefits, show them how. Get them thinking, "yeah, this is good and could put me ahead of my competition".
    Now you have pain-free done-for-you services at however much per month.

    If you already have a current customer list (it sounds like you do), you already know who to contact. Now you just have to work out how to best approach the education side.
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  • Profile picture of the author JerrickYeoh
    You need to prove them how SEO help them not in term of search result and traffics only. You need to show how many times of traffic they able to get compare to them now and make them believe that traffics equal to sale.
    Show him that he missing how much traffics for those keywords due to unable to rank well.
    And show him your previous customer with success .
    Give them some special offer like try for the 1st keyword with cheaper price then only look for more keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Usmile
    If you client need some explanation about what you are doing, then state some important tactics that you are doing and assure him that your strategies are effective Just be firm and confident.
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  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    Kanniganj had a post about this in the telemarketing forum. If the business can benefit from SEO, look at the best key words for them and show them how many searches there are for that keyword for month (ex. Sunnyvale Mexican Restaurant has 6000 searches), then show them their competition ranked on page one, and let them know their competition is getting most of the business from these 6000 searches because of their page one ranking. Now show them how they aren't benefitting from those 6000 searches because of their low ranking on page 5 (most people don't look beyond page 2).The prospect will begin to think.

    Using your prospect's competitors as a tool, in this way, is a very effective method. No business owner wants the competition to have an edge.

    Making your prospect think in this way will also make them sell/close themselves, these are the best kind of sales because their is usually no buyers remorse.

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  • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
    First, I don't think you want to go in proving that SEO is worth it. It's not about selling or proving the worth of SEO, it's about selling benefits - increased sales and profits - to the owner.

    Many are clueless about "SEO" but understand the importance of being on page one. I ask the prospect to type in a search for the product or service they offer to the local market. When they don't come up above the fold on page 1, I ask who their potential customer will most likely click on and call.

    It's just highlighting and magnifying a pain point they have.

    I then heal the wound by telling them how our SEO services will have them at the top of the SERPs so that prospects click on their link.

    A couple people mentioned above that many businesses won't really get a lot of benefit, which is an excellent point. I have the greatest success when I focus on giving marketing strategies that will generate the greatest returns and results.

    SEO is often a component but as far as the greatest ROI to a client, strategies that incorporate improving closing ratios cross-selling, up-selling, CRM, increasing the frequency of purchase (lifetime customer value) and generating referrals are far more powerful.
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  • Profile picture of the author savyeman
    The best way to prove it to them. Is by showing them the results you have gotten from seo or the results you got your clients from giving them seo services.

    YOu may have to work free at first to help a client gain top rankings to use as proof.
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