Freaking Awesome!! (cool direct mail method with pics!)

26 replies
**I am not affilated or even remotely connected with the 3D mailers company**

Hey Guys I got this in the mail today and just thought it was too cool not to share! Awhile ago I signed up for this 3d mailers companies newsletter. They specialize in 3d mail for direct mail campigns.

Back to the story, I opened up my mail box today and saw this:

My first thought was, holy crap someone mailed me money!! It definatly got my attention.

I opened it up and it was a sample sales letter from the 3d mail company.

This would be a great way to guarantee your sales letter gets read (well at-least the title). I plan on combining this with my direct mail campaign sending out bad google places review with a title along the lines of "You could fill this bag up every day with the money your losing due to these bad reviews!"

Thats a powerful line!!

It had a postage mark on it saying they had payed $1.30 to mail it and on their site they are selling it for $1.53. So looks like it is about $2.83 (plus whatever Shipping is from their website for all the bags) to mail.

Thats not bad for a guaranteed open and a great way to prove that you are not like everyone else and out of the box.

Heres the link to the site thats selling them (not an affiliate link):

I just thought this was a really unique and cool mailer idea that I wanted to share with everyone!
#awesome #cool #direct #freaking #mail #method
  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I have received that as well.
    It's a little over $100 for 100 of these from them.

    I knew who it was from, and why I was getting.... but I still had to open it.
    Got my wife's attention too...

    I am just crafting what to put in it.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5868433].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author criniit
      Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

      I have received that as well.
      It's a little over $100 for 100 of these from them.

      I knew who it was from, and why I was getting.... but I still had to open it.
      Got my wife's attention too...

      I am just crafting what to put in it.
      Haha it has been so long since I signed up for the newsletter I had completely forgotten about the company, took me by surprise.

      Let me know what you end up putting in there!
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  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Thanks for the share!

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mister Natural
    I think the expense of it out weighs the novelty.

    You'll need a very promising and targeted mailing list.
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  • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
    Cool stuff. I've been trying to figure out how to convert a higher percentage of our prospects. I'm going to buy some of the pill bottles and send out a letter with the headline something like, "You called us because your dog was giving you a headache...." with a special offer. I'll have to report back later how it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author agonce
    So do you put the shipping label on the thing, or you place the bag in a mailing envelope and then mail it?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5868765].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author criniit
      Originally Posted by agonce View Post

      So do you put the shipping label on the thing, or you place the bag in a mailing envelope and then mail it?
      The way they mailed it to me was a peel and stick label on the side of it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5868779].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author agonce
        Originally Posted by criniit View Post

        The way they mailed it to me was a peel and stick label on the side of it.
        Interesting ... I like this approach, I would assume not even one of the receiver's would throw this away w/o first checking whats in there .
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        • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
          From the look of the picture, looks like there's a little piece of tape holding down the zipper opener? Is that the way it was "secured"?

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  • Profile picture of the author IAmPaulJames
    This is awesome, I think you could see some really high conversions with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author johan75
    That's Great post. i am very impressed with it. I think you could see some really high conversions with this.That is very nice.
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  • Profile picture of the author rugman
    The priority mail envelopes are pretty good also - I would think they would have a high open rate as well. Especially if you are targeting mid size businesses like plumbers - pizza shops etc. Funny thing is - they came up years ago and were used by the cleaning industry to reach commercial accounts so I know that they are fake when I get one - still open them though!

    Growing older but not up!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rhino08
    Very impressive..will take anyone buy Suprise, very similar to Lumpy Mail. BJ
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  • Profile picture of the author dropbear
    first class envelopes with a real stamp and a handwritten address, has always increased my open rates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    That's a great attention getter for sure and those guys have some real nice ideas and products there.

    Just don't forget the other parts of the "A.I.D.A" formula.

    Getting someone to take notice and open your mailing piece is the first step, but you still need a great offer to motivate prospects to take action.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5872394].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author criniit
      Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

      From the look of the picture, looks like there's a little piece of tape holding down the zipper opener? Is that the way it was "secured"?

      Yeah the zipper was taped down. On the video on their website it says thats how the post office requests it be delivered to them so it dosen't get caught up in any other piece of mail.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5873356].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
        Originally Posted by criniit View Post

        Yeah the zipper was taped down. On the video on their website it says thats how the post office requests it be delivered to them so it dosen't get caught up in any other piece of mail.
        Not to be paranoid or anything but I personally would be careful of what I would put in a "zipbag". Any "critical" stuff I would simply not feel good about mailing in a bag like that.

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        • Profile picture of the author criniit
          Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

          Not to be paranoid or anything but I personally would be careful of what I would put in a "zipbag". Any "critical" stuff I would simply not feel good about mailing in a bag like that.

          Your mailing a sales letter, nothing really critical about that...
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          • Profile picture of the author RRG
            Originally Posted by criniit View Post

            Your mailing a sales letter, nothing really critical about that...
            Yeah, the bank bag is merely the envelope that holds the sales letter.

            Another critical point is that your headline MUST refer to the bank bag!
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Would much rather use a box myself. They're free and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. =]
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  • Profile picture of the author RobbieT
    Great idea, someone is definitely thinking outside the box.

    Take good care of those that you love.

    Robbie T
    learn how to Make Money From The Web

    Follow my Journey to make an extra $40 or $400 per week each week and TOP UP YOUR WEEKLY INCOME

    Check it out here - Make Money From The Web
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5891542].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RRG
    One other thing:

    Because the zipper pull is slightly wider than 1/4 inch, this mailer is classified as a parcel rather than an envelope. Postage is a little higher.

    Of course, all that matters if ROI. If you invest $300 sending 100 of these to a targeted list and you sell 1% for a high-ticket item, it's a positive ROI.
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