How does Google Places and other Review Sites Treat Mutliple Reviews by same person?

by 10 replies
Any insight or suggestions about leaving multiple reviews from same person?

I go to a chiropractor regularly and can legitimately leave reviews once a month or a few times a year, every year.

I like leaving reviews for the computer store every time they fix a virus or issue. Same for some favorite restaurants and other local service providers I use long-term.

Wondering how Google and other review sites treat multiple reviews by the same person, and generally same IP? Will it hurt these businesses if I or other patients/customers leave them more than one review?

#offline marketing #google #mutliple #person #places #review #reviews #sites #treat
  • Leaving multiple reviews from the same ip address would not help it actually can hurt the review.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I've heard that. But also wondering if by same person/account is an issue - without the ip being an issue.
  • Are you leaving reviews as a Google user or are you also reviewing on other 3rd party sites or both?
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    • I've done both. The computer store I'd like to leave a good review everytime they save me on Yelp.

      couple of businesses are customers too and I tend to leave a review where it can help, but it's not fake in anyway.

      Use both biz and personal emails too with other local reviews (fav restaurants, etc).

      With the chiro I'm also trying to encourage more reviews, and realistically many of their patients could leave multiple reviews on their own (without encouragement). But will it hurt the chiro's biz?
  • I don't think it would hurt as long as the review accounts don't show reviews in Alaska and then New York on the exact same day.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply

    • That brings up another point for local businesses - restaurants, independent service providers and brick and mortar. Review services and IMs selling or including it in GP packages - how are they handling the multiple reviews?

      If you outsource, they're mostly overseas. Does google or other review sites look at that as far as IP location or out of area profiles?
      • [1] reply
  • I agree. If you're using different accounts, post on different days and vary your reviews to a reasonable degree, you should be fine. Google doesn't have access to your Yahoo! account, for example.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • The chiro for example treats spouses and families. Two + people in these cases could do legit reviews from the same household and computer.

    Do you use or recommend proxies?
  • Yeah, I agree. One customer is trying out a service that does 2 per month - obtaining and publishing them from his real customers that is.

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