Rent-a-Site and Lead-Gen Dead Because of Google Places?

35 replies
Anyone still finding success with traditional rent-a-site/lead-gen model, even though Google Places is pulling in most of the traffic?

How have you managed?

#dead #google #leadgen #places #rentasite
  • Profile picture of the author TheCG
    You can still do the lead generation with a website and Google Places.

    Paul James had a WSO on it a short time ago that was pretty good.

    Yes, by the way, I AM in the Witness Protection Program. I could tell you who I am but then I would have to kill you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    Yes...I have PJ's course. It's good. However...I was wanting some insight from those that aren't using their own, 'fake' google places listing, to see if/how they are managing.

    See, the problem I have with JP's course, is the work involved with getting a GP listing, getting it ranked and working at landing a client - all to have it possibly removed if a competitor found out and reported you.


    My opinion might change if I knew my client's business couldn't be negatively effected.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    I can't seem to get an answer from anyone about this...? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author affspy
    Try to do Video Renting Model, it works better than website renting especially in High Niches Tag like Dentists ,lawyers...
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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Stanger Danger,

      After 2 plus years we are still using the Rent - A - Site Model. However i can tell you... Learning to use the Phrase - Advertising or Advertising Sites will have a far better effect, its language business owners understand.

      We are still building sites like crazy, even after producing a product a year ago called The Ultimate WSO. In my signature. What i can share with you is this...

      Niche Selection is Paramount along with Keyword Research. There are so many Non IM Niches out there with amazing search terms and keywords you wouldn't believe me if i told you. I have a coaching student right now, how just built 25 sites over the last 3 weeks. The worst search Keywords he has is 3600 Exact Match with a CPC of $2.31 each. The challenge is, most people keep using the wrong terminology for business owners and the wrong niche or keywords IMHO.

      So to answer your question completely... There is not a better Model out there right now than ADVERTISING SITES PERIOD...


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      • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
        Originally Posted by affspy View Post

        Try to do Video Renting Model, it works better than website renting especially in High Niches Tag like Dentists ,lawyers...
        -This was my original plan, actually. However, I just don't know if the value is there for the client.

        Are you doing this model? Do you have any clients? Are you doing any client acquisition, or setting your videos up for clients to contact you (e.g. call me to rent this space etc.)? Thanks.

        Originally Posted by BrashImpact View Post

        Stanger Danger,

        After 2 plus years we are still using the Rent - A - Site Model. However i can tell you... Learning to use the Phrase - Advertising or Advertising Sites will have a far better effect, its language business owners understand.

        We are still building sites like crazy, even after producing a product a year ago called The Ultimate WSO. In my signature. What i can share with you is this...

        Niche Selection is Paramount along with Keyword Research. There are so many Non IM Niches out there with amazing search terms and keywords you wouldn't believe me if i told you. I have a coaching student right now, how just built 25 sites over the last 3 weeks. The worst search Keywords he has is 3600 Exact Match with a CPC of $2.31 each. The challenge is, most people keep using the wrong terminology for business owners and the wrong niche or keywords IMHO.

        So to answer your question completely... There is not a better Model out there right now than ADVERTISING SITES PERIOD...

        -Are you currently taking on new students? Are you targeting keywords that bring up google places? So, you're driving traffic with adwords?

        I'd like to learn more from you if I can.

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        • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
          Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

          -This was my original plan, actually. However, I just don't know if the value is there for the client.

          I'd like to learn more from you if I can.

          Thats easy buy the wso.

          For the records I bought it last year and its top quality.
          Promise Big.
          Deliver Bigger.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    Hi. I don't know which WSO you're referring to. I already have MPV, which was good...but like I said, I just don't know if the value is there for the client. Truthfully, even if I had a website AND a video ranking on the first page of google, I just don't know if I could pull in enough leads to compete with google places - which is why I published this thread.

    However, I don't know what my margins would be if I tried adwords. I hadn't really considered it until now.
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  • Profile picture of the author payoman
    Also very interested in some insight from rent-a-site model marketers, I made a similar thread asking a similar question...

    But this one is important too. I guess what the OP, and myself, would like to know is how you can maximise lead generation for your clients without Google places?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5891796].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

      Hi. I don't know which WSO you're referring to. I already have MPV, which was good...but like I said, I just don't know if the value is there for the client. Truthfully, even if I had a website AND a video ranking on the first page of google, I just don't know if I could pull in enough leads to compete with google places - which is why I published this thread.

      However, I don't know what my margins would be if I tried adwords. I hadn't really considered it until now.
      @EddieSpangler said it well, I sent you a PM if you have questions at all connect with me via skype. Thank You

      Originally Posted by payoman View Post

      Also very interested in some insight from rent-a-site model marketers, I made a similar thread asking a similar question...

      But this one is important too. I guess what the OP, and myself, would like to know is how you can maximise lead generation for your clients without Google places?

      The process is easy. First off ranking over the top of Google Places is not that hard. Secondly, if your targeting Great Keywords with Amazing Keyword research GP becomes irrelevant anyways.

      We are targeting several niches, but primarily spend time in one niche. Using Advertising sites is a Uber Strong Model, you should be focused on Exclusive Advertising for One client that pays you month to month for the Ad Space vs... The Lead business IMHO. I for one would never get into selling just leads. Our clients stay with us month after month because of hte value and ROI they receive. Not to mention we try to always work with them as a Strategic Partner vs being just a Lead supplier or just a marketer.

      Hope that gives you more clarity my friend...if you need anything else just ask... Happy to help if I can..


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      • Profile picture of the author Hard Boiled Greg
        Originally Posted by BrashImpact View Post

        Using Advertising sites is a Uber Strong Model, you should be focused on Exclusive Advertising for One client that pays you month to month for the Ad Space vs... The Lead business IMHO. I for one would never get into selling just leads. Our clients stay with us month after month because of hte value and ROI they receive. Not to mention we try to always work with them as a Strategic Partner vs being just a Lead supplier or just a marketer.
        Robert, could you expand a little more on why that is the case? My assumption would have been that one could make more by selling leads, because the client can attach a specific value to how much each new customer is worth to them. Renting a site based on search rankings and/or traffic does not seem to be as clear as to how much new business the client will actually get.

        I am just speculating and trying to learn about this, where you obviously have actual hands on experience.

        Thank you,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5897141].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
          Originally Posted by Hard Boiled Greg View Post

          Robert, could you expand a little more on why that is the case? My assumption would have been that one could make more by selling leads, because the client can attach a specific value to how much each new customer is worth to them. Renting a site based on search rankings and/or traffic does not seem to be as clear as to how much new business the client will actually get.

          I am just speculating and trying to learn about this, where you obviously have actual hands on experience.

          Thank you,

          -You can definitely make more selling leads. However, having a monthly cap that is more cost effective for the client makes for an easier sell. Regarding how they would know the value - you can set up a callfire number and use the whisper feature to let them know how many leads you're giving them in real time.
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      • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
        Originally Posted by BrashImpact View Post

        @EddieSpangler said it well, I sent you a PM if you have questions at all connect with me via skype. Thank You
        -Sorry, I wasn't aware that you were referring to your WSO. Actually, a buddy of mine has your WSO and I asked him about it. He said that your website that you mention in the WSO doesn't even exist anymore (and) every single one of the sites that you refer to in the WSO don't have any clients renting them. Can you clarify this for me? Also, your WSO is sold can I get it (or is it outdated now?)?

        I received your message...thanks. I also looked at your website - I may contact you about the coaching, although it sounds pretty exclusive, and I'm not sure if I'd make the cut, to be honest.

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        • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
          Originally Posted by Hard Boiled Greg View Post

          Robert, could you expand a little more on why that is the case? My assumption would have been that one could make more by selling leads, because the client can attach a specific value to how much each new customer is worth to them. Renting a site based on search rankings and/or traffic does not seem to be as clear as to how much new business the client will actually get.

          I am just speculating and trying to learn about this, where you obviously have actual hands on experience.

          Thank you,

          Lemme try to do my best here... This is only my Theory or opinion. You want to target phrases or niches where the Client gets huge value from closing just one deal... or a series of deals that will convert easily for client.

          By going after phrases that are Buyer Oriented vs search oriented increases value. Example: What is the value of say a Home Inspection? approximately 400 to 600.00 depending on the area. A home inspector will only need to close one deal to break even or show a profit any more past that is all Net Profit. If i am charging say $150 per month, he needs 1 deal every 3 months to break even. Anything above and beyond that is all gravy for them...

          Do they need 100's of leads to convert.. The answer is NO! If they are getting 100 visitors to site, those are people searching for ... Dallas Home Inspectors , is that search a buyer search or browser? Obviously Buyer... If your selling leads how will you place a value? Your income ebbs and flows, where as setting one Base Value and making the Site Exclusive just for that one guy creates great profit.

          I could go into a ton more detail but i think you get the picture... We sell Exclusive advertising... keyword there EXCLUSIVE... Hope that gives you a little more insight...


          Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

          -Sorry, I wasn't aware that you were referring to your WSO. Actually, a buddy of mine has your WSO and I asked him about it. He said that your website that you mention in the WSO doesn't even exist anymore (and) every single one of the sites that you refer to in the WSO don't have any clients renting them. Can you clarify this for me? Also, your WSO is sold can I get it (or is it outdated now?)?

          I received your message...thanks. I also looked at your website - I may contact you about the coaching, although it sounds pretty exclusive, and I'm not sure if I'd make the cut, to be honest.


          For starters... no offense meant, why would I expose great niches to WSO Buyers...for a mere $20? Those are up for examples only... and even a year later we still build sites...every week, every month.

          As for being outdated not even close... but If you look in my signature you can get the Updated version for $10 and it includes THE SECRET NICHE that has no boundaries... Every warrior on the forum could attack it and it wont make a dent.

          I have no idea on the coaching... That would be completely up too you to go through the Interview process... If you check my website you can find the testimonials on there from real people with real linkedin accts.

          Either way, no matter what you decide too do, i still believe Advertising sites is one of the easiest and most profitable ways for people to make money online... More importantly its recurring monthly revenue.

          Let me know if I can help you either way...

          Best of Luck no matter what endeavor you take.


          P.S. - I just edited to add this. One of the most crucial things mentioned above is SEO. In this case and day and age...Your SEO Needs to be Flawless ON Page and OFF page to rank over the top of Google Places. In most cases we are not dealing with GP at all. The times when we are, we just pile on the Off page SEO to make it ROCKET to the top, but it takes time... Advertising Sites is not Get Rich Over Night... It takes consistent work and efforts... Just sayin...

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  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    Honestly you can still do this. Your On age seo and off page SEO has to be spot on perfect so you can rank above the merged listings. Most of my sites rank above the merged listings because of the on page/off page seo.

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

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  • Profile picture of the author PeckhamPirate
    Find a client to use as a pioneer for your directory.
    Someone who knows Jack about IM.

    Offer them a mutually beneficial deal, be upfront, tell them you'll set their GP listing up and make them your featured business in the directory.

    Presto your as yet totally offline client gets a listing (on page 1 of course), plus with his name and address plastered all over your as yet empty directory listing, your pioneer has never had it so good.

    Go for exact domains and you and your new best friend will be rockin' it for whatever service in whatever town before you can say Build My Rank.

    Once you get your directory where you want it, offer him/her a site of their own, seo, a mobile site, design and so on and so on.

    Works great for me.
    Stylish, affordable web design, translation and copywriting.
    I'm available for hire...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5897778].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    Hi, Robert.

    Thanks for the response.

    I must have clicked the wrong link in your signature the other I could have sworn it wasn't available for purchase. Maybe I am going crazy.

    Let me ask you this...of the sites that you build, how many/what percentage are you renting out? Also, for the sites that you are unable to rent out, are you monetizing them (e.g. selling leads to servicemagic or the like)?


    Edit: You ask why you would expose your niches...I can understand that, but if you are selling a product to help people build a business, I would hope that you would at least show 'one' niche that is actually good for securing clients (i.e. one niche where you were able to rent out the site). Aside from the obvious benefits of this, it would also be very encouraging for those that struggle with client acquisition and/or have doubts about this model.

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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

      Hi, Robert.

      Thanks for the response.

      I must have clicked the wrong link in your signature the other I could have sworn it wasn't available for purchase. Maybe I am going crazy.

      Let me ask you this...of the sites that you build, how many/what percentage are you renting out? Also, for the sites that you are unable to rent out, are you monetizing them (e.g. selling leads to servicemagic or the like)?


      Edit: You ask why you would expose your niches...I can understand that, but if you are selling a product to help people build a business, I would hope that you would at least show 'one' niche that is actually good for securing clients (i.e. one niche where you were able to rent out the site). Aside from the obvious benefits of this, it would also be very encouraging for those that struggle with client acquisition and/or have doubts about this model.


      Ok.. going to give you a little more, then past that, sorry not willing to disclose...

      We are constantly testing things all the time, Its talked about a ton on the WF here, but very few every actually do it. With that being said...

      So here are a few things we are currently doing...

      All sites get Adsense from the Git Go, we have a very specific formula we are using to decide if the site gets Adsense Only or gets Exclusive Advertising Only.... either way, all sites are launched with Adsense.

      Since we are only targeting a couple of niches now a days... other niche sites are used for testing purposes to monitor what search engines are doing and whats relevant and whats not... I will say the most recent Google update 2 weeks ago had a Huge effect on our Testing Pool of sites, In fact we had over 28% of that pool of sites that Jumped to #1 in Big G.
      I spoke to another Warrior who has experienced the same results. This tells me a lot of what people think about off page and on page SEO is not only inaccurate but downright false.

      We keep sites that make money period... Early on We sold 20% or so of our web properties, now with our keyword research formula we can predict within 10% either way what a site will make in Adsense Income alone when it reaches #1. We base our Web site creating on this formula.

      I have told newbies for 2 years, sell off a minimum of 20% of your sites or what you need to Keep Cash Flow coming in. Every persons personal financial situation is different... This has never been a Get Rich Quick Scheme, its rather build an Empire over time.

      FACT IS: Most people will not take action and stay with it, they are off chasing the next shiny object.

      The most overlooked skill set here on the Warrior Forum hands down is SALES. Nothing in this world happens business wise unless something is sold, so again, no matter how great someone is at building and ranking sites, if they dont have a great sales person, or get good at sales themselves they are sunk.

      Moral to this ... GET GOOD AT SALES...

      My Final thought for anyone going over this info... If you want to build a massive online or offline empire... You have to get good as SALES, there is no way around that fact or reality. Your sales skills will be in direct proportion to your earned income IMHO.

      At the end of the day.. This model works, those that have stuck with it continue too build. If you commit 1 hour a day to this, and it takes you 1 week per site... you still have 52 sites at the end of the year... If worst case scenario you only make $10 a month from adsense thats $520 a month residual which is more than 98% of warriors currently make IMHO.

      Either way StrangerDanger, you and you alone can determine what results you get, I Sincerely hope you take action on this model and have a great update for us in a few months or even a year...

      To Your Continued Success My Friend...


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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    Thanks for the response...although, you kind of side-stepped my questions. You're monetizing with adsense...okay, that's fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

      Thanks for the response...although, you kind of side-stepped my questions. You're monetizing with adsense...okay, that's fine.

      I thought I addressed them accordingly, if you feel i didn't then i apologize. At the end of the day its about sales. For obvious reasons, i am not going to reveal any niches here... I revealed the biggest one ever last month in a WSO along with a ton of other products. With that being said, We help everyone as we have time.

      As i said, I hope you will take this model serious and work on an empire, either way, i wish you tons of success no matter what. Also if I remember correctly, i sent you a PM saying contact me if you need some more info via skype. What more can I do than that?

      Go take some Major Action my friend, the results will be amazing, then come share your success story as many of us will love to congratulate you in your success.


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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger

    I had to reread some of the comments here, as I am a bit rusty on our conversation.

    Okay, the biggest question I had that you missed was this one:

    "of the sites that you build, how many/what percentage are you renting out?"

    I am
    not going to ask you what niches you're targeting (and I never did). However, I disagree with putting out a WSO with examples that are not working (i.e. sites that aren't being rented out). I mean, if you really want to help people, you would at least set up a site that targets an off-niche and get it rented out, so as to encourage people and show that this model really works. There is already so much speculation and BS floating around on the WF - especially as it relates to WSO's. Too many warriors 'claiming' to make money doing this or that. People want real results from real people that are actually earning their living from the methods that they teach - not from product creation.

    I don't mean to make this personal. In fact, I'm sure your WSO is great...I was told that it was really good. However, it just irks me, on a personal level, the amount of BS that so many newbies have to sift through when they are genuinely trying to find something that works - something that they can support thier family with and put food on their table.

    Surely you can understand my frustration?

    However, that being said, I apologize if I made it seem like you are a poser - because I do not think that. I just wish I could get real answers from people that claim to be earning their living from the methods that they teach.

    The reason I did not contact you via Skype, is because 1) I assumed you wanted me to contact you regarding your coaching based on what you wrote in the PM; and 2) I want to ask you my general questions in the public forum so everyone can learn and benefit from your responses.

    Regarding taking action and pursuing this model - I already am. I am building my first site as a test site and will go live once I have experience under my belt. Maybe not the best route, but it is working for me.

    At the end of the day, I am like most people...I don't mind paying for information; I don't mind hiring someone to teach me how to make money; but I want to make darn sure that person has experienced success for themselves first, and are actually earning their money from the methods that they're teaching...otherwise, what are we doing? Why would I want to pay money for something that 'might' work? Sound methods will always work, but people that buy WSO's and pay for coaching don't want that - most of the time, we already know how to do it - what we want is to know that it actually does work...we want to know that you are actually doing it and that you are actually making the money that you claim to be making in the amount of time that you claim to have spent etc. It's that reassurance more than anything else.


    I agree with you, completely. Being at the mercy of google is a big problem. Unfortunately, for those of us that have limited capital and are looking for a way to build a business that generates passive income - as well as having the ability to live and work anywhere we want - building a business using the Internet usually makes the most sense.

    Like most business owners, I want to diversify my income sources as soon as possible...especially if I am reliant on google.

    By the way, did you have anything specific in mind with regard to alternative business models? What are you pursuing?

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    • Profile picture of the author rambo9600
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post


      I agree with you, completely. Being at the mercy of google is a big problem. Unfortunately, for those of us that have limited capital and are looking for a way to build a business that generates passive income - as well as having the ability to live and work anywhere we want - building a business using the Internet usually makes the most sense.

      Like most business owners, I want to diversify my income sources as soon as possible...especially if I am reliant on google.

      By the way, did you have anything specific in mind with regard to alternative business models? What are you pursuing?

      Business Consulting.

      Ghost writing books for clients.

      I do FSI (Free Standing Inserts) in newspapers, also known as "Flyers."

      Direct Mail

      Set up "follow-up" systems for Offline businesses, autoresponders, newsletters, postcards, coupons, offers, contest, etc...

      Adwords PPC

      All the above "I control," clients get Real results, FAST!

      As far as Online stuff: Very little control.

      Build or redo a clients website (incl lead capture system)


      Site rentals (I have about 13 sites)

      Google Places

      Online Directory listings

      Press Releases

      Video Marketing

      Create FB fan page and Twitter page.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5908651].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post


      I had to reread some of the comments here, as I am a bit rusty on our conversation.

      Okay, the biggest question I had that you missed was this one:

      "of the sites that you build, how many/what percentage are you renting out?"

      I am
      not going to ask you what niches you're targeting (and I never did). However, I disagree with putting out a WSO with examples that are not working (i.e. sites that aren't being rented out). I mean, if you really want to help people, you would at least set up a site that targets an off-niche and get it rented out, so as to encourage people and show that this model really works. There is already so much speculation and BS floating around on the WF - especially as it relates to WSO's. Too many warriors 'claiming' to make money doing this or that. People want real results from real people that are actually earning their living from the methods that they teach - not from product creation.

      I don't mean to make this personal. In fact, I'm sure your WSO is great...I was told that it was really good. However, it just irks me, on a personal level, the amount of BS that so many newbies have to sift through when they are genuinely trying to find something that works - something that they can support thier family with and put food on their table.

      Surely you can understand my frustration?

      However, that being said, I apologize if I made it seem like you are a poser - because I do not think that. I just wish I could get real answers from people that claim to be earning their living from the methods that they teach.

      The reason I did not contact you via Skype, is because 1) I assumed you wanted me to contact you regarding your coaching based on what you wrote in the PM; and 2) I want to ask you my general questions in the public forum so everyone can learn and benefit from your responses.

      Regarding taking action and pursuing this model - I already am. I am building my first site as a test site and will go live once I have experience under my belt. Maybe not the best route, but it is working for me.

      At the end of the day, I am like most people...I don't mind paying for information; I don't mind hiring someone to teach me how to make money; but I want to make darn sure that person has experienced success for themselves first, and are actually earning their money from the methods that they're teaching...otherwise, what are we doing? Why would I want to pay money for something that 'might' work? Sound methods will always work, but people that buy WSO's and pay for coaching don't want that - most of the time, we already know how to do it - what we want is to know that it actually does work...we want to know that you are actually doing it and that you are actually making the money that you claim to be making in the amount of time that you claim to have spent etc. It's that reassurance more than anything else.


      I agree with you, completely. Being at the mercy of google is a big problem. Unfortunately, for those of us that have limited capital and are looking for a way to build a business that generates passive income - as well as having the ability to live and work anywhere we want - building a business using the Internet usually makes the most sense.

      Like most business owners, I want to diversify my income sources as soon as possible...especially if I am reliant on google.

      By the way, did you have anything specific in mind with regard to alternative business models? What are you pursuing?

      Thank You for your sincere post...Okay, so one of the things we have always support our products via skype and email. Since we are not pumping out 100's of WSO's we can do this.

      The biggest challenge i have always had is getting people to take action. So those that are contact me all the time. This is a filter, 1 year later I am still supporting the same product and do 2 to 4 skype calls every week with intent to help those around us. So with that being said i see no reason to reveal a niche when i am giving 100's of hours of my personal time to people to actually help them... How many WSO buyers can say they are getting that kind of support? The biggest challenge is most people have the shiny object syndrome.

      As for selling vs renting... its a challenge, we don't sell anything any more if it turns a profit... In the early stages we sold 20% or more depending on our own personal cash flow situation.

      The caveat to this model is still what i shared above. In order for this model to work good... you have to get good at sales and speaking the language that business owners understand.

      In the meantime...Strangerdanger you have my Skype address, if you need help feel free to ping me any time... Happy to help you if I can.

      To Your Continued Success My Friend,

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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    Uhhhhhhhhhhh. What?

    Robert, no offense, but I am seriously starting to question whether or not you are a real person, or just a sophisticated bot posting automated responses.

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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

      Uhhhhhhhhhhh. What?

      Robert, no offense, but I am seriously starting to question whether or not you are a real person, or just a sophisticated bot posting automated responses.

      LOL StrangerDanger - In all seriousness.. I will PM you again my Skype and you can decide for yourself my friend... I can say thats the first time i have ever seen that on the forum... being called a BOT...

      Contact me and get your questions answered my friend...Open Offer to you that cost you nothing at all to do...

      Robert - Not a WF AUTOBOT

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5908986].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
        Originally Posted by BrashImpact View Post

        LOL StrangerDanger - In all seriousness.. I will PM you again my Skype and you can decide for yourself my friend... I can say thats the first time i have ever seen that on the forum... being called a BOT...

        Contact me and get your questions answered my friend...Open Offer to you that cost you nothing at all to do...

        Robert - Not a WF AUTOBOT
        I know. PM sent.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5909072].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rambo9600
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

      Uhhhhhhhhhhh. What?

      Robert, no offense, but I am seriously starting to question whether or not you are a real person, or just a sophisticated bot posting automated responses.

      I know Robert, he is not a Bot, lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daryl Green
    You can rank above Google places if your onpage seo is very tightly focussed exact match, EMD, 800 words plus on homepage, 2%-5% keyword relevance plus some backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author rugman
    Hmmmm? I spoke with Robert on Skype yesterday for quite some time and his voice did sound a little robot like! Pretty sure he was a real guy though. Honestly - this is the second time I have gotten help from him and he was great.
    As far as the big G controlling all this - scary yes but we all have no choice. Take the six figure income and buy real estate - nobody but you can control that!
    In the meantime - I am off to build a site for the little niche Robert put in the report - it sux so nobody should really get into it!

    Growing older but not up!

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  • Profile picture of the author MediaTechExpert
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    • Profile picture of the author AussieT
      I assume you have had a dgree of success with the rent a site model then. Would you care to share some success stories to motivate those of us that are still struggling?


      Originally Posted by MediaTechExpert View Post

      Okay. I've just got done reading this whole discussion.

      You guys are not understanding the main point... SERIOUSLY

      Look at top real estate moguls. They are making LOTS of money by simply flipping houses. Renting websites is EXACTLY the same idea, except..

      1.) You don't have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating properties
      2.) You don't have to wait until numerous months until the properties are completely ready
      and 3.) the profits are EXACTLY the same. Even more at times

      I for one, own virtual real estate. I have many websites, and I will never (EVER!) get out of this business. My theory is like this:
      "We build, and they will come"

      Meaning: We are willing to design and build the websites, get them ranked on the first page of Google for geo-targeted related niche keywords, and as soon as they're on the first page of Google then BOOM!.. ..we now have a property to rent to a potential offline that has been waiting for someone like me to contact them.

      Forget the mumbo-jumbo of what doubtful people out there say.. If anybody wants proof, just ask me. There is nothing more REALISTIC than VIRTUAL property.
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