6 Tips From A Guy Who Does Offline Marketing

29 replies
I wanted to share some of my knowledge as other great members of warriorforums have done before me. Now this isn't anything "magical" that will have you earning money in your sleep however it should help you reach your offline goals.

1st Tip - FOCUS
At the beginning of when I started offline marketing I was all over the board. I did graphic design, car wraps, printing of brochures,direct mail, websites, facebook profiles and so on. I came to realize that by doing everything I never really specialized in anything. So I cut out the graphic design and reffered clients to a friend of mine who does all of that. I was able to really save time and still make a bit of money since my friend gave me money for every person that was a client. I was able to focus on websites and SEM. I still do social media however I only do this if the client wants it.

2nd Tip - Write Down Everything
I love writing things down. Everything is digital yet I still find comfort in a notepad and a pen.You would have found me 2 years ago with a pen and a notepad at any given time. However I soon came to realize that I had 10 notepads with ideas for marketing, niches,inspiration and other things all over the place. So I went with Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. | Evernote
Now the free account should be enough for most of you. You can write notes in the online app, email yourself notes and they have desktop applications. Now I organize my thoughts,ideas,inspiration,etc all into folders called "notebooks" and I have everything all the time any time. This really helped when looking for what niches to get clients in, what ideas I had for this client, inspiration of ad copy,etc. You can attach documents,photos,voice recordings and other stuff as well. I use this as a database of all my current clients. Notes of what SEO I did for them, conversations I have had with them etc.

3rd Tip - Keep in touch with your clients
Keeping a client loyal. As you know this is not the easiest thing to do. However when your client is #1 or #2 they don't get as many sales calls as they do when they are at the bottom of the page. The way I keep a loyal client is by buying them stuff on occasion. This requires you to actually talk to your client and getting to know them on a more personal level. Get to know their birthdays,favorite places to eat etc. On my client's birthdays I send them a handwritten note with a giftcard for $75-100 to their favorite place to eat. This can be anything from a rubio's to a steakhouse. Now this might seem expensive however consider your lifetime value of your customer. It's worth the money now to keep them for the long haul. Note I do the giftcards for clients that are with me for at least 6 + Months. Anything less and I just don't do anything for them honestly. I mainly gathered this tip from working with real estate agents.

4th Tip - Once your in, your in.
Once you have a happy client in a specific vertical, try to branch out to other counties. It's easy to refer prospects to your client who is in the same vertical but that is in a different county. Once the prospect talks to your client, they will feel much more comfortable doing business with them. 80% of the time they are sold after that.

5th Tip - Track Phone Calls
Form submissions are good but having your client's phone ring off the hook is still the best.
Tracking phone calls has been one of the biggest breakthroughs for me. When your able to show a client that your marketing has generated XX-XXX amount of phone calls then your value is locked in. You can confidently say that your paying for yourself X times over. Having this and showing it to prospects will put over your competition pretty much every time. I show this to prospects when pitching them so they can see how organized and detailed I am about ROI and marketing. Call Tracking is neccessary for site rentals so when your renting out the site the client is sure that your both able to verify the quality of prospects you send their way.

6th tip is to do more then just read this but implement what ever you find useful
#guy #marketing #offline #tips
  • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
    Great tips and advice, I personally like your 3rd tip and I use it all the time with my offline clients, nothing will help to keep a client for life if you befriend them and remember their birthday, etc. and send or bring them a card or simple gift.

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author maricelu


    I have no signature.

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  • Profile picture of the author IMHunter
    Thanks for sharing man! This is a great thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teez
    Besides using say a sim only card in an old phone and putting that nuber up on the site

    How else do you track calls?

    My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

    You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

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  • Profile picture of the author redcell1

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zesh
    I also do follow up calls to check up on my clients to see if everything is ok. That way you are giving your trust to them and not just giving the impression you are running off with their money.
    Coming Soon - 5 Dollar Gem WSOs!
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  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    I do that pretty much every month after sending out the bill. Talk about their biz, quality of leads coming in and trying to get to know their business more so I can find other niches.

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    What the heck... this is the 3rd time trying to respond to this thread! LOL.

    Anyway, I want to say major THANKS to mentioning evernote, been using it for a day now and loving it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Saulric
    Evernote is fantastic
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Evernote is cool I agree. To "iamnameless" if you are looking for other cool websites Timothy Ferry has a wealth of them in his 4 hour work week book.

    Thats where I found evernote and a bunch of other really interesting/useful sites that I use everyday.

    Not to hijack the thread but here are a few more just so you have them.

    Hotrecorder (www.hotrecorder.com)
    Use these programs to record any inbound or outbound phone call via computer using skype and other VoIP programs.

    NoCost Conference (www.nocostconference.com)
    Provides a free 800-number conference line, as weel as free recording and file retrieval. Normal phones can be used for call-in, so no computer or web connection is required for participants.

    Spyfu (www.spyfu.com)
    Download competitors online advertising spending, keywords, and adwords details. Consistent and repeat spending generally indicates successful advertising.

    Thomas Register of Manufacturers (www.thomasnet.com)
    Searchable database of contract manufacturers for every conceivable product, from underwear and food products to airplane parts.

    LibriBox (www.librivox.org)
    Collection of audiobooks from the public domain that are available for free download.

    ExpertClick (www.expertclick.com)
    Secret of the PRPros. Put up an expert profile for media to see, recieve an up to date database of top media contacts and send free press releases to 12,000 journalists, all on one website that gets more than 5 million views a month.

    This is apparently how Timothy Ferris got on NBC.

    Anyway, he has more recommendations in his book but there are just a few of his recommendations.

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  • Profile picture of the author cnagaraj
    Thanks for the insight.
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  • Profile picture of the author pinkdeanna
    To both Red's, thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
    Thanks for the tips. Bookmarking this page also
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  • Profile picture of the author Saito
    The cheapest tracking phone #s I have seen you have to get the WSO on Automatic Call tracking. Forget who it's by, but it's $47 for the ebook and software.

    After that, they show how to get new phone #s for as low as $1 per month and $.02 per minute!

    That is so cheap compared to $7/month that I will get 5 numbers for 5 different direct mail campaigns and save my money back in 2 months.
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    • Profile picture of the author AussieT
      Originally Posted by Saito View Post

      The cheapest tracking phone #s I have seen you have to get the WSO on Automatic Call tracking. Forget who it's by, but it's $47 for the ebook and software.

      After that, they show how to get new phone #s for as low as $1 per month and $.02 per minute!

      That is so cheap compared to $7/month that I will get 5 numbers for 5 different direct mail campaigns and save my money back in 2 months.
      Was it this one or should I keep searching? http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-...-go-go-go.html
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  • Profile picture of the author lazyfrog
    Thanks for the tips. One can make a free ebook with it also as a free giveaway
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxReferrals
    Tip #7 - Ask for introductions to others, once the person you are
    working for finds VALUE in you (and your work.)

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  • Profile picture of the author PaulCook
    "2. write down everything"

    Great!!! I have some mind maps free online software, but I like to write down everything I find useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author BenL86
    Some good info. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    Short answer to that - twilio. However Twilio doesn't do call recording automatically. It requires API usage.

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

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  • Profile picture of the author copy4wealth
    How effective is offline marketing?

    Do you use it?

    Which product/service do you market?

    I am looking towards exploring this marketing method.

    Viral Traffic and Cash

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  • Profile picture of the author joshwillishomes
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    • Profile picture of the author Dharmps
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      • Profile picture of the author wesb
        Great Tips! Thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    "Writing things down" imo is one of the most powerful things ANYone can really do. It parallels extremely close to the idea of "microcommitments". If you know anything about microcommitments or psychology, you know they're a highly effective away to accomplish what you set out to.

    This is one thing I started doing heavily in my life about 6 years ago (when I got interested in sales) and it has had great benefits in my life. I write down/record EVERYTHING I want to accomplish. How I plan on doing it, the sequence that will take me there. There are people who appear to just remember everything they do, and I don't understand how it works for them. There is so much distraction in this world that #2 really becomes #1. Or learning how to FOCUS. Write things down. Be deliberate in everything you do, and NOT incidental. Be effective more than efficient. Having the right perspective and just FOCUSING can really help you accomplish so much in life.

    Very general concepts, but also very powerful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mediahawk
    Very interesting tips for offline marketing.

    Everyone knows about Google Analytics to help you understand your website hits. However there is vitally important data missing when consumers see advertising campaigns and decide to call rather than visit the website. Thats where every marketer should have Call Tracking. Its costs are low yet the information you gain from it is vital to know exactly what advertising campaigns have worked - its almost like filling in that missing link.

    If you would like any more information with regards to Call Tracking let me know and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
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  • Profile picture of the author RickCopy
    4th Tip - Once your in, your in.
    Once you have a happy client in a specific vertical, try to branch out to other counties. It's easy to refer prospects to your client who is in the same vertical but that is in a different county. Once the prospect talks to your client, they will feel much more comfortable doing business with them. 80% of the time they are sold after that.
    This is a really good point. In offline sales, your clients are often going to be geographically limited in their marketplace. Since they know this they tend to become very close to other businesses offering the same product or service in another area outside their market because they arent worried about each other poaching business. It's all about WHO you know in these cases and once you get your foot in the door with someone and make them some money, their friends will be beating down your door to hand over cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Assefseer
    make a plan with these tips and you can get good results...
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  • Profile picture of the author 919492
    It is really important to track calls and leads because you can prove that you are providing value.
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  • Profile picture of the author befree22
    @RedShifted and redcell: I like both lists. I was about to post a question about tracking calls but redshifted provided the answer. I know about free phone services but you have to be able to control them and add them to the report you give the client so they see the real value.

    The turtle always wins.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nickels
    Im glad I read this because I really need to focus on #1 and #2.

    I write EVERYTHING down (Ive done this for along time, not just with im stuff because I tend to forget things)...but problem is its all unorganized. Ive got sticky notes everywhere and I keep notebooks with notes as well.
    My problem is I never really go back and read through my old notes and Im sure ive got some great ideas/tips that would help me out right this second... but I wouldnt even know it.

    Im gonna check evernote out though..thanks
    If you don't build your dream
    someone else will hire you to help
    build theirs.
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