First thread, first post. Just closed some SEO deals this morning...
So I work freelance for a company selling SEO and PPC management on a commission only basis and i'm really enjoying it.
Been here for a few years and been learning about online marketing for the past 3 or 4 years and can't believe this is my first post here! I basically found this forum looking for SEO pitches the other night and combined some information to come up with a fresh SEO pitch that I've started using this morning.
First things first a big thank you as it has worked! I've picked up some invaluable information and tips that have helped me close two 12 month contracts before lunch and i'm aiming to finish out on five by the end of the day! I will be keeping you updated!
The way I did this was by breaking down my pitch into 5 different sections, but first ensuring a 30 minutes 'sit down' with a warm lead and making them 'write my details down and time date before the call' 'do you have a pen handy pal?'
Once the meeting was established I then spent ten minutes critiquing their sites and doing basic keyword research - more importantly on their competitors existing at the top of the page.
Before the meeting I would text a reminder half hour before that I would be ringing them and then started the calls asking questions about their business and making it clear I wasn't interested in selling them something 'at this point in time'
I then proceeded with my pitch - that I will be happy to share when I have more time, (I have another appointment in ten minutes) and closed off two year contracts on one call. I've also managed to sell a website today which i'm very happy with!
I've not come to gloat, more to say thanks for the advice from a number of members and I look forward to giving and receiving some business banter and tips of the trade with some of you guys in the future
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