SEO essay & presentation for school. Help!

11 replies
What's up guys... I currently have my own business where I do SEO for local business's but right now I have to do an essay for one of my classes on "why SEO is important for online and offline business's..and why implementing proper techniques is important?"

Any advice on how to do my presentation? Also for my essay it needs to be 10 pages.. What type of things should I write about?

#essay #presentation #school #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger
    1) This is a school project?
    2) You run a business providing SEO?
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    • Profile picture of the author zannix
      Actually I have done the same thing on college for one of my seminars so if you want it I can send it to you
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      • Profile picture of the author prodigy1290
        Originally Posted by zannix View Post

        Actually I have done the same thing on college for one of my seminars so if you want it I can send it to you
        WOW. Yes please

        My email is : r 1 2 9 0 @

        Thanks bro... appreciated greatly/

        I can't PM quite yet :/
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        • Profile picture of the author prodigy1290
          I don't understand where all the hate is coming from? I only have 2 clients right now... I'm still learning and looking for other client...I just don't have much time with school.

          I am just looking for some ideas...too much to ask for? I have also done some affiliate marketing, and have built some revenue from that...

          I'm just looking for some advice because this forum has always been so helpful. And yes this is a school project...we had various topics to choose from and I chose SEO. I am writing an essay and doing a presentation infront of a lot of people.

          Anyways, thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ashera
      Originally Posted by Stranger Danger View Post

      1) This is a school project?
      2) You run a business providing SEO?
      Nothing wrong with him being in school and running a business providing SEO.

      There is something wrong with the fact he doesn't know what to write about.
      If you don't change direction, you'll end up where you're going.
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  • Profile picture of the author econnors
    Originally Posted by prodigy1290 View Post

    What's up guys... I currently have my own business where I do SEO for local business's but right now I have to do an essay for one of my classes on "why SEO is important for online and offline business's..and why implementing proper techniques is important?"

    Any advice on how to do my presentation? Also for my essay it needs to be 10 pages.. What type of things should I write about?

    I'm confused - you say you do SEO, but you don't know what to write about?

    This may help -- answer these questions:

    1. What "benefits" do you sell your clients on when they are interested in signing up for SEO services?
    2. Why do you use proper techniques instead of improper ones?

    I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but I feel that a person working in SEO for clients should know at least this much. I almost wonder if you are fishing for some other information...
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    this is what is soooo wrong about Net businesses. Do you clients know you are still in schoo land can't write a paper on SEO?

    Sadly, not on the Net.

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  • Profile picture of the author amberrosevn
    You should search contents of SEO, then you option necessary information for your essay. Before presentation, you should also check errors in grammar and words. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Stranger Danger

    I agree with you.

    1) This is a school project?
    -Questionable; although, if true, he's just being lazy and wants us to do the work for him by eliminating the research process.

    2) You run a business providing SEO?
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    The "hate" I think is because you posted a school assignment on a site where people are use to giving their help to people who are trying to MAKE MONEY and a LIVING for themself. School is kinda the part of life where you do the footwork proving to the world that you WANT to work and be successful.

    There are lots of guys on here with a true entrepreneurial spirit who just find that dissappointing I think.
    As far as me, my only thing against what you posted is the question you asked. You are ASKING WHY "seo is important for business". I mean when I saw that I was like "omg" I'll be honest.

    You are RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS *PROVIDING* SEO to BUSINESSES and YOU ARE ASKING WHY "seo is important to businesses". Just think about that for a minute please. Thats like me training people at motor vehicles to get their license and but I'm 9 years old. I have no real right doing that. Either don't ask the question, or don't provide the service imo. You really need to get ONE of those correct.
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    • Profile picture of the author prodigy1290
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      The "hate" I think is because you posted a school assignment on a site where people are use to giving their help to people who are trying to MAKE MONEY and a LIVING for themself. School is kinda the part of life where you do the footwork proving to the world that you WANT to work and be successful.

      There are lots of guys on here with a true entrepreneurial spirit who just find that dissappointing I think.
      As far as me, my only thing against what you posted is the question you asked. You are ASKING WHY "seo is important for business". I mean when I saw that I was like "omg" I'll be honest.

      You are RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS *PROVIDING* SEO to BUSINESSES and YOU ARE ASKING WHY "seo is important to businesses". Just think about that for a minute please. Thats like me training people at motor vehicles to get their license and but I'm 9 years old. I have no real right doing that. Either don't ask the question, or don't provide the service imo. You really need to get ONE of those correct.

      Well that is just my research question. If you re-read my post...I wasn't asking for the answer. Just looking for advice on my presentation and essay. Obviously i know why its important for business to have and implement. Especially when Im getting paid by my clients for my services. Sorry for the misinterpretation.
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