Transferring Demo Site to Client's Domain

13 replies
Hey everybody. First I'd like to thank you all for the excellent threads and info you've made available. I started telephone prospecting and was able to land a client my 3rd day at it! I made them a demo site using a sub domain on my own site. So, now I'm wondering what is the best way to transfer it over to their existing url. What programs/methods would you recommend?
#client #demo #domain #site #transferring
  • Profile picture of the author SkyeFWP
    I'd like to know this also as I'm in the same situation.

    I know how to get the DNS to propogate from their existing hosting to mine but I'm not clear on how to move the pages across when I've customised a wordpress template.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheCG
    Congrats on getting the client!

    I use Backup Buddy but there are several other programs that ill do what you are looking for.

    Yes, by the way, I AM in the Witness Protection Program. I could tell you who I am but then I would have to kill you.

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  • Profile picture of the author globalpro
    I bought WP Twin a while back and love it. It's WordPress based sites.

    You can create the demo, then compress the whole site, including non-WP folders, set up a new WP install on clients server, upload the WP Twin file and 'deploy' it.

    The whole site is now live.

    Hope that helps.


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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
    (applicable only to WP sites)

    I use WPtwin as it seems the fastest option I have tried so far, but there's free options that are almost as easy to use, such as WP duplicator which I've used and it's great:

    WordPress › Duplicator « WordPress Plugins

    Good luck!


    Warriors - Try LINKVANA For Just $14 First Month, Including Credits To Try Out The System! Check it out!

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    • Profile picture of the author 9999
      Great information! Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author clou
    If its a jsut an html website. it is easy. Just transfer the file to the root domain or any subdomain. Use filezilla. If it is Wordpress or any CMS, you need to transfer the database and the files.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    HTML/ CSS - just copy everything over.
    Wordpress - Use WP Twin like everyone else said
    Joomla - Use Akeeba Back Up...
    Drupal - If you knew how to use drupal you wouldn't ask this question
    Magento - Same as above.. Unless you installed a template, and edited it... then hire someone to transfer it because Magento transfers are very tough and time consuming.
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  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    I agree with IAmNameLess. There is a whole process to transferring WP sites manually, and it's actually quite easy once you get the hang of it... but WPTwin makes it so much easier and faster.

    I used to do this actually for a lot of people who were nervous about moving sites, whether they were WP or not. So, my advice other than the above would be to outsource it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Wilco de Kreij
    Transferring WordPress site can (indeed) be done using WP Twin.

    What I've done in the past (and worked for me) is download all files to my desktop, auto-replaced all domain instances ( > in the files as well as SQL DB and re-uploaded it all to the the new domain name. Worked like a charm!
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    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Wilco de Kreij View Post

      Transferring WordPress site can (indeed) be done using WP Twin.

      What I've done in the past (and worked for me) is download all files to my desktop, auto-replaced all domain instances ( > in the files as well as SQL DB and re-uploaded it all to the the new domain name. Worked like a charm!
      Yeah.. thats old school though, lol. Takes too much time. I used to do the same thing with Joomla until I found Akeeba back up.
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      • Profile picture of the author Wilco de Kreij
        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        Yeah.. thats old school though, lol. Takes too much time. I used to do the same thing with Joomla until I found Akeeba back up.
        Oldskool but effective
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  • Profile picture of the author elitesalesgroup
    I also do Demo sites and there is no easier way in my opinion than Duplicator!!
    Google it. Works wonders
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  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    You can use fiverr for this. just did a search and found a guy who does this and has excelent reviews. Johnnyborga will transfer your wordpress from one host or domain to another for $5, only on . I think it is safe to use him as he has 200+ reviews. I've heard many things about Wp Twin but unless you have lots of clients then I would suggest you buying fiverr gigs for this task.

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