Will handing out flyers to local businesses get me sales?

32 replies
I plan on hiring a few college students to walk door to door and hand out flyers offering web design/online marketing services.

I plan on them handing out 1,000 total flyers and specifically handing it to the manager/owner.

Anyone had success with this?
#\\handing #businesses #flyers #handing #local #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Bucker
    A flyer in itself may result in very few sales if any. You can add one element to it that will help if you dont wanna cold call yourself.

    Make a CD to go with the flyer. Have your best pitch and benefits on the CD. Yes the best, dont save it for later. Mix that with the flyer and have to let the owner know you will come by (or a sales person if you have one) to pick up the cd at a later date.

    Picking up the demo CD or pitch CD gets you a warm call that they are expecting. Then you can set up a series of question to ask then starting with a few about the CD.
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  • Profile picture of the author guyd
    "Make a CD to go with the flyer. Have your best pitch and benefits on the CD"
    Nice approach Michael.....

    When we were dishing out flyers we used the Results In Advance Approach

    Instead of creating a flyer saying what we offered - (which was anything from web design, development, SEO, list building, etc etc!!!) we decided to specifically offer one thing - in that case it was SEO.

    We then created a slick little looking 'Cheat Sheet' offering 10 free tips with our details on at the bottom and a clear call to action

    Cant remember the exact numbers of how many we dropped and but it brought in a few clients and opened a few doors and certainly was a great conversation starter as you can instantly talk people through your service on the fly and help them out before you even think of selling anything to them

    Good luck with it.

    Just helping out

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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
    Of course it works, as long as you're targeting businesses that are interested in your service, and the flyers are reasonably attractive and have obvious call to actions, decent copyrighting, etc

    I got a client from my first biz card that I ever gave away, and it was just when I had ordered a kebab at a local indian takeaway, LOL. It definitely works, probably works better if you actually converse with the business owner though...

    Just test on a small number of different types of businesses and see what happens!

    Warriors - Try LINKVANA For Just $14 First Month, Including Credits To Try Out The System! Check it out!

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  • Profile picture of the author debml
    Instead of just handing out fliers, which isn't measurable, have you thought about giving an incentive to the people passing them out to obtain leads?

    I've done it where I've paid them $5/lead. You may need to pay more than that, though, as the leads I was looking for were a lot easier to get.
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  • Profile picture of the author I_AM
    I keep toying with the idea of hanging a poster on the door of businesses that shows all the things that's wrong with their marketing.

    I wonder how that will go over? I would hang them around 5 in the morning, so that it will be the first thing they see.
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    • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
      Originally Posted by I_AM View Post

      I keep toying with the idea of hanging a poster on the door of businesses that shows all the things that's wrong with their marketing.

      I wonder how that will go over? I would hang them around 5 in the morning, so that it will be the first thing they see.
      Don't do that. Do not embarrass a potential client. Instead send
      them a letter with an 'audit' of their marketing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cerbera
    I've used a screenshot of a prospects website on a card printed and highlighted what was wrong and how it could be improved. Including ranking!

    Local business owners will take notice as its their site on there. Trust me!

    If they have no website, show a screen shot of all their competitors in Google for instance, and where "they" could be...

    If you need to print individual cards - try out Moo.com - look for coupons or offers - print 25 local business separate cards.

    Let me know how you get on.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rudy Christoph
      Originally Posted by Cerbera View Post

      I've used a screenshot of a prospects website on a card printed and highlighted what was wrong and how it could be improved. Including ranking!

      Local business owners will take notice as its their site on there. Trust me!

      If they have no website, show a screen shot of all their competitors in Google for instance, and where "they" could be...

      If you need to print individual cards - try out Moo.com - look for coupons or offers - print 25 local business separate cards.

      Let me know how you get on.
      I think that this actually is very good, individual approach, makes you stand out from the rest, and it shows that you have done some background research, so your client will not feel 14 in a dozen.

      Thanks for this idea!
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Domino
    Originally Posted by debml View Post

    Instead of just handing out fliers, which isn't measurable, have you thought about giving an incentive to the people passing them out to obtain leads?
    Why isn't a flier measurable?

    You just need to add a code to it, or direct them to a landing page, or a specific phone number, or a specific email address, or a specific fax #, or..

    As Michael Bucker said, the followup after this should be good. When's the last time anyone dropped off an information package at your business, not in your mailbox? They'll remember it (at least I would).
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteSmarty
    I used flyers but sent them through the postal mail. They charged 10 cents each. My flyers were targeted and worked really well.

    Going door to door is hit and miss. Business owners and employees usually drive to work. Most of them park behind the business or off to the side. You could use those yellow sticky notes. Get a stamp and stamp the sticky notes with your message and place them on the glass above the door handle of each car.

    I'd use hand writing for the font and direct them to a landing page. Everyone that gets a sticky will read it as they get in their car. Now you just need the right call to action on the sticky note.

    Easy to create, faster to deliver and guaranteed to be read. Better results than flyers and a hell of a lot less walking to deliver.

    Wanna test it? Put a few on cars and watch the results as the owners get in their cars. They all read the sticky. It's up to you to get them to take action by the copy on the sticky.

    This is a sticky note: Amazon.com: Post-it Notes, 3 in x 3 in, Ultra...Amazon.com: Post-it Notes, 3 in x 3 in, Ultra...
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    There was a guy, selling a brochure in the WF.
    Talking about his approach.

    Going into business owners introducing yourself.
    Handing them the brochure.
    Asking if they have been considering any of those services.
    If not, tell them you would appreciate if they hand the brochure to someone they thought could benefit from the service.

    They are a little more expensive than a flyer, but look better as well.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
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    • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
      Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

      There was a guy, selling a brochure in the WF.
      Talking about his approach.

      Going into business owners introducing yourself.
      Handing them the brochure.
      Asking if they have been considering any of those services.
      If not, tell them you would appreciate if they hand the brochure to someone they thought could benefit from the service.

      They are a little more expensive than a flyer, but look better as well.
      Brochures do not work very well unless they are designed to sell,
      not just have service/company info. Most use them as a glorified
      business card.

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      • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
        Originally Posted by Paul McQuillan View Post

        Brochures do not work very well unless they are designed to sell,
        not just have service/company info. Most use them as a glorified
        business card.
        I completely disagree.
        They do work.

        Not only that... But then, you are initiating a conversation, and building a relationship right there. I can sell you better, and for more, when I am in your face and know what you need.
        Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
        - Neale Donald Wilson -
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    There are all kinds of ways to market just about any business, but the only way to know for certain if this will work for you is to test on a small scale and measure the results you get.

    I'd go one step further than just handing out a flyer about your services though. Because odds are that maybe 5 out of a 100 will have a need for what you're offering right now, Its great if you can offer a valuable freebie report or video if they visit your website and signup for your email list.

    That way you 1) get to demonstrate your expertise and show that you know what you're talking about and 2) get them on your list so you'll be the first one they think of when they are ready to buy.

    You can find all kinds of great plr reports and books on the forum here, and even a number of cd's/dvds you could produce with Kunaki for $1 - $2 a piece and hand out to prospects. Just search the WSO section for PLR and you'll find everything from web design, facebook design, seo and mobile marketing PLR you could use for just a few bucks.

    Let us know how you make out!

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  • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
    Originally Posted by ebizman View Post

    I plan on hiring a few college students to walk door to door and hand out flyers offering web design/online marketing services.

    I plan on them handing out 1,000 total flyers and specifically handing it to the manager/owner.

    Anyone had success with this?

    Flyers for commercial prospects are not good. I have a client that
    owns a power washing business. He was sending out flyers
    and postcards to property managers... he got zero response.

    I created a letter and we mailed 40 of them... ended up with
    $33,000 in contracts. We are now up to $98,000 in total sales.

    Put a little more effort into it. Everyone like flyers because they
    are cheap and 'easy'.... also largely ineffective (for this type
    of client).

    We spent $25 and got $33,000 in sales. You can be effective and
    spend little, but you got to be smart about it and put in the effort.

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    • Profile picture of the author ebizman
      Originally Posted by Paul McQuillan View Post

      Flyers for commercial prospects are not good. I have a client that
      owns a power washing business. He was sending out flyers
      and postcards to property managers... he got zero response.

      I created a letter and we mailed 40 of them... ended up with
      $33,000 in contracts. We are now up to $98,000 in total sales.

      Put a little more effort into it. Everyone like flyers because they
      are cheap and 'easy'.... also largely ineffective (for this type
      of client).

      We spent $25 and got $33,000 in sales. You can be effective and
      spend little, but you got to be smart about it and put in the effort.

      How did you get $33k worth of work from 40 mailers? Did you send a large package mailer to them with marketing info?

      those are some high numbers...
      Restaurant Online Ordering System | FREE 30-DAY TRIAL!
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      • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
        Originally Posted by ebizman View Post


        How did you get $33k worth of work from 40 mailers? Did you send a large package mailer to them with marketing info?

        those are some high numbers...
        Also Paul, I would love to know... I think I can pay someone here on WF to write me a good sales letter.

        The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

        Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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        • Profile picture of the author midasman09
          In my "direct-sales" experience I found that "dropping off flyers to businesses" DON'T work....for ME!

          1) a buddy asked me to help him find a way to "make some QUICK CASH" until he could "get back on his feet". So, I helped him with a project I had done one summer in my "college days".

          "Painting Addresses on Curbs"! I call it, "Curb Cash"!

          I made up a FLYER for him that was aimed at homeowners,
          1) The NEED for THEIR address to be PAINTED ON THE CURB!
          2) The Cost
          3) If they'd like to have this done, to turn the flyer over and stick it back on their door handle!

          So....as a test, he had 100 2-sided Flyers printed and went out and stuck them on 100 door handles (with Blue Painter's Tape)

          When he came back the next day....whala...28 flyers were ON the doors.

          Side-note: Many of those who didn't order....DID ORDER...when they saw him at their neighbors house...painting numbers on the Curbs.

          2) A few yrs ago I was making websites and decided to focus on "Dentists". I made a Flyer that I dropped off IN-PERSON at dentist's offices. The headline was; "Can You Handle an Additional 10 New Patients a Month?"

          This was used to get dentists to buy my "Welcome" program that involved me sending a "Welcome Card" to new home buyers....offering "FREE TEETH WHITENING"!

          My "Flyer" to dentists PULLED LIKE CRAZY! And....my "Welcome Card" offering Free Teeth Whitening also pulled New Home Buyers!

          Don Alm....marketing guy
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    • Profile picture of the author Semaj Venters
      Hello i was wondering what mailing service mite you be using to get you business out there?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM

    Flyers are common. Though it does have positive effects, people often doesn't read what's on them. So handing out flyers is not a sure success and it takes a lot of efforts,time and fortune. There are lots of ways to do marketing and not all of them is that effective.

    Best of Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Not a big fan of fliers, they tend to be expensive and fairly ineffective.

    I would recommend looking into internet marketing strategies such as email marketing, mobile marketing and social media marketing. Tends to be cheaper and more efficient than print marketing.


    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author BenjaminB
    Originally Posted by ebizman View Post

    I plan on hiring a few college students to walk door to door and hand out flyers offering web design/online marketing services.

    I plan on them handing out 1,000 total flyers and specifically handing it to the manager/owner.

    Anyone had success with this?
    Why waste time making a flyer if you are going to hand it to or attempt to hand it to the manager or business owner. Instead do a tri fold brochure to look more professional and use a confident but concise sales pitch stating what you can do for them and why they need it. Target businesses that you see do not already have much of an online presence. If you are able to get face to face with the person in charge it's all about you and selling yourself with words not paper. If you can't close right then and there then leave them your brochure which should hit all of the highlights of what you offer and how they will gain.
    Conversions have never been so easy!
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  • Profile picture of the author EnzoBlaque
    In my experience, flyers are a great way to reach clients who have never been reached and pitched to by a million other "seo guys" or "web guys".

    Like any other form of advertising, flyers that produce the highest return only do so due to compelling copy. What message is your flyer putting out? Is the NEED and BENEFITS of your solution strongly emphasized? Does the flyer have Stopping Power?

    Also, I always do strong research on the areas I have my flyers distributed in. Is this area highly populated by business? What type of businesses operate here? What are the best times for my flyers to be passed out in this area? If you have the answer to all these questions, your flyers should always add several more people to your clientele.
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  • Profile picture of the author rafsco
    What about dropping in and asking to kindly introduce your business to somebody?
    Depending on your industry, it does work, although it requires a lot of time. People are generally very nice and worst can happen they will smile and say "no thanks". You never know whom you are going to meet.

    Joe Falcade
    Make Money with greedyjoe.com

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    • Profile picture of the author Celltactics
      Originally Posted by rafsco View Post

      What about dropping in and asking to kindly introduce your business to somebody?
      Depending on your industry, it does work, although it requires a lot of time. People are generally very nice and worst can happen they will smile and say "no thanks". You never know whom you are going to meet.
      I have been doing this very thing every day this week. 25 businesses a day. I go in and introduce myself and my new business. I hand whoever a flyer with some info about some of the things we do. Every single person read the flyer while was talking. I explained one product (text appointment reminder) we offered that might be a fit for them. Some already had it. I advised that we did other things as well.
      If they didn't do text reminders yet, we had a nice chat about that product. Many said they were considering the reminder service and would pass it on to the office manager. Some will some won't but I'll follow up with all those possible leads anyway.
      If nothing else I am getting my name out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author franergy
    I reco setting up a pre-sales system where they watch a quick webinar and "apply" to work with you. Then you have your sales team call 'em. Secret sauce is the process and the sales script. If you've targeted properly, you'll close lotsa folks.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomTylor
    Can I ask you how you decided and did you had success? I searched some time a way to get customers. I found a cheap online-print shop (Flyers printing online - cheap flyer print) I designed there my flyers and distributed them. Well, I opened a small cafe and I printed the flyer for the opening party. I think because of this I had and I still have a lot of guests. And if I compare the expenditures of the flyer with the revenues now, it's nothing Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4

      The difference being the target audience. Trying to attract new commercial clients in many ways is different than trying to get new retail clients. For your business in particular a flyer would work really well. "Hey, we are opening right around the corner from you and we are having a grand opening party - please join us" is far different from "we offer web design for your business please call for further information"

      Your method produces the result.. "hey we will have to try this", and in the other case the result will probably be "Oh great another flyer stuck on my door"

      Originally Posted by TomTylor View Post

      Can I ask you how you decided and did you had success? I searched some time a way to get customers. I found a cheap online-print shop (Flyers printing online - cheap flyer print) I designed there my flyers and distributed them. Well, I opened a small cafe and I printed the flyer for the opening party. I think because of this I had and I still have a lot of guests. And if I compare the expenditures of the flyer with the revenues now, it's nothing Good luck!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Reggcharles
    not sure...what are other methods to attrack local business owners
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Reggcharles View Post

      not sure...what are other methods to attrack local business owners

      Phone contact. Door to door. as stated above a nice sales letter. lumpy mail. Social Gatherings ( Optimist Club, Chamber of commerce, etc ) there are ENDLESS opportunities for putting your self in front of the right people.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author JessUBotNinja
    Can you have success? Yes

    Do not talk about the features you are going to bring them... offer value (the cheat sheet idea mentioned above is great), explain benefits in their language, make sure to have a clear, concise call to action -- best to offer them something for free or highly discounted to get them interested perhaps get them on a mailing list, etc, then start offering them more services.

    Additionally, perhaps you can do a couple different types of flyers to target better -- service business (restaurants and nail salons), goods (clothing and groceries), etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleMarFer
    I once had a web design company call me (when I was still working a corporate 9 to 5) and he told me that my website is ugly and I could use his services to create a new website.. we didn't end up using him but we built a new website. (The CEO wanted to use his cousin)
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