Gravity Forms encouraging people to use nulled version of their plugin

by Alam
2 replies
I found THIS on Gravity Forms forum while searching for some answers. People who want to use/purchase that plugin but don't use/have PayPal have no choice left but to use nulled version of that great plugin.

Do you guys think it's a good business tactic to use only PayPal? (I know PayPal is the most trusted payment processor with millions of users and blah blah blah)
#encouraging #forms #gravity #nulled #people #plugin #version
  • Profile picture of the author TheCG
    Originally Posted by DisturbedOne View Post

    I found THIS on Gravity Forms forum while searching for some answers. People who want to use/purchase that plugin but don't use/have PayPal have no choice left but to use nulled version of that great plugin.

    Do you guys think it's a good business tactic to use only PayPal? (I know PayPal is the most trusted payment processor with millions of users and blah blah blah)
    I don't see how their position on only using PayPal can in any way be construed as encouraging anyone to pirate.

    Rather my take on it is that if you want the product you are either going to have to get someone that DOES have/use a PayPal account to buy it for you or you are going to have to use PayPal as the gateway to buy it yourself.


    Yes, by the way, I AM in the Witness Protection Program. I could tell you who I am but then I would have to kill you.

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    • Profile picture of the author Angela V. Edwards
      Originally Posted by TheCG View Post

      I don't see how their position on only using PayPal can in any way be construed as encouraging anyone to pirate.

      Rather my take on it is that if you want the product you are either going to have to get someone that DOES have/use a PayPal account to buy it for you or you are going to have to use PayPal as the gateway to buy it yourself.

      Anyone can use Paypal as a "guest" by using their credit card. You don't have to have an account. I was purchasing something a few months back and I wanted to use one of my credit cards for it and NOT my Paypal account, so I used Paypal as a "guest" and did not log in.
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